Wednesday: Dub Episode Titles29-04-2009- 23:53 BST / 18:53 EDT by Serebii
Just a quick update. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
Today,MSN TV revealed a further three titles, all for the episodes airing in May. The first is the episode title for the second episode of this season and the 574th episode total. This episode has Dawn trying to train her Pokémon to become more obedient. However, in doing so Ash & Co. fall into a Team Rocket trap. This episode is to be called A Breed Stampede and is scheduled to air on the 16th of May. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Next is the episode title for the third episode of this season and the 575th episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. get to the Canalave City Gym. Once there, they meet the gym leader Byron. However, the gym leader of Oreburgh City, Byron's son Roark is also there and has a difference of opinion withhis father over the best Fossil Pokémon This episode is to be called Ancient Family Matter and is scheduled to air on the 23rd of May. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Next is the episode title for the fourth episode of this season and the 576th episode total. This episode features Ash's Canalave City Gym battle. Against Byron's Steel type Pokémon, Ash faces a major challenge in order to gain his victory. This episode is to be called Dealing With Defensive Types and is scheduled to air on the 30th of May. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Dub Episode Title28-04-2009- 13:39 BST / 08:39 EDT by Serebii
Work on various Dungeon Sky pages continues. We should have some up soon. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
Today, the Cartoon Network schedule revealed the first title of the upcoming new series of Pokémon, entitled Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Galactic Battle. This is the episode title for the first episode of this season and the 573rd episode total. This episode has Ash & Co. enter a hotel in Canalave City. However, when they get there, they soon find all the appliances within the hotel are possessed. This episode is to be called Get Your Rotom Running and is scheduled to air on the 09th of May. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon of the Week26-04-2009- 10:00 BST / 05:00 EDT by Serebii
I have begun work on the Dungeon listings for Dungeon Sky. As there are only 8 new dungeons, this shouldn't take too long, but will inevitible be difficult since most dungeons cannot have Pokémon recruited in them. I shall ammend the update with anything that gets done. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & eleventh Pokémon. Today, we're covering one of the Pokémon introduced in the third generation. This Pokémon has four different forms, all introduced through the course of the 3rd generation. The form covered here is arguably the most well-rounded form. The crystalline organ on this Pokémon's chest appears to be its brain. It is highly intelligent and wields psychokinetic powers. This Pokémon shoots lasers from the crystalline organ on its chest. So here it is, the one hundred & eleventh featured Pokémon, Deoxys Speed Forme.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: More Dungeon Details25-04-2009- 15:38 BST / 10:38 EDT by Serebii
Our Dungeon Sky preliminary coverage is now complete. Next is the hard facts in Dungeon Listings, special item listings, Wi-Fi missions and various new additions. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
Final Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky News Details
Thanks once more to Coronis, we have the final bit of news from Explorers of the Sky. However, despite that, we will have updates to the section featuring various pages including Dungeon listings and the Spin-Off Pokédex soon. On the news front however, we have discovered the final details.
Firstly, to get to the new Zero Island dungeon; Zero Island Central, you have to recycle 150 items at the Wynaut shop in Spinda's Café. This dungeon is a 50 Floor dungeon which lets you bring in 16 items. However, the Pokémon within the dungeon are ridiculously high levelled so it is sure to prove a massive challenge.
Secondly, the way to have Giratina change form has been discovered. Unfortunately, it cannot be done in every dungeon. It appears that in all of the new dungeons added to the game; Wish Cave, Sky Summit, Zero Isle Central, Destiny Tower, Forgotten Woods, Devil Seas, Southeastern Archipelago & Blaze Cave, Giratina will be in its Origin Forme. However, while in all the dungeons which existed in Time & Darkness, it will be in it's Altered Forme.
Finally, in answer to a question I have received a bit, the Gracidea Flower is a one-time use item. However, you do have the ability to get many more for free from a Shaymin in Shaymin Village.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Episode Pictures & Titles and Dungeon Details24-04-2009- 14:15 BST / 09:15 EDT by Serebii
there has been a delay with Episode Pictures. Hopefully I'll have them soon but I don't know when. Also, I'll update with more Dungeon Sky stuff soon so be sure to check back. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 18:10 Episode Pictures added
Edit @ 20:20 Further Dungeon Details Added
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan yesterday. This episode features Ash, Dawn, Jessie & Barry entering a Pokémon Ping-Pong Competition where you are teamed up with one of your own Pokémon. The winner faces a special trainer whom is the master at it.. The Animédex has also been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The Games Department
Further Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky Details
Coronis has discovered a new way of obtaining specific Dungeons in the game. These dungeons, in Time & Darkness, were only obtained via random optional missions. However, with the Spinda's Café, there are a variety of new ways. First, at the Wynaut counter, certain dungeons get unlocked when recycle a certain amount of items. They are as follows; - Landslide Cave - 3 Items Recycled
- Tiny Meadow - 6 Items Recycled
- Oran Forest - 60 Items Recycled
- End Lake - 100 Items Recycled
Also, it was discovered that when you buy a drink from Spinda, there is a very small chance of something happening. This includes random Pokémon coming and joining your team, obtaining an egg or having a new dungeon to explore. These dungeons include Serenity River, Lush Prarie, Happy Outlook, Mt. Mistral, Lost Wilderness and the new dungeon; Destiny Tower.
The Destiny Tower dungeon is a massive 99 Floor dungeon. You cannot take in any items and you can only be 1 Pokémon. Your level is also reduced down to Level 1. Once you complete the 99th floor, you go up to the top, where the statue of Arceus is. The statue has the following written on it; 'Conquering time-space, making hearts as one', and 'Is this the legendary Pokemon that created everything, Arceus?'. You then get the new item; Time-Space Orb, which raises your attack and other stats to maximum. Giratina changes to it's Origin Forme when in this dungeon. We'll bring you more on this as we get it
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Two new Japanese Episode titles have been revealed for two upcoming episodes. These are the final episodes from which clips were shown in the recent clip show. They feature the return of Hunter J and the Pyramid King Brandon. They are scheduled to air in Japan on May 21st and May 28th respectively:
Episode 596: Pyramid Battle! Brandon vs. Paul!
Episode 597: Regigigas Resurrection! J Again!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Dungeon Sky Stuff & Character Biography Update23-04-2009- 12:30 BST / 07:30 EDT by Serebii
Shall likely ammend this update with pictures from today's episode later. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky - More Details
Coronis has uncovered further details, this time in regards to the legendary pokémon within this game as well as how to unlock certain new dungeons. First, it appears that in the Spinda's Café, after a certain point in the game, some of the missions you will receive within there will be Challenge Requests. These Challenge Requests come from certain Pokémon asking you to go to a certain dungeon and face them. If you defeat them, they will join your expedition. These special dungeons, and hard dungeons (restricts the items you bring in to 9 and only allows 2 Pokémon in) get unlocked originally when you reach certain new ranks for your team. These go beyond the Master Rank and get up to a new rank called Guild Master Rank. These are as follows; - Master Rank * - Unlocks Forgotten Woods
- Master Rank ** - Unlocks Devil Seas
- Master Rank *** - Unlocks Southeastern Archipelago
- Guild Master Rank - Unlocks Blaze Cave
It is also interesting to note that there are several new items in the game with negative effects. These include a Seed named similarly to the Revival Seed that actually knocks you out and a berry that takes away your HP.
The page to the right will give you details on where all the legendary Pokémon are now found

In The Animé Department
Character Biography Update
With the episode that aired not too long ago in Japan, a change has occured to Dawn's Pokémon roster. As such, her character biography has been updated with this change. As this change has only just occured in Japan, it obviously contains spoilers so be warned and look at your own risk. Click the picture to go to her character biography
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Final Dungeon Sky Special Episode Details22-04-2009- 13:00 BST / 08:00 EDT by Serebii
Expect Dungeon Listings and other such sections for Dungeon Sky soon. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky - Further Special Episode Details
Coronis has kindly written up the storyline for each of the special episodes, which were included within the game. These five Special Episodes help bring more of a backstory or a conclusion to various characters within the game including Wigglytuff & Grovyle. As these are complete, they will contain spoilers for the game's storyline so only read them if you do so wish. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Further Dungeon Sky Details21-04-2009- 13:41 BST / 08:41 EDT by Serebii
Our coverage continues. We should have more pages in the coming week. However, as the pages tend to feature a lot of information, it takes a while to compile. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky - Further Details
Having continued with the game, Coronis has discovered a few things about it that are interesting to note. Both of Shaymin's forms and Giratina's Origin Forme are included in the game. However, none of Rotom's new forms are included within the game and it appears that Arceus' appearance, as seen in this screenshot, is just in statue form in a similar manner to Lucario, Weavile, Mime Jr. & Bonsly's appearance within the original Dungeon games within the new Destiny's Tower dungeon. This dungeon as well as several other new dungeons do not appear in the main game and may later be released via "Wonder Mail S" codes and Wi-Fi events. We'll bring you more as and when we have it.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Dungeon Sky Stuff20-04-2009- 14:51 BST / 09:51 EDT by Serebii
For those with Platinum, the Secret Key is now available so be sure to get it if you haven't already. We'll also soon have a section for Dungeon Sky comparable to Time & Darkness featuring all the new dungeons. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky - Starter Details
Many people have reuqested to know what natures you have to be for each starter. As we don't have the nature test questions and answers yet, we just have a list of natures for each starter Pokémon. An interesting thing to note, the six new starter Pokémon in this game are gender specific. Riolu, Shinx & Phanpy are only obtainable to Male players and Eevee, Skitty & Vulpix are only available to Female players. Click the picture to go to the Starter Page
In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky - Special Episodes
Having played through the game, we can now determine that there are only 5 Special Episodes within the game. As such, I have updated the page with details for all five of these episodes. I will soon add full walkthroughs of them so be sure to check back. Click the picture to go to the section
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Dungeon Sky & Pokémon of the Week19-04-2009- 11:44 BST / 06:44 EDT by Serebii
Remember, the Secret Key will be available from tomorrow over WiFi so be sure to download it. I shall ammend this update with any major Dungeon Sky details I get as the day progresses. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 17:25; Dungeon Stuff
Edit @ 22:30; Further Dungeon Stuff; Shaymin & Wonder-Mail Missions.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky Special Episode Addition
As I continue on, I'm getting more information in regards to the Special Episodes. Each is unlocked at certain stages throughout the game. As such, I have begun updating the Special Episode page with this data. I will also add walkthroughs of them as time goes by. Click the picture in order to go to the page.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky - Shaymin Details
Thanks to Coronis whom managed to get ahead, we have some further details from the game. Firstly, the special Shaymin area opens up right after you graduate from the guild. The Sky Summit works in a similar manner to Mt. Battle from Pokémon Colosseum & XD and features 10 sets of levels seperated by various basecamps. You have the ability to leave at any base camp and can return back to that point at any time. Once you get to the top, you challenge some Grimer & Muk and the mountain gets filled with Gracidea Flowers. Go up again and Shaymin is recruitable
In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness, there were a variety of missions which could only be obtained via accessing through a special password. However, in this game, these missions are available from Spinda's Café after the completion of the game. They all get unlocked gradually so it's not all at once. We'll bring more as we get it.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & tenth Pokémon. Today, we're covering one of the Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation. It is one of the Pokémon whom has multiple forms. However, unlike those Pokémon,this Pokémon cannot switch forms once it has evolved. Today, the focus is on the one which is obtained after evolving in a battle on sand or in a cave. So here it is, the one hundred & tenth featured Pokémon, Wormadam Sandy Cloak.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Wi-Fi & Normal Event Reminder & Episode Title18-04-2009- 15:06 BST / 10:06 EDT by Serebii
Have begun my playthrough of Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky. As it is a third game, most of the new details will not be available until the end so it may be a couple of days before you see anything on the site. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them. Edit @ 16:26; Some minor Dungeon stuff
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Title
A new episode title for the Japanese Animé has been revealed. This episode is scheduled to air in Japan on May 14th and features Ash finally getting to Snowpoint Gym and having his gym match. It is a 4 on 4 match and so Ash faces a good challenge;
Episode 595: Snowpoint Gym! Ice Battle!!
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum - Wi-Fi Event Reminder
For all of you with the US Pokémon Platinum, this is to remind you that starting tomorrow until April 26th, Toys 'R' Us will be distributing the Secret Key. Also, starting on Monday it will be available over Mystery Gift's WiFi Connection. This WiFi event will be running until May 12th so be sure to get it while you can. The Secret Key is used to access a new room in the Eterna Galactic Building which contains 5 appliances which can change Rotom's form.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky Special Episode Note
During the playthrough of Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky, it has been discovered that the Special Episodes will come into force at certain points over the course of the game. These Special Episodes are all optional of course and once obtained can be selected on the main menu. For example, the special episode; Bidoof's Wish, is available after Chapter 3 is completed. This means that even if you've played through the previous games, you will start to notice changes early on. We'll bring more as and when we get it.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Wi-Fi Event Reminder17-04-2009- 15:39 BST / 10:39 EDT by Serebii
The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum - Japanese Wi-Fi Event Reminder
To all of you with the Japanese version of Pokémon Platinum, the Oak's Letter item is now available over Wi-Fi. The Oak's Letter will allow you to go up to the White Rock in Route 224. Once there, you will be greeted by Professor Oak & Marley and soon you will discover Shaymin. It is a Level 30 Pokémon and ripe for capture. This WiFi event will be running until May 11th so be sure to get it while you can
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Episode Pictures16-04-2009- 21:38 BST / 16:38 EDT by Serebii
Our Dungeon coverage shall begin soon. The project is also shaping up quite well and is nearing completion. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan earlier today. This episode features Dawn's campaign to get her 5th Sinnoh Ribbon. However, in the contest she has to face not only the other trainers, but also Jessie and her rival Kenny.. The Animédex has also been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky15-04-2009- 10:55 BST / 05:55 EDT by Serebii
I must make mention of an error in the Pichu giveaway post on Saturday. It does not have Charm but has Endure. This was a slight mistranslation and I apologise for any confusion. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky
The official site today updated with the information that was released in CoroCoro late last week. In addition to that, there were a few further tidbits and they are as follow; - Some missions can now be obtained by speaking to Togetic iN Spinda's Café. It will tell you that a message in the bottle has arrived. As such you gcan go to the beach to get the bottle and complete the mission
- There is also a demo that you can send wirelessly to your friends without the game. This demo features a small dungeon for your friends to partake in.
As usual, the official site also updated with some clearer pictures, which we have added to our Pre-Release Picture page. Click the picture to go to the page. This will likely be the last batch of pre-release information we get. However, we shall begin our coverage of the game itself soon so keep your eyes here for that.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Platinum Page14-04-2009- 19:26 BST / 14:26 EDT by Serebii
Dungeon Sky is due out on Saturday so our coverage should start then. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum: Moveset Changes
One of the more common requests for pages I have received since Platinum's release is in regards to the changes in Pokémon's movesets. Specifically, people requested to know which movesets changed for which Pokémon and how. To that end, I have created a page detailling all of these changes. This page lists the Pokémon and their Platinum level ups and so you can easily see their new movesets. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Mystery Dungeon Sky Details, Ep Pics & Pokémon of the Week12-04-2009- 11:49 BST / 06:49 EDT by Serebii
I shall likely ammend this update with the pictures from today's Special Episode in Japan as well as potentially some information regarding Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky from CoroCoro so be sure to check back.
The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 18:52; Dungeon Sky Details given
Edit @ 19:41; Episode Pictures Added

In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky CoroCoro Details
Thanks to Coronis, we have some preliminary details fro CoroCoro's new issue. These contain some fnal bits of info prior to the game's release this coming Saturday. The details are as follows:
- Two new Special Episodes have been revealed to be within the game;
- The first is a mission featuring Team Charm (Medicham, Lopunny & Gardevoir). This Special episode features an insight into their past
- The second special episode features the Sunflora from the Wigglytuff Guild. Sunflora is bestowed a mission which has it finding a Haunter whom is being hunted down by the police. However, when it gets to the dungeon, it finds out it is completely underpowered for the mission
- Some confirmation that the Shaymin aspect of the story exists after you have completed the main game. Heading to the Spinda Café, you will be taken to Shaymin's Village where you meet a new team called Frontier which contains Machoke, Breloom & Mawile. Once you get there, Shaymin goes to escort you to the Sky's Summit dungeon. In the dungeon, you can find the item; Sky's Present, which is to be given to your friends at the guild. It's full use is not known
- Some preliminary details of the Arceus enhancements have been given as well. It takes place in a dungeon called Destiny's Tower and involves the item; Time-Space Orb
We'll bring more on this as and when it comes. Our coverage of the game should also start within the next two weeks.

In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
With apologies for the delay, we have the pictures from the Special Episode that aired today in Japan as part of the Pokémon Sunday variety show. This episode is a sequel to the previous Mystery Dungeon special episode, based upon the upcoming game, and features Chimchar & Piplup join up with Grovyle and head up on a mission only to be confronted by Dusknoir. The Animédex has also been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & nineth Pokémon. Today, we're covering one of the Pokémon introduced in the first generation. It evolves from it's base form when you use a fire stone. Legends suggest that it was created when nine noble saints were united and re-incarnated as it. So here it is, the one hundred & nineth featured Pokémon, Ninetales.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Movie 12 Giveaway Confirmation11-04-2009- 15:44 BST / 10:44 EDT by Serebii
And so the CoroCoro coverage begins. Tomorrow, expect pictures of the new Explorers of the Sky Animé special which airs tomorrow in Japan. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Movie 12 Giveaway Pokémon
The newest CoroCoro has revealed the details of the two giveaway Pokémon in Japan for the 12th movie. Firstly, given away prior to the movie is the Pikachu-Coloured Pichu. This Pichu is what is classed as Shiny and is at Level 30 and knows some moves not normally known by Pichu and its evolutions. The Arceus is even more special. It is to be given in the actual movie theatres like with past downloads and contains the three signiture attacks of Dialga, Palkia & Giratina. It is Level 100 and in a Cherish Ball with a Classic Ribbon. Further details on them are to the side. We'll bring more details from CoroCoro as and when it comes so be sure to check back
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Title10-04-2009- 10:37 BST / 05:37 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's update for Secret Key & World Championship details. Some have asked about the project. Unfortunately, it has hit a snag. It should be done soon, but I don't have a set date. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Title
A new episode title for the Japanese Animé has been revealed. This episode is scheduled to air in Japan on May 7th and features Ash & Co. finally arriving in Snowpoint City. Once there, they meet Candice and get shown around the city, and their first stop is a Trainer School;
Episode 594: Teacher Candice of the Trainers' School!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: US Secret Key Event & World Video Game Championship Details & Gift09-04-2009- 13:03 BST / 08:03 EDT by Serebii
Still a slow news time. However, it is the calm before the relative storm as Explorers of the Sky is out in a week. If any news crops up, I shall ammend this update.
As news is slow, I have a bit of time outside the project to upgrade various things in the site. If you have any ideas for things to be added or improved, send them in. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 17:51 US Secret Key Event Details
In The Games Department
US Secret Key Event Announced
Today, the official US site announced the details of the US Secret Key events. Like in Canada, there's a brick & mortar event in Toys 'R' Us stores from April 19th to April 26th. In addition to that, it will be available of the Mystery Gift over WiFi Connection in Pokémon Platinum from April 20th to May 12th. Be sure to download it or go and get it from Toys 'R' Us. Click the picture to go to the page detailling Rotom's form changes

In The Games Department
World Video Game Championship Details
Last night, the official site for the Pokémon World Championships opened up stating the details about each branch of the World Championships. It provides a list of specific dates for the championships that you can enter in and how all of it works. It's a Pokémon Platinum only event so you will need to have that and the teams are restricted to Level 50 teams or lower and the matches are double matches. They have specific restrictions listed in the rules so be sure to check there. There are also restrictions on the Pokémon that you can use, specifically no two of the same and not allowing the following; Mewtwo, Mew, Tyranitar, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Rotom, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin or Arceus.
If you are an entrant in this tournement, you are eligible to receive a special shiny Milotic as seen in the picture to the right. It knows those moves, has a Flame Orb attached and has the Classic Ribbon so it is probably worth attempting it even for that. Be sure to check their site for details on your nearest championship.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: UK Platinum Pre-Order Bonus07-04-2009- 19:53 BST / 14:53 EDT by Serebii
Sorry that we have such a small update. News is a bit slow. However, Dungeon Explorers of the Sky is due in Japan next week and we're expecting CoroCoro details for both that and the new movie within the next couple of days so be sure to check back for that. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
UK Platinum Pre-Order Bonus
Although it has been known since the Shaymin event begun, UK retailer GAME is set to give away the Giratina Origin Forme when you place a pre-order for Pokémon Platinum in their stores. This gift is identical to the one that was given away in both Japan and North America in the run-up to their release. Pokémon Platinum is due out in Europe on May 22nd so be sure to pre-order if you want the figure with it
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon of the Week05-04-2009- 10:45 BST / 05:45 EDT by Serebii
I still would like to apologise that the server is still being a bit slow during peak times. If things fail to load properly at all, just refresh as the site is just inundated with traffic. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 18:55; Canadian Rotom Event Confirmed
In The Games Department
Canadian Secret Key Event Announced
Yesterday, I was made aware of a possible Canadian Secret Key Event to be held in Toys 'R' Us stores in Canada and today I've managed to get confirmation. From April 19th to April 26th in participating stores, you will be able to download the Secret Key over local Wireless. This is in addition to the future ability to get it over the WiFi Connection. Whether the US branches will be doing this is unknown. The WiFi dates are also unknown, but are likely to be around this same time. We'll bring you more as and when we have it. Click the picture to go to the page detailling Rotom's form changes

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & eighth Pokémon. Today, we're covering one of the Pokémon introduced in the most recent generation. Evolving purely from happiness, it is good to get moves such as Return on it. It has delicate ears which it uses as cover should it feel that it is in danger. It's unique ability prevents the effects of Hold Items from being active. So here it is, the one hundred & eighth featured Pokémon, Lopunny.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: UK Shaymin Event Reminder04-04-2009- 16:19 BST / 11:19 EDT by Serebii
I apologise that the server is still being a bit slow. If things fail to load properly at all, just refresh as the site is just inundated with traffic. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
UK Shaymin Event Announced
Just a reminder to all our UK visitors, various participating GAME Retailers are, from today, giving away Shaymin at select stores. This Shaymin will access the Gracidea in Pokémon Platinum upon its release and allow you to get the Sky Forme of Shaymin. The specific dates that this event is in each store changes so be sure to check their site here for your nearest one
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Episode & Ending Pictures 02-04-2009- 15:36 BST / 10:36 EDT by Serebii
Some Dungeon stuff should be coming soon so do not fret. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the two episodes that aired earlier today in Japan, the first to be aired in the high definition resolution and thus in Widescreen. The first episode features Ash & Co. meet up with a lost Snover. This Snover is found eager to freeze and Ash & Co, decide to help it where possible until Team Rocket appear and start to show their ambitions for it. The Animédex has also been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;

The second episode that aired today features Dawn's Piplup starting to show signs of evolution. Meeting up with Kenny & Barry who own the further evolutions of Piplup, Dawn & Piplup start to think whether it's right or not to evolve. However, as they are thinking it over, Team Rocket attacks. The Animédex has also been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Ending Pictures
With this episode, a new Ending has started to air alongside the episodes. This ending, called Get Fired Up - Notched Ear Pichu, features the Notched Ear Pichu and it's rivalry with the Pikachu Coloured Pichu. In addition to this new ending, there was also an updated High-Definition version of the Current Intro. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Platinum Section Update01-04-2009- 13:22 BST / 08:22 EDT by Serebii
Remember all, take what you read today across the internet with complete skepticism. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum: Sinnoh Pokédex Locations
One of the more common questions I see across the internet since Platinum's appearance is; "Where is Pokémon #???". Since in Platinum, you need to see every Pokémon in the Sinnoh Dex to obtain the National Pokédex and thus push forwards, this can prove to be a massive undertaking if you miss out certain trainers. To that end, I have compiled apage utilising the same database as Pokéarth and the Pokédex which lists all the Sinnoh Dex Pokémon as well as what trainers may have them and where they are found in the wild with the areas and equipment open to you at that point. The lists are at the bottom of the page so be sure to have a look if you are stuck looking for specific Pokémon