Sunday: Manga, Episode Title & Pokémon of the Week31-08-2008- 11:12 BST / 06:12 EDT by Serebii
The project is coming along really swimmingly
In The Manga Department
Diamond & Pearl Summaries
Coronis has once again kindly written the summaries for more of the chapters of the Pocket Monsters Special - Diamond & Pearl series that were released during his downtime this year. These summaries feature Dia, Pearl & Lady Berlitz as they travel through the land of Sinnoh partaking in gyms and contests, this time focusing in the area around Pastoria City. The chapters that have been covered are Chapters 30 up to 35. Click the picture to go to the index page to read on. Be warned as these are in-depth and contain spoilers

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the twenty-fourth episode of this season and the 544rd episode total. This episode features May returning to meet Ash, Brock & Dawn just prior to the Wallace Cup. However, first off there's a contest for a free meal at a restaurant and its the guys against the girls. The episode is called A Full Course Tag Battle! and is scheduled to air in two weeks in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our seventy-seventh Pokémon. The Pokémon being covered today is Vaporeon, the Bubble Jet Pokémon. Vaporeon is the first evolution of Eevee seen in the Pokédex. It's pure water but has decent offensive and defensive stats. It is said that it can melt away into water. So here it is, the seventy-seventh featured Pokémon, Vaporeon.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Minor Platinum News30-08-2008- 09:47 BST / 04:47 EDT by Serebii
I will update again if more news appears

In The Games Department
Platinum Tidbits
A third official site came up today covering the same stuff as before. However, it brought up a few new tidbits and confirmation of certain things. These are all relatively minor but still news worthy
- The Underground is confirmed to be Wireless only and not WiFi
- Over Local Wireless, there is a new feature where you and your friends put in your eggs and it seems to toss them up. From this, it would appear that you will each get a random egg from this. Handy as you'll never know if you'll get a decent Pokémon that evolves into a further decent Pokémon and has various egg moves, or if you'll get a Magikarp
- In the Battle Frontier, there's a stall that sells you scratchcards for your Battle Points. With these scratch cards, you have the ability of getting many items including berries. However, it's random so you could end up with very little
We'll bring you more on Platinum as the release date nears and then our full-blown coverage shall begin.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures29-08-2008- 09:07 BST / 04:07 EDT by Serebii
The project is coming along nicely...
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired yesterday in Japan. This one concludes Pokémon Summer School arc and features Ash & co. partaking in a race using random Pokémon that they choose. This race goes across Land, Sea and Caves and the winner gets many points and will determine the best trainer at the Summer School. Click the picture to go to the picture gallery. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Game Mechanics - Substitute28-08-2008- 17:00 BST / 12:00 EDT by Serebii
If you have a Japanese Wii and the Nintendo Channel, be sure to check it as a new Platinum trailer is out on it. It doesn't contain anything new but still cool. I may ammend this update with episode pictures so be sure to check back
In The Game Mechanics Department
Another of the attacks I get asked about a lot is Substitute. Specifically what it does apart from taking damage for the Pokémon. To that end, I have created a page detailling the ins and outs of Substitue, what it does, what it protects from and what its useless against. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Nothing27-08-2008- 19:31 BST / 14:31 EDT by Serebii
In The Site Department
No News
Sorry all, with the news drought, there has obviously been very little to report upon. With Platinum just around the corner however, coverage will pick up around the 10th of September for that. We will have our hands on the game as soon as humanly possible so do not fret there. I have been working on the new project as well and it's coming along swimmingly, albeit still a far way off from showing. I shall however, try to get some content up on the site tomorrow so be sure to check back.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Episode Guide25-08-2008- 20:02 BST / 15:02 EDT by Serebii
Just a few weeks until Platinum and its onslaught of information and new Pokémon forms
In The Anime Department
Episode Guide
Our episode guide writer, Alfonso, has continued his return to guide writing by writing the guide for the upcoming episode featuring a special kind of Pokémon Contest. This episode shows Ash & Co. partake in a Pokémon Contest where you don't have to appeal and battle, but dress up and show your skills there. Click the picture for the synopsis and for pictures
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Episode Title & Pokémon of the Week24-08-2008- 10:52 BST / 05:52 EDT by Serebii
Not long until Platinum is out and the massive coverage you have come to expect from us begins
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the twenty-third episode of this season and the 543rd episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. meeting up with Wallace, the Contest Master and learning about an upcoming Pokémon Contest that has co-ordinators from around the world take part in for a Ribbon that's usable anywhere. The episode is called Our Cup Runneth Over! and is scheduled to air in two weeks in America.. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our seventy-sixth Pokémon. The Pokémon being covered today is Scizor, the Pincer Pokémon. Scizor is the evolved form of Scyther whom was introduced in the second generation. Having a Bug/Steel type gives it major weaknesses, however it has certainly strengthened in the generational jump. So here it is, the seventy-sixth featured Pokémon, Scizor.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Manga Summaries23-08-2008- 16:32 BST / 11:32 EDT by Serebii
Recently, I have been ironing out plans for a massive project. Several of you have given requests as to something similar to what is planned, but nothing near the scale to what I have planned. I shall begin after our main coverage of Pokémon Platinum is completed next month and will show it when a working beta is up.
In The Manga Department
Diamond & Pearl Summaries
Coronis has returned and kindly written the summaries for the chapters of the Pocket Monsters Special - Diamond & Pearl series that were released during his downtime this year. These summaries feature Dia, Pearl & Lady Berlitz as they travel through the land of Sinnoh partaking in gyms and contests. The chapters that have been covered are Chapters 23 up to 29. Click the picture to go to the index page to read on. Be warned as these are in-depth and contain spoilers
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Episode Pictures & Game Mechanics22-08-2008- 17:00 BST / 12:00 EDT by Serebii
I should have episode pictures later today or tomorrow. As soon as I get them, I shall ammend this update with them. I've also got a lot planned for Platinum's release, our coverage will be non-stop until we've scraped everything out of the game so look out for that. Of course, we will not plaster major stuff on the front page straight up so if you do not wish to be spoiled, you will not be.
Edit @ 21:58; Episode Pictures Up
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired yesterday in Japan. This one continues Pokémon Summer School arc and features Ash & co. being sent to investigate the nearby forest where Ghost Pokémon have been seen and to report on what ghosts they find. However, while there, they find more paranormal activity than they were prepared for. Click the picture to go to the picture gallery. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Game Mechanics Department
Berry Growing
One of the questions I sometimes get is regarding Berries. Specifically, I get asked how they're growth cycle works, how to maximise the harvest, where all the soil is and how the Mulch affects the outcome. To this end, I have created a page essentially giving you a guide on how to grow your berries, in order to maximise their potential. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Game Mechanics - One Hit KOs20-08-2008- 16:04 BST / 11:04 EDT by Serebii
As the news lull continues, more simple game mechanic pages come, I'm also redesigning parts of the Pokédex in anticipation for Platinum's release in a few weeks.
In The Game Mechanics Department
One Hit KOs
Another question that periodically arrives in my inbox is in regards to the four one hit KO moves within the game. Specifically, how they work and if there are any barriers to them and protections against them. With those in mind, I have created a page detailling the facts about One Hit KO moves. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Our Apologies19-08-2008- 18:54 BST / 13:54 EDT by Serebii
In The Site Department
Sincere Apologies
As you may, or may not be aware, for the 14 hours prior to this news post, the site was completely inaccessible to everyone. This was due to a major hardware fault that the tech support has rectified through replacing the burnt out components and as such it was completely unavoidable. There should be no further reprecussions from this downtime so I apologise for any inconvenience it caused. Tomorrow, I shall bring up some new pages so be sure to check back
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week17-08-2008- 10:45 BST / 05:45 EDT by Serebii
And so, the news lull continues...
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our seventy-fifth Pokémon. The Pokémon being covered today is Toxicroak, the Toxic Mouth Pokémon. Toxicroak is a new Pokémon from the 4th generation with a unique Poison/Fighting type. It also has two very unique and interesting abilities to help him in battle. So here it is, the seventy-fifth featured Pokémon, Toxicroak.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Episode Pictures & Episode Titles16-08-2008- 09:25 BST / 04:25 EDT by Serebii
Sorry about the delay once again. Now the news lull has begun, I'll get back to the random game mechanic pages I previously mentioned
Edit @ 17:33 BST; Episode Titles added
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired thursday in Japan. This one continues Pokémon Summer School arc and features Ash & co. researching perculiar occurances at the nearby lake. All the Pokémon are being put to sleep. Click the picture to go to the picture gallery. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the twenty-second episode of this season and the 542nd episode total. This episode features Pikachu re-considering its decision regarding evolution into Raichu after getting defeated by a stronger opponent. The episode is called Pika and Goliath and is scheduled to air in two weeks in America. It should also be noted that the title revealed last week is for the Dustox episode and not the Ranger episodes as previously thought. It is likely that these episodes will air in November to coincide with the release of Ranger: Shadows of Almia. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
In The Anime Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another Japanese Episode title has been revealed for the episode scheduled to air in Japan on the 11th of September. This episode features the gang finally meeting the Hearthome City Gym Leader; Fantina
Episode 561: The Dancing Gym Leader! Fantina Appears!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Episode Guide14-08-2008- 19:15 BST / 14:15 EDT by Serebii
The news lull begins once more. However, despite this, I will try and keep on-top of everything and even post up more Platinum stuff wherever possible. We should have episode pictures of today's episode soon
In The Anime Department
Episode Guide
Our episode guide writer, Alfonso, has continued his return to guide writing by writing the guide for the upcoming episode featuring Gligar. This episode also features the return of Gary as he assists in the training of Ash's Gligar. Click the picture for the synopsis and for pictures
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Platinum Pages & Episode Guide12-08-2008- 20:53 BST / 15:53 EDT by Serebii
Well, the news lull has likely begun until the game comes out. As usual, we will do our massive in-depth coverage of it so be sure to check back
In The Anime Department
Episode Guide
Our episode guide writer, Alfonso, has finally come out of hiding and has provided us with the guide for the future episde featuring Mr. Backlot's Trophy Garden. This episode has Swinub appear and eat every Pokémon's food. However, Team Rocket have their eyes on the Pokémon within the garden. Click the picture for the synopsis and for pictures
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Platinum Pics & Info11-08-2008- 11:42 BST / 06:42 EDT by Serebii
Tomorrow I will update the various Platinum sections with the news that has appeared over the past few days
Edit @ 15:30 BST; Further Sihlouette Info that I missed added & @ 16:55; Giratina's moves

In The Games Department
Platinum - New Pictures & Details
Today, the official site updated with the contents of CoroCoro. This gives us much clearer pictures on all aspects that were revealed and also clarifies certain things. Firstly, the sihlouettes aren't referred to as new Pokémon, but mysterious Pokémon, indicating that they are new forms as we already expect, and also as a plus, that the items to obtain them will be given away in shops AND over the WiFi connection from September 28th to November 4th. We do not know if it will be all at once but we'll keep you aprised so be sure to check back.
Secondly, some further details about the WiFi Room. Firstly, it appears you can only spend a certain amount of time in it each day. When your time is expired, the lights go dim and fireworks and other fun things start happening. The boat will appear and you will leave on it. It is currently unknown how long you can stay in it. You also get Touch Toys in the WiFi Room, controlled on the touch screen where the Pokétch would be. These have various effects within the WiFi Room and can be upgraded based upon the scores within the mini-games.
Giratina's Origin Forme also gets the following new attacks; Spite, Outrage & Mud-Slap
As said, I have added the new hi-res pictures to the game's picture gallery. There are some new ones and the rest are improved in quality. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Platinum Pics, Episode Pictures, Titles & Pokémon of the Week10-08-2008- 09:45 BST / 04:45 EDT by Serebii
If any new Platinum info crops up, I'll update again
Edit @ 10:55 BST; Platinum stuff released
In The Games Department
Platinum - New Pictures & Details
Finally, the larger scans are up and show us the pictures in decent quality. As such, I have extracted them from the scans and added them into our section. No further information was revealed except confirmation of the story change which now involves you meeting Cyrus at Lake Verity at the start of the game. It also confirms that the sihlouettes will be revealed by the game's release. We will likely get pure quality pictures before the end of the week. In the meantime, click the picture to go to the page.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired thursday in Japan. This one begins the four week Pokémon Summer School arc and features Ash & co. training other Pokémon to show their skills in battle. This arc is set to feature all throughout August. Click the picture to go to the picture gallery. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the nineteenth episode of this season and the 539th episode total. This episode is the first of a two part episode crossover featuring Hunter J and the playable character in the upcoming game Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. It also follows the special mission within that game of having a Riolu with Aura Sphere. The episode is called Crossing Paths and is scheduled to air in two weeks in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
In The Anime Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another Japanese Episode title has been revealed for the episode scheduled to air in Japan on the 4th of September. This episode features Team Rocket resolving to be better and to get back in shape
Episode 560: Return to the Basics, Team Rocket!
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our seventy-fourth Pokémon. The Pokémon being covered today is Shedinja, the Shed Pokémon. Shedinja is a very unique Pokémon in a number of ways. The first, it doesn't get captured or evolve, it spawns when Nincada evolves into Ninjask if you have a Pokéball and a spare slot in your party. It also only has one hit point making it seem like the weakest Pokémon, however it is immune to all hits except Super Effective, thus causing massive strategies to be made around it. So here it is, the seventy-fourth featured Pokémon, Shedinja.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: New Platinum Video & Details09-08-2008- 08:49 BST / 03:49 EDT by Serebii
Again, I would have had this up earlier, but I was asleep. I will update again should anything else crop up
Edit @ 10:47 BST: Further Details
In The Games Department
Platinum - Details
Some less than clear pictures of CoroCoro have surfaced, revealing a bit more of the information revealed in CoroCoro this month. Here's a list of the new stuff it has. We'll try and get pictures as soon as possible
- The start of the game runs differently with quicker confrontations with the Rival & Professor Rowan in Route 201 and Lake Verity
- I forgot to note this earlier with the last scans on Thursday, but the police officer is codenamed "Handsome". CoroCoro questions whether he's actually working for Team Galactic or actually hunting them down
- The Battle Tower makes the return, pretty much identical to it's running in Diamond & Pearl; Sets of 7, try to get a streak
- The Battle Factory returns in Sinnoh, working in the same manner as Emerald. Select three Pokémon at the start of battle, all rentals
- Over the GTS's new Global Terminal, it appears you can send some sort of mail to various people, possibly to your friends and maybe even to random people.
- There are several games to be found in the new WiFi room for you to play with your friends. These include Merry Mime Jr. where you control Mime Jr. on a ball the longest, Rapid Wobbuffet and the aforementioned Swalot game
- Confirmation of the sihlouettes was also included. What they are will be more than likely revealed next month.
More is sure to come so be sure to keep checking back

In The Games Department
Platinum - New Trailer
Well, a new trailer arose today from Pokémon Festa, as seen on Youtube, which contains new clips of areas that you can get into in Platinum as well as new aspects. The most noteable of which is a double battle with Elite Four member Flint and Sunyshore Gym Leader Volkner. We also see a variety of the new mini-games in the WiFi area including a game where you have to push down on a Wobbuffet head on the touch screen and where you control Mime Jr. who is balancing on a moving ball. There also are shows of various Battle Frontier areas including one where you seem to select from cards which determine various aspects of the battle. There also appears to be another facility similar to the Battle Factory of Emerald. Most of this information appears to be in the missing pages of CoroCoro which we should have scans for shortly so watch this space.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: New Pokémon/Forms & Platinum Data07-08-2008- 09:01 BST / 04:01 EDT by Serebii
Would have had this up earlier, but I was asleep
Edit @ 12:30 BST: Platinum Details Added. Edit @ 14:50: Earlier update confirmed
In The Games Department
Platinum - New Pics & Info
Some scans of what may to be from the upcoming CoroCoro have also reached the internet showing various things, however these things we already know about. It contains some information on the Police Officer hunting down Team Galactic and also shows the new look of three of the gyms. Showing that Eterna Gym has blades which rotate allowing access to various parts of the gym. The flashlight area seen in other videos is also part of a gym, which one is not yet known, and Veilstone Gym also has a new look. Another scan also confirms that Sky Forme Shaymin can learn the attack; Leaf Storm. Click the picture to go to the picture page with the new scan extracts. We'll bring you more as and when it happens

In The Game Department
New Pokémon/Forms
Early last night, the blue skY blog posted some pictures of what appears to be some sihlouettes of what may be some new Pokémon. It is said that leaflets given with Pokémon Platinum will contain clues regarding them, and that more data will be known from September 28th (2 year anniversary of Diamond & Pearl) to the 4th November. Each of these Pokémon seem to share similar attributes so its possible that they could be alternate forms of a new Pokémon or even an old one. It is now confirmed and it seems CoroCoro has them in their new issue, so it'll likely be next month before we see anything new so watch this space for further news.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Game Mechanics - Critical Hits05-08-2008- 17:28 BST / 12:28 EDT by Serebii
Sorry I took so long, things have got a bit busy for me here. However, Platinum news will appear within the week if all goes well
In The Game Mechanics Department
Critical Hits
Continuing our coverage of just about everything, even the basic stuff that we tend to forget about, I have created a page for one of the more requested game mechanics; Critical Hits. Critical Hits are esssnetially random boosts to the power of your attacks that could change the tide of battle. Pretty much everyone one of you probably has had a battle which went the other way due to a lucky Critical Hit. So to learn about them, click the picture to go to the page;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week03-08-2008- 10:58 BST / 05:58 EDT by Serebii
Things are still slow. I will endeavour to get some new stuff soon though, am thinking of the game mechanic pages I mentioned the other day done and sorted by tomorrow
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our seventy-third Pokémon. The Pokémon being covered today is Tauros, the Wild Bull Pokémon that originally was only found in the Safari Zone with a very elusive capture rate. Said to be the male counterpart of Miltank, it's interesting to note that unlike the Nidorans and Volbeat/Illumise, the eggs that hatch are not 50% Tauros/Miltank. Rather you need to breed Tauros with a Ditto to get a Tauros egg. So here it is, the seventy-third featured Pokémon, Tauros.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Episode Title02-08-2008- 16:43 BST / 11:43 EDT by Serebii
We should have new Platinum stuff in just over a week, keep your eye here for that
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the eighteenth episode of this season and the 538th episode total. This episode features the three Chingling that are partaking in a magic act. However, one of them cannot seem to get things right. The episode is called Bells are Singing! and is scheduled to air in two weeks in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Platinum Pictures01-08-2008- 18:14 BST / 13:14 EDT by Serebii
Still slow news, got some ideas for cool game mechanic pages to make. These ones are not necessarily massively in-depth calculation based ones that you normally see, but rather focus on the more subtle mechanics that some people tend to overlook
In The Games Department
Platinum Pictures
The official yahoo site today added some new videos showing some interesting aspects of Pokémon Platinum, specifically the new sprites as well as showing how large the snow cover is in Sinnoh. These videos also contain explanations into various aspects of Pokémon Platinum, albeit in Japanese. As such, I have screencapped several interesting pictures from the videos and added them to our Picture Gallery. Click the picture to go to it