30-04-2018 20:47 BST / 15:27 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 20:47 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The latest Pokémon GO patch has gone live on iOS and Android devices. This patch provides a variety of bug fixes and updates for screens with larger screens. In addition to this, it adds a new usability feature where you can now activate Lucky Egg and Star Pieces from the Gym and Raid Battle inventory without exiting out of the lobby.
29-04-2018 07:13 BST / 02:13 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 07:13 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon International Championships
Today marks the final day of the second Pokémon Latin American International Championships in Sao Paolo, Brzail, and, like previous events, the event is going to be officially streamed by The Pokémon Company International on one stream for the final day
The Stream will begin shortly before 12:30 BST / 07:30 EDT / 04:30 PDT / 22:30 AEDT
Click the following links to go to the respective streams
Pokémon International Championships
Pokémon Trading Card Game International Championships

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventy-fifth entry into the Generation VII competitive field with a Kalos Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Aposteriori, & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the sixth generation. It can tell how its Trainer is feeling by subtle shifts in the grip on its horns. This empathic sense lets them run as if one being. They inhabit mountainous regions. The leader of the herd is decided by a battle of clashing horns. So, here it is, the seventy-fifth entry, Gogoat
28-04-2018 11:27 BST / 06:27 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 11:27 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon International Championships
Today marks the second day of the second Pokémon Latin American International Championships in Sao Paolo, Brzail, and, like previous events, the event is going to be officially streamed by The Pokémon Company International across three different streams. Each game has got its own individual stream
The Stream will begin shortly before 12:30 BST / 07:30 EDT / 04:30 PDT / 22:30 AEDT
Click the following links to go to the respective streams
Pokémon Video Game International Championships
Pokémon Trading Card Game International Championships
27-04-2018 06:08 BST / 01:08 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 07:15 BST
Edit @ 07:15: Pokémon Duel

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Battle Competition
Battles for the next Battle Competition have begun. This is the Ultra Kalos Classic competition. This is a Single Battle competition where players can only use Pokémon from the Kalos Pokédex and prohibits use of Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Mewtwo, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, Alolan Forms and Ash-Greninja. No Z-Crystals can be used. All Pokémon will be raised to Level 50 for the duration of the competition. Battles run from April 27th through April 29th. All entrants will get the 50 Battle Points.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Balance Patch
On Tuesday, a new version of Pokémon Duel is being uploaded following the weekly maintenance. This update is Version 6.0.4 and includes a variety of changes and new feature. In it, some figures are set to be updated
First, the effects of Night Slash and Volt Switch are being changed.
Tapu Bulu
Increases damage for Full Swing from 110 to 120
Increases damage for Stone Edge from 120 to 130 with an increased wheel size
Decreased wheel size for Protect
Changed the effect of the Territoriality ability
Increases damage for Iron Tail from 120 to 140 with a larger wheel size
Increased damage of Heavy Slam from 50 to 90
Removed Roar
Added Brutal Swing
Rayquaza & Shiny Rayquaza
Increased wheel size of Extreme Speed
Decreased wheel size of Break Energy & Fly
Removed Crunch
Added Dragon Tail with damage of 90
Added the Beat Down ability

In The Games Department
Pokémon International Championships
Today marks the first day of the second Pokémon Latin American International Championships in Sao Paolo, Brzail, and, like previous events, the event is going to be officially streamed by The Pokémon Company International across three different streams. Each game has got its own individual stream
The Stream will begin shortly before 12:45 BST / 07:45 EDT / 04:45 PDT / 22:45 AEDT
Click the following links to go to the respective streams
Pokémon Video Game International Championships
Pokémon Trading Card Game International Championships
26-04-2018 05:08 BST / 00:08 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 14:03 BST
Edit @ 13:23: Episode Pictures | Edit @ 14:03: Episode Pictures

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
In a surprise promotional reveal, The Pokémon Company has finally officially revealed Zeraora's signature move, Plasma Fists. This move is a powerful Electric-type move which also has the special effect of turning all Normal-type moves into Electric-type for the remainder of the turn
Edit @ 06:07: With this, they have also put out a special Battle Video that showcases Zeraora's strengths as well as allowing you to have a mock battle against it. The code is QKUW-WWWW-WWWL-J5TL which can be accessed through the PC in Festival Plaza. The Zeraora in the battle has an Air Balloon and the moves Plasma Fists, Close Combat, Thunder Punch & Thunder and could be the one being distributed at a later point

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Pictures
As usual, we have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features a Dewpider get lost from its family. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
Edit @ 13:26: We'll have pictures of the second episode shortly
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Pictures
As usual, we have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Mallow's brother return to partake in the ALola Bread Festival. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
25-04-2018 06:59 BST / 01:59 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 20:15 BST
Edit @ 09;12: Pokémon Duel | Edit @ 09:15: Pokkén Tournament DX | Edit @ 12:41: Xerneas & Yveltal | Edit @ 20:15: Pokémon GO Research

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
Promotional material placed out in Gamestop stores early have confirmed the details for the distribution of Yveltal and Xerneas in the US. If you go to Gamestop stores from May 4th through May 27th, you'll be able to receive Yveltal in Sun & Ultra Sun and Xerneas in Moon & Ultra Moon. This follows on as the fourth month of The Pokémon Company's Year of Legendary Pokémon Celebration. Full details on the distributions have yet to be released, same regarding details for the distributions in other countries, but we'll post as they come

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
In Japan, the Shaymin event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Pokémon Center has begun. With this, the details for the event distribution have been confirmed. The Shaymin is Level 20 holding an Everstone and can have the moves Return, Growth, Seed Flare and most notable Celebrate, a move that it cannot normally learn but, when powered with a Z-Crystal, can turn into Z-Celebrate which boosts all of its stats. It runs until June 30th. Our Event Database has been updated with the details of this event
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have confirmed that at May 1st at 20:00 UTC, new Field Research tasks will begin to appear in Pokémon GO. With this, there is a focus on Flying and Electric-type Pokémon and it is strongly implied that Moltres will rotate out and change to Zapdos for the Research Breakthrough

In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Update
The smartphone game, Pokémon Duel, has had a new update. This patch takes it to version 6.0.3 and requires 247MB of space on your mobile device to download. It is required to update in order to play the game
This patch contains various fixes for Mega Evolution where you couldn't Mega Evolve if you had a Mega Evolved Pokémon in Ultra Space, as well as some bug fixes on moves Night Slash ansd Zap Cannon where the effects wouldn't activate
In addition to this, the Pre-Tournament for April is now open. When you enter, you will get a Rare Metal UX and Ingot UX for participating and various rewards for winning including Carmonite for ranking highly and Rare Metal & Ingot for you first 5 wins. Registration is up from now until 02:00 UTC with the tournament then lasting two hours.

In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament DX
The next special Group Match has begun on Pokkén Tournament DX. Until May 4th you can participate in the "Volt Shock Fist" Group Match. This cup is a Basic Battle competition, once again on a Fixed Battle Arena. Participating in this brings a special title reward based on Pikachu, and if you place highly you'll get other titles based on your placement.
In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament DX
The next special Group Match has been announced on Pokkén Tournament DX. From May 4th through May 6th you can participate in the "Sonic Slash" Group Match. This cup is a Basic Battle competition, once again on a Fixed Battle Arena. Participating in this brings a special title reward based on Weavile, and if you place highly you'll get other titles based on your placement.
24-04-2018 07:01 BST / 02:01 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 07:01 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
Pokémon Shuffle has begun Week 11 of its event cycle. This cycle continues the Escalation Battle from last week as well as the following stages that will run for a week
The Ultra Challenge Stage is a stage for Zygarde Complete Forme
The Great Challenge Stages are Blissey (Winking), Cradily, Chimchar (Winking), Manaphy & Talonflame
The Daily Pokémon are Oricorio Sensu Style, Pyukumuku, Oricorio Baile Style, Mudbray & Dartrix
There's a One Chance Per Day stage for Frillish (Female)
There's a Competitive stage for Mega Alakazam
In addition to this, there's a Pokémon Safari containing Oddish, Abra, Tauros, Bounsweet, Gloom, Kadabra, Steenee, Vileplume, Alakazam & Tsareena which will run for two weeks.
23-04-2018 16:27 BST / 11:27 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 21:20 BST
Edit @ 21:20: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Following the success of Earth Day's special clean up events, the special event of Stardust for Water, Ground & Grass-type Pokémon has begun and is set to last until April 30th. With this, there have also been numerous reports of Shiny Wailmer, which are currently being investigated. We have updated our Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon GO page
In The Games Department
Pokémon International Championships
Stream details have been announced for the Pokémon Latin America International Championships in Brazil this weekend. The streams all run for all two games with commentators across the weekend. The VGC commentators are Jay Blake, Duy Ha, Evan Latt, and Gabby Snyder. The TCG commentators are Jeremy Jallen and Nicholas Pearce
Friday April 27th - From 11:30 UTC - VGC and TCG
Saturday April 28th - From 11:45 UTC - VGC and TCG
Sunday April 29th - From 11:45 UTC - Final matches for VGC and TCG
We'll host both streams here this weekend so be sure to check for them
22-04-2018 10:40 BST / 05:40 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:02 BST
Edit @ 13:02: Pokémon of the Week

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
For those of you in the United States, the latest distribution to celebrate the Year of Legendary Pokémon has begun. This distribution is available at Target stores where you'll receive serial codes and runs until April 29th. Like the other distributions, they differ between games with Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon's being Level 100 with a Gold Bottle Cap and Sun & Moon's being Level 60. Sun & Ultra Sun get Entei while Moon & Ultra Moon get Raikou. Our Event Database has been updated with full details of these events.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventy-fourth entry into the Generation VII competitive field with an Alola Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Aposteriori, & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the seventh generation. When it spots enemies, it threatens them by jingling the scales on its tail. Weak opponents will crack and flee in panic. Its rigid scales function as offense and defense. In the past, its scales were processed and used to make weapons and other commodities. battles valiantly with its fists, which are armored in steel scales. Kommo-o specializes in uppercuts.When it howls after finishing off its prey, the metallic sounds of its celebrating comrades can be heard from all around. So, here it is, the seventy-fourth entry, Kommo-o
21-04-2018 08:45 BST / 03:45 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 08:45 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
For those of you in Europe & Oceania, the special distribution to celebrate the Year of Legendary Pokémon is due to end on Wednesday April 25th 2018. This distribution runs over the Nintendo Network for all players. Like the other distributions, they differ between games with Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon's being Level 100 with a Gold Bottle Cap and Sun & Moon's being Level 60. Sun & Ultra Sun get Entei while Moon & Ultra Moon get Raikou. Our Event Database has been updated with full details of these events. The United States receives thie event through Serial Codes obtained at Target stores from April 22nd
20-04-2018 06:07 BST / 01:07 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 22:23 BST
Edit @ 08:21: Trademark | Edit @ 09;20: Pokémon Duel | Edit @ 22:23: Pokémon GO Outfit
In The Games Department
Pokémon - Trademarks
In Japan, Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. have registered for a trademark for ウルトラシャイニー (Ultra Shiny). We currently don't know the context for this or what use it'll be, as the trademark is broad covering pretty much every conceivable possibility including TV games, cards, merchandise, songs etc., but we'll bring more details on this as it comes
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
A new outfit has gone live in Pokémon GO. This is a special Surf Blue T-Shirt and is free to all players. This shirt features a decal of Lapras with Pikachu on its head and two Wingull flying over it. IThis is the outfit that was stated to be given to all players for Earth Day and will forever be available to players
Pokémon GO |
In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Update
The latest Team Match event has begun in Pokémon Duel. This Team Match has all players pick a team between Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem and their wins online will culminate into points for each team. As you progress you can receive various items including the special figures for Shiny Magikarp & Shiny Gyarados
In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament DX
The next special Group Match has begun on Pokkén Tournament DX. Until April 23rd you can participate in the "Outrage Smasher" Group Match. This cup is a Team Battle competition, once again on a Fixed Battle Arena. Participating in this brings a special title reward based on Garchomp, and if you place highly you'll get other titles based on your placement.
In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament DX
The next special Group Match has been announced on Pokkén Tournament DX. From April 25th through May 4th you can participate in the "Volt Shock Fist" Group Match. This cup is a Basic Battle competition, once again on a Fixed Battle Arena. Participating in this brings a special title reward based on Pikachu, and if you place highly you'll get other titles based on your placement.
19-04-2018 06:33 BST / 01:33 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 12:40 BST
Edit @ 12:09: Taiko Drum Master | Edit @ 12:40: Episode Pictures

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Battle Competition
Registration for the next Battle Competition has begun. This is the Ultra Kalos Classic competition. This is a Single Battle competition where players can only use Pokémon from the Kalos Pokédex and prohibits use of Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Mewtwo, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, Alolan Forms and Ash-Greninja. No Z-Crystals can be used. All Pokémon will be raised to Level 50 for the duration of the competition. Registration runs from April 19th 2018 to April 26th 2018. Battles will run from April 27th through April 29th. All entrants will get the 50 Battle Points.

In The Games Department
Pokémon in Other Games - Taiko Drum Master
Ahead of the launch of Taiko no Tatsujin: Nintendo Switch Version! on the Nintendo Switch in Japan later this Summer, Bandai Namco have announced a continuation of the collaboration between their Taiko Drum Master series and the Pokémon series and includes the Pokémon anime Japanese theme song Alola! (アローラ!) from the Pokémon Sun & Moon series. At present it's currently unclear if any further Pokémon music will be included in the game but we'll provide details as and when they come.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Pictures
As usual, we have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Kiawe have to protect his family's farm from a man who wants to buy it to build a resort on it. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
18-04-2018 09:13 BST / 04:13 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 11:33 BST
Edit @ 11:33: Pikachu Event
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
A new event has been announced for Korea. This distribution gives you a Pikachu that knows both Surf and Fly, as well as Thunderbolt and Quick Attack. It's at Level 10 with the ability Static. This event is being distributed on April 27th to commemorate the opening of a pop-up store in Triple Street

In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Update
The smartphone game, Pokémon Duel, has had a new update. This patch takes it to version 6.0.2 and requires 247MB of space on your mobile device to download. It is required to update in order to play the game
This patch contains various brand new figures.
The UX Figures are Shiny Mega Gengar,
The EX Figures are Shiny Gengar
These figures are only available when you buy a special pack of Gems for the next week which also provide a certain amount of gems daily for the next month, but the figures are also available in the Material Exchange.
The game has also announced pre-tournament features to those with a ranking of 1500 or higher with further details coming soon
Pre-Registration for the next Team Match has also begun with players selecting between Reshiram, Zekrom & Kyurem
Finally, the April Booster B packs have begun, with all figures coming at CLv. 1, allowing them to be even more battle ready than before
17-04-2018 05:02 BST / 00:02 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 23:09 BST
Edit @ 07:02: Pokémon Shuffle | Edit @ 15;38: Raikou & Entei | Edit @ 20:00: Community Day

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
For those of you in Canada, the newsletter that contains Serial Codes for Entei (Sun/Ultra Sun) or Raikou (Moon/Ultra Moon) are now being sent out and received. Like the other distributions, they differ between games with Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon's being Level 100 with a Gold Bottle Cap and Sun & Moon's being Level 60. Sun & Ultra Sun get Entei while Moon & Ultra Moon get Raikou. Our Event Database has been updated with full details of these events. The United States receives thie event through Serial Codes obtained at Target stores from April 22nd

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Following the accidentaly reveal of next month's Community Day on the Japanese site yesterday, we have some further confirmation. On May 19th, Charmander will appear as part of the Community Day and any Charizard that evolved from Charmeleon during the event will have a special move. During the Community Day event, lure modules will last 3 hours and you obtain 3x Stardust on captures. This runs at specific times:
Asia & Oceania: 03:00 UTC - 06:00 UTC (12:00 JST - 15:00 JST)
Europe: 09:00 UTC - 12:00 UTC (10:00 BST - 13:00 BST / 12:00 CET - 15:00 CET)
North America: 18:00 UTC - 21:00 UTC (11:00 PDT - 14:00 PDT / 14:00 EDT - 17:00 EDT)
Edit @ 23:09: The special boxes for the Kanto Celebration have been announced to stay in the game until April 24th rather than end with the Kanto Celebration today

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Global Link Gift
For those of you who participated in the 2018 International Challenge March Battle Competition, the entry gift is now available to all qualifying players through this link after logging into the Global Link. This gift is 50 Battle Points and can be redeemed by March 31st 2018
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Global Missions
The sixth Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Global Mission has finished in success. This Global Mission's theme was to hatch Eggs and was a success at 4,887,292 Pokémon hatched. As it was a success, the gift of 2,000 FC, or 4,000 FC if the game is connected to the Global Link, is now available.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
Pokémon Shuffle has begun Week 10 of its event cycle. This cycle continues the Pokémon Safari from last week as well as the following stages that will run for a week
The Ultra Challenge Stage is a stage for Ho-Oh (Shiny)
The Great Challenge Stages are Raichu (Alolan), Armaldo, Shaymin Sky Forme, Mudsdale & Oranguru
The Daily Pokémon are Oricorio P'au Style, Alolan Grimer, Dewpider, Alolan Sandshrew & Brionne
There's a One Chance Per Day stage for Tornadus
There's a Special stage for Tyranitar (Shiny)
In addition to this, there's a Diancie Escalation Battle which will run for two weeks.
16-04-2018 20:00 BST / 15:00 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 20:00 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have accidentally announced the next Pokémon GO Community Day on May 19th through the Japanese site. This will also give out special Charmander which, when evolved from Charmeleon into Charizard, will know a yet unannounced special move. We'll bring more details as they come including official and further confirmation. This runs at specific times:
Asia & Oceania: 03:00 UTC - 06:00 UTC (12:00 JST - 15:00 JST)
Europe: 09:00 UTC - 12:00 UTC (10:00 BST - 13:00 BST / 12:00 CET - 15:00 CET)
North America: 18:00 UTC - 21:00 UTC (11:00 PDT - 14:00 PDT / 14:00 EDT - 17:00 EDT)
15-04-2018 04:00 BST / 23:00 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 07:34 BST
Edit @ 07:34: Pokémon of the Week

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Community Day
Today marks the Pokémon GO Community Day. On this day, for three hours in each region, Mareep will appear, enmass, in Pokémon GO. During this event, when you evolve a Flaaffy into Ampharos, it will know the move Dragon Pulse, which is exclusive to this event. This coincides with triple experience with captures and Lure Modules running for 3 hours. This runs at these times:
Asia & Oceania: 03:00 UTC - 06:00 UTC (12:00 JST - 15:00 JST)
Europe: 09:00 UTC - 12:00 UTC (10:00 BST - 13:00 BST / 12:00 CET - 15:00 CET)
North America: 18:00 UTC - 21:00 UTC (11:00 PDT - 14:00 PDT / 14:00 EDT - 17:00 EDT)
Edit @ 07:00: The Asia Pacific community day got extended by an hour due to issues at its start where Mareep didn't start appearing

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventy-third entry into the Generation VII competitive field with a Sinnoh Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Aposteriori, & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation. In ages past, this Pokémon was revered as a bringer of rain. It was found buried in the ground. Ancient people believed that petitioning Bronzong for rain was the way to make crops grow. So, here it is, the seventy-third entry, Bronzong
14-04-2018 12:03 BST / 07:03 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 23:01 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
the special Kanto Celebration event in Pokémon GO is due to end on Tuesday. This event, Kanto Week, runs until April 17th and has Kanto Pokémon appear in greater numbers than usual and various Kanto Pokémon return as Raid Bosses. During this, all Pokémon Candy you receive when walking with, transferring Pokémon or capturing Pokémon will be doubled and Lure Modules run for 6 hours rather than 30 minutes. The intent of this event is to help people get their Silver & Gold Kanto Medals to aid towards the hunt for the Mythical Pokémon, Mew
Edit @ 12:44: In addition to this, it has been announced that Unown is spawning again in London today for the London Games Festival. However, due to the Kanto Celebration, it appears that their spawn rate is significantly lower than the usual Unown Events
Edit @ 23:01: In preparation for the Community Day event in Pokémon GO, a special Community Day Box has gone live for the next 48 hours. This box costs 480 coins and contains 3 Super Incubators, 4 Lucky Eggs, 4 Lure Modules and 30 Ultra Balls
12-04-2018 09:17 BST / 04:17 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 12:12 BST
Edit @ 10:15: Darkrai Event | Edti @ 12:12: Episode Pictures
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
It has been announced that, to coincide with the late release of the 10th movie, Rise of Darkrai, in South Korea, a Darkrai is to be distributed from April 27th through May 27th. This is the first time Darkrai has been distributed in Generation VII making it the only way currently to get it with the Black Clover. Full details of the event have yet to be determined
In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Update
The special Gym Cup, the Grass Gym Cup has begun in Pokémon Duel. This Gym Cup increases the movement of Grass-type figures and increases the White & Gold Attacks of Ice-type Pokémon by 20. Within this, you can get the special Mow Rotom figure. It runs until April 16th 2018
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Pictures
As usual, we have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Sophocles randomly finding Celesteela stuck in the ground. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
10-04-2018 05:54 BST / 00:54 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 07:02: Pokémon Shuffle Events | Edit @ 07:21: Pokémon GO

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Following the reveal in the newsletter this weekend, it has been confirmed that a special Kanto focused event is to start in Pokémon GO later today. This event, Kanto Week, runs until April 17th and has Kanto Pokémon including Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pikachu & more appear in greater numbers than usual and Snorlax & Aerodactyl return as Raid Bosses. During this, all Pokémon Candy you receive when Transferring Pokémon or capturing Pokémon will be doubled. In addition to this, Special Boxes will go on sale including bundles on Premium Raid Passes. The intent of this event is to help people get their Silver & Gold Kanto Medals to aid towards the hunt for the Mythical Pokémon, Mew
Edit @ 16:02: Goes live at 20:00 UTC tonight
Edit @ 21:00: It is now live. Kanto spawns have increased but, unlike the Hoenn event earlier this year, aren't exclusively what spawn. Buddy distance is also halved for the duration of the event. The special boxes are as follows:
Special Box: 6 Premium Raid Passes, 10 Pinap Berrys, 4 Lure Modules - 480 Coins
Great Box: 6 Incense, 6 Lucky Egg, 12 Premium Raid Passes, 16 Pinap Berry - 780 Coins
Ultra Box: 12 Lucky Eggs, 24 Premium Raid Passes, 14 Star Pieces, 10 Lure Modules - 1480 Coins

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Battle Competition
Details for the next Battle Competition have been announced. This is the Ultra Kalos Classic competition. This is a Single Battle competition where players can only use Pokémon from the Kalos Pokédex and prohibits use of Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Mewtwo, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, Alolan Forms and Ash-Greninja. No Z-Crystals can be used. All Pokémon will be raised to Level 50 for the duration of the competition. Registration runs from April 19th 2018 to April 26th 2018. Battles will run from April 27th through April 29th. All entrants will get the 50 Battle Points. Special Download Rules are now available for this competition and our Battle Competition page has been update to list all eligible Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
Pokémon Shuffle has begun Week 9 of its event cycle. This cycle continues the Escalation Battle from last week as well as the following stages that will run for a week
The Ultra Challenge Stage is a stage for Pheromosa
The Great Challenge Stages are Gyarados, Shiny Metagross, Noivern, Passimian & Minior
The Daily Pokémon are Oricorio Pom-Pom Style, Wishiwashi, Komala, Fomantis, Torracat
There's a One Chance Per Day stage for Pinsir
There's a Competitive stage for Mega Gyarados
In addition to this, there's a Pokémon Safari featuring Salandit, Alolan Geodude, Roggenrola, Alolan Graveler, Boldore, Rockruff, Mareanie, Togedemaru, Alolan Golem & Gigalith, which will run for two weeks.
09-04-2018 08:49 BST / 03:49 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's update for the reveal of the Mythical Pokémon, Zeraora. This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 16:06 BST
Edit @ 16:06: Pokkén Tournament DX Group Match

In The Anime Department
Pokémon the Movie 2018 - World Premiere
With the trailer that went live yesterday which revealed the Mythical Pokémon, Zeraora, some further details have come about the movie, translated by Dephender. First we have the movie's basic plotline
Once a year, a "wind festival" is held in Fura City,
the city where people live together with the wind.
On the final day of the festival, the legendary Pokémon Lugia will appear and give the people the blessed wind,
a promise said to date back to the distant past.
Lisa, the highschooler and Pokémon rookie.
Kagachi, the braggart that just can't stop telling tall tales.
Trito, the timid researcher that lacks confidence.
Hisui, the old eccentric that hates Pokémon.
Largo, the mysterious little girl that hangs around in the forest all by herself.
While they're participating in the festival,
Ash and Pikachu meets these five companions by pure coincidence. Each of them has their own worries on their mind,
and are unable to take a step forward together with their partner Pokémon,
but when they meet each other, the cogs of destiny start turning......
Will the promise with Lugia be kept?
And just what is the true identity of the mythical Pokémon Zeraora??
Everyone's friendship, both people's and Pokémon's, will now cause a miracle to occur.
In addition to this, we also have some new data regarding the characters
Largo - A little girl living in Fura City, and the mayor's daughter. She's a resolute and kind little lady. It appears she has something to to with the mythical Pokémon Zeraora, but...
Lisa - A highschooler and Pokémon rookie. She came to the wind festival in order to get an Eevee, which she had promised her injured little brother.
Trito - A Pokémon researcher who's bad at talking to others. He's participating in the wind festival in order to make a presentation related to his research, but he lacks the confidence and ends up just sitting there getting consoled by Chansey.
Kagachi - A braggart that just can't stop telling tall tales. He visited the wind festival together with his beloved niece. It appears Sudowoodo adores him for a very particular reason. He talks about how "There's a super rare Pokémon in this city!", but...
Hisui - An old woman living in Fura City that hates Pokémon. She started avoiding Pokémon because of something that happened in the past, but for some reason a lot of Pokémon follow her around, including a Totodile.
Riku - Lisa's younger brother. A young boy that loves Pokémon. He's hospitalized because of an injured leg.
Mayor Oliver - The mayor of Fura City and Largo's father. He is a strict man with a strong sense of responsibility. He is constantly on the move in order to ensure that the wind festival is a success.
Zeraora - A mythical Pokémon said to live in the mountain recesses of Fura City. By emitting an electric current from the pads on its arms and legs, it's able to move through the air at the speed of lightning.

In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament DX
The next special Group Match has been announced on Pokkén Tournament DX. From April 20th through April 23rd you can participate in the "Outrage Smasher" Group Match. This cup is a Team Battle competition, once again on a Fixed Battle Arena. Participating in this brings a special title reward based on Garchomp, and if you place highly you'll get other titles based on your placement.
08-04-2018 07:16 BST / 02:16 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 02:00 BST
Edit @ 12:30: Pokémon of the Week | Edit @ 23:10: Everyone's Story
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
The Mythical Pokémon, Zeraora, has been officially revealed. This Pokémon is #807 in the National Pokédex and is to be available in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon. It's an Electric-type Pokémon. It has been revealed in conjunction with the upcoming movie, Everyone's Story
Edit @ 02:00: Zerarora Trailer Live

In The Anime Department
Pokémon the Movie 2018 - World Premiere
The world premiere of the new trailer for the upcoming movie, Pokémon: Everyone's Story, due for release in Japan in July 2018 has just aired on the Japanese variety show Oha Suta. The trailer showcased the Mythical Pokémon Zeraora. We expect an official upload soon and the site will be updated with the upload when it goes live
In the trailer, it showcased some of the daily life of all of the characters introduced in the previous trailer and ended with the character, Largo, reaching out for the Mythical Pokémon, Zeraora
Edit @ 23:44: The guest voice cast has also been revealed:
Lisa: Actress and former AKB48 member Rina Kawaei
Kagachi: Actor Koji Ohkura
Trito: Actor Gaku Hamada
Hisui: Masako Nozawa best known as the voice of Goku, Gohan and Goten in the Dragonball franchise
Largo: Child actress Mana Ashida
Shoko Nakagawa will be playing Lisa's younger brother Riku and Koichi Yamadera will be playing Fura City's mayor Oliver.

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Continuing the ever increasing amount of Unown event spawn tie-ins, Unown R, I, O, T, & C have started spawning in higher numbers around the Rio2C event in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This will last all of the weekend

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventy-second entry into the Generation VII competitive field with a Johto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Aposteriori, & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the second generation. Its well-developed lower jaw and heavy fangs are its weapons. As long as it’s not provoked, it rarely bites. More timid than Snubbull, this Pokémon is doted on by young people amused at the contrast between its looks and its attitude. While it has powerful jaws, it doesn’t care for disputes, so it rarely has a chance to display their might.Although it’s popular with young people, Granbull is timid and sensitive, so it’s totally incompetent as a watchdog. So, here it is, the seventy-second entry, Granbull
07-04-2018 07:43 BST / 02:43 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 09:11 BST
Edit @ 07:54: Episode Titles

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Part of the weekly newsletter being sent to Pokémon GO players has made mention of a brand new event. On April 10th, a new event is scheduled to start which focuses upon the Kanto Region. At present there is no sign of what this event could entail but we'll post as soon as further information is released so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 09:11: The Unown letters of L, O, N & D have started spawning around London, England to tie in with the special Games Festival being held in Trafalgar Square today. It's currently unclear for how long they will appear

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Title
Japanese TV Guides have revealed new episode titles for upcoming episodes of the anime. These episodes are due to air on April 26th, May 3rd and May 10th respectively.
Episode 1015: Pan-dun-dun! Burn with Passion, Mallow's Family!
Episode 1016: Team Rocket's 's Island Challenge! Get a Z-Ring!!
Episode 1017: This Tough Old Geezer's the Island Kahuna?!
06-04-2018 03:05 BST / 22:05 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 21:06 BST
Edit @ 06:24: Japan Championships
Edit @ 06:57: Pokkén Group Match | Edit @ 20:02: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 21:06: Community Day

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Battle Competition
Details for the next Battle Competition have been announced. This is the Japan Championships 2018 Qualifiers competition and is only available to players in Japan. This is a Double Battle competition using standard VGC rules, with players being able to earn a place in the Japan Championships being held in June 9th & 10th in the Makuhari Messe Exhibition Hall 11 in Chiba, Japan, to gain entry to the World Championships being held in Nashville this August.
All Pokémon will be raised to Level 50 for the duration of the competition. Registration runs from April 6th 2018 to May 11th 2018. Battles will run from May 11th through May 14th. All entrants will get the 50 Battle Points.

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
It has been confirmed that during the Community Day on April 15th 2018, if you evolve Flaaffy into Ampharos during the three hour window, your Ampharos will know Dragon Pulse, a move it can't normally learn in Pokémon GO but learned from X & Y after it became capable of Mega Evolving into Mega Ampharos. The Community Day runs at the following times:
The Asia-Pacific region: 12:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. JST (GMT +9)
Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India: 09:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. UTC (GMT +0)
The Americas and Greenland: 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. PST (GMT -8)
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
As part of the usual celebrations that seem to happen around prominent conventions, the Unown Letters of P, A & X have started apearing enmass around the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in Boston, Massachusets to coincide with the PAX East event. This is expected to last throughout the weekend.
In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament DX
The next special Group Match has begun on Pokkén Tournament DX. Until April 8th you can participate in the "Searing Blaze" Group Match. This cup is a Basic Battle competition, once again on a Fixed Battle Arena. Participating in this brings a special title reward based on Charizard, and if you place highly you'll get other titles based on your placement.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon the Movie 2018
It has been announced that the latest bit of footage of the new Pokémon movie, Everyone's Story, will air on Japanese Variety Show Oha Suta on Monday April 9th, and with this a new Pokémon will be revealed, presumably the Mythical Pokémon Zeraora. Currently it's not known entirely what will be contained in this footage but we'll provide full details as they come so be sure to check back.
05-04-2018 09:51 BST / 04:51 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 14:02 BST
Edit @ 10:45: Pokémon GO Slowpoke Spawns | Edit @ 11:54: Episode Pictures | Edit @ 14:02: Detective Pikachu Demo
In The Games Department
Detective Pikachu
Previously released in Japan before the game's release, the special demo for the recently released Detective Pikachu game is now available on the 3DS eShop in Europe and will be available later today in North America. This demo features the first two thirds of Chapter 1 - Tahnti Park and will allow for you to continue your progress in the main game should you then decide to purchase it.

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
On Sunday, as part of an April Fool's Prank, the Kagawa Prefecture in Japan, commonly known as the Udon Prefecture, was jokingly renamed the Slowpoke (Yadon) Prefecture. To tie in with this, a special AR Contest has been announced in Japan as part of a special "Slowpoke Paradise in Kagawa" event. From April 12th, Slowpoke will once again spawn in larger numbers in the Kagawa Prefecture with the contest being to get the best augmented reality photo of Slowpoke in Kagawa, with entries being sent via Twitter and Instagram
In addition to this, a special temporary Pokémon Center is being set up in the JR Takamatsu Station which will sell multiple bits of Slowpoke related merchandise.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Queen's Cup
A new Queen's Cup event has begun in Pokémon Duel. This event runs until 07:59 UTC on April 10th 2018 and has players battle to earn points to get various rewards including brand new figures of Rotom & Frost Rotom which cannot be obtained outside of this event. A new Plate is also available for purchase to allow for Rotom to change form
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Pictures
As usual, we have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & co. look after the local Pokémon Center. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
04-04-2018 15:20 BST / 10:20 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 17:09 BST
Edit @ 17:09: Pokémon GO

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
It has been announced that to coincide with Earth Day on April 22nd, Niantic are hosting local cleanup events around the world. If enough trainers attend, then there will be special rewards for all players
1,500 attendees: 2× catch Stardust for Grass-, Water-, and Ground-type Pokémon for 48 hours
3,000 attendees: 3× catch Stardust for Grass-, Water-, and Ground-type Pokémon for 48 hours
Niantic have alist of all local Earth Day events so be sure to check out ones close to you. In addition to this, all players will receive a special unique avatar item to use in-game

In The Games Department
Pokémon - Trademarks
In Japan, Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. have registered for a trademark for ポケスク, Pokesucu in a trademark pertaining to video games. This is a commonly used in Japan amalgamation & abbreviation of ポケモンスクランブル, Pokémon Scramble, the Japanese name for Pokémon Rumble, a series with 4 released games across the Wii, 3DS and Wii U with the last release being Pokémon Rumble World in 2015. At present, it's not clear if this is showcasing intent for the Pokémon Rumble series to continue, especially as the mobile game PokéLand, which continues the Pokémon Rumble concept, is still unreleased and has its own trademarks already in place. We'll bring more details on this as it comes
03-04-2018 05:00 BST / 00:00 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 17:23 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Shuffle

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
Despite no official reveal at present, the Raikou & Entei event has started in several regions of Latin America. In Chile, it can be obtained through Serial Code at Microplay stores from yesterday until April 29th and in Peru it can be obtained at Masgamers. Currently no word on North American or European distribution has come but we'll post as soon as it does. Like the other distributions, they differ between games with Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon's being Level 100 with a Gold Bottle Cap and Sun & Moon's being Level 60. Sun & Ultra Sun get Entei while Moon & Ultra Moon get Raikou. Our Event Database has been updated with full details of these events
Edit @ 14:01: It has now been confirmed that it will be distributed over the Nintendo Network in Europe/Oceania from tomorrow until April 25th while the United States will receive it in Target from April 22nd through April 29th with Canada getting it in the Pokémon Trainer Club Newsletter
Edit @ 17:05: Entei is now live on Ultra Sun in Europe. At present Entei on Sun and Raikou on both Moon & Ultra Moon have yet to go live
Edit @ 17:23: Raikou is now live on Ultra Moon in Europe
Edit @ 17:27: Entei is now live in Sun
Edit @ 17:31: Raikou is now live in Moon

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Global Missions
The sixth Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Global Mission has begun. This Global Mission's theme is to hatch Eggs. The goal is to reach 3,000,000 Eggs hatched by April 16th at 23:59 UTC. If the mission is a success, then participating players get 2,000 FC or 4,000 FC if they have a Global Link account tied to their game while if it's a failure players will get 1,000 FC or 2,000 FC if they have a Global Link account tied to their game.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
Pokémon Shuffle has begun Week 8 of its event cycle. This cycle continues the Pokémon Safari from last week as well as the following stages that will run for a week
The Ultra Challenge Stage is a stage for Black Kyurem
The Great Challenge Stages are Wigglytuff (Winking), Totodile (Winking), Wailord, Palkia & Toucannon
The Daily Pokémon are Pikachu (Sleeping), Torchic (Winking), Treecko (Winking), Mudkip (Winking) & Castform (Winking)
There's a One Chance Per Day stage for Cosmoem
There's a Special stage for Mewtwo (Shiny)
In addition to this, there's a Latias Escalation Battle which will run for two weeks.
02-04-2018 08:17 BST / 03:17 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 22:11 BST
Edit @ 11:33: Pokémon Duel | Edit @ 16:00: Pokémon GO

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
It has been confirmed that the Legendary Pokémon, Latios & Latias, will start appearing in Raid Battles in Pokémon GO later today, following the departure of Lugia in Raid Battles. Latios will appear in North America, South America and Africa while Latias will appear in Europe and Asia. They'll then switch on May 8th and run until June 5th 2018. For full details on Latias & Latios in Pokémon GO, check out our Pokémon Listings
Edit @ 21:03: They will now start appearing in 5 Star Raid eggs globally
Edit @ 22:11: Raid Battle Pokémon have also been rotated in Pokémon GO including Shuppet & Duskull as Level 1, Sneasel & Misdreavus as Level 2, Granbull & Pinsir as Level 3 and Houndoom & Walrein as Level 4. Our Raid Battles page has been updated with this list

In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Update
The smartphone game, Pokémon Duel, has had a new update. This patch takes it to version 6.0.0 and requires 247MB of space on your mobile device to download. It is required to update in order to play the game
This patch contains various brand new figures.
The UX Figures are Black Kyurem, White Kyurem & Kartana,
The EX Figures are Kyurem & Lurantis
The R Figures are Cacturne & Tangrowth
The UC Figures are Tangela, & Fomantis
Several new Plates have also been added to the store
In addition to this, the balance patches announced yesterday have gone into effect
It has added a brand new tournament mode which will start very soon
It has also added various social features so you can start following the progress of other players in the game
As a gift with the bonus, players get a free sextuple boosters
In The Games Department
Pokémon - Snapchat Collaboration
Tying in with Pokémon's 21st anniversary, the second on three Snapchat filters have gone live on Snapchat. This filter is based on Charmander and features a fire animation as you open your mouth. This follows on from Bulbasaur's back in February and is ahead of a promised Squirtle filter at some point in the near future
01-04-2018 09:30 BST / 04:30 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Discord Chat has been rife with discussion, so be sure to visit it. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 15:16 BST
Edit @ 15:16: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
In a surprise move yesterday, presumably tying in with April Fool's Day, the image work in Pokémon GO was replaced with the selection screen sprites from Pokémon Sun & Moon. When it happened, there was little indication as to how long the images will remain like this, but it has now been confirmed that the images will remain this way until April 7th, when they revert back to normal

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventy-first entry into the Generation VII competitive field with a Kalos Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Aposteriori, & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the sixth generation. It gathers things it likes and pushes them through its loop to teleport them to a secret place. This troublemaker sends anything and everything to faraway places using its loop, which can warp space In its true form, it possess a huge amount of power. Legends of its avarice tell how it once carried off an entire castle to gain the treasure hidden within. It is said to be able to seize anything it desires with its six rings and six huge arms. With its power sealed, it is transformed into a much smaller form.So, here it is, the seventy-first entry, Hoopa