Friday: New Pokémon to be Revealed Next Week?30-04-2010- 09:44 BST / 04:44 EDT by Serebii
And so, the news lull begins to end. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
New Pokémon to be Revealed Next Week?
The first details of next week's Pokémon Sunday episode have been revealed, due to air on May 9th JST. The episode is called Baba Takes On Battle Practice! & New Pokemon - XX (馬場隊員がバトル修行に挑む!&新ポケモンの××) which indicated that a New Pokémon shall be revealed. However, Pokémon Sunday very rarely reveals things first so it may be a misinterpretation. We could also just get a sihlouette. In addition to this, yaminokame has informed me that in the variety show part, a person called Baba lost his Rayquaza in a battle and he theorises that the new Pokémon is a new Pokémon in his team, plus the synopsis of the episode makes no mention of an announcement. We're currently unsure as to the likelihood of either possibility but as always, the prospects of brand new Pokémon are exciting which is why I'm informing you like this but it is still best not to get your hopes up. We'll bring details and confirmation either way as soon as we can so be sure to check back.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Episode Pictures & Character Biography Update29-04-2010- 11:24 BST / 06:24 EDT by Serebii
Thanks for all your suggestions, keep them coming. Should have an update of Episode Pictures later in the day or tomorrow. The AniméDex has already been updated with the contents of today's episode. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 16:00 BST; Episode Pictures added
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features the beginning round of the Grand Festival, focusing on the appeals. With Dawn, Kenny, Zoey, Nando, Ursula and Jessie all entering, the competition is set to be fierce. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the first episode of the Grand Festival having just aired in Japan, I have been able to update the character biographies for a variety of characters with brand new Pokémon. First, I have updated the biographies of Dawn's rivals Zoey and Kenny. Kenny is a co-ordinator Dawn has known since childhood while she met Zoey in her first Pokémon Contest. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
In addition to Zoey and Kenny, Dawn's other two rivals have also featured new Pokémon during the Grand Festival. These rivals are Nando, a trainer Ash & Co. met right at the start of Sinnoh, and Ursula, a co-ordinator who has a bit of contempt towards Dawn. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: HS: Unleashed Set List & Japanese Promos28-04-2010- 12:52 BST / 07:52 EDT by Serebii
Still in a slow news time, but that'll likely end at some point soon so be sure to continually check back. If you have any suggestions for the site, do not hesitate to send them in. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 16:12; Legendary promotional card details added
In The TCG Department
Alternate Coloured Legendary Promos
With thanks to SkittyOnWailord for informing me, the official Daisuki Fan Club has sent an e-mail out detailling five new promotional cards that they are set to release. To coincide with the Alternate Coloured Legendary Beasts to be given out for the upcoming movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark, these cards feature the five main Johto Legendary Pokémon; Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia & Ho-Oh in their alternate colours. We'll bring more on these cards as they come

In The TCG Department
HS: Unleashed Set List
With the pre-release tournements for the upcoming set HS: Unleashed coming in the next week, I've been given the set list for the upcoming set. These cards are made up of the leftover cards of the original HGSS set in Japan, some Reviving Legends cards and various cards from the Expert Deck and Battle Starter Decks. We'll provide scans of the cards as soon as we can as well as the official card text as opposed to Japanese translations. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Spin-Off Pokédex - PokéPark27-04-2010- 11:00 BST / 06:00 EDT by Serebii
Still in a slow news time, but that'll likely end at some point soon so be sure to continually check back. If you have any suggestions for the site, do not hesitate to send them in. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Site Department
Spin-Off Pokédex - PokéPark Addition
After last week's announcement of PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure having been rated by the OFLC, I decided that the Spin-Off Pokédex was in need of an update with the details from the game including locations of all 193 Pokémon in the game and any target needed to beat with them in the attractions. Click the picture to go to the Spin-Off Pokédex.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week25-04-2010- 12:56 BST / 07:56 EDT by Serebii
New game news should come soon. If you have any suggestions for the site, do not hesitate to send them in With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sixty-third Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the first generation. It was created with the D.N.A. of another Pokémon. Although its body was made by science, the scientists failed to give it a warm heart so it became vicious. It's usually motionless to conserve energy. So here it is, the one hundred & sixty-third featured Pokémon, Mewtwo.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Dub Episode Title Change24-04-2010- 15:31 BST / 10:31 EDT by Serebii
New game news should come soon. If you have any suggestions for the site, do not hesitate to send them in With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has revealed a new title for an episode. This episode previously had the announced title of A Meteoric Experience revealed by YTV earlier this month, however the Cartoon Network schedule indicates a change. This is the episode title for the fifty-first episode of this season and the 624th episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. meet Wilma, a trainer whom helps Dragon-type Pokémon learn the special move; Draco Meteor.. This episode is to be called Meteoric Rise to Excellence! and is scheduled to air on the 8th of May. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Japanese Episode Title23-04-2010- 10:53 BST / 05:53 EDT by Serebii
Still gradually updating the Game Mechanics pages. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Episode Title
Another new Japanese episode title has been revealed for an episode scheduled to air this May in Japan. This episode confirms the end of the Grand Festival the week before and features Meowth considering leaving Team Rocket. This episode will air on the 27th of May
Episode 646: Goodbye Team Rocket! Meowth's Love!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Episode Pictures & Shiny Pokémon Page22-04-2010- 18:39 BST / 13:39 EDT by Serebii
Am back at work on the project now. Sorry for the delay in the episode pictures. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan yesterday. This episode features Ash and Co meet up with a trainer who has two Ditto. However, the trainer has not got a good strategy with the Ditto so Brock decides to help give her tips. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Animé Alternate Coloured Pokémon
With this episode having been aired, I have updated the Animé Alternate Coloured Pokémon section to include the details of the shiny Pokémon that appeared in this episode; a Ditto. This Pokémon wasn't shown as being anything different than normal but did have a few interesting Pokémon in its transform history. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Moveset Checker Update21-04-2010- 09:58 BST / 04:58 EDT by Serebii
Still a slow news time, but as we saw with the run-up to Diamond & Pearl four years ago, news can come at any time. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.

In The Game Mechanics Department
Moveset Checker Update
Yesterday, Arty2 and I went about and did the long awaited update for the Moveset Checker. This feature on the site allows you to input the moves you may want in a Pokémon and it will output the Pokémon that are capable of using the move combination. Previously, the Moveset Checker was only up to date with the moves from Diamond & Pearl. However, we have updated it with Platinum moves, HeartGold & SoulSilver moves & egg moves, the Move Tutor moves and special moves that are on special Pokémon such as those given to coincide with the movie release and known by Pokémon given through games such as Pokémon Ranger. This makes it an incredibly handy and up to date tool, especially if you're planning for the upcoming Video Game Championships. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Ranger Tracks of Light WiFi Missions20-04-2010- 10:23 BST / 05:23 EDT by Serebii
After the Pokémon Black & White news rush last week, we've fallen back into the usual lull. We'll likely get new Black & White information in a few weeks. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranger - Tracks of Light
As per popular request, I have updated the WiFi event page to include a small walkthrough of each mission available over WiFi. Four of these six missions give you Pokémon to download to your main games, while two do not, this makes them highly desirable. If you have the game already, the four missions are only active for another month so get them while you still can. Click the picture to go to our WiFi mission page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week18-04-2010- 19:10 BST / 14:10 EDT by Serebii
It has been a busy week. Be sure to check the previous few updates. Sorry about the delay with this update With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sixty-second Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the fourth generation. The beat of its wings is so powerful that it accidentally dislodges full-grown trees when it takes off in flight. Its jaw power is incredible. It is adept at biting apart foes while flying by at high speed. It evolves from its pre-evolved form when it knows a specific attack. So here it is, the one hundred & sixty-second featured Pokémon, Yanmega.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Black & White Compatibility Confirmed & Pokémon Sunday17-04-2010- 11:23 BST / 06:23 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check the last two updates. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 00:26 BST (19:26 EST); Pokémon Sunday details added
Edit @ 00:47 BST (19:47 EST); High quality pictures added courtesy of our friends at Filb.de, whom have a video of it

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & Pokémon White - Pokémon Sunday Reveal
Pokémon Sunday has just aired in Japan and has shown the first footage of the games; Pokémon Black and Pokémon White. This footage was essentially footage based upon the screenshots that were released on the official site and in CoroCoro over the past week. However, as it was footage, we got a few new insights. It showed the true 3D nature of the game, demonstrating the female character walking around the city in water. Further details were not given. We have a couple of screenshots in the section to help demonstrate this. Click the picture to go to the page

In The Games Department
Legendary Beast Black & White Compatibility confirmed
As we reported on Thursday, the Legendary Beasts to be given in Japan this summer are to hold a special secret. Due to our knowledge of HeartGold & SoulSilver, we concluded that this was in Pokémon Black & White. The pre-ordering for tickets for the movie began today in Japan and yaminokame got his hands on his. With the tickets came a pamphlet that stated that the legendary beasts do unlock something within Pokémon Black and Pokémon White. What they unlock is still unknown, but this does confirm that Pokémon Black and White will be compatible for trade in some way with Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver. Whether this will be similar to the Pal Park in those games or the Time Machine method from Gold, Silver & Crystal remains to be seen. We'll post more information as and when it comes.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Lost Link, Episode Pictures & PokéPark16-04-2010- 05:11 BST / 00:11 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's mammoth update. We've had a slight delay in the Episode Pictures. Will get them up as soon as possible. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 13:09 BST: Episode Pictures added

In The Games Department
PokéPark Wii being localised
Thanks to all who sent this in. Contrary to what some people have believed, we have now learned that the OFLC in Australia have been sent the game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Great Adventure for classification. This indicates that the game is due for release outside of Japan. The game has been given a slight name change of PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure. For those who are unaware, this game is an adventure game that has you controlling Pikachu through a 3D world, battling and racing Pokémon and then unlocking one of a dozen mini-games for you to play. We'll bring release details as it comes Click the picture to go to our section

In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan yesterday. This episode features Togekiss being trained, only to discover that while it moves elegantly, its attacks are not that strong. However, Team Rocket have a plan at hand to take advantage of this. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The TCG Department
Lost Link
The Official Site has updated with the complete details of the upcoming Lost-Link sub-set which is came out in Japan today. This set focuses on the special Lost Zone game function that was introduced in the Platinum set. It also features the LEGEND card of Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND.I have updated our card section with these cards, with thanks to yaminokame for assisting in the translations. The Cardex has also been updated with these cards. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Black & White Pictures, Ranger Bosses & Game Mechanics15-04-2010- 05:11 BST / 00:11 EDT by Serebii
Will ammend this update as today goes on. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 09:01; Game Mechanics Section Updated
Edit @ 09:19; Episode Titles added
Edit @ 11:14; Details on the Beasts
Edit @ 15:36; Ranger - Tracks of Light Boss page updated
In The Games Department
New Pokémon Black & White Details
The official site updated a short while ago with some crisp screenshots of Pokémon Black and White. These shots are the same ones that leaked from CoroCoro on Saturday and as such, no new information can be derived from them but we can now see them how they are meant to be seen and can now more accurately judge how the game shall look. Expect more information about these games next month. Click the picture to go to our picture page

In The Games Department
Legendary Beasts to unlock something in Black & White?
The official site updated a few hours ago with the details of the Legendary Beast events that we noted on Monday. However, in addition to this, the official site indicates that the Legendary Beasts hold a secret other than the details given. This indicates that the three Pokémon will unlock something. As we've searched through HeartGold & SoulSilver and found nothing, it seems likely that they will unlock something in Black & White. However, this remains to be seen. We'll post more details as and when we get them

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranger: Tracks of Light - Boss Pokémon
With the WiFi missions that went live today, several new Boss encounters exist and as such, I have documented them with details on their attacks and any nearby Pokémon that are capable of assisting. This page contains major spoilers for the entire game so only visit it if you really wish to know. Click the picture to go to the page
In The Site Department
Game Mechanics Section Updates
Lately, I've noticed people seem to be missing our game mechanic section. This section contains many massively in-depth details about everything about the game, from Effort Values to Natures, from Status Afflictions to Capture Mechanics so if you wish to learn about everything possible about the Pokémon games, check this section out. I have been improving the pages even more over the last couple of days so it's worth checking out. Click the picture to go to the page
In The Animé Department
Episode Title
Another pair of new Japanese episode titles have been revealed for two episodes scheduled to air this May in Japan. These episode feature the end of the Sinnoh Grand Festival and Dawn's Sinnoh Contest campaign. They will air on the 13th of May and 20th of May respectively
Episode 644: Semi-Final! Who is Heading to the Final!?
Episode 645: Final! Dawn VS Zoey!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Black & WhiteRanger: Tracks of Light WiFi Missions & Episode Title14-04-2010- 09:40 BST / 04:40 EDT by Serebii
We should have some clear Pokémon Black & Pokémon White pictures within the next day or so, so be sure to keep checking back. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 11:10; New CoroCoro details added
In The Games Department
New Pokémon Black & White Details
We have the final bits from CoroCoro released. No new images have been unveiled, but they do promise that in the next issue (due out Saturday May 15th), in addition to brand new information about the upcoming games, they're going to reveal how to obtain Zoroark. Whether this means a special means and you breed it to get Zorua or an explanation of how Zorua will evolve into Zoroark remains to be seen. We'll bring more details as and when it comes and expect clearer pictures soon. Click the picture to go to our Pokémon Black & White page

In The Games Department
Ranger: Tracks of Light WiFi Events
Later today, the two final WiFi missions for Pokémon Ranger: Tracks of Light will begin for the Japanese games. These missions; Giratina's Griseous Orb! and Arceus' Pledge do not have any extra downloads for the main games, but do include various new plot points for the games. Unlike the other WiFi missions, these do not have an advertised end date and will likely run for a while in a similar manner to the Dialga & Palkia missions in the previous ranger game. Click the picture to go to our WiFi Mission Page.

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
For a change, the YTV schedule has revealed a new dub episode title. This is the episode title for the fifty-first episode of this season and the 624th episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. meet Wilma, a trainer whom helps Dragon-type Pokémon learn the special move; Draco Meteor.. This episode is to be called A Meteoric Experience! and is scheduled to air on the 8th of May. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Japanese Movie Celebi Confirmed12-04-2010- 17:29 BST / 12:29 EDT by Serebii
We expect decent Black & White Pictures soon. Check the previous updates for the current pictures. As Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver are now released, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 17:46; Shiny Beast details added

In The Games Department
Phantom Champion Zoroark - Celebi & Shiny Beast Giveaway
Another scan of CoroCoro has been released and confirms that Celebi will be downloadable at the movie in a similar manner to Arceus, Shaymin & Darkrai the last three years and as such will be downloadable from July 10th 2010 to September 30th 2010 in Japanese theatres. This Celebi comes in a Cherish Ball, is Level 50 and has the following moves; Nasty Plot, Leaf Storm, Recover and Healing Wish. It has a Jaboca Berry attached. This Celebi will also activate the special Celebi event in HeartGold & SoulSilver that features you time travelling.
As for the legendary beasts revealed for download last month, we have some new moves for them. Raikou has the moves; Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere and Weather Ball. It has the Micle Berry attached. Entei has Flare Blitz, Howl & Crush Claw. It has the Custap Berry attached. Finally, Suicune has Sheer Cold, Air Slash & Aqua Ring. It has the Rowap Berry attached.
These beasts are all at Level 50 and are alternate coloured. As stated last month, their event runs if you pre-book your tickets. You can obtain only one per game from June 18th 2010 to August 31st 2010. Click the picture for further details about the Celebi event within HeartGold & SoulSilver, but be warned as it does contain spoilers
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon Black & Pokémon White Images, HGSS Manga Update & Pokémon of the Week11-04-2010- 12:07 BST / 07:07 EDT by Serebii
We'll post Pokémon Black & White details as and when they come. As Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver are now released, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
First Pokémon Black & Pokémon White Images
In case you missed it, yesterday the first images of the games Pokémon Black and Pokémon White got revealed. These images showed off a variety of new features within the games including the new battle scens and the full integration of the 3D aspects into the game. These pictures have been compiled into our pre-release picture page. We expect to get some crystal clear screenshots of these games on Thursday. Click the picture to go to our page
In The Games Department
Pocket Monsters Special - HeartGold & SoulSilver Chapter
In Japan, the HeartGold & SoulSilver saga of the manga has recently begun. This features Gold and Silver in a return to Johto to tackle the Pokéathlon and Safari Zone, only to discover Team Rocket are back to their old tricks, in a manner that mirrors the previous Rocket exploits. Coronis has kindly sent in summaries for the first two chapters of the saga. Click the picture to go to the index page

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sixty-first Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the third generation. It agilely leaps about the jungle and uses the sharp leaves on its arms to strike its prey. It has seeds growing on its back. They are said to be bursting with nutrients that revitalize trees. It is the fully evolved form of one of the starters in Hoenn. So here it is, the one hundred & sixty-firstfeatured Pokémon, Sceptile.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: First Pokémon Black & Pokémon White Images10-04-2010- 11:07 BST / 06:07 EDT by Serebii
We'll post Pokémon Sunday info as soon as it airs later. This update will be updated continually as we get information. As Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver are now released, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 11:16; Information Clarification
Edit @ 11:21; Cave Image Added
Edit @ 11:38; Closer picture of the City added. Hopefully we'll have clearer shots soon
Edit @ 11/04/2010 00:26 BST (10/04/2010 19:26 EDT) - Pokémon Sunday revealed no new details. Images expected next week and will likely match CoroCoro and the official site's images

In The Games Department
First Pokémon Black & Pokémon White Image
On a Japanese Imageboard, the first pictures of what could be CoroCoro has come out featuring what are screenshot from the upcoming games; Pokémon Black and White. This picture shows the new battle screen and features a battle between Zorua & Zoroark. We also got the first picture of the overworld. We'll bring more as it comes.The information is as follows
- There is a shop in the Pokémon Centre
- The 3D in this game is far more advance then previous games
- It appears that CoroCoro isn't reveallig much information in this issue, but rather showing the graphical change between the generations
Click the images below for clearer versions
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Pokémon Black & Pokémon White Confirmed09-04-2010- 08:21 BST / 03:21 EDT by Serebii
Sorry about the tardiness in this update. The news came while I was asleep. Luckily though, the rest of the news tomorrow and CoroCoro comes out soon then and it will be on here the minute it comes out. As Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver are now released, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & Pokémon White
A couple of hours ago, the official website updated with the first details of the 5th generation Pokémon games due for release on the Nintendo DS this Autumn/Fall. These games are to be shown in CoroCoro and Pokémon Sunday and are known as Pokémon Black (ポケットモンスターブラック) and Pokémon White (ポケットモンスターホワイト ). Further details about these games are not yet known but we will have them as soonas they are out
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: HeartGold/SoulSilver Partner Interactions08-04-2010- 13:30 BST / 08:30 EDT by Serebii
Just a few more days until the future begins to unfold upon us all. As Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver are now released, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver - Partner Interactions
Last week, I updated the Partner Pokémon page with a variety of special interactions between your character and certain Pokémon in certain areas. Since then, I've found a fair few brand new ones that are Pokémon or type specific. As such, I have updated the page with these. There may still be more so I'm continually investigating and post as soon as I find some. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: HeartGold/SoulSilver Pokéwalker Item Rarities07-04-2010- 12:45 BST / 07:45 EDT by Serebii
It's the calm before the storm. No news now, but CoroCoro could come any day and we have the Pokémon Sunday reveal on Saturday. Exciting times are ahead. As Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver are now released, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver - PokéWalker Routes
Since the games came out, I have noticed many of you have been asking about the actual rarities of the Items within the Pokéwalker peripheral. The rarity system here is luckily not as convuluted as the Pokémon rarities, but are quite complex with the rarities for the items changing as you take more and more steps in the peripheral. With special thanks to yaminokame for calculating the rarities here, we have updated our Route list with the rarities for each Item, listing the varaiances based on steps and also linking them in to the ItemDex so you can easily see what each item does. Click the picture to go to the page
In The Animé Department
Episode Title
Another new Japanese episode title has been revealed for an episode scheduled to air this May in Japan. This episode features the second episode of the Grand Festival of Sinnoh where Dawn faces numerous rivals including Ursala, Nando, Zoey and Jessie. It will air on the 6th of May
Episode 643: Mamoswine & Pachirisu! The Ice Chandelier - Decisive Blow!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Ranger Tracks of Light Litographs & Pokémon of the Week05-04-2010- 09:49 BST / 04:49 EDT by Serebii
Sorry about the delay in the Pokémon of the Week, it was unavoidable. As Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver are now released, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranger: Tracks of Light - Past Ranger Browser
Since I updated with the Past Pokémon list and the locations of Pokémon within the Spin-Off Pokédex, I have had a few requests to create lists of each obtainable Litograph in each past mission in the temples. There are 24 temples within the game each with different Pokémon in. To get the Litographs, you need to capture them but you're not guaranteed to get the Litograph. Click the picture to go to the page

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sixtieth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the third generation. It uses the sucker on its head to hang from a tree or from eaves. It can produce seven different tones. It evolves from it's pre-evolution when Happiness is topped and it is levelled up at night. So here it is, the one hundred & sixtieth featured Pokémon, Chimecho.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Character Biography04-04-2010- 12:01 BST / 07:01 EDT by Serebii
Unfortunately, Reno, our Pokémon of the Week writer, is having major computer problems so the Pokémon of the Week is delayed. Hopefully we'll have it soon so this update shall be ammended with it. As Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver are now released, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Character Biography - Bertha
With the episode that aired in Japan on Thursday, I have created a biography for the final member of the Elite Four in Sinnoh; Bertha. Bertha is the Ground-type specialist and helped Ash & Co. to save a Pokémon that got stolen by Team Rocket. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Gen V Details, Spin-Off Pokédex & Episode Pictures02-04-2010- 09:25 BST / 04:25 EDT by Serebii
Seems it was a quiet April Fool's Day. I wasn't expecting that. Sorry for the delay in episode pictures, it was beyond my control. As Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver are now released, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 16:55; New Gen V Details Added
In The Games Department
Generation V Game Reveal Dated
As we know, the new games are said to be revealled in the next issue of CoroCoro, due out on the 15th of this month. However, the first details about the Pokémon Sunday episode airing on April 11th state that they're going to reveal the games in a "shock announcement" in the episode. Normally, we get CoroCoro leaks before or around the 11th so it'll be curious to see which releases the news first. We'll keep you updated the second the news is announced so keep checking back.
In The Games Department
Spin-Off Pokédex
Last night, I updated the Spin-Off Pokédex with all the details and locations for the 308 Pokémon available within Pokémon Ranger: Tracks of Light. This includes their locations in both the past and present as well as their Field Abilities, Type and Pokémon Assist. In addition to that, I have added a new method of navigation for the Oblivia Browser. Click the picture to go to the page
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the first episode that aired in Japan yesterday. This episode features Ash & Co. meeting up with the Elite Four member Bertha in an effort to hunt Team Rocket down after they scam a kid out of his Magby. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the second episode that aired in Japan yesterday. This episode features Dawn and a Princess switching places so that the Princess can partake in a Pokémon Contest with her Togekiss. However, Jessie is not happy that "Dawn" is entering the Contest after winning five ribbons. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Character Biography & Yellow Forest Now Active01-04-2010- 11:55 BST / 06:55 EDT by Serebii
It's April Fools Day tomorrow so be skeptical about stuff today. 1Up has done a fake Wii game for Pokémon, and other sites have done a variety of new Pokémon stuff. I will ammend this update with Episode Pictures later today. As Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver are now released, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 12:02; Character Biography added
In The Games Department
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver
The Yellow Forest WiFi event is now available for North American, European and Australasian players to download over the Mystery Gift over WiFi feature. This gift gives you the special route which gives you access to special Pikachu, one of which that knows Fly and one of which knows Surf. This event is running until May 5th 2010 so get it while you can. This Click the picture to go to our Pokéwalker page
In The Animé Department
Character Biography - Dawn
With the episode that aired in Japan just now, a change has occured in Dawn's Pokémon roster. This change was largely expected and as such has been present in her biography for a while. However, it has now been updated with further details. Click the picture to go to the page