Friday: Super Smash Bros - Dedenne + Discount Coupon Reminder+ Pokémon Special XY28-02-2014 07:06 GMT / 02:06 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for four months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT Edit @ 09:08: Pokémon Special X & Y | Edit @ 13:00: Discount Coupon

In The Games Department
Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U - Dedenne
The next Pokémon related input in the new Super Smash Bros game has been announced. Following a statement about characters who work hard but aren't quite enough to be main character, it has been revealed that Dedenne is in the game, presumably as a Pokémon that appears in a PokéBall. It seems to send massive electric shocks out across the field. We'll bring more as it comes
In The Games Department
Pokémon X & Y - Discount Coupon
For those of you with Pokémon X & Y, the special Discount Coupon promotion on the Pokémon Global Link is scheduled to end on Monday. This promotion, available in the PokéMileage Club on the Global Link site, gives you a download of the rare Discount Coupon item, which gives you 50% off on one transaction at any Boutique across the Kalos region. This item cannot be traded. Be sure to download it while you can
In The Manga Department
Pokémon Special - X & Y
In Japan, the latest saga of the Pokémon Special/Pokémon Adventures manga, focusing on the events of Pokémon X & Y, has begun in a variety of Japanese magazine. As such, Coronis has begun the section of this saga, including the beginning of detailed summaries of the entire saga on the index page. Click the image to go to our page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon - Generation IV & V Online Termination + Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie Poster + Episode Pictures27-02-2014 07:03 GMT / 02:03 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for four months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 14:01 GMT Edit @ 07:27: Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie Poster | Edit @ 12:12: Episode Pictures | Edit @ 14:01: Netflix

In The Games Department
Pokémon - Online Services
Nintendo has announced that, as of May 20th 2014, all online services across the DS and Wii games will terminate. This means that you will not be able to go online with any of the following Pokémon games: Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold, Pokémon SoulSilver, Pokémon Battle Revolution, Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2, Pokémon White 2, My Pokémon Ranch, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia & Pokémon Conquest. All online features of these games will be inaccessible, regardless of the console you play them on. All 3DS and Wii U games will continue to be playable online, as will Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter.

In The Games Department
Pokémon - CoroCoro Reveals
The first poster of the upcoming movie, The Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie, has been revealed by the magazine CoroCoro Ichiban. This poster doesn't reveal too much but does show that Mega Absol has a prominent role, and that there are three characters appear who have Chesnaught, Delphox and Greninja. Further details of the movie aren't known
Pokémon X & Y |
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & co. getting to Camphier Town and discovering a Snorlax is in the centre of town, causing issues every time it snores. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon - Netflix Release
The Pokémon Company has announced that the anime is to hit Netflix in all territories starting from March 1st 2014. This posting of Pokémon to Netflix includes the very first Pokémon season being available in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Ireland, as well as the recent season Pokémon Black & White being available in all territories. In addition to that, it will have both Pokémon the Movie Black & White available for watching
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon X & Y - Global Link Rankings + Special - B2W2 Chapters25-02-2014 10:55 GMT / 05:55 EST by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for four months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 17:11 GMT Edit @ 12:37: PGL Details | Edit @ 17:11: US Free Download

In The Games Department
Pokémon X & Y - Ranking Details
The Global Link has updated with a brand new feature. For all the Rating Battles in the game, it now ranks the Top 12 Pokémon used in each sort of battle. With this, when you click the Pokémon, you will see a ranking of all the moves, natures, abilities and items that were used by players for it based on percentage.ou can also navigate around and get details on every single Pokémon that was used by anyone in the competition. It also lists moved used by the Pokémon that typically result in a win, and ones used against it that typically end with it fainting as well as the Pokémon typically used with that Pokémon in a team. These rankings will continue through the Global Link continually as time progresses and can help you plan a team

In The Games Department
Pokémon X & Y - Free Distribution
Following a rumour last week, it has been confirmed by Nintendo of America that, for people who live in the United States of America, if you purchase a Nintendo 3DS, 3DS XL or Nintendo 2DS as well as one game of the following: Yoshi's New Island, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins, Super Mario 3D Land, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D or Mario Kart 7, and register them on the Club Nintendo website, you will receive a free download copy of Pokémon X or Pokémon Y. This promotion only runs in March 2014 so be sure to get it while you can

In The Manga Department
Pokémon Special - Black 2 & White 2
Over the past year, various chapters of the Pokémon Special manga focusing on Black 2 & White 2 were released in various magazines in Japan ahead of their compilation into volumes. As such, Coronis has kindly begun chronicling these various chapters and giving full details on all of them. Click the image to go to our page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon of the Week23-02-2014 13:00 GMT / 08:00 EST by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for four months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventeenth entry into the Generation VI competitive field with a Kanto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer BlueHarvest, UR2L8 & KingTorterra. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the first generation. In ancient literature, there is a record of a Gyarados that razed a village when violence flared. Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious, it is capable of destroying entire cities in a rage. They say that during past strife, Gyarados would appear and leave blazing ruins in its wake. Once it begins to rampage, a Gyarados will burn everything down, even in a harsh storm. In addition to this, we have a subsection on the Mega Evolution to Gyarados. So here it is, the seventeenth entry, Gyarados.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Pokémon X & Y - Test Competition + UK Battle Tournament21-02-2014 09:49 GMT / 04:49 EST by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for four months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 21:35 GMT Edit @ 10:43: Holo Caster Messages | Edit @ 21:35: UK Nationals Date

In The Games Department
Pokémon X & Y - Battle Competition
The first Battle Competition for Pokémon X & Y has finally begun. The Test Competition, is running from today to February 24th. Entrants are limited to players who participated in the 2013 Global Showdown competition for Black 2 & White 2 with others if you registered last month. As a new stipulation, there is a special rule allowing for you to only participate in 20 battles per day so be sure to check it out.
In The Games Department
Pokémon X & Y - Holo Caster
With our coverage of Pokémon Bank complete, I have begun cleaning up the X & Y and Game Mechanic sections, such as the Substitute page among others, with various touch-ups and pieces of in-depth information.
10:43: Updated the X & Y Holo Caster page with new Japanese messages
In The Games Department
Pokémon X & Y - Battle Tournament UK
Nintendo UK has announced a special official Battle Tournament to be held across the UK this Spring. Qualifiers for the final are to run at various GAME stores across the country from March 1st, starting at Birmingham Bullring and at GAME Brighton. There are four titles to win including Ultimate Pokémon Expert, for people aged 13 and over, which results in a trip to Japan and fast track entry to the VGC event in the UK later this year. Junior Expert is for players 12 and under and has the prize of a weekend trip to the Alton Towers theme park. Ultimate Team is for a family of one person aged over 16 and one aged under 13 in a Multi Battle and wins Ł250 to spend on Nintendo's store and a trip to EGX London 2014 and Pokémon Apprentice which is for new players. The finals are to be held in London on April 26th. You can register on the Official Site. The qualifiers are at:
GAME Banbury (15th March)
Bullring, Birmingham (1st March)
GAME Brighton (1st March)
GAME Bristol Cribbs Causeway (5th April)
GAME Cardiff (8th March)
GAME Dundee (2nd March)
Intu Braehead, Glasgow (5th April)
Bluewater, Kent (22nd March)
GAME Hamleys (8th March)
Intu Trafford Centre, Manchester (29th March)
Intu Eldon Square, Newcastle (8th March)
GAME Norwich (22nd March)
GAME Nottingham Victoria Centre (22nd March)
GAME Sheffield Meadowhall (15th March)
WestQuay, Southampton (15th March)
GAME Westfield Stratford City (29th March)

In The Games Department
Pokémon X & Y - UK VGC Nationals
The details of the Video Game Championship & TCG Nationals have been announced for the UK. The Nationals this year have changed locale to Manchester and will take place on May 24th and May 25th 2014. They are to take place at Event City, Phoenix Way in Manchester. The rules for this for the games match the current Special Rules in X & Y, being Double Battles, Kalos Pokédex and Kalos Native Pokémon only. We'll give full details on other locations around the world as they're announced
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures20-02-2014 14:07 GMT / 09:07 EST by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for four months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 14:07 GMT
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & co. meeting up with a ninja trainer and his Frogadier. Ash requests his help in order to teach Froakie a new move. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokémon XY - Episode Titles + Bank Japanese Trial Reminder19-02-2014 07:15 GMT / 02:15 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check the past few updates for major news. This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for four months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 09:43 GMT Edit @ 09:43: Bank Reminder

In The Games Department
Pokémon Bank
For those of you with a Japanese Nintendo 3DS, the time period for obtaining the free trial for Pokémon Bank is due to end on Friday February 21st. Once the trial begins, you have 30 days within which you can use Pokémon Bank's storage facilities, as well as being able to transfer Pokémon from Black, White, Black 2 & White to into your Pokémon Bank boxes. Once the trial ends, you will have a short period to either renew your subscription to the yearly one, or withdraw your Pokémon before they are deleted. The US and European trials are still available until March 14th 2014.

In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Titles
The magazine, Pokémon Fan, has revealed a load of new Episode titles for upcoming episodes. These include a special and more. These episodes are due to air on March 27th (in a one hour special with an episode), April 3rd (in another special), April 10th and April 17th respectively. On March 27th, the long awaited special featuring Iris as she travels through Johto is also to air with an episode focusing on Serena & Fennekin, while on April 3rd, a special focusing on Mega Evolution featuring Charizard, Blastoise, Lucario, Absol, Blaziken, Gardevoir & Mewtwo is to air. On April 10th, the episode features Ash & Co. all trying to fish for the elusive shiny golden Magikarp and finally, the episode on April 17th features Amaura and Aurorus being revived from fossils, but Team Rocket has their eyes on them
Special: Iris VS Clair! The Road to Dragon Master!
Episode 824: Time to Debut! PokéVision with Serena and Fennekin!!
Pokémon XY Special - Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act 1~
Episode 825: Fish the Golden Magikarp!
Episode 826: The Aurora Bond! Amaura and Aurorus!!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Battle Trozei Mechanics + Pokémon X & Y Special Battle18-02-2014 11:39 GMT / 06:39 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check the past few updates for major news. This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for four months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 12:40 Edit @ 12:40: Special Battle

In The Games Department
Pokémon X & Y - Special Battle
The Special Battle Season 3 rules have been announced. This season begins next Tuesday, February 25th 2014 and runs until May 13th. The Special Battle rules are practically identical to the ones in Season 2, being Double Battle using Pokémon from the Kalos Pokédex (excluding Mewtwo, Xerneas, Yveltal & Zygarde), all of which have to have been caught or hatched in the Kalos region. We'll bring more as and when it comes
In The Games Department
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Following its reveal last week and ahead of its release next month, I have started to prepare the section with details of the game. Starting this, I have begun a page detailing all the new mechanics of the game, as well as the ones that have changed since the original Pokémon Trozei in 2005. This page will be updated with more mechanics as they are released. Click the image to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon of the Week16-02-2014 13:00 GMT / 08:00 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check the past few updates for major news. This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for three months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the sixteenth entry into the Generation VI competitive field with a Hoenn Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer BlueHarvest, UR2L8 & KingTorterra. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the third generation. If its two tail feathers are standing at attention, it is proof of good health. It soars elegantly in the sky. It dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. It catches its prey with sharp claws. It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey. So here it is, the sixteenth entry, Swellow.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Pokémon X & Y - Diancie + Movie Synopsis14-02-2014 15:07 GMT / 10:07 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's update for a brand new game and more news. This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for three months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 16:38 GMT Edit @ 16:38: Movie Synopsis

In The Games Department
Pokémon X & Y - Diancie
Diancie has been officially revealed for North America. Within this reveal, it was confirmed that it will be within the new movie and that its distribution method will be revealed at a later point. It also states that it was a sudden transformation of the Pokémon Carbink, and that its body is said to be the loveliest sight in the world. Groups of Carbink tend to gather around Diancie, but Diancie pays them little heed and acts only according to its own will.
They also inadvertently revealed the shiny form of Diancie on the official site, where it has darker rocks and a pink body.

In The Anime Department
The Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie
The official site has also released the first plot details for the upcoming movie, Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie. This movie is due for release in Japan on July 19th 2014. Thanks to Adamant for translation.
The story is set in Diamond Ore Country, of which Diancie is the princess.This is a country located deep underground, where the Pokémon Carbink live together in peace. The energy source of this country is a giant diamond called the Sacred Diamond, which can only be created by princess Diancie. However, the current princess doesn't yet possess the power to create such a diamond, and the current Sacred Diamond's power is soon going to run out, which would result in the end of the country. Diancie meets up with Ash and Pikachu, and set off together with them to search for the legendary Pokemon Xerneas, which possesses sacred power, but on the way, they find the cocoon where the Destruction Pokémon, Yveltal, who was said to have once destroyed life in Kalos, lies in wait.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon Battle Trozei + Diancie Details & Charizard Event + Episode Pictures + RS Soundtrack13-02-2014 04:37 GMT / 12-02-2014 23:37 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for three months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 00:09 GMT Edit @ 09:28: Episode Titles | Edit @ 12:10: Episode Pictures | Edit @ 22:15: Nintendo Direct | Edit @ 00:09: Ruby & Sapphire Soundtrack

In The Games Department
Pokémon - Nintendo Direct
Within today's Nintendo Direct, a new Pokémon game was announced. This game is Pokémon Link: Battle in Europe and Pokémon Battle Trozei in North America and is available on the 3DS eShop from March 12th in Japan, March 13th in Europe and March 20th in North America. This game has 4 player co-op and is a sequel to Pokémon Trozei. It contains all currently available Pokémon for you to capture and catalogue. It will cost 762 Yen in Japan, and $7.99 in North America with European prices not known
This game continues the mechanics of Pokémon Trozei and has you have to line up multiple Pokémon in order to clear the lines of Pokémon in order to get a chance to capture a Pokémon which is sitting above the box. On occasion, you'll be attacked by the Pokémon, adding to the challenge of the game. This game, unlike its predecessor, features various levels where Pokémon can be found for capture. Using StreetPass, you can share your favourites with your friends. You won't lose your Pokémon, but it allows for the people you StreetPass with to get them. All levels move quickly, and are completeable in a few minutes. You can rack up combos of over 100 in the game, and can move Pokémon even when being captured
If you connect 4 Pokemon, then get a couple of threes, you can earn Trozei Chances which makes it so you can only connect two Pokémon at a time, increasing the combo amount. Types also come into factor when you're connecting Pokémon, in order to do damage to the big wild Pokémon. As before, Ditto will act as any Pokémon, but this time Chansey will heal you. The more times you use a Pokémon, the closer they get to you, and they do more damage when they're connected
Edit @ 23:14: Added screenshots to our Pre-Release Screenshot Page
Eidt @ 23:55; Added more direct feed screenshots

In The Games Department
Pokémon - CoroCoro Reveals
Clearer images of CoroCoro have been posted to Japanese forums and this batch showcases more information about Diancie. Specifically, it reveals that Diancie's ability is Clear Body, and states that it can learn moves like Hyper Beam & Explosion, and showcases the new movie poster featuring Diancie with details saying that the movie is "A grand adventure with the princess of the Diamond Ore Country". Not much else is known at this time
Edit @ 07:03: A new distribution event has also been announced. Within next month's CoroCoro, a special Serial Code is to be released. This Serial Code, like the Garchomp one last year, provides one-time access to a special Charizard. If you are playing Pokémon X, it will give you a Charizard holding Charizardite Y. If you are playing Pokémon Y, it will give you a Charizard holding Charizardite X
Pokémon |
Pokémon |
Pokémon X & Y |

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire Soundtrack
For those of you in North America and Europe, the next wave of soundtracks has been released by The Pokémon Company. This particular soundtrack is the Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire soundtrack and contains 109 tracks from the games for $9.99/Ł7.99/€9.99 on the iTunes platform. The Pokémon Company has promised that the soundtracks for Diamond & Pearl, Black & White and Black 2 & White 2 are to be released within 2014.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Dedenne inadvertently being taken by another girl while Bonnie gets the other girl's Pichu. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Titles
The official TV Tokyo site has revealed two new episode titles for upcoming episodes. The first episode has Ash & Co. encounter the mysterious Madame X while the second episode features the return of Viola and first appearance of Grant. These episodes are due to air on March 13th 2014 and March 20th 2014 respectively, after a break on March 6th
Episode 822: Madame X's Evil Plot! The Terrifying Malamar!!
Episode 823: The Battle Chateau Challenge! Viola VS Grant!!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon X & Y - CoroCoro 11-02-2014 07:36 GMT / 02:36 EST by Serebii
In a small slow news period at the moment. This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for three months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 07:36 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon - CoroCoro Reveals
The next batch of CoroCoro information has been posted to Japanese forums and this batch showcases more information. In this image, Pokémon #719 is revealed. As previously known due to leaks, this Pokémon is called Diancie. It is a Rock/Fairy-type Pokémon and it stars in the movie now titled Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie (破壊の繭とディアンシー). There are no details on its distribution at this time. We're currently in the process of translating, so keep checking back.
Pokémon |
Pokémon |
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon of the Week09-02-2014 13:00 GMT / 08:00 EST by Serebii
In a small slow news period at the moment. This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for three months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fifteenth entry into the Generation VI competitive field with a Kalos Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer BlueHarvest & KingTorterra. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the sixth generation. They flare their frills and generate energy. A single Heliolisk can generate sufficient electricity to power a skyscraper. It stimulates its muscles with electricity, boosting the strength in its legs and enabling it to run 100 yards in five seconds. So here it is, the fifteenth entry, Heliolisk.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Super Smash Bros. - Section Upgrades08-02-2014 08:41 GMT / 03:41 EST by Serebii
In a small slow news period at the moment. This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for three months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 08:41 GMT

In The Games Department
Super Smash Bros for Wii U / 3DS
With the past week containing a bit of Pokémon related Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & Nintendo 3DS news, I have begun upgrading our section to include all information that is known about the game, including lists on items, Assist Trophies and PokéBall Pokémon. These sections will be updated as more information is revealed up until launch and we'll continue to post any Pokémon related news on the main page. Click the image to go to our section
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures06-02-2014 12:10 GMT / 07:10 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check out Pokémon Bank as it's now available in most regions. This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for three months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 12:10 GMT
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Clemont intending to help Chespin lose weight after it gluttonously eats all the Pokémon's food. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokémon Bank - North American Launch + Super Smash Bros for Wii U - PokéBall Pokémon05-02-2014 07:16 GMT / 02:16 EST by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for three months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 18:02 GMT Edit @ 17:04: Pokémon Bank in North America | Edit @ 18:02: TCG set

In The Games Department
Pokémon Bank
Pokémon Bank has finally gone live in North America. This game is automatically at Version 1.1 and it has been announced that the 30 day free trial is redeemable before March 14th 2014, just like Europe. We covered this game in full on its initial release in Japan on Christmas Day, and have full details on all exclusive Pokémon in our X & Y Pokédex. Also, the Celebi event is active on it now and runs until September 30th 2014. Click the image to go to the Pokémon Bank page
In The Games Department
Super Smash Bros for Wii U / 3DS
In a minor bit of Pokémon news regarding Super Smash Bros for Wii U & Nintendo 3DS, it has been confirmed that the Pokémon, Palkia, will make a return in the game series, but this time as a Pokémon that appears via a PokéBall and uses its signature move, Spacial Rend. We'll bring more Pokémon updates about this game as they come
In The TCG Department
XY: Flashfire
European distributors have announced the next TCG set. This set, called Flashfire, is due for release in America and parts of Europe in May. It is likely that this set will be based upon the upcoming Japanese set, Wild Blaze, and its associated Charizard deck as the imagery shows a portion of Charizard and Mega Charizard X. We'll provide more as it comes
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Bank European Launch + X & Y - Game Sync04-02-2014 08:17 GMT / 03:17 EST by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for three months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 09:12 GMT Edit @ 09:12: Pokémon Bank

In The Games Department
Pokémon Bank
Pokémon Bank has finally gone live in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. This game is automatically at Version 1.1 and it has been announced that the 30 day free trial is redeemable until March 14th 2014. North American release is still unclear. We covered this game in full on its initial release in Japan on Christmas Day, and have full details on all exclusive Pokémon in our X & Y Pokédex. Also, the Celebi event is active on it now and runs until September 30th 2014. Click the image to go to the Pokémon Bank page
In The Games Department
Pokémon X & Y - Game Sync Changes
Following the maintenance today, it has been announced that, instead of the original plan to change the Game Sync interval from 1 hour up to 3 hours, they decided to leave the Game Sync interval at 1 hour for the forseeable future. There's no notification on how long they'll leave it at 1 hour, but should they intend to change it again, we'll let you know.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon of the Week02-02-2014 13:15 GMT / 08:15 EST by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
X & Y have been out for three months now, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:15 GMT

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fourteenth entry into the Generation VI competitive field with a Kanto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer BlueHarvest & KingTorterra. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the first generation. If one of the twin Koffing inflates, the other one deflates. It constantly mixes its poisonous gases. Very rarely, a sudden mutation can result in two small Koffing twins becoming conjoined as a Weezing. Inhaling toxic fumes from trash and mixing them inside its body lets it spread an even fouler stench. It grows by feeding on gases released by garbage. Though very rare, triplets have been found. So here it is, the fourteenth entry, Weezing.