31-01-2023 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:16: Pokémon UNITE | Edit @ 10:00: Pokémon GO - Team GO Rocket | Edit @ 16:13: Pokémon TCGO | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The "Chef's Heartful Delivery" Story Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is focused around Skyla & elesa wanting to make deliveries of various treats made by Mallow
A new Seasonal Scout is now available to get the Sync Pair of Mallow & Appletun. The scout runs until Februart 21st
We're currently compiling all details in our Chef's Heartful Delivery event section

In The Games Department
Pokémon Trading Card Game Online
It has been confirmed that Pokémon Trading Card Game Online will stop having new cards added as of March 1st 2023. This means following that, all code cards from the Pokémon Scarlet & Violet series will only be redeemable in Pokémon Trading Card Game Live, which is currently in a global beta. Standard rotation and other errata will not be impleneted in Trading Card Game Online
It's currently unclear for how much longer Pokémon Trading Card Game Online will be accessible but we'll provide full details as they come

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO events for February 2023.
The Valentine's Day event will run from February 8th through February 14th
A Luvdisc Limited Research Day will run on February 11th
Registeel will be in 5 Star Raid Battles and Mega Gengar in Mega Raids from February 1st through February 8th.
Tapu Lele will be in 5 Star Raid Battles and Mega Gardevoir in Mega Raids from February 8th through 15th, with Tapu Lele's Shiny now being available
Regirock will be available in 5 Star Raid Battles and Mega Pidgeot in Mega Raids from February 15th through 22nd. It will know the move Earthquake
Rayquaza will be available in 5 Star Raid Battles and Mega Latios & Mega Latias in Mega Raids from February 22nd through March 1ast

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Team GO Rocket Takeover is now rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event runs from 00:00 local time until 23:59 local time on February 5th and features the introduction to Shadow Registeel into the game and changes up the teams and Pokémon of the Team GO Rocket Leader
We are currently compiling details of the event in our Team GO Rocket Takeover event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the Spotlight Hours for the month of February. They happen at 6pm to 7pm local time are as follows:
February 7th - Pidgey - 2* Evolution Experience
February 14th - Woobat - 2* Catch Stardust
February 21st - Jigglypuff - 2* Catch Experience
February 28th - Slakoth - 2* Catch Candy
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
Pokémon UNITE is to today receive a balance update. This balance update is focused around a variety of Pokémon's moves with a lot of cooldown increases. It will drop at 07:00 UTC today, January 31st, We've added details to our Patch Section and will add more when the patch is live
Edit @ 07:12: We have updated our Patch Section and our Pokémon Listings with all the current values
30-01-2023 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 18:01 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 06:53: Pokémon HOME | Edit @ 18:01: Primal Rumblings
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced. This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Armarouge for Pokémon Scarlet players and Ceruledge for Pokémon Violet players. These will be in 4 and 5 Star Raids
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on February 3rd through 23:59 UTC on February 5th 2023

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Primal Rumblings event and is due to run from February 22nd at 10:00 to February 24th at 22:00 local time
Rayquaza will know the move Breaking Swipe in this event
Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Wurmple, Whismur, Numel, Barboach, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp and Absol will spawn in the wild
Treecko, Torchic and Mudkip will be in 1 Star Raids
Grovyle, Combusken and Marshtomp will be in 3 Star Raids
Rayquaza will be in 5 Star Raids
Mega Latios & Mega Latias will be in Legendary Mega Raids
There will be a Collection Challenge to earn Ultra Balls and a Rocket Radar
There will be Field Research to get items to prepare for GO Tour Hoenn
Players will get 2* experience for evolving Pokémon
We have added details to our Primal Rumblings event section

In The Games Department
Pokémon HOME
Pokémon HOME is to undergo maintenance on February 1st 2023 from 01:00 UTC to 06:00 UTC. During this time, both Nintendo Switch and mobile versions will be unavailable. After the maintenance, a new version will go live for Pokémon HOME on mobile.
This update, Version 2.1.0 will add features including Battle Data display for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, allowing players to check Ranked Battle and Online competition rankings and statistics.
This maintenance and update will not add connectivity between Pokémon HOME on Nintendo Switch and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, which is currently set to be added in Spring 2023
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix One Minute Cooking event has begun. This event adds the Pokémon Ho-Oh which is obtained by collecting Prize Coins. This runs until February 14th
Alongside this, a new Delivery focus has begun adding Zorua's Starry Sky outfit
29-01-2023 07:11 GMT / 02:11 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Delivery focus has been announced for Pokémon Café ReMix. Starting January 30th at 06:00 UTC, Zorua in its Starry Sky outfit will be available for players to try to get through the feature
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the ninth entry into the Generation IX competitive field with an Alola Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the seventh generation. Komala spends its entire life sleeping. It feeds on leaves that contain a potent poison only Komala can break down. A potent anesthetic can be made by diluting Komala's drool. This anesthetic was used for surgeries in the past. So, here it is, the ninth Pokémon, Komala
28-01-2023 07:41 GMT / 02:41 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 07:41 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next One Minute Cooking event has been announced for Pokémon Café ReMix. Starting January 30th, Ho-Oh will return to the game the game in this event which will focus on Pokémon with the speciality of Drinks. This event requires players to score points in order to obtain Legendary Coins to redeem for prizes including Ho-Oh itself. We'll provide full details when the event runs on Monday
27-01-2023 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 10:56 GMT
Edit @ 06:02: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 10:37: Episode Details | Edit @ 10;56: Episode Titles
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The latest Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This is the Mighty Greninja event. This event has Greninja appearing in 7 Star Raids, and adds it to the game with Bronzong & Lucario joining it in 4 and 5 Star Raids. Players can only catch one Greninja from raids per save file
This event runs until January 29th at 23:59 UTC
We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 00:12: We have updated our section with full details of this Tera Raid Battle Event

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
Pokémon Masters EX has put out a new update. With this, they have announced some coming features and Sync Pairs. First, Mallow & Appletun and Elesa & Togetic will be added in this year's Palentine's Day event running from January 31st
The next part of the Kalos Villain Arc will drop on February 13th 2023
In next month's update, you'll be able to customise the Trainer Lodge with your favourite items and posters including artwork from prior events on social media
The Pokémon Center will also be revamped to give event info on a central bulletin board
Maximum teams saved is to be increased to 100
Edit @ 07:12: We have added full details of all the new Sync Pairs added including Lysandre & Volcanion, Emma & Crobat, Anabel & Snorlax, Mallow & Appletun, Elesa & Togetic and Morty & Gastly

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Aim To Be A Pokémon Master
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash, Misty and Cilan look for Brock after he disappears into a forest. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Aim To Be A Pokémon Master - News
A new pair of Episode Titles have been released by Animage. These two episodes are due to air on February 17th and February 24th respectively. The first episode features Ash & Pikachu getting separated following a Team Rocket plot and needing to find each other again. The second episode features Ash's Lapras return to ask for Ash's help to free a trapped Wailmer
Episode 1231: And We're Looking at the Same Moon!
Episode 1232: Riding On Lapras!
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Crackling Voltage event is now rolling out globally. This event runs from 10:00 local time until 20:00 local time on February 5th and features the introduction to Shiny Helioptile into the game
We have compiled details of the event in our Crackling Voltage event section
26-01-2023 05:12 GMT / 00:12 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 20:09 GMT
Edit @ 14:00: Comfey | Edit @ 20:09: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Crackling Voltage event is now rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event runs from 10:00 local time until 20:00 local time on February 5th and features the introduction to Shiny Helioptile into the game
We are currently compiling details of the event in our Crackling Voltage event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
It has been officially confirmed that Comfey will be available soon in Pokémon UNITE as a playable character on February 2nd 2023. At present, we don't have any further official details its movepool or stats, so be sure to keep checking back for the information as it comes
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
One new piece of Holowear have been released for Pokémon UNITE. This is the Aristocrat Style outfit for Lucario which cost 1050 Gems and has unique animation for movement.
25-01-2023 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 07:28 GMT
Edit @ 07:28: Poké Lids
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
A special event has begun. For one day only each month on the 25th, the Pokémon Masters Day event will be held. This event will give you a variety of rewards for completion. Alongside this, a special 25 Gem for 11 Sync Pair scout is now live. Finally, the 6 Star EX for Professor Kukui has been unlocked. We've updated our Pokémon Masters Day page with the details of this month's event.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
New orders have been added to Pokémon Café ReMix. This adds stages 1801-1825 to the game We're currently cataloguing all these new stages and details so be sure to keep checking back.
A new Challenge Card is also now live to give players stars towards their Monthly Goal
Edit @ 07:18: We have updated the Main Orders with the contents of today's update. The next batch of Orders will be released on February 8th 2023
In The Pokémon Department
Poké Lids
As part of the continual Pokémon Local Acts in Japan, where Pokémon become ambassadors of prefectures and Pokémon is intersepersed throughout regions of Japan, four new Poké Lids have been announced for the Yamaguchi area. These feature Empoleon, Chinchou, Ekans and Koffing. We have updated our newly added Poké Lids section with these new Poké Lids and locations
24-01-2023 08:00 GMT / 03:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 08:00 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Special Event
The Pokémon Masters EX Rival Challenge Special Event has added more special challenges to complete. These special missions require using a special type to complete the missions and new missions will come daily
We're currently compiling all details in our Rival Challenge event section
23-01-2023 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 18:01 GMT
Edit @ 18:01: Pokémon GO Tour Hoenn

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced some more details for Pokémon GO Tour Hoenn - Las Vegas. This live event runs from February 18th through 19th in Las Vegas. It adds Brendan & May hat Pikachu into the game
More Pokémon have been revealed for the habitats
Torchic, Poochyena, Lotad, Nincada, Makuhita, Nosepass, Aron, Cacnea, Numel, Baltoy and Bagon will be in the Blistering Sands Habitat
Ralts, Surskit, Whismur, Meditite, Spoink, Zangoose, Seviper, Chimecho, Absol, Snorunt, Luvdisc and Beldum will be in the Eerie Mists habitat
Treecko, Zigzagoon, Wurmple, Seedot, Shroomish, Slakoth, Skitty, Mawile, Electrike, Roselia, Gulpin and Swablu will be in the Verdant Earth habitat
Mudkip, Taillow, Wingull, Carvanha, Barboach, Corphish, Lileep, Anorith, Feebas, Spheal and Clamperl are in the Ancient Shores habitat
As teams play in the Ruby VS Sapphire Challenge, certain Pokémon will spawn based on which team is doing best each hour. Complete Field Research for the team to do better
Minun, Illumise, Wailmer, Lunatone, Castform (Rainy Form) will be in Primal Surge: Kyogre encounters
Plusle, Volbeat, Trapinch, Solrock, Castform (Sunny Form) are the Primal Surge: Groudon encounters
Latios will appear for players to encounter if you take a Snapshot of Latios (if you have the Ruby Badge)
Latias will appear for players to encounter if you take a Snapshot of Latias (if you have the Sapphire Badge)
Torchic, Treecko and Mudkip will be in Snapshots
We have added known details to our GO Tour Hoenn Las Vegas section

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The Revel in Rivalry Story Event has begun a repeat run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event features a story where rivals come together for a tournament. It runs until February 6th.
A new Poké Fair Scout is now available to get the Sync Pair of Bede & Hatterene. The scout also runs until February 6th. Bede & Hatterene have also now received an expansion of their Sync Grid to coincide with this event
We're currently compiling all details in our Revel in Rivalry event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Special Event
The Revel in Rivalry Special Event has also begun a repeat run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event features battles against 9 rivals in one battle, with various missions for Gem rewards based on themes used unlocking daily. It runs until February 6th.
We're currently compiling all details in our Rival Challenge event section
22-01-2023 13:00 GMT / 08:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the eighth entry into the Generation IX competitive field with a Johto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the second generation. Donphan is covered in tough hide, so even being hit by a car won't faze this Pokémon. However, it is extremely susceptible to rain. Donphan is normally a calm Pokémon, but once it is enraged, it will curl its body into a ball and charge at you while rolling. So, here it is, the eighth Pokémon , Donphan
21-01-2023 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 08:00 GMT
Edit @ 08:00: Pokémon Masters EX
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Community Day
The Pokémon GO Community Day: Classic is rolling out globally. For three hours in each region, Larvitar will appear, enmass, in Pokémon GO with a chance of Shiny Larvitar appearing. During this event, when you evolve Pupitar into Tyranitar, it will know the move Smack Down, which is exclusive to events. This coincides with 3* Catch Experience, 3 hour Incense and more. This runs at these times:
It runs from 2pm to 5pm in your local time.
We have full details on our Community Day Classic: Larvitar page
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Solo Event
The next Pokémon Masters EX Event has been announced. This event is the return of the Revel in Rivalry event which focuses on the story of Bede coming to Pasio. It will run from January 24th 2023
The Special Event: Rival Challenge will also run from January 23rd
20-01-2023 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 10;20: Character Biography | Edit @ 10;39: Episode Details | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event is a version exclusive spotlight which offers Tera Raid Battles for Drifblim in Pokémon Scarlet and Mismagius in Pokémon Violet
This event runs until January 22nd at 23:59 UTC
We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 00:11: We have updated our section with full details of this Tera Raid Battle Event

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Crackling Voltage event and is due to run from January 27th at 10:00 to February 5th at 20:00 local time and introduces Shiny Helioptile and Tapu Koko into the game
Ekans, Magnemite, Grimer, Electrike, Stunky, Blitzle, Ferroseed, Helioptile, Grubbin, Beldum and Dedenne will be in the wild
Alolan Grimer, Shinx, Bronzor, Klink & Helioptile will be in 1 Star Raids
Venomoth, Galarian Weezing, Jolteon and Mawile will be in 3 Star Raids
Tapu Koko will be in 5 Star raids from Jan 25th February Feb 1st while Registeel will be from February 1st through February 8th. It will know the move Zap Cannon
Alolan Sandshrew, Skarmory, Blitzle, Stunfisk, Galarian Stunfisk, Helioptile and Dedenne will be in Eggs. Shiny Helioptile will have a higher chance of appearing in Eggs than wild
Voltorb, Hisuian Voltorb, Plusle, Minun, Emolga and Helioptile will be in Field Research
Edit @ 21:13: We have added full details to our Crackling Voltage event section. We'll add further details when the event begins

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO Team GO Rocket Takeover. This event runs from February 1st through February 5th. It adds Shadow Registeel into the game
Special Research will be available until the end of the Season of Mythical Wishes to find Giovanni
Team GO Rocket will appear more frequently at PokéStops and in Balloons
You can use Charged TMs to remove Frustration
Shadow Alolan Vulpix, Shadow Spoink, Shadow Blitzle and Shadow Joltik will be added
Larvitar, Absol, Skorupi, Sandile, Scraggy, Pawniard, Vullaby, Deino, Pancham, Skrelp and Salandit will be in 12km Eggs
Field Research will be available to get Mysterious Components
Edit @ 21:13: We have added full details to our Team GO Rocket Takeover event section. We'll add further details when the event begins

In The TCG Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield- TCG Set Release
Today marks the release of the final Pokémon Sword & Shield TCG Set, Crown Zenith. This set contains over 150 cards of various Pokémon including various Pokémon-V & Pokémon VSTAR. It also has a 70 card Galarian Gallery subset made up of various alternate arts. It is made up of the VMAX Universe and Paradigm Trigger sets from Japan. Our Crown Zenith card listing and the associated Cardex have been updated with the full details of all cards in this set
In The Anime Department
Pokémon 2019 .
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash and Misty compete over a wild Clauncher. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon - 2019 - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Misty's biography with a new Pokémon she caught in this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix event has begun. This is a Team Event, Meowth's Love For Yarn, and allows players to get the special Meowth (Yarn) outfit by working together to earn points. This runs until January 30th 2023
Alongside this, a new Delivery Focus has begun. This adds the Pokémon Gyarados into the game. This runs until February 6th
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys
It has been confirmed by Netflix that the second set of episodes of the anime series, Pokémon Ultimate Journeys, will release on Netflix in the US on February 24th 2023. This series has already begun airing in Canada, the UK and other parts of Europe. We'll provide more details, including which episodes are included, as they come
19-01-2023 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 19:26 GMT
Edit @ 10:06: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Code | Edit @ 19:26: Pokémon GO Hills
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - sandwich Distribution
Another new distribution has begun in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This dsitribution is part of an infrequent series on the official Japanese YouTube Channel of an AfterSchool Club. This code gives all players 1 Ability Capsule. The code is T0KUSE1STUDY.
This event ends on February 28th 2023 at 14:59 UTC
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Lunar New Year event is now rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event runs from 08:00 local time until 22:00 local time on January 23rd and features spawns of various red Pokémon, Bunnelby and Buneary, as well as increased chance of shiny Darumaka
We are currently compiling details of the event, including the Timed Research in our Lunar New Year event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
A special promotion is being held in Japan for Pokémon GO. This campaign is a the second of the Let's Go to Hills in Japan featuring various TV Commercials. In this promotion, a special 4 metre tall PokéStop has been placed in the famous Takahashi City in Okayama, with a special 4 metre tall PokéStop installed until July 19th and, along this, special spawns will appear around this PokéStop from tomorrow until February 5th
We have compiled all details in our event section

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Epic Battle Event
The Legendary Gauntlet Epic Battle Event Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is the third Epic Battle event and has you continuously face off against Legendary Arena Pokémon without being able to heal your Pokémon, with better rewards coming the more you win
Alongside this, as there are new Lucky Cookies involved, there are new Lucky Skills
In addition, a Type-Specific Poké Fair Scout has been added to give players access to Diantha & Gardevoir, Gloria & Zacian and Iris & Hydreigon
We're currently compiling all details in our Legendary Gauntlet event section
18-01-2023 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 20:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:14: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 18:04: Primal Reversion | Edit @ 20:00: Pokémon GO Lunar New Year

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Primal Reversion has been detailed for Pokémon GO. Much like Mega Evolutions, you will earn Primal Energy in Primal Raids against Primal Groudon & Kyogre starting with GO Tour Hoenn. It will last for eight hours with various bonuses, and the more you Primal Revert, the less Energy it will cost as your Primal Level increases. There are some bonuses
When Primal Kyogre is in your party, Water, Electric and Bug-type moves will get boosted and those types will get more Experience and Candy when caught
When Primal Groudon is in your party, Fire, Grass and Ground-type moves will get boosted and those types will get more Experience and Candy when caught
Their Primal Level will increase the more they revert to their Primal forms
Kyogre caught from Primal Raids will know Origin Pulse
Groudon caught from Primal Raids will know Precipice Blade

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Lunar New Year event is now rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event runs from 08:00 local time until 22:00 local time on January 23rd and features sspawns of various red Pokémon, Bunnelby and Buneary, as well as increased chance of shiny Darumaka
We are currently compiling details of the event, including the Timed Research in our Lunar New Year event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Grass-type Gear Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This Co-Op event has you complete battles to earn materials and gear focused on Grass-type Pokémon.
We're currently compiling all details in our Grass-type Gear event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
One new piece of Holowear have been released for Pokémon UNITE. This is the New Year Style outfit for Sylveon which cost 400 Gems.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Team Event has been announced for Pokémon Café ReMix. This event is Meowth's Love For Yarn. This event will give players the special Meowth (Yarn) outfit when enough points have been accumulated. This runs from January 20th until January 30th 2023
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Delivery Focus has been announced for Pokémkon Café ReMix. Starting January 20th, you'll be able to get Gyarados in special Delivery slots. This runs until February 6th 2023
17-01-2023 08:00 GMT / 03:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 20:25 GMT
Edit @ 20:25: Pokémon GO Sizes
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Following the recent trial with various Pokémon including Poochyena in recent months, it has now been made that every Pokémon can now be available in XXS and XXL sizes in Pokémon GO, with the size variations being noticeable in the buddy feature, in AR shots and in the wild
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Solo Event
The next Pokémon Masters Legendary Gauntlet event has been announced. This event will run from Thursday January 19th and feature battles against Latias, Uxie and Regirock in order to earn streaks to gain item rewards including a Guaranteed Lucky Cookie
16-01-2023 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 06:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Masters EX
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Following its tease on Thursday, the next 7 Star Tera Raid Battle event has been announced. This event will feature a battle against a Greninja with the Poison Tera Type and the Mightiest Mark. It can only be caught once per save file. Bronzong and Lucario will also be available as 4 and 5 Star raids during the event
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on January 27 through 23:59 UTC on January 29th and repeat February 10th through February 12th
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced. This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Drifblim if you play Pokémon Scarlet or Mismagius if you play Pokémon Violet. These will be in 4 and 5 Star Raids
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on January 20th through 23:59 UTC on January 22nd 2022
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Solo Event
The "With Beauty and Grace" Solo Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event features various battles in order to earn various items in the game
A new Spotlight Scout is now available to get the Sync Pair of Shauna & Chesnaught. The scout runs until March 6th
We're currently compiling all details in our With Beauty and Grace event section
15-01-2023 13:00 GMT / 08:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventh entry into the Generation IX competitive field with a Paldea Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the ninth generation. This intelligent Pokémon has a very daring disposition. It knocks rocks into the sky with its hammer, aiming for flying Corviknight. The hammer tops 220 pounds, yet it gets swung around easily by Tinkaton as it steals whatever it pleases and carries its plunder back home. So, here it is, the seventh Pokémon , Tinkaton
14-01-2023 08:08 GMT / 03:08 EST by Serebii.
Be sure to check yesterday's update for some news. This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 08:08 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - GO Battle Day
Tomorrow is the next Pokémon GO Battle Day event, running from 00:00 to 23:59 local time tomorrow and is starting to roll out. This event allows for you to complete 20 sets of GO Battle League in the day and allows for you to complete some Timed Research to get various items. Trainers who complete the Timed Research will also receive Steven's Rings as an avatar item
We have added full details to our Steven GO Battle Day page
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Villain Event
The next Solo Event has been announced for Pokémon Masters EX. This event is the event "WIth Beauty and Grace" and focuses on a story featuring Shauna and hear appearance in Pasio. This event also adds the Sync Pair of Shauna & Chesnaught
13-01-2023 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.
Be sure to check yesterday's update for some news. This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 18:15 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 06:13: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet TCG | Edit @ 10:37: Episode Details | Edit @ 11:27: GO Battle Day | Edit @ 18:15: GO Tour

In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This is the Mighty Cinderace event. This event is the second 7 Star Raid Battle event and adds Cinderace into the game for all players as a Fighting Tera Type. All players can participate in the Raid Battles but players can only see them spawn in their game if they have unlocked 6 Star Raid Battles. Players can only catch the Cinderace once but can play again for more rewards. If players caught Cinderace last time this event ran, they will not be able to catch another. This event will also feature 4 Star and 5 Star Gengar and Gyarados Raids
This event runs until January 15th at 23:59 UTC
We have updated our section with full details of this Tera Raid Battle Event

In The TCG Department
Pokémon TCG Reveal
Ahead of its launch next week, the entire main set for both the Scarlet ex and Violet ex Pokémon TCG sets have been released. These include a variety of Paldea Pokémon and are the first cards to feature them.
We have begun adding full details into our respective sections of the Card Database with thanks to ToineLay for help with translation. Translations will be added as the day progresses. The Card Dex has also been updated for Pokémon, Artists and more
Scarlet ex Set List
Violet ex Set List
SV Promo List
In The Anime Department
Pokémon 2019 .
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash and Pikachu find a wounded Latias while travelling through a forest. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced that the Masterwork Research previously announced for Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn will be made available worldwide for purchase as a $4.99 ticket from February 20th through March 20th. This Reserch will give players a storyline to play through to get Shiny Jirachi. We'll provide more on the Research as it becomes available so be sure to keep checking back
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - GO Battle Day
Tomorrow is the next Pokémon GO Battle Day event, running from 00:00 to 23:59 local time and is starting to roll out. This event allows for you to complete 20 sets of GO Battle League in the day and allows for you to complete some Timed Research to get various items. Trainers who complete the Timed Research will also receive Steven's Rings as an avatar item
We have added full details to our Steven GO Battle Day page
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Villain Event
The "Into The Blazing Chamber" Villain Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is a Extreme Battle event that offers hgih rewards for completing the special battles. It runs until January 31st 2023
We're currently compiling all details in our Into The Blazing Chamber event section
12-01-2023 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:10 GMT
Edit @ 12:35: Pokémon 1008 | Edit @ 14:25: Raid Events | Edit @ 21:00: Lunar New Year GO Event
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next 7 Star Tera Raid Battle event has been announced. This event will feature a battle against a currently unclear with the Poison Tera Type and the Mightiest Mark. It can only be caught once per save file
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on January 27th through 23:59 UTC on January 29th and repeat February 10th through February 12th
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The seventh Tera Raid Battle event has been announced. This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Tandemaus with a Fairy-type Tera Type.
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on February 13th through 23:59 UTC on February 15th 2023
In The Games Department
Pokémon HOME
It has been confirmed that the mobile version of Pokémon HOME will receive an update in early February. This update will provide further details on Battle Data for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Currently no further details have come for the transfer of Pokémon to and from Scarlet & Violet but we'll provide full details as they come

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Lunar New Year event and is due to run from January 19th at 10:00 to January 23rd at 20:00 local time
Ponyta, Magmar, Magikarp, Slugma, Numel, Combee, Buneary, Fennekin, Bunnelby, Flareon and Darumaka will spawn in the wild
There will be increased chance to find Shiny Darumaka
There will be increased chance to become Lucky Friends or for Lucky Pokémon in trades
You will get 2* Stardust from Gifts and 1 extra Special Trade a day
There will be Timed Research that gives bonuses around hatching Eggs, increasing Daily Adventure Incense or Collecting Stardust. It also includes encounters for Magikarp, Azumarill, Combusken, Darumaka, Galarian Darumaka and Bunnelby
Chingling, Riolu, Darumaka, Galarian Darumaka and Scraggy will be in 7km Eggs
Hisuian Voltorb, Shinx, Darumaka and Galarian Darumaka will be in 1 Star Raids
Flareon, Shuckle, Blaziken, Druddigon and Diggersby will be in 3 Star Raids
There will be Field Research to get Charmander, Paras, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, Combee, Buneary, Tepig, Darumaka, Galarian Darumaka, Fennekin, Bunnelby and Litten
There will be a Red Lantern Backpack avatar item added
Edit @ 21:10: We've added details to our Lunar New Year 2023 Event Page

In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Today is the special commemorative video, Pokémon 1008 Encounters, a special 9 minute long video to celebrate Pokémon reaching 1,000 species. This video will air at 14:00 GMT / 15:00 CET / 09:00 EST / 06:00 PDT / 23:00 JST and you can watch it below
Edit @ 14:10: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Version 1.2 is set to launch in late February and feature bug fixes and "added functionality"
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Villain Event
The "Battle! Friends from Kalos" Villain Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is the seventh Villain event and ties in with the new story arc. It runs until March 6th. This event can be used to unlock the 6 Star EX for Sycamore & Xerneas
A new Poké Fair Scout is now available to get the Sync Pair of Diantha & Shiny Diancie. The scout runs until March 6th
We're currently compiling all details in our Battle! Friends from Kalos event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
A new Chapter of the Pokémon Masters EX Main Story has begun. This is the start of the seventh chapter of the second arc, known as the Villain Arc, and this chapter focuses upon Team Flare unleashing a new plan
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
One new piece of Holowear have been released for Pokémon UNITE. This is the Warm Style outfit for Dragonite which cost 1050 Gems with unique animations for Movement.
11-01-2023 04:03 GMT / 23:03 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 18:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 14;00: Pokémon 1008 | Edit @ 18:00: Pokémon GO Community Day
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
It has been confirmed that The Pokémon Company is to premiere a special commemorative video celebrating 1008 Pokémon tomorrow, January 12th, at 14:00 UTC / 09:00 EST / 06:00 PST / 23:00 JST. This video is to look back at encounters with all 1008 Pokémon
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO Community Day on February 5th will focus on Noibat. This event will 3* Catch Stardust, 2* Catch Candy and double the chance to get XL Candy as well as 3 hours Incense and Lure Modules.
It will also give out the move Boomburst to Noivern. You will be able to purchase a ticket to receive Special Research "Abundant Noise".
The Community Day runs at 2pm to 5pm in each local time zone
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
Pokémon Masters EX has announced the next event. This event is the Kalos Villain Event and introduces the Sync Pairs of Diantha & Shiny Diancie and Shauna & Chesnaught into the game. It runs from January 12th 2023
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix event has begun. This is a Hospitality Event, Welcoming Braixen, and allows players to get the Pokémon, Braixen's New Year Outfit by completing stages to earn points. This runs until January 25th 2023
Alongside this, a new Delivery Focus has been added to allow players to get a chance to get the Pokémon Slowpoke's Cozy Outfit. This runs until January 30th
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
New orders have been added to Pokémon Café ReMix. This adds stages 1776-1800 to the game We're currently cataloguing all these new stages and details so be sure to keep checking back.
Edit @ 07:13: We have updated the Main Orders with the contents of today's update. The next batch of Orders will be released on January 25th 2023
10-01-2023 01:01 GMT / 20:01 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 06:03 GMT
Edit @ 06:03: Pokémon Café ReMix
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Special Distribution
The fifth and final distributions to celebrate the New Year has begun in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This distribution will get you a random selection of items as part of the official Japanese Twitter doing a New Year Lottery campaign. This code can get you a Stardust, Star Piece or a Comet Shard and is given as a participation prize for their retweet competition
They are obtained with the code 1TSUPT0Y0U
This event ends on January 15th 2023 at 14:59 UTC
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Twinkling Fantasy event is now rolling out globally. This event runs from 08:00 local time until 22:00 local time on January 16th and features the addition of Shiny Dedenne and Mega Salamence into the game
We have compiled full details of the event, including the Collection Challenge in our Twinkling Fantasy event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Delivery Focus has been announced for Pokémkon Café ReMix. Starting tomorrow, January 11th, you'll be able to get Slowpoke in its Cozy Outfit in special Delivery. This runs until January 30th 2023
09-01-2023 01:01 GMT / 20:01 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 18:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:01: Pokémon Café ReMix & Masters | Edit @ 08;48: Episode Titles | Edit @ 18:00: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Special Distribution
The fourth day of distributions has begun in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This distribution will get you a random selection of items as part of the official Japanese Twitter doing a New Year Lottery campaign. This code can get you a Stardust, Star Piece or a Comet Shard and is given as a participation prize for their retweet competition
They are obtained with the code G0FR1ENDLYSH0P
This event ends on January 15th 2023 at 14:59 UTC
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Twinkling Fantasy event is now rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event runs from 08:00 local time until 22:00 local time on January 16th and features the addition of Shiny Dedenne and Mega Salamence into the game
We are currently compiling details of the event, including the Collection Challenge in our Twinkling Fantasy event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Hospitality event has been announced for Pokémon Café ReMix. Starting January 11th, Braixen in its New Year outfit will be available to get by completing stages in a one minute cooking style. We'll provide full details when the event runs on Wednesday
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The Blissful Bonanza monthly event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. Each day you can participate in battles to get a variety of tickets to exchange for item rewards
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Aim To Be A Pokémon Master - News
A new pair of Episode Titles have been released by Animage. These two episodes are due to air on February 3rd and February 10th respectively. No further details have been revealed
Episode 1229: Beartic's Sigh!!
Episode 1230: Enter the Squirtle Fire Brigade!!
08-01-2023 01:03 GMT / 20:03 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Special Distribution
The third day of distributions has begun in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This distribution will get you a random selection of items as part of the official Japanese Twitter doing a New Year Lottery campaign. This code can get you a Stardust, Star Piece or a Comet Shard and is given as a participation prize for their retweet competition
They are obtained with the code BEFASH10NLEADER
This event ends on January 15th 2023 at 14:59 UTC

In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Pokémon Regional Championships
Today is Day 2 of the Pokémon San Diego Regional Championships 2023. Today features the top cut and finals for three of the games in the current Play! Pokémon Circuit: TCG, GO and for the very first time, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. All three games will be streamed in individual streams
The Pokémon VG Stream begins at 17:00 (GMT) / 12:00 (EST) / 09:00 (PST)
The Pokémon TCG Stream begins at 18:45 (GMT) / 13:45 (EST) / 10:45 (PST)
The Pokémon GO Stream begins at 17:00 (GMT) / 12:00 (EST) / 09:00 (PST)
There is also a Pokémon GO event for players at the event featuring exclusive Field Research
We have all the streams in our Play! Pokémon Stream Hub which allows for tabbing between all streams or loading all together

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the sixth entry into the Generation IX competitive field with an Alola Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the seventh generation. The detached pincers of these Pokémon are delicious. Some Trainers bring Lechonk into the mountains just to search for them. Though its punches are powerful, this Pokémon's movements are sluggish. It blows icy bubbles from its mouth to immobilize its opponents. So, here it is, the sixth Pokémon , Crabominable
07-01-2023 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 20:27 GMT
Edit @ 06:04: Kecleon | Edit @ 06:10: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet | Edit @ 12:55: Regional Championships | Edit @ 20:28: PokeDoko Reveal
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
It has been announced that next week's episode of Japanese variety show, PokéDoko, due to air on January 15th 2023, is to have the world premiere of a special video to celebrate that we have over 1,000 Pokémon, and is said to make you enjoy the games 100 times more. It's currently unclear the format or concept of the video or if it will be uploaded afterwards but we'll post it as it comes

In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Special Distribution
The second day of distributions has begun in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This distribution will get you a random selection of items as part of the official Japanese Twitter doing a New Year Lottery campaign. This code can get you a Stardust, Star Piece or a Comet Shard and is given as a participation prize for their retweet competition where the top prize are separate non-shared codes to get 100,000, 500,000 or 1,000,000 League Points
They are obtained with the code ENJ0YG0URUMET
This event ends on January 15th 2023 at 14:59 UTC

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Community Day
For some time following the Pokémon GO Community Day today, some PokéStops will start to be unable to be spun. If you interact with them, you will find the Pokémon Kecleon on the PokéStops. This is the first appearance of Kecleon. Currently it's unclear how it will appear after the time period but we'll post more as they come
At present, due to a bug preventing Kecleon appearing with a gender, it cannot be sent to Pokémon HOME

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Community Day
The Pokémon GO Community Day is rolling out globally. For three hours in each region, Chespin will appear, enmass, in Pokémon GO with a chance of Shiny Chespin appearing . During this event, when you evolve Quilladin into Chesnaught, it will know the move Frenzy Plant, which is exclusive to this event. This coincides with 25% Incubator Distance, 3 hour Incense and more. This runs at these times:
It runs from 2pm to 5pm in your local time.
We have full details on our Chespin Community Day page

In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Pokémon Regional Championships
Today is Day 1 of the Pokémon San Diego Regional Championships 2023. Today features battles for three of the games in the current Play! Pokémon Circuit: TCG, GO and for the very first time, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. All three games will be streamed in individual streams
The Pokémon VG Stream begins at 19:00 (GMT) / 14:00 (EST) / 11:00 (PST)
The Pokémon TCG Stream begins at 20:00 (GMT) / 15:00 (EST) / 12:00 (PST)
The Pokémon GO Stream begins at 18:00 (GMT) / 13:00 (EST) / 010:00 (PST)
There is also a Pokémon GO event for players at the event featuring exclusive Field Research
We have all the streams in our Play! Pokémon Stream Hub which allows for tabbing between all streams or loading all together
06-01-2023 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 11:05 GMT
Edit @ 05:00: Ranked Battle | Edit @ 05:36: Pokémon TCG | Edit @ 05:46: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Distribution | Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Masters EX & Café ReMix | Edit @ 11:05: Episode Titles
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The sixth Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event is a version exclusive spotlight which offers Tera Raid Battles for Hydreigon in Pokémon Scarlet and Dragapult in Pokémon Violet
This event runs until January 8th at 23:59 UTC
We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 00:12: We have updated our section with full details of this Tera Raid Battle Event
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Ranked Battle
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet's Ranked Battle Series 2 has been officially announced. This Series will run from February 1st 2023 through to March 31st 2023 and adds the ability to use Paradox Pokémon in Single and Double Battles in Ranked Battle
We have added all details to our Ranked Battle Section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Special Distribution
The new distribution has begun in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This distribution will get you a random selection of items as part of the opfficial Japanese Twitter doing a New Year Lottery campaign. This code can get you a Stardust, Star Piece or a Comet Shard and is given as a participation prize for their retweet competition where the top prize are separate non-shared codes to get 100,000, 500,000 or 1,000,000 League Points
They are obtained with the code MAKEWA2AMACH1NE
This event ends on January 15th 2023 at 14:59 UTC

In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Ranked Battle
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet's Ranked Battle Series 1 Season 2 has now begun. This season will run until January 31st at 23:59 UTC and features a different set of rewards for each Rank Tier including the addition of Ability Patches for those who end the season in Master Ball Tier
We've added all known details in our Ranked Battle Series 1 / Season 2 section

In The TCG Department
Pokémon TCG Reveal
Following the set's reveal last month and ahead of its release in Japan later this month, some new details have come to light about the new Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Pokémon TCG sets. Much like recent cards in the Sword & Shield era, it has been confirmed that these sets will continue the tradition of having Art Rare and Special Art Rare cards at the end of the set. These are full art alternate arts of various cards within the set. It's currently unclear how the English sets will deal with them
We have begun adding full details, including the revealed Art Rare cards into our respective sections of the Card Database. The Card Dex has also been updated for Pokémon, Artists and more
Scarlet ex Set List
Violet ex Set List

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Aim To Be A Pokémon Master - News
A new pair of Episode Titles have been released by TV Tokyo. These two episodes are due to air on January 20th and 27th respectively. The first episode features Ash try to catch a wild Clauncher, but as he's about to, Misty appears wanting to catch it, so they decide to settle it by fishing. The second episode features Ash & Pikachu meet up with Brock and Cilan, but Brock is sad due to a fresh heartbreak and ends up kidnapped by a wild Hatterene leaving it up to Ash, Misty and Cilan to get him back
Episode 1227: Ash VS Misty! A One-on-One on the Beach!!
Episode 1228: Brock, Cilan and the Forest Witch!!

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Egg Event
The Three-Type Egg Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is focused around getting eggs based around Fairy, Grass and Ghost-type Pokémon. This allows for you to create Sync Pairs of Main Character & Oddish, Bulbasaur, Cleffa, Igglybuff and Gastly with Shiny Oddish, Igglybuff and Gastly being available. The event runs until January 20th
We're currently compiling all details in our Three-Type Egg Event event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix - New Year Lucky Wheel
The New Year Lucky Wheel event has begun in Pokémon Café ReMix. Using tickets earned through events and challenge cards the past week, you can now use the New Year Lucky Wheel. This allows for you to receive a variety of items including the top prize of 1,000,000 Golden Acorns
05-01-2023 00:01 GMT / 19:01 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 04:00 GMT
Edit @ 04:00: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Ranked Battle
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Ranked Battle
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet's Ranked Battle Series 1 Season 1 is now over and the rewards for Season 1 are now available for all players who participated in Single or Double Ranked Battles
Season 2 was scheduled to begin at 04:00 UTC today but seems to have been in error. It's now scheduled to begin at 04:00 UTC tomorrow
We've added all known details in our Ranked Battle Series 1 / Season 2 section
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
One new piece of Holowear have been released for Pokémon UNITE. This is the Dark Suit Style outfit for Duraludon which cost 1050 Gems with unique animations for Movement.
04-01-2023 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:00 GMT
Edit @ 18:00: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO Twinkling Fantasy

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Twinkling Fantasy event and is due to run from January 10th at 10:00 to January 16th at 20:00 local time and introduces Mega Salamence and Shiny Dedenne into the game
You will get 2* Experience and additional candy when you make Nice, Great or Excellent Throws throughout the event
Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Dratini, Togetic, Marill, Ralts, Vibrava, Bagon, Deino, Dedenne, Goomy, and Noibat will spawn in the wild
Dragon-type and Fairy-type Pokémon will appear in Photobombs
A Collection Challenge will run to get Salamence Mega Energy and both a Fast TM and a Charged TM
Clefairy, Dratini, Bagon, Dedenne and Goomy will be in Field Research
Jigglypuff, Marill, Axew, Deino will be in 1 Star Raids
Druddigon, Mawile & Dedenne will be in 3 Star Raids
Zekrom will be in 5 Star Raids with the new move Fusion Bolt
Edit @ 21:04: We have added full details to our Twinkling Fantasy event page

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO Community Classic Day on January 21st will focus on Larvitar. This event will 3* Catch Experience, as well as 3 hours Incense and Lure Modules.
It will also give out the move Smack Down to Tyranitar. You will be able to purchase a ticket to receive Special Research "Larvitar Community Day Classic".
The Community Day runs at 2pm to 5pm in each local time zone
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix event has begun. This is a Team Event, Enthuisastic Pichu, and allows players to get the Pokémon, Pichu by working together to earn points. This runs until January 11th 2023
03-01-2023 08:05 GMT / 03:05 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 08:05 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The next event has been announced for Pokémon Masters EX. This event is a repeat of the New Year and New Friends event and follows the story of a New Years Battle Tournament entered by Volkner and Sabrina. It will run from tomorrow, January 4th, until January 18th 2023
02-01-2023 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 08:09 GMT
Edit @ 00:02: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Tera Raid Battles | Edit @ 08:09: Pokémon Café ReMix
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The sixth Tera Raid Battle event has been announced. This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Hydreigon for players of Pokémon Scarlet and Dragapult for players with Pokémon Violet. These raids will appear in 4 and 5 star Raid Battles.
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on January 6th through 23:59 UTC on January 8th 2023
We'll provide full details on this event when it begins
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
One new piece of Holowear have been released for Pokémon UNITE. This is the Super Suit Style outfit for Cinderace which cost 2199 Gems with unique animations for Scoring, Returning, KO, and Movement. It is Premium Holowear.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Team event has been announced for Pokémon Café ReMix. Starting January 4th, Pichu will be available to get through the Team Event by completing stages and earning points. This runs from January 4th through January 11th. We'll provide full details when the event runs on Wednesday
01-01-2023 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The "Gather Up! Dream Duo!" Story Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is focused around the New Years Celebration. This event allows for players to pair with the new Sync Pair of Kali (Furisode Girl) & Azumarill
A pair of new Seasonal Scouts is now available to get the Sync Pairs of Dawn & Oricorio and Lisia & Shiny Galarian Rapidash. The scout runs until January 21st
We're currently compiling all details in our Gather Up! Dream Duo! event section
A new set of Daily Battles is now available in the New Year's Challenge where you can complete stages to get items and 1100 Gems each day until January 9th

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
A new trainer has been added to Pokémon Masters EX's Trainer Lodge. From now on, if you have obtained Dawn & Turtwig already, you have the ability to invite Elesa into the Trainer Lodge and befriend her. If you get the Friendship Level to 100, you will now be able to get the new Sync Pair, Dawn & Wormadam. We have updated our Trainer Lodge Topics page to include the points each topic will give you when you speak to Dawn
Alongside this, a new Poké Fair Scout is now live allowing you to get the sync pair of Cynthia & Garchomp. This runs until February 1st 2023

In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
Pokémon Café ReMix has added a new Monthly Goal Pass pass which offers a chance to get the Pokémon Magikarp & Shiny Magikarp, as well as max out its Outfit Grade as you complete it throughout the month
A new Challenge Card is live to allow you to get tickets to spin the New Year Wheel on January 6th
A special Rainbow Delivery feature is now live. This doubles the chance of getting certain Pokémon in the Delivery feature
Some Invitation Packs are available to buy in the shop which give tickets to let you pick some Pokémon to obtain

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fifth entry into the Generation IX competitive field with a Kalos Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the sixth generation. The patterns on this Pokémon depend on the climate and topography of the land it was born in. This form is from a mysterious land. This Pokémon was born in a mysterious land. It scatters colorful, toxic scales from its wings during battle. So, here it is, the fifth Pokémon , Vivillon