Friday: Celebi Gamestop Event & Advent Calendar Close31-12-2010- 10:32 GMT / 05:32 EST by Serebii
Sorry for the lack of updates this week but I have been busy with family stuff. I will try to add to this update throughout the day Since Pokémon Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 17:25 GMT Edit @ 17:25; Celebi Event

In The Site Department
New Event - Celebi
Details for the US release of the Pokémon Celebi have been leaked upon the Internet. From February 27th 2011 to March 7th 2011 you'll be able to go to Gamestop stores across America and download the Celebi to Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver. This Celebi has two special features. First, in HeartGold & SoulSilver, you can take it to Ilex Forest where you'll get to time travel and learn some of the Rocket backstory. Then, when you send to Black & White through the Transfer Machine, you'll be able to take it to the GameFreak headquarters in Castelia City and get Zorua. We'll bring more details, including confirmation, as and when we can

In The Site Department
Serebii.net's 8th Advent Calendar - Closes Tomorrow
As we have done since 2003, this year, my good friend PiPikachu and I have done another Advent Calendar this year. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, an Advent Calendar is essentially a countdown until Christmas. As today marks the end of the year, it is the final day that our Advent Calendar will be active and so you have a small window in order to get the 52 wallpapers and do the 28 puzzles included within it. Click the picture you go to our Advent Calendar.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Pokémon Black & White Game Mechanics - Type Changing29-12-2010- 12:44 GMT / 07:44 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check the past weekend's updates as numerous localised Pokémon Black & White information bits have been revealed. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 12:44 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Game Mechanics - Type Changing
In the games, types have been very important and since the beginning there have been a couple of minor type changing moves and abilities. This has changed somewhat with a couple of new moves in Pokémon Black & White, one of which forces a change of the opponent's type. As such, I have created a Game Mechanic page based upon these type changing moves and abilities
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Pokémon Black & White US Release + Pokémon names27-12-2010- 14:02 GMT / 09:02 EST by Serebii
I hope all of you have had a good Christmas. Be sure to check yesterday's massive update. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 17:15 GMT Edit @ 14:56; Added trailer | Edit @ 17:15 Two New Names | Edit @ 17:20; More names | Edit @ 17:34; Professor Juniper confirmed | Edit @ 22:37; Attack Names

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - US Release Revealed
Nintendo has issued a press release detailling the release date of the upcoming Pokémon games, Pokémon Black & White. These games are due for release in the US on March 6th 2011. These games are whole new games set in a new region with 156 new Pokémon added into the mix as well as a plethora of extras. We have detailled the games extensively since the Japanese launch so be sure to check our section to learn about the games.
The press release also confirmed that the areas Black City & White Forest keep their Japanese names. We'll bring more on the localisation as and when it comes
EDIT: In addition to this, the official website has updated with two new Pokémon names. First is Minccino (in Japan; Chillarmy) and second is Gigalith (in Japan; Gigaiath). In addition to this, there is also Sandile (in Japan; Meguroco), Blitzle (in Japan; Shimama), Pidove (in Japan; Mamepato), Klink (in Japan; Gear) & Darmanitan (in Japan; Hihidaruma). Munna keeps its Japanese name. Click them to go to their respective Pokédex page.
It also revealed the name of several abiltiies; Encourage is now Sheer Force, Overconfidence is now Moxie, Pigeon Heart is now Big Pecks
It also confirmed that Professor Araragi is Professor Juniper and Hiun City is Castelia City. Finally, these slipped under the radar. Several moves have also had name changes; Sweep Slap is now Tail Slap, Wild Bolt is now Wild Charge and Telekinesis keeps its name
Click to show trailer:
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Episode Title & Pokémon of the Week26-12-2010- 15:33 GMT / 10:33 EST by Serebii
I hope all of you have had a good Christmas. Be sure to check yesterday's massive update. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 15:33 GMT
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another new episode title has been revealed for one of the next episodes in the new Best Wishes series by Terebi-kun magazine. This episode is scheduled to air on January 27th 2010 and feature Ash & co. meeting up with the Hiun Gym Leader; Arty.
Episode 677: Yaguruma Forest! Kurumiru and Arty!!
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & ninety-eighth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within fourth generation. It is a docile Pokémon which lives on berries. If you have several of them lined up together, there is no way to get past them. So here it is, the one hundred & ninety-eighth featured Pokémon, Bastiodon.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday/Christmas Eve: New Pokémon Names + Pokédex Update + Advent Calendar + Ash's Pikachu Event24-12-2010- 09:13 GMT / 04:13 EST by Serebii
I hope all of you have a good Christmas and a great holiday period Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 21:10 GMT Edit @ 12:51; Dream World Furniture Page Update | Edit @ 13:30; Ash's Pikachu event Edit @ 20:50; Three New Pokémon Names | Edit @ 21:10; N & Team Plasma

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Three New Pokémon Names Revealed
With thanks to Shadaer for sending this in, various retail stores have begun receiving display boxes for Pokémon Black & White. These boxes match the Japanese box and as such shows a Triple Battle. This Triple Battle has given us the names of three of the Pokémon, the elemental monkeys. The US name for Yanappu is Pansage. The US name for Baoppu is Pansear and finally, the US name for Hiyappu is Panpour. We'll bring more names as they come, and expect the official site to update with these soon. Edit: Incidentally, it also confirms that N and Team Plasma keep their names

In The Site Department
Pokémon Black & White - Pokédex Update
One of the more common requests within the community for the Pokédex has been the ability to see the moves that Pokémon lose during the generational shift. These are moves which the Pokémon can know in the Generation IV games but can't learn naturally within Black & White. These include Level-Up moves, Egg Moves, Tutor Moves and the TMs which no longer are given. This also includes two HMs; Whirlpool & Defog which can't be PokéShifted within the games they are HMs in, but can in the others. It also lists specific forms knowing specific moves where applicable. This allows for you to easily see what moves your Pokémon can possibly have. Click the image to go to our Pokédex

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Global Link Downloads
To tie in with Christmas, some new furniture items have been made available via the Dream World. These bits of furniture match the styling of furniture in the Pokémon Centre stores in Japan and consist of clothes racks, shelves and storage. These furniture items are avaiailable to get for a brief time from today to January 11th 2011 so be sure to access them in the gifts area of the Global Link while you can.
Edit: I have updated the Dream World Furniture page with listings of all the items obtained with this gift
In addition to this, a new C Gear background based upon the Pokémon Tabunne. This C Gear background is delivered via a leaflet with the password on to be entered on the Pokémon Global Link website.

In The Site Department
New Event - Ash's Pikachu
For those of you in the US, Toys 'R' Us have announced that from January 30th 2011 to February 5th 2011, they'll be offering a download of a Pikachu matching Ash's Pikachu to your Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver games. This Pikachu matches the one given over WiFi earlier this year in Japan and doesn't unlock anything new in the games. It is unknown if it will be given away over WiFi at a later point.

In The Site Department
Serebii.net's 8th Advent Calendar
As we have done since 2003, this year, my good friend PiPikachu and I have been working on an Advent Calendar. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, an Advent Calendar is essentially a countdown until Christmas. For the past 24 days, we have added 28 puzzles and 52 wallpapers for you to download. Today, marks the end of the advent calendar for this year with a massive 200+ word Crossword, capable of being completed in your browser rather than requiring printing. The Advent Calendar and the goods within it will remain up until January 1st so check it out and do the puzzles while you still can. Click the picture you go to our Advent Calendar.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Episode Pictures + Character Biography + Dub Title23-12-2010- 13:15 GMT / 08:15 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 13:15 GMT
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & co. getting to the Shippou City museum. However, the soon find that there are spooky happenings inside. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to create a character biography for Aloe. Aloe is the Gym Leader of Shippou City and focuses her team on Normal-type Pokémon. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
A new dub title was revealed by the official site. This is the episode title for the thirtieth episode of this season and the 655th episode total. This episode features the continuation of the Sinnoh League and shows the match up of Ash & Paul. This episode is to be called A Real Rival Rouser! and is scheduled to air on the 8th of January. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokémon Black & White Dream World + Battrio Set + TCG22-12-2010- 09:59 GMT / 04:59 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 12:03 GMT Edit @ 10:50; TCG Details | Edit @ 12:03; New Battrio Set detailled

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Dream World
Continuing on from previously, the coverage shall continue onwards and upwards. I'm continuing to add to the various Game Mechanic sections and I'll be adding to these constantly over the next few days. If there's a bit you feel i missed or need to add, let me know
In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game and Pokéarth for in-depth trainer & Pokémon details. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;
- Yesterday, after the weekly maintenence on the Global Link, the Dream World opened up once more. However, for now, the amount of Dream Points required to unlock the various Pokémon and items in the various areas has been halved. Those which required 15,000 points now require 7,500 and those which required 20,000 now only need 10,000. In addition to this, the points required to get the areas has also halved. It is unknown if there are plans to add more Pokémon to higher points as of yet

In The Games Department
New Battrio Set
Recently, yet another Battrio set has been released and sorry for the delay in posting this. This set, the Great Gathering of Legendary and Mirage Pokemon! Explosive Double Moves Chapter is based upon the various Legendary Pokémon and introduces the new feature of Hall of Fame Pokémon being Pokémon with two sets of stats and attacks, which you choose upon when you send them out. As such, I have compiled a list of all the discs within the set. These follow the same new mechanics introduced in previous Battrio 0 sets. The BattrioDex has been updated with the contents of this set. Click the picture to go to the page.
In The TCG Department
Big Summit Clash
The new and first Black & White series TCG set was released last week in Japan and as such, we have obtained details on all the card details for this set which I have compiled into our usual section with thanks to Guested for assistance in the translations. These sets feature nothing but Black & White Pokémon, and we'll have images of the full cards as soon as possible. I have updated the CardDex with the cards from these sets. Click the respective picture to go to our pages
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Event - Shiny Beasts21-12-2010- 08:14 GMT / 03:14 EST by Serebii
Sorry about the lateness of this post. Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 16:54 GMT Edit @ 16:54; Episode Titles

In The Games Department
Pokémon Event - Shiny Beasts Event Announced
To tie in with the February Release of the new movie; Zoroark Master of Illusion, Nintendo has announced that, in the US, Gamestop is going to be hosting the events to give the downloads of the Shiny Beasts; Raikou, Entei & Suicune. However, unlike the japanese distribution, you have the ability to get all three. From January 3rd 2011 to January 9th 2011, you'll be able to receive Raikou. From January 17th 2011 to January 23rd 2011, you'll be able to receive Entei. From January 31st 2011 to February 6th 2011, you'll be able to receive Suicune. When you transfer these Pokémon to Black & White through the Transfer Machine, you'll be able to take them to Illusion Forest to awaken Zoroark
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another pair of new episode titles have been revealed for two of the next episodes in the new Best Wishes series by Dengeki, though total confirmation is still pending. These episodes are scheduled to air on January 13th & 20th 2010 and feature Ash's second Unova gym battle as well as the hatching of Ash's recently received Egg
Episode 675: Shippou City Gym Rematch! Explosive New Move!!
Episode 676: The Wild Child That Hatched From The Egg.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Pokémon Black & White - Battle Subway Trainers + Movie Summary20-12-2010- 14:27 GMT / 09:27 EST by Serebii
Make sure you check the previous few updates as it has been a fairly busy week.. Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 14:27 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Battle Subway - Multi Battles
Continuing on from previously, the coverage shall continue onwards and upwards. I'm continuing to add to the various Game Mechanic sections and I'll be adding to these constantly over the next few days. If there's a bit you feel i missed or need to add, let me know
In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game and Pokéarth for in-depth trainer & Pokémon details. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;
- Continuing on from yesterday's update, I have create a section for every single trainer in the Battle Subway. This section has a page listing each of the Pokémon each of the 300 potential opponents can have as well as their attacks and items, allowing you to be able to easily create a strategy when you go within the Subway.

In The Animé Department
Phantom Champion Zoroark Screencaps
The latest Pokémon movie, Phantom Champion Zoroark, has been released on DVD in Japan recently and my Hyper Tails has kindly done a summary for us based upon his DVD. This movie featured the introduction of the two first Generation V Pokémon; Zorua & Zoroark and a plotline which involves Zoroark being forced to do evil deeds. Be warned as this summary contains spoilers so only view it if you don't mind the spoilers
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon Black & White - Battle Subway + Pokémon of the Week19-12-2010- 10:26 GMT / 05:26 EST by Serebii
Make sure you check the previous few updates as it has been a fairly busy week.. Will add the Pokémon of the Week later today Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 16:53 GMT Edit @ 16:53; Pokémon of the Week

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Battle Subway - Multi Battles
Continuing on from previously, the coverage shall continue onwards and upwards. I'm continuing to add to the various Game Mechanic sections and I'll be adding to these constantly over the next few days. If there's a bit you feel i missed or need to add, let me know
In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game and Pokéarth for in-depth trainer & Pokémon details. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;
- As requested by many people, I have created a page about the Multi Battle aspect of the Battle Subway and specifically, the Pokémon that your Single Player NPC partner could possibly have as well as the different aspects which help set the team.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & ninety-seventh Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within first generation. It stores an overflowing amount of electric energy inside its body. Even a small shock makes it explode. Six of them were used to power a radio antenna in Mahogany Town. So here it is, the one hundred & ninety-seventh featured Pokémon, Electrode.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Phantom Champion Zoroark Screencaps18-12-2010- 10:45 GMT / 05:45 EST by Serebii
Make sure you check the previous few updates as it has been a fairly busy week. Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 10:45 GMT
In The Animé Department
Phantom Champion Zoroark Screencaps
The latest Pokémon movie, Phantom Champion Zoroark, has been released on DVD in Japan recently and my good friend Sunain has kindly done screencaps of this movie from her DVD. This movie featured the introduction of the two first Generation V Pokémon; Zorua & Zoroark and a plotline which involves Zoroark being forced to do evil deeds. Be warned as these screencaps spoil the movie so only view them if you don't mind spoilers. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this movie. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: New Pokémon Black & White Dream World Furniture17-12-2010- 18:01 GMT / 13:01 EST by Serebii
Make sure you check the previous few updates as it has been a fairly busy week. Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 18:01 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - New Dream World Furniture Incoming
The official site updated earlier revealing that several contests have ended in Japan which allowed for the design of a new Dream World house. The house, as seen in this image, will become available within the Dream World Furniture catalogue soon. This house, and the furniture within the house, work in a similar manner to your Secret Base in past games and allow for networking between you and your friends who have connected via the Dream World. We'll bring details on when it'll be released as well as the in-game cost as soon as we can .
In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Battle-athon for Charity
For those interested, a friend of mine has organised a charity event that beginning today where there will be a stream until midnight Monday of Pokémon Battles with various popular people in order to raise money for the Free the Children charity. Click here to view and help them reach their goal and there are sure to be many decent battles to watch during the marathon.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon Black & White WiFi Event Active + Episode Pictures16-12-2010- 11:39 GMT / 06:39 EST by Serebii
Will add episode pictures later today. Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 12:15 GMT Edit @ 12:15; Episode Pictures & Character Biography added

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Wi-Fi Event Begins
The latest WiFi Event for Pokémon Black & White is now active. This event, which has been shrouded in mystery, will give you an egg containing one of three different Pokémon. These Pokémon are Mamepato, Kibago & Yanappu, based on the Pokémon of Ash, Iris & Dento respectively. These Pokémon have set natures and stats, each of them having maximum values in one stat. Their attacks are also based upon the attacks the Pokémon know in the anime. This event runs until January 11th 2011 so get your Egg while you still can. The Event Database has been updated with details on these eggs.

In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash meeting Belle and getting his Badge Case. However, a Chillarmy soon comes and takes the Badge Case in order to clean it. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to create a character biography for Belle. Belle is a character who originates from the Black & White games and has now been seen in the anime as one of Professor Araragi's assistants. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokéarth Upgrade + Jp. Pokémon Black & White WiFi Event15-12-2010- 08:53 GMT / 03:53 EST by Serebii
May update this update again later today. Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 08:53 GMT
In The Site Department
Pokémon Black & White Pokéarth Update
As many of you know, the section for the new region in Black & White; Unova, spearheaded the new look for the Pokéarth. Well, yesterday I took this new look further and have updated all the pages of the Unova Pokéarth section to include information about special things in each area, what HMs can be used in the area and various more pictographical links in order to help players know exactly where they are. Click the image to go to our section.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - World Hobby Fair Giveaway
Following on from yesterday's update regarding the World Hobby Fair, Nintendo have announced that they will also be distributing the special Zoroark over the Nintendo WiFi Connection from mid February 2010. This Zoroark knows a move which no other Pokémon can currently legitimately know; Bark Out. Bark Out is a sound-based Dark-type move which will later be available via TM95. They said more details will be announced on the January 9th episode of Pokémon Smash.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Another Pokémon Black & White Giveaway + Ranger Guardian Signs WiFi Events14-12-2010- 10:10 GMT / 05:10 EST by Serebii
I will be updating this update with an update to an important section later today or tomorrow so be sure to check back. Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 13:26 GMT Edit @ 10:35; Ranger Guardian Signs WiFi Missions | Edit @ 13:26; Anime special announced

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - World Hobby Fair Giveaway
The new issue of CoroCoro has announced that at the next World Hobby Fair in Japan, there will be yet another Pokémon giveaway. The World Hobby Fair runs from January 16th 2011 to February 6th 2011 in various parts of Japan. During this fair, Nintendo will be distributing a special Zoroark. This Zoroark knows a move which no other Pokémon can currently legitimately know; Bark Out. Bark Out is a sound-based Dark-type move which will later be available via TM95. We'll bring more details on this giveaway as and when we get it

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs - WiFi Missions
For those of you with the US & EU versions of the newly release Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs, the two missions; Find Giratina's Griseous Orb & Pledge to Arceus began yesterday over WiFi. These missions don't have any special downloads for you to send to your main games, but do further the storyline of the games linking the Past Missions to the Present Missions. There is currently no end date for these missions so get them while you can.
In The Anime Department
New Special One-Hour Long Episode Announced
CoroCoro has also announced that a one hour special will air on February 3rd 2011. This special is essentially a new side story featuring Brock and Dawn where Dawn has gone to Hearthome City again in order to further train her Buneary. We don't have any further details on this episode just yet but as soon as we do, it'll be posted here.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week12-12-2010- 12:10 GMT / 07:10 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 12:10 GMT
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & ninety-sixth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within third generation. It is said that its body is made of Antarctic ice. If you gather it and it's two other bretheren in Snowpoint City, you can unlock the leader of the quad. So here it is, the one hundred & ninety-sixth featured Pokémon, Regice.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon Dream World Limit11-12-2010- 15:16 GMT / 10:16 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 15:16 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Dream World
Continuing on from previously, the coverage shall continue onwards and upwards. I'm continuing to add to the various Game Mechanic sections and I'll be adding to these constantly over the next few days. If there's a bit you feel i missed or need to add, let me know
In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game and Pokéarth for in-depth trainer & Pokémon details. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;
- With special thanks to Kudan for confirming this. Previously, when you sent Pokémon from the Dream World to your Pokémon Black & White games, you would be informed of a limit of 50 Pokémon to be on your board saying that once you hit 50, you can't send any more Pokémon to your game. This limit however, has since been removed. We're currently unaware of any further limit but you can now send Pokémon to your games unworried about filling up your limit. We still need to keep testing to further confirm this or whether it was just exemption due to event Pokémon.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Japanese Pokémon Black & White Giveaways10-12-2010- 08:25 GMT / 03:25 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 08:25 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Giveaways
Continuing on from previously, the coverage shall continue onwards and upwards. I'm continuing to add to the various Game Mechanic sections and I'll be adding to these constantly over the next few days. If there's a bit you feel i missed or need to add, let me know
In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game and Pokéarth for in-depth trainer & Pokémon details. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;
- The official site has announced that in the next issue of the Pokémon Fan magazine, there will be a password that'll allow for the download of Mamoswine. Like most downloads, this Mamoswine will have its Dream World ability, this time it is Thick Fat. Go here for more details on the Pokémon
- The official site has also announced an in-life giveaway of Darkrai at the All Nippon Airways terminal at Haneda Airport and various shops from December 27th 2010 to January 11th 2011. This Darkrai is Level 50 and has the moves; Dark Void Ominous Wind, Faint Attack, Nightmare and has an Enigma Berrry attached. The details for this Darkrai have been added to the Event Database
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Episode Pictures09-12-2010- 13:38 GMT / 08:38 EST by Serebii
I'm really sorry that the updates have been few and far between the past few days. Have had some family emergencies hit which has eaten my time. However, it's all sorted now so we'll be back to our regular schedule. Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 13:38 GMT
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & co. getting attacked by a group of kids. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Black & White US Names + Weight Mechanics + Episode Title07-12-2010- 08:30 GMT / 03:30 EST by Serebii
I'm really sorry that this update is so late. Unfortunately, my family has been hit by an emergency which has taken away my time the past few days. I will ammend this updatr later on. Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 10:51 GMT Edit @ 10:51; Weight Mechanics & Episode Title added

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White Coverage Day 65
Continuing on from previously, the coverage shall continue onwards and upwards. I'm continuing to add to the various Game Mechanic sections and I'll be adding to these constantly over the next few days. If there's a bit you feel i missed or need to add, let me know
In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game and Pokéarth for in-depth trainer & Pokémon details. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;
- I have created a page detailling the new mechanics introduced within Black & White based upon the Weight of Pokémon.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White Zorua/Zoroark Names
Nintendo have today announced the official names for the Zorua & Zoroark within the games Pokémon Black & Pokémon White. These two Pokémon will keep their names in the games. However, Zoroark's classification is Illusion Fox Pokémon while Zorua's is Tricky Fox Pokémon. We also received two new move translations. Claw Sharpen is now to be called Hone Claws while Trickery is now known as Foul Play
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another new episode title has been revealed for one of the next episodes in the new Best Wishes series by Newtype. This episode is scheduled to air on January 6th 2010 and features Ash's second Unova gym battle
Episode 674: Shippou Gym Battle! VS Gym Leader Aloe!!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon Black & White + Dub Title + Pokémon of the Week05-12-2010- 10:17 GMT / 05:17 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 14:52 GMT Edit @ 14:52; Fling Details
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White Coverage Day 64
Continuing on from previously, the coverage shall continue onwards and upwards. I'm continuing to add to the various Game Mechanic sections and I'll be adding to these constantly over the next few days. If there's a bit you feel i missed or need to add, let me know
In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game and Pokéarth for in-depth trainer & Pokémon details. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;
- I have updated the page detailling the move Fling with the new flingable items and effects brought in Black & White.

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
A new dub title was revealed by the MSN TV schedule. This is the episode title for the twenty-ninth episode of this season and the 654th episode total. This episode features the continuation of the Sinnoh League and shows the match up of Ash & Paul. This episode is to be called Familiarity Breeds Strategy! and is scheduled to air on the 18th of December. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & ninety-fifth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within fourth generation. It cannot be obtained in two of the games of its generation. It can perform photosynthesis in order to clean the air So here it is, the one hundred & ninety-fifth featured Pokémon, Leafeon.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon Black & White Pages04-12-2010- 12:00 GMT / 07:00 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check our Advent Calendar each day as new puzzles and downloads come daily. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 12:00 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White Coverage Day 64
Continuing on from previously, the coverage shall continue onwards and upwards. I'm continuing to add to the various Game Mechanic sections and I'll be adding to these constantly over the next few days. If there's a bit you feel i missed or need to add, let me know
In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game and Pokéarth for in-depth trainer & Pokémon details. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;
- I have updated the page detailling the Dream World Locations with many more items that are found in the areas after cetain conditions are met.
- I have also been updating the various sections with various bug fixes and clarifications for many aspects of the game which had people confused.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Pokémon Movie 14's Pokémon Giveaway03-12-2010- 08:25 GMT / 03:25 EST by Serebii
Will add to this update throughout today. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 08:25 GMT
In The Games & Movies Department
Pokémon 14th Movie GIveaway
The official site today has updated stating that one of the giveaways with the upcoming movie; Victini & The Black Hero, will be, as many expected, a special Victini. This Victini is said to be different from the Victini you found with the Liberty Ticket in Pokémon Black & White when the game came out in September. It is not known how but presumably it'll have special moves not normally known by Victini. Typically, with the movies, there are two giveaways. One is a giveaway starting before the movie and the second is a special Pokémon giveaway running from movie launch onwards. This is likely the former but no information has yet been provided. We'll bring more on this when it comes
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Global Link Event + Episode PicturesPokémon Movie Update + Character Biography02-12-2010- 10:32 GMT / 05:32 EST by Serebii
Will add Episode Pictures to this update as soon as possible. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 13:46 GMT | Edit @ 13:46; Episode Pictures & Global Link Event

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White Coverage Day 63
Continuing on from previously, the coverage shall continue onwards and upwards. I'm continuing to add to the various Game Mechanic sections and I'll be adding to these constantly over the next few days. If there's a bit you feel i missed or need to add, let me know
In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game and Pokéarth for in-depth trainer & Pokémon details. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;
- With special thanks to my good friend Sabonea Masukippa for confirming, we have information that starting fairly recently, when it is your birthday soon and you're registered at the Daisuki Club as well as the Pokémon Global Link, you will get given a gift of a special Togekiss through the Dream World. This Togekiss, like most other Pokémon has a special ability not normally known by Togekiss. Go to the Global Link Event Pokémon page for further details.

In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & co. helping out an Ishizumai who gets attacked after crafting itself a new home. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Movies Department
Pokémon 14th Movie Trailer
During today's epiosdes of Oha Suta and the new episode of Pokémon Best Wishes, the newest teaser trailer for the upcoming movie; Pokémon Best Wishes - Victini & The Black Hero was aired. This trailer didn't show much but I have added a few screenshots to the new Victini & The Black Hero page. Our friends at Filb will likely have the trailer up shortly. We'll bring more as it comes
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to update Dento's character biography with another new Pokémon that he managed to capture during today's episode. Be warned though as this biography contains major spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokémon Black & White + Serebii.net Advent Calendar01-12-2010- 08:18 GMT / 03:18 EST by Serebii
Will update this update later in the day so be sure to keep checking back. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 13:25 GMT Edit @ 10:35; Seasonal reminder | Edit @ 13:25; Gravitational Field page

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White Coverage Day 63
Continuing on from previously, the coverage shall continue onwards and upwards. I'm continuing to add to the various Game Mechanic sections and I'll be adding to these constantly over the next few days. If there's a bit you feel i missed or need to add, let me know
In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game and Pokéarth for in-depth trainer & Pokémon details. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;
- As many of you may know, today marks the start of Winter in Unova. Unlike the other seasons, Winter gives access to a variety of new places and has many different Pokémon appear within the areas, some of which can't be found in Unova in the other seasons so be sure to go hunting this month as you wont be able to get them again until April.
- As some of you have requested, I have made a Game Mechanic page detailling the Gravitational Effects in the games.

In The Site Department
Serebii.net's 8th Advent Calendar
As we have done since 2003, this year, my good friend PiPikachu and I have created an Advent Calendar. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, an Advent Calendar is essentially a countdown until Christmas. Every day, a new puzzle and a variety of new downloads for you to enjoy. As time goes on, the puzzles get harder and the downloads get more plentiful, so be sure to check back every day. In a massive change to the previous years Advent Calendars, no longer do the puzzles require printing out, but they can now easily be done within your own browser. Click the picture you go to our Advent Calendar.