Miraidon, the Paradox Pokémon. Much remains unknown about this creature. It resembles Cyclizar, but it is far more ruthless and powerful. This seems to be the Iron Serpent mentioned in an old book. The Iron Serpent is said to have turned the land to ash with its lightning. Its characteristics match those of a mysterious object recorded in an old expedition journal as the Iron Serpent. It was given the name Miraidon by the professor who discovered it. Its ecology and other details are unknown.
As overwhelming as the Winged King is as a game ending cleaner, the Iron Serpent possesses even more direct power. The synergy between Electric Terrain, Hadron Engine and Electric STAB pushes Miraidon’s Electric attacks to sky searing heights. Hadron Engine setting Electric Terrain is particularly advantageous given the utter lack of other Terrain setters among the legends the Iron Serpent must contend with, ensuring Hadron Engine is online at nearly all times. Electric Dragon is also an incredible STAB combination with no one type resisting, forcing foes into a dangerous dance with their Fairies and Ground types to try to stop Miraidon’s assault. Even Fairy resistant Ground types like Iron Treads and Excadrill aren’t safe with Overheat melting them to slag. Miraidon is flexible as a breaker as well, with numerous options for pivoting and boosting which given how efficient its STAB combination is, gives Miraidon a surprising amount of flexibility while barely compromising in its coverage. On top of this, Miraidon boasts the same ludicrous base 135 Speed as its contemporary enables Miraidon to outrun almost everything and annihilate them without fear of reprisal.
Miraidon has not reached the unmanageable heights of Mega Rayquaza and Calyrex Shadow Rider. Not yet at least. Base 135 Speed is an unfortunately crowded speed tier, speed tying with Flutter Mane, Chien-Pao, and Koraidon, all of whom are more than capable of OHKOing Miraidon. Comparatively low physical bulk also plagues Miraidon, leaving it vulnerable to being revenge KO’d by Arceus and Rayquaza’s Extreme Speeds along with the naturally faster Zacian-Crowned. Miraidon’s reliance on Draco Meteor and Overheat, while making it supremely difficult to switch into also greatly hinder its ability to stick around, often sacrificing some momentum to pivot out. It is still a near thing, and Miraidon’s presence is so warping that teams need multiple checks just to answer it safely.
Base 135 Special Attack revved up by Hadron Engine enables Miraidon to hit much harder than expected and near guarantees Miraidon’s offensive pressure.
Electric Dragon is an amazing offensive type combo with no shared resistances, requiring excellent prediction to navigate around Miraidon.
Electric Terrain has incredible synergy with Miriadon, pushing its Electric STAB even further, while being far more difficult to disrupt than the sun.
Flexible movepool, with STAB Healing and pivoting options alongside boosting moves in Calm Mind and Agility make Miraidon rather unpredictable.
Tied with several other fast threats at base 135 Speed, turning such races into a matter of luck.
Merely good physical bulk leaves Miraidon rather exposed to priority.
-Draco Meteor
-Electro Drift
Ability: Hadron Engine
Item: Choice Specs
EVs and Nature:
4 HP / 252 SAtk /252 Spe
Timid Nature
Specs Miraidon is a pre-eminent wallbreaker and cleaner, using the insane power of Specs on top of Hadron Drive boosted STABs to if not eliminate, compromise a team’s defensive backbone on top of annihilating slower offensive threats. Draco Meteor is the star of the show, obliterating anything that isn’t a Steel or Fairy type or overly specially bulky like Blissey. This is where Electro Drift comes in, hitting specially defensive Pokémon like Ho-oh, Kyogre, Necrozma-Dusk Mane, that normally can tank a Specs Draco Meteor, forcing them to Terastalize, switch or be KO’d. Electro Drift’s power is so overbearing that even Max HP Arceus Fairy is favored to be OHKO’d after Stealth Rock damage and max HP max Special Defense is still guaranteed to be 2HKOd. Overheat addresses Excadrill and Iron Treads, two of few Pokémon that resist both STABs and can conceivably survive both, along with dealing severe damage to both Fairy and Ground types trying to eat the STAB they are immune to. U-Turn rounds out the set, offering invaluable pivoting, and freely getting a check in to check one of your opponent's Miraidon checks while doing minor chip damage.
Tera Types:
The main point of this Miraidon set is power, pure and simple, and while it can function perfectly fine without Terastalization, sometimes that boost is instrumental in reaching a KO without a counter attack, as well as removing weaknesses. Tera Electric is fantastic, pushing Electro Drift past Draco Meteor in power, enabling Miraidon to deal severe damage without sinking its Special Attack, pulling off stunts like 2HKOing Blissey. Tera Electric also has defensive merit, removing Ice, Fairy and Dragon weaknesses that can stymie attempted revenge KOs. Tera Dragon is for pure power, plain and simple, pulling off feats like 2HKOing Ting-Lu and Clodsire, while doing over half to normally safe switch ins Necrozma Dusk Mane and Blissey. Tera Fire is another defensive/offensive option, giving resistance to Ice and Fairy attacks while boosting Overheat to be in line with Miraidon’s other STABs, being favored to OHKO offensive Arceus Ground and Arceus Fairy.
EVs and Items:
Standard Sweeper allotment of Max Special Attack and Speed for Miraidon to deal as much damage as possible and outspeed as many targets as possible. As noted beforehand, Miraidon sits at a very crowded Speed Tier, so ensuring at least a tie with them means in a worst case scenario, Miraidon has at least a chance of coming on top. Choice Specs are the namesake of the set, giving Miraidon absurd instant power. Choice Scarf is equally viable, getting the jump on not only the Pokémon it speed ties with but Zacian as well, flipping around the matchup on a would be check. Scarf Miraidon is a vicious revenge killer and nearly impossible to outspeed thanks to its already absurd Speed stat.
Kyogre loves Miraidon for breaking sponges that would compromise its Assault like Clodsire, opposing Kyogre, and Calm Mind variants of Arceus, while Kyogre strikes mortal terror into any non Clodsire Ground types like Ting-Lu while appreciated the Electric Terrain boost to its Thunder. Flutter Mane similarly loves Miraidon smashing sponges and Steel types and offers a safe pivot into opposing Dragon types to threaten with its own Fairy STAB.
Physical attackers also compliment Miraidon quite well, being able to dispatch opposing special walls on the opposing team, while Miraidon easily dispatches physical walls like Dondozo, Groudon, Landorus-Therian, and Skeledirge. Zacian Crowned is a noticeable example given its Fairy typing easing switching into opposing Dragon attacks. Ho-oh is another noticeable example, able to punish Steel types trying to switch into Draco Meteor, while appreciating Miraidon handling opposing Miraidon and Kyogre.
Other Options:
Volt Switch is a far, far stronger option for pivoting, but it comes at the cost of being completely blocked by Ground type switch-ins, forcing Miraidon to switch out not having done any damage.
Dragon Pulse is worth considering as a secondary Dragon STAB that doesn’t sink Miraidon’s Special Attack, being a reliable option against Ground types and having Miraidon retain pressure even after attacking.
Solar Beam is niche, requiring specific team support in Koraidon, but is Miraidon’s best tool against Ting-Lu.
You've Got Boost Power
-Calm Mind
-Parabolic Charge
-Dragon Pulse
Ability: Hadron Engine
Item: Life Orb
EVs and Nature:
244 HP / 252 SAtk / 12 Spe
Timid Nature
Double boost Miraidon is a game ending sweeper, taking advantage of weakened checks to setup and sweep. Agility is amazing, given only a tiny amount of Speed investment is needed for Miraidon to outspeed all but the fastest boosted Pokémon. Calm Mind excels against bulkier opponents like Arceus Water, Clodsire and Skeledirge, giving Miraidon ample time to setup. Parabolic Charge is recommended as the Electric STAB for the recovery it provides, giving Miraidon extra longevity and recoup damage incurred while setting up. Dragon Pulse is the Dragon STAB of choice, providing consistent damage while not undoing any progress gained from Calm Mind.
Boosting Miraidon fits comfortably on hyper offense teams, who can easily apply enough pressure so that when Miraidon comes in the late game, its checks are consistently removed, or no longer a concern.
Tera Types:
This Miraidon set does not precisely require Terastalization, but can make excellent use of both offensive and defensive Teras. Tera Dragon and Electric are again valued for removing weaknesses while boosting Miraidon's offense instantly without setup. Tera Dragon is fantastic for enabling Miraidon to 2HKO Clodsire with Dragon Pulse, and OHKO Max HP Arceus after a Calm Mind, while Tera Electric all but guarantees that Zacian Crowned will be OHKO'd with Parabolic Charge. Defensive Teras also have there merit. Tera Ghost is fantastic for blanking revenge KOs from Extreme Speed Arceus and can turn Seismic Toss Blissey into setup fodder. Tera Fairy can do the same to Koraidon while giving Koraidon an alternative pseudo-STAB in Dazzling Gleam.
EVs and Items:
Max Special Attack is recommended so that Miraidon applies as much pressure as possible, and matches Specs Miraidon after a Calm Mind, with what is remaining going into HP for additional bulk to help survive setup. Speed is up to preference, though 8 Speed EVs should be the bare minimum to outspeed Quark Drive Boosted Iron Bundle after an Agility. 12 Speed is recommended here to get the jump on other bulky Miraidon and Koraidon sets running Agility. Life Orb is recommended as the item, given the power boost is important in reaching thresholds like the 2HKO on Clodsire with Tera Dragon, reaching a OHKO on Arceus Ground after 1 layer of Spikes and so forth. Alternatively, Electric Seed greatly facilitates setup and makes Miraidon far less vulnerable to being revenge KO'd by Extreme Speed from Arceus and Rayquaza.
Dragon Dance Arceus Ground works well with Miraidon, help checking opposing Miraidon and act as a lure to eliminate Pokémon that can give both difficulty, like Gliscor and Landorus-Therian by slotting in Ice Beam. Alternatively, Miraidon can enable Arceus-Ground's game ending sweep by eliminating Kyogre, and Giratina-Origin.
Screens and Hazard Support from the likes of Glimmora, Deoxys Speed and Grimmsnarl are greatly appreciated by any setup Sweeper and Miraidon is no exception. The Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes and Spikes from the former two are invaluable in reaching KOs against some of the bulkier Arceus forms and can easily facilitate setup for Miraidon with Memento. Grimmsnarl's Screens support is equally impactful, making Miraidon very difficult to KO while setting up.
Other Options:
Electro Drift is significantly strongers than Parabolic Charge, and is useful in reaching KOs that otherwise require Terastalization or hazard support to reach.
Dazzling Gleam is worth considering if running Tera Fairy, granting Miraidon a superb match up against opposing Dragon types as well as Ting-Lu, though Electric Fairy coverage is stopped cold by Clodsire
Substitute work great, taking advantage of Miraidon's fierce reputation to setup Substitute on the switch and setup safely behind it.
Taunt absolutely ruins Blissey and Clodsire who need Recover to stay in against Miraidon.
Doubles and VGC Options
Ride the Lightning
-Draco Meteor
-Electro Drift
Ability: Hadron Engine
Item: Eject Pack
Tera Type: Steel
EVs and Nature:
4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
Miraidon is a nigh peerless attacker and team support, the environment of VGC meaning that teams are better able to take advantage of the Electric Terrain it sets. Draco Meteor outright removes non-Fairy targets and acts as a one time pivot for Miraidon, getting it off the field safely and getting an ally in to either eat the attack for Miraidon and maintain momentum while Electric Terrain is still up. Electro Drift is the secondary more reliable STAB that Miraidon can hit turn after turn with little repercussion, annihilating Pokémon like Kyogre and Tornadus with little recourse. Taunt is invaluable in doubles, stopping all sorts of disruption like Follow Me, Screens, Trick Room, Protect and more and with Miraidon’s amazing speed, it is one of the better non-Prankster Taunt users. Protect is in the last slot for its innumerable uses in doubles including blocking Fake Out, stalling for allied setup, stalling out opposing field conditions, scouting for Terastalization, information gathering and more.
Like in Singles Miraidon often prefers running Max Special Attack and Speed, with the emphasis on Speed given the number of speed ties Miraidon must contend with. Tera Steel is recommended as the defensive Tera of Choice, providing resistances to Dragon, Fairy, and Ice, all of which the just as fast and faster attackers employ against Miraidon. Tera Bug is a niche option, but it is notable for being the lone Ground resistant Tera that is not weak to Ice.
Other Options & Partners:
Quark Drive users are great, their ability enabled by Miraidon’s Electric Terrain, with those that resist Miraidon’s weaknesses being particularly invaluable given the pivoting Miraidon can do. Iron Jugulis is a standout, being immune to Ground, while benefitting from Quark Drive to be an insanely fast Tailwind setter. Iron Valiant posseses vital Dragon immunity and threatens a wide range of targets thanks to its absurd coverage.
While Parabolic Charge is far weaker than Electro Drift, the healing can help Miraidon stick around longer and continue applying pressure.
Dragon Pulse is a great alternative STAB for Draco Meteor, for the times when you don’t want to sink your Special Attack.
Countering Miraidon
As with many legends of its calibur, Miraidon has no true counter, its power is too much and movepool is too vast for safety to be guaranteed.
Ting-Lu is one of the closest, its Electric Immunity negating one of Miriadon’s STABs and having the sheer Special bulk to survive even a Tera Dragon Specs Draco Meteor, while threatening back with STAB Earthquake or wiping away boosts with Whirlwind. However, Miraidon does occasionally run either Solar Beam or Dazzling Gleam specifically to answer Ting-Lu, and its lack of recovery means that it cannot absorb boosted Dragon STABs repeatedly.
As with any Special Attacker, Blissey comes into consideration as a check, able to win a 1v1 even against Tera Dragon Specs Draco Meteor, but is utterly ruined by Taunt and can be turned into setup fodder if that occurs.
Specially Defensive Iron Treads is another near answer given its Immunity to Electric and resistance to Dragon while threatening back with STAB Earthquake, but Overheat can and will run over Iron Treads.
Otherwise, Ground and Fairy types coupled with Good prediction are often the way to go, pivoting in advantageously against Miraidon’s STABs while threatening back with super Effective STABs of their own. Clodsire, Gliscor, and Arceus Ground make for stellar Ground type pivots while Arceus Fairy is the Fairy pivot, while Zacian Crowned is one of the few that natively outspeeds Miraidon and can OHKO with Fairy STAB.
Offensively checking Miriadon is a bit easier given its physical bulk is underwhelming compared to other legends. Extreme Speed Arceus and to a far lesser extent Rayquaza can pick off a badly damaged Miraidon. Iron Bundle is a literal nightmare for Miraidon as all but the Agility sets won’t be able to outspeed Iron Bundle thanks to Miraidon’s own Electric Terrain while Iron Bundle threatens to OHKO with Ice STAB.
If desperate, Koraidon, Chien-Pao and Flutter Mane share the same speed stats and their Super effective STABs are wholly capable of OHKOing Miraidon if they win the speed tie.
Locations in Games
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Black 2/White 2:
Not in game
Not in game
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire:
Not in game
Not in game
Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon:
Not in game
Let's Go, Pikachu!/Let's Go, Eevee!:
Not in game
Not in game
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl:
Not in game
Legends: Arceus:
Not in game
Poco Path, Area Zero

Anime Appearences
Miraidon has yet to make an appearance in the anime
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