Pokémon Masters

Pokémon Masters, known as of August 2020 as Pokémon Masters EX, is a mobile game developed by The Pokémon Company and DeNA. This game brings mobile gaming and the main series games together in a new element where you play as a trainer who faces off against many Pokémon Trainers such as Blue, Cynthia and more.
The game provides 3 VS 3 battles where you team with 2 other trainers against 3 trainers and your Pokémon can use a move or an item. The battles are in real time with special moves being available as a move gauge builds.
This game not only has you collect Pokémon but also has you collect Trainers. Each Trainer has got a Sync Pair, a special Pokémon they work best with which can be of aid to your team. Many have Sync Grids which further boost their strengths and moves. There are also 6 Star EX Sync Pairs that have even strong Sync Moves
The game has a story where you go through multiple Chapters to earn badges and participate in the Pokémon Masters EX League in the unique region of Pasio facing off against various trainers and stopping the evil Team Break from stealing other people's Pokémon.
The game has many different Events including Story Events, Solo Events, Legendary Events & Legendary Arena.
The game has also introduced the Champion Stadium, a mode that that has you face off against the Elite Four and Champion in some tough battles and the Battle Villa which has you go through various halls using items to heal in order to get to the end.
System Requirements
iOS 11 or higher
64 bit processor required
Recommened 2GB of RAM
Android 5.0 or higher (recommended Android 7.0 or higher)
64 bit processor required
Recommened 2GB of RAM