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Welcome to the National Pokédex. Here you will find all Dex information for all the Pokémon in Ruby, Sapphire, Colosseum, Fire Red & Leaf Green. If you were looking for RBYGSC Pokédex click here:
Only Kanto Pokémon have 3 different sets of sprites (apart from Teddiursa, Deoxys) although some may be the same, both sets are shown
For Steps For the Egg to hatch, the Data was extracted from the game so even unbreedable Pokémon will have Egg Step amount...usually between 20,000 and 30,000
You may notice that some Pokémon are listed twice, this is due to the fact that they have it twice in their movesets. It is not a bug
If you wish to search for Pokemon depending on type for your party, click the Type and it will bring up a list of all Pokemon and links to the dex entry:
For all you advanced trainers, or ones looking to be excellent trainers, we have a Guide for EV's on Pokémon aswell as comprehensive listings of all Pokémon that give EVs of certain types
If you wish to search for Pokemon by Egg Group, Use the Menu Below and Click on them for their Dex entry:
Note the Lists other than type lists are not programmed to the new system so may still have some bugs
Special Thanks to Arty2 for his coding expertise