Saturday: Episode Title & Movie Release31-01-2009- 09:20 GMT / 04:20 EST by Serebii
Work on the new project is going well, albeit a bit slow. It will likely be done within about a month or so, maybe a bit longer
In The Animé Department
Giratina & The Sky Warrior Release Details
The release details for the upcoming movie; Giratina & The Sky Warrior, appear to have been released via an online retailer listing. This lists the release date as March 31st 2009. This movie ties in with the Platinum games in featuring Giratina's Origin Forme, Shaymin and an alternate dimension. This release date is tentative and may change at any time. We'll bring you more as we get it.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the fourty-second episode of this season and the 562nd episode total. This episode has Pachirisu fall ill while everyone is out relaxing. Ash & dawn decide to look after it, but their only source of help is Brock, whom has gone to a nearby town for supplies. The episode is called Doc Brock and is scheduled to air on February 14th in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Episode Pictures & Manga Character Biographies29-01-2009- 15:15 GMT / 10:15 EST by Serebii
Episode pictures for today's Japanese episode should be done either later today or tomorrow. If they're ready today, I shall ammend this update with them so be sure to check back.
Edit @ 00:24 GMT: Sorry for the delay but episode pictures are now up & the AniméDex has been updated accordingly. Enjoy.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired earlier today in Japan. This episode features Pikachu & Piplup being stuck on a desert island. Alone, they soon discover a school of Mantyke and a Corphish who to be looking after a gem that landed nearby. What could the gem be? Be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The Manga Department
Pocket Monsters Special - Character Biographies
Coronis has once again kindly written updates to the character biographies of the characters Blue & Yellow from Pocket Monsters Special. These characters were introduced in Special as completely original characters whom were exclusive to the manga. However, as time went on, Blue took on the appearance of the female trainer in the FireRed/LeafGreen games. The biography updates included here are from the occurances within the recently completed Emerald Saga. He has also updated Pearl's Biography with details from the recent occurances in the manga. Click the picture to go to the index page and select them from there;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Ranger: Shadows of Almia Mission Reminder28-01-2009- 15:55 GMT / 10:55 EST by Serebii
Slow news
In The Games Department
Ranger: Shadows of Almia Mission Reminder
For those of you in America with Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, please note that the downloadable missions that allow you to obtain Manaphy, Riolu & Darkrai for your Diamond, Pearl & Platinum games will no longer be downloadable as of this weekend so if you have yet to download them, connect to the Ranger Net and download them now. Even if you have yet to complete the game, you can still download them to play later. Click the picture to go to the page about those missions
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Dub Episode Title27-01-2009- 15:40 GMT / 10:40 EST by Serebii
Just working on prototypes for various site sections at the moment so even when news is slow, you know I'm working on something
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the fourty-first episode of this season and the 561th episode total. This episode has Ash & Co. meet up with the Hearthome City Gym Leader; Fantina while she is battling Dawn's rival Zoey. Once they get aquainted, Ash challenges her to a battle, albeit not an official one. The episode is called Playing the Leveling Field and is scheduled to air on February 7th in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Manga Character Biographies26-01-2009- 16:03 GMT / 11:03 EST by Serebii
Slowly continuing on work with the TCG section. unlike the animé section upgrades going on, this will take a while so please be patient, but it will be worth it in the end.
In The Manga Department
Pocket Monsters Special - Character Biographies
Coronis has kindly written updates to the character biographies of the characters Red & Green from Pocket Monsters Special. These characters represent the protaganist and rival of the original Pokémon games and have been in the Pocket Monsters Special manga from the get-go. The biography updates included here are from the occurances within the recently completed Emerald Saga. Click the picture to go to the index page and select them from there;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Another US Event25-01-2009- 09:56 GMT / 04:56 EST by Serebii
There has been a slight technical delay in the Pokémon of the Week. I shall try to get it up as soon as humanly possible and when I do, it will be added to this update.
Edit @ 20:32; Pokémon of the Week added. Sorry for the delay

In The Games Department
US Event News
Visitor to the site, ultimatedra, has kindly sent us material from Toys 'R' Us both confirming the Shaymin event mentioned on Thursday, confirming that the Shaymin will unlock the Gracidea Flower in Platinum. This material also announces that from March 8th to March 21st, Toys 'R' Us stores across America will also be providing downloads of the special Level 100 Regigigas. The details of this Regigigas match the one given away in Japan last year with it knowing Iron Head, Rock Slide, Icy Wind & Crush Grip. This Regigigas is also utilised in Pokémon Platinum, once traded to it, to access new areas in Route 228, Iron Island & Mt. Coronet to allow for the battle and capture of Regirock, Registeel & Regice so be sure to go to Toys 'R' Us and get yours then. Click the picture to go to the page detailling the Platinum effects of Regigigas

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our ninety-eighth Pokémon. This Pokémon has never been covered by us in the Pokémon of the Week at all so it's completely new. This Pokémon has an ongoing feud with Zangoose and it sharpens it's sword-like tail on rocks. So here it is, the ninety-eighth featured Pokémon, Seviper.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Platinum Wi-Fi Page Enhancement24-01-2009- 18:54 GMT / 13:54 EST by Serebii
Still a slow news time, nothing came out of World Hobby Fair but we're expecting stuff soon. Lots of site enhancements are also coming so be sure to keep checking back.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum - WiFi Enhancements
As per some popular request, I have updated the Wi-Fi page for Pokémon Platinum with full details about everything Wi-Fi within the game. This includes the Wi-Fi Square, GTS and the normal Wi-Fi Club. However, in addition to the basic data, there is also some new data in there which has not been noted on the site or in the general community yet. Click the picture to go to the page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Episode Pictures & Shaymin Event Revealed?22-01-2009- 20:40 GMT / 15:40 EST by Serebii
The Animédex is going over pretty well, thanks to all of you for your feedback. As stated, it has already been updated with the stuff from today's episode. Utilising that database, I have added character & Pokémon listings to all the episode guide pages.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episodes that aired earlier today in Japan. This episode features Ash & Co. going up against Team Galactic in their plot on Iron Island. To make matters worse, with all the Steel Pokémon acting up, Riley's Lucario is facing inner turmoil and has turned on it's trainer as well as Ash & Co.. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Games Department
US Shaymin Event Revealed?
Earlier today, Pokemon.com revealed that on Thursday next week, they will reveal a special event to give a Pokémon away on the Diamond & Pearl games. As well as this, Toys'R'Us have posted an event on their Facebook page that states that they will be giving Shaymin away on the DS Download Stations in stores across America from the 8th of February to the 14th of February. We'll bring you more on this, including confirmation, as and when it comes so be sure to check back.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Serebii.net AniméDex21-01-2009- 14:50 GMT / 09:50 EST by Serebii
Finished it before I had anticipated, guess thats better than it not coming at all. Still a slow news time however, especially as nothing seems to be coming out of World's Hobby Fair. I will still endeavour to update the game sections with new stuff where possible so check for that and send me an e-mail if you have any ideas

In The Animé Department
Serebii.net Animédex
The section that sprung out of one of the forthcoming animé section updates has been completed. This section is essentially an encyclopedia of every Pokémon's appearance in the animé. For every appearance, including one second appearances in the background is documented where ever possible and placed in this database. It will be regularly updated whenever an episode has aired so it will never be behind. It categorises the Pokémon by trainer and includes a picture of that said Pokémon where applicable. However, as this is a man-made database, unlike the game sections, there is likely to be a couple of errors so if you see some, be sure to let me know. Click the picture to go to the index page and navigate from there;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Episode Title19-01-2009- 19:05 GMT / 14:05 EST by Serebii
Just a tiny bit of news as I've focused my free time today on working on the sudden-project, it should be done soon. It also would appear that no news will come from World Hobby Fair and that Arceus' revelation will be within CoroCoro next month
In The Animé Department
Episode Title
Two new Japanese Episode titles have been revealed for the episodes scheduled to air in Japan on the 12th & 19th of February respectively. The first episode episode is set to feature Dawn's next contest challenge in the animé-only town of Akebi;
Episode 582: Pokémon Contest! Akebi Convention!
Episode 583: The Wild Jenny & Her Partner Chatot!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week18-01-2009- 12:53 GMT / 07:53 EST by Serebii
In the work of the upgrade of the animé section, I've inadvertantly started another massive project. This is coming along nicely and should interest and be helpful to any animé fan so be sure to check back. Hopefully it'll be done within a week or so.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our ninety-seventh Pokémon. This Pokémon evolves from an electric sheep. The light on its tail has been used to send signals in old times and is utilised in Johto in the Shining Lighthouse to help guide ships into the harbor. So here it is, the ninety-seventh featured Pokémon, Ampharos.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Episode Title17-01-2009- 10:42 GMT / 05:42 EST by Serebii
If the news from mid-December is still going as planned, we will possibly get the first details of Arceus and the plot of the 12th movie this weekend so check back for that
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the fourtieth episode of this season and the 560th episode total. This episode follows Team Rocket and their attempt to get back into shape after they have become spoilt and lazy following the Pokémon Summer Camp. The episode is called Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine and is scheduled to air on January 31st in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Episode Pictures & Shaymin Sky Forme16-01-2009- 09:28 GMT / 04:28 EST by Serebii
Almost done with the first part of the Animé section upgrade. You should see it within a week if all goes well
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episodes that aired yesterday in Japan. This episode features Ash & Co. helping Jun investigate the strange circumstances going on on Iron Island. While there, they meet up with Riley and his Lucario and discover a Team Galactic Plot. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Pokémon Department
Shaymin Sky Forme Officially Revealed
The Official US Site today opened up an 11th movie section which included the revelation of Shaymin's Sky Forme. Not much information has been revealed that we did not already know and it stays vague as to not give away any Platinum details, but it did confirm that the item used to change Shaymin's forms in Pokémon Platinum is now called the Gracidea Flower. Click the picture to go to Shaymin's Pokédex Page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Explorers of the Sky Pics & Character Biographires15-01-2009- 12:00 GMT / 07:00 EST by Serebii
Expect episode pictures either later today or tomorrow. If they are today, I shall ammend this update with them so be sure to check back. Also working and nearing the end of one cool Animé section upgrade
In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky
The official site has today updated with the information that was in CoroCoro, which I reported upon on Saturday, and with that information comes crystal clear pictures of the game. These screenshots have been added to the Pre-Release Picture page in the Explorers of the Sky section. Click the picture to the right to go to the page.
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the episode that aired today in Japan, we have two biography updates. One of them is an update to Jun's biography with a new Pokémon. The other is a new biography for the character Riley, another game character brought into the animé, who is currently a part of the Iron Island episode arc. Click the pictures for the respective biography.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky & Platinum Wi-Fi Events14-01-2009- 13:27 GMT / 08:27 EST by Serebii
Expect some news from the World Hobby Fair regarding the 12th movie and the "new" Pokémon over the next week or so.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky
With the information that came out over the past week or so, I have compiled the section for the upcoming Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky game due out in Japan this Spring. This section contains all the information that is known of the game thus-far so if you're still unsure about what it entails, click the picture to the right to go to the section.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum - WiFi Event
As it is almost the 15th of January over in Japan, the Darkrai Wi-Fi Event is almost over and we are heading towards the second chance for you to obtain the Secret Key. This event runs from tomorrow up until March 2nd 2009 so if you missed your chance the first time, be sure to connect to the WiFi Mystery Gift and download it so you can obtain all the new forms of Rotom. Click the picture to go to our Wi-Fi Event page.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky Data13-01-2009- 18:06 GMT / 13:06 EST by Serebii
Finally we get good quality stuff
In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky Data
Well we have some decent pages in which to gather the information from for Explorers of the Sky. The details from Saturday remain in place and in addition to confirming the 5 new starters (Phanpy, Eevee, Riolu, Shinx & Vulpix), it confirms the total number of possible starters at 19, taking 2 of the starters from the previous dungeon games out of the equations. We currently do not know which ones are to be removed. The game is due out on the DS in Japan during the Spring and is appears to feature a continuation of the story within the Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness games that were released previously. Very little further details are currently known but we'll bring it as it comes.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Ranger Shadows of Almia Europe News12-01-2009- 17:48 GMT / 12:48 EST by Serebii
Still no sign of high quality Dungeon Explorers of Sky info. Do not fear as it will crop up and we will keep you aprised of this
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia - Extra Missions
Just some news to let you know that the two special missions; Dialga in Hia Valley? & Palkia in Haruba Desert!? are now available in Europe. Like the US release of them, we do not know how long they will be up. However, unlike the three other missions available until February 14th, these missions do not allow for the transfer of Dialga & Palkia to your Diamond or Pearl games. Click the picture to go to the Extra Mission page for tips
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week11-01-2009- 10:27 GMT / 05:27 EST by Serebii
Chances are we'll see the full Dungeon 3 & Movie 12 stuff later today. If that is the case, I shall ammend this update with that stuff so be sure to keep checking back.
Edit @ 15;55 EDT; Just to say, some low res pics have appeared of various parts of a page on CoroCoro and appear to confirm the data we provided yesterday regarding Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky. We'll bring more when we get it
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our ninety-sixth Pokémon. This Pokémon is drowzy in the day but floats off at night. It can only be obtained by evolving a Pokémon you can find only one day a week. So here it is, the ninety-sixth featured Pokémon, Drifblim.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: First Dungeon 3 Details & Episode Title10-01-2009- 17:39 GMT / 12:39 EST by Serebii
Should have full CoroCoro stuff soon including Movie 12 stuff
In The Games Department
First Dungeon 3 Details?
The first details appear to have trickled out on a Japanese forum from CoroCoro for the upcoming Dungeon game. Very few details are known so far, but it is said that it includes five new starters in addition to those before. These starters are; Phanpy, Eevee, Riolu, Shinx & Vulpix. The title of the game appears to be Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky. This data is not 100% confirmed as of yet but scans are expected over the next day or two so keep your eye here for it as soon as we get it.

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the thirty-nineth episode of this season and the 559th episode total. This episode concludes the gang's time at the Pokémon Summer Camp and ends with a triathlon for the trainers to race utilising random Pokémon across a variety of terain The episode is called One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team! and is scheduled to air on January 24th in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures09-01-2009- 12:55 GMT / 07:55 EST by Serebii
The new CoroCoro information is imminent so be sure to keep checking back for it, if it comes today, I shall ammend the update with this
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episodes that aired yesterday in Japan. This episode features Ash & Co. getting robbed by a trio of Pokémon. However, in investigation, they discover a Wailmer is stuck in the Sewers. Ash decides to help the Pokémon out and return the Wailmer to the school of Wailord. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Episode Title08-01-2009- 19:02 GMT / 14:02 EST by Serebii
Shall have Episode Pictures tomorrow so be sure to check back for them. CoroCoro should be leaked soon and so we should have our first details of the next Dungeon installment
In The Animé Department
Episode Title
A new Japanese Episode title has been revealed for the episode scheduled to air in Japan on the 5th of February. This episode is set to feature the pseudo-legendary Pokémon of the 4th generation, only obtainable by breeding;
Episode 581: Mischief Phione!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Animé Section Update07-01-2009- 19:03 GMT / 14:03 EST by Serebii
The slow news continues. As usual, send in your ideas. We do expect the first details for the next dungeon games to appear in a few days and we will have episode pictures from the new episode tomorrow or Friday.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
Continuing the upgrade of the animé section, I have updated the galleries of the episodes set in the Orange Islands. This saga features Ash & Misty travelling to the Orange Islands initially on an errand for Professor Oak, but then entering into the local league there. They were joined by newcomer Tracey. These galleries are from the episode where Ash & Co. set off to the episode where Ash returns home and heads off for Johto. If you are in the mood for reminiscing, click the picture to go to the Orange Island section and click the Pics link for your desired episode
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Movie News & Ranger News05-01-2009- 10:57 GMT / 05:57 EST by Serebii
Still living within the slow news times, however do not forget that 2009 is set to be a good year with everything coming out. Be sure to pre-order Pokémon Platinum
Edit @ 19:52; Ranger News
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia - Extra Missions
Just some news to let you know that the two special missions; Dialga in Hia Valley? & Palkia in Haruba Desert!? are now available in the US. The official site does not state any specific time that these missions will expire. However, unlike the three other missions available until the end of the month, these missions do not allow for the transfer of Dialga & Palkia to your Diamond or Pearl games. We'll update when we have the European Release data. Click the picture to go to the Extra Mission page for tips

In The Animé Department
Movie 12 News
It's starting to reach that time of year again where more merchandise in preperation for the 12th Movie is beginning to trickle out and as such AAPF has obtained a flyer for the first bit of merchandise. This merchandise, 5 different sets of stickers, confirm that there is a Pokémon yet to be revealed, known on the merchandise as "Pokémon A". This Pokémon is more than likely Arceus, but we won't know for sure until later this month when the new Pokémon will be revealed in the World Hobby Fair on the 18th/19th. The merchandise also contains Heatran, possibly hinting to the fact that Heatran will be in the 12th movie. What will its role be in the fight between the three deities? We'll have to wait and see. Click the picture for all we know of the 12th movie.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week04-01-2009- 10:33 GMT / 05:33 EST by Serebii
Still living within the slow news times, however do not forget that 2009 is set to be a good year with everything coming out. Be sure to pre-order Pokémon Platinum
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our ninety-fifth Pokémon. This Pokémon is the fully evolved form of one of the Water Starter Pokémon; Its arms are rock-hard. With one swing, they can batter down its foe. It makes its nests at beautiful beaches. It is only naturally available within three games. So here it is, the ninety-fifth featured Pokémon, Swampert.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Episode Title03-01-2009- 10:16 GMT / 05:16 EST by Serebii
It's a slow news time so news will be scarce. However, that said, the first details of the third installment in the Mystery Dungeon series will be revealed in just over a week and a new Pokémon, probably Arceus, is set to be revealed in Japan on January 19th. If you have any game mechanic ideas or other ideas in general, feel free to send them in
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the thirty-eighth episode of this season and the 558th episode total. This episode features Ash & Co's third week at the Pokémon Camp. In this episode, Ash & Co. are sent to research nearby spectral activity for a report. However, when they get there, they find it's not just ghost Pokémon inhabiting the area... The episode is called Ghoul Daze and is scheduled to air on January 17th in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: First Anime Section Upgrade01-01-2009- 16:19 GMT / 11:19 EST by Serebii
I hope you all had a good new years. Lets go into 2009 with hopes of it beating 2008.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
In the first part of the upgrade of the anime section, I have upgraded the galleries for the first season of the animé to now include full galleries for all episodes where previously there were massive gaps. These cover the episodes from the very first episode to the one where Ash heads off to the Orange Islands, so if you are in the mood for reminiscing, be sure to cheeck out a few of the galleries