Tuesday: Pokémon Gold & Silver Section Upgrade31-01-2012 12:35 GMT / 07:35 EST by Serebii
If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 12:35 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Gold & Silver
During the rather slow news period, we have been upgrading various parts of the site, and now that is starting to include classic main series games. With special thanks to Korusan for putting time into it, we've now upgraded our classic Pokémon Gold & Silver section up to the standards shown with our coverage of Pokémon Black & White last year and it contains all the information about the various aspects and introductions within the game. The rest of the games will receive upgrades such as this in the coming months.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: PokéPark 2 Localisation Details30-01-2012 20:10 GMT / 15:10 EST by Serebii
This update will be ammended later today with the Pokémon of the Week. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 20:10 GMT
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon Black & White Rival Destinies + Pokémon of the Week29-01-2012 09:04 GMT / 04:04 EST by Serebii
This update will be ammended later today with the Pokémon of the Week. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 09:04 GMT Edit @ 14:51; Pokémon of the Week

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Black & White: Rival Destinies
The first scheduling information has arrived for February and has revealed that Cartoon Network in the US will begin airing the new season, titled Pokémon Black & White: Rival Destinies, on February 18th 2012 after a two month break. This series features the episodes currently aired in Japan and begins with episodes set at the Nimbasa City Gym. No dub titles have been revealed yet but will be posted as soon as they are

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fifty-sixth entry into the Generation V competitive field with one of the new Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer Reno. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced fifth generation. Starry skies thousands of light-years away are visible in the space distorted by their intense psychic power. They can predict the future from the placement and movement of the stars. They can see Trainers' life spans.. So here it is, the fifty-sixth featured Pokémon, Gothitelle.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition DSi Enhancement28-01-2012 09:00 GMT / 04:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be ammended later today. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 09:00 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition
Online retailer Amazon has posted higher resolution box-art for the upcoming game; Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition. This boxart confirms something we thought we saw on the smaller box art, that the game is DSi Enhanced. All games come with a specific product code which dictates the game and the system it runs off of. Normal DS games have NTR, 3DS games have CTR but DSi enhanced games, including Black & White, have the code TWL. Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition's code features TWL. It is currently unknown whether or not this means the game is region locked, as many DSi Enhanced games are or if the game utilised the special DSi features including more RAM, WPA online compatibility and the camera. We'll bring more as it comes
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: PokéPark 2 Europe Release + Mewtwo International Confirmation + Episode Pictures + Dragon Selection26-01-2012 11:29 GMT / 06:29 EST by Serebii
This update will be ammended later today. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 15:18 GMT Edit @ 11:41; Mewtwo | Edit @ 13:51: Episode Pictures | Edit @ 15:18; Dragon Selection Update

In The Games Department
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
For those of you in Europe, the full release of the recent Wii game; PokéPark 2 has been announced. This game, titled PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond in Europe, is due for release on March 23rd 2012, less than a month after its release within the US. This game is an action/adventure game which has you control Pikachu, Snivy, Tepig and Oshawott through the various of areas of PokéPark and Wish Park. Our full coverage of this game concluded within November upon Japanese release so click the image to go to the page

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Mewtwo WiFi Event Revealed
Following yesterday's reveal of the US WiFi event for Mewtwo, Nintendo of Europe sent out a press release for the English language countries revealing that the Mewtwo will also be distributed at the same time, confirming that all English language games shall receive the event. In addition to that, it revealed that the moves and hold item for the Mewtwo are confirmed to be identical to the Japanese event last year, as previously surmised. Once again, this event runs from February 12th to a currently unknown date.

In The Animé Department
Pokémon Black & White - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & Co. joining Cedric Juniper in the investigation of some special ruins said to be where the Black Hero once dwelled. The AniméDex has been updated with the massive contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The TCG Department
Pokémon TCG - Dragon Selection
Tomorrow in Japan, the new mini-set is to be released. This set is called Dragon Selection and features the introduction of the first new TCG type since 1999, the Dragon-type. This set only has 20 cards within it, with all of the Pokémon being holographic and being of the Dragon-type. As such, I have updated our extensive card database with details of the cards in this set with thanks to Guested for translations. In addition to this, I have also updated our Cardex with these Pokémon. Click the image to go to the set page;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Mewtwo WiFi Event + More Super Pokémon Rumble Passwords25-01-2012 14:57 GMT / 09:57 EST by Serebii
This update may be ammended later today. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 16:24 GMT Edit @ 16:24; Mewtwo WiFi Event

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - US Mewtwo WiFi Event Revealed
For those of you with the English language games, a new WiFi event has been revealed. This WiFi event offers the special legendary Pokémon Mewtwo and will presumably have stats and moves that match the one in Japan last October. This Mewtwo had the special move Electro Ball as well as the standard Mewtwo moves of Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere and its signature move: Psystrike. This WiFi event runs from February 12th 2012 with no end date announced. This event has so far only been announced for the US, but the English games run off of the same WiFi servers so it's incredibly likely that the Mewtwo will be distributed then. We'll provide more detail as they come

In The Games Department
Super Pokémon Rumble- Passwords
For those of you with the European and Australian Super Pokémon Rumble game, a fair few passwords have been officially revealed by the official site. First, an Audino with the trait Rally and the move Secret Power and power of around 2100 is released with the password: 7462-8687.
Next, a Dialga with no special trait and the move Iron Tail and power of around 2100 is available with the password 3681-9208
Next, an Oshawott with the special trait of PokéTC, power of around 650 and the move Razor Shell is available with the password 8084-8937
A Grass Boost + Serperior with Leaf Blade and power of around 2100 is available with the password 8047-7639
A Fire Boost + Emboar with Heat Crash and power of around 2100 is available with the password 6306-9222
Finally, a Water Boost + Samurott with Aqua Tail and power of around 2100 is available with the password 3791-9675
Click the image for our Password page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Stadium Japan24-01-2012 16:24 GMT / 11:24 EST by Serebii
This update may be ammended later today. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 16:24 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Stadium (Japanese)
During the rather slow news period, we have been upgrading various parts of the site, and now that is starting to include classic side series games. Something many people don't know is that before the Pokémon Stadium which came internationally, there was a version in Japan that had less Pokémon available in it and various battle modes. As such, I have compiled a section detailing this game. The rest of the games will receive upgrades such as this in the coming months.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Japanese Episode Title23-01-2012 08:37 GMT / 03:37 EST by Serebii
This update may be ammended later today. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 08:37 GMT
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
A new episode title has been revealed by TV Guide. This episode features Ash & Co. managing to reach Mistralton City where they meet the gym leader Skyla. It's due to air on February 23rd
Episode 728: Mistralton Gym Air-Battle! Challenger Cilan!?
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Super Pokémon Rumble Passwords + Pokémon of the Week22-01-2012 09:54 GMT / 04:54EST by Serebii
This update shall be ammended later today. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 14:00 GMT Edit @ 14:00: Pokémon of the Week

In The Games Department
Super Pokémon Rumble- Passwords
For those of you with the European and Australian Super Pokémon Rumble game, a fair few passwords have been officially revealed. These passwords give you access to the special Legendary Birds: Articuno, Zapdos & Moltres and others. The female Unfezant with the trait Speedy and the move Air Slash and a strength of around 2150 has the password of 0632-6305. First, a Stunfisk with the trait Tangling, strength of around 2100 and the move Mud Shot has the password of 4074-7455.The Legendary birds come at a strength of around 2100 with no special trait. Articuno has the move Ice Beam and is available with the password; 2704-0204. Zapdos has the move Discharge and is available with the password: 1566-6140. Finally, Moltres has the move Flamethrower and is available with the password: 6284-2344 Click the image for our Password page

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fifty-fifth entry into the Generation V competitive field with one of the classic Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer Reno. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced third generation. This Pokémon is capable of changing form and type depending upon the weather in effectRecently, its molecules were found to be just like water.. So here it is, the fifty-fifth featured Pokémon, Castform.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Pokémon Rayquaza Event20-01-2012 08:30 GMT / 03:30 EST by Serebii
This update shall be ammended later today. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 08:30 GMT Edit @ 08:44; Japanese episode title

In The Games Department
Pokémon - Rayquaza Event
Late last year, a promotion ran to discuss the Pokémon to be given in Japan during February. This promotion was to give a Pokémon that used to cover a version of the Pokémon games. When the voting ended on December 25th, Rayquaza was found to have won. Today, the official site revealed the details of this event. This Rayquaza is Level 100 and has its usual ability of Air Lock. However, the moves it has is are more unique. It has the moves Extremespeed, Hyper Beam and Dragon Pulse, but more shockingly, it has Victini's special move; V-Create. The giveaway will be in store from February 10th to February 27th. We'll provide more details as it comes. The Event Database has been updated with details of this event
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
A new episode title has been revealed by Dengeki. This episode features Tepig, Oshawott and the others getting separated from Ash & co. in a land of Bouffalant. So that they can pass through, they all decide to wear afros. It's due to air on February 16th
Episode 727: Afro, GO! Bouffalant, NO!!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition Trailer + Episode Pictures + Character Biography19-01-2012 08:33 GMT / 03:33 EST by Serebii
This update shall be ammended later today. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 13:40 GMT Edit @ 10:24; Character Biography | Edit @ 13:40; Episode Pictures

In The Games Department
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition
A special online conference stream just ran regarding Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition. This conference didn't reveal much new information, but did provide a new trailer, showing more of the gameplay, Bushou Warriors and more. It also confirmed that you can create shortcuts in battle with your Pokémon. It also further confirmed that the Pokémon within it are capable of evolving. It also confirms that the game will be coming with a special Shiny Rayquaza card, based upon Nobunaga's Rayquaza. Below is the new trailer for your viewing

In The Animé Department
Pokémon Black & White - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Bianca joining the group as she is eager to do a trade with Professor Juniper. This trade activates an evolution in both of their Pokémon, but things don't go the way she imagined. The AniméDex has been updated with the massive contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Pokémon Black & White - Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to update Bianca's biography with a brand new Pokémon that was obtained within the episode., Be warned though as these biographies contain spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Mamoswine Global Link Reminder18-01-2012 10:04 GMT / 05:04 EST by Serebii
If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 10:04 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Mamoswine Giveaway Reminder
For those of you in Europe, the special Global Link event for the Mamoswine is due to end. This Mamoswine has the ability of Thick Fat and cannot be obtained anywhere else as of this time. It's male only meaning it can't be bred so this is your only opportunity to get this Mamoswine. This event is due to end at the end of tomorrow so be sure to get it while you still can. The passwords to obtain it are as follows
UK and non-specific parts of Europe: MAMNintendoOfficial
France: MAMNintendoOfficiel
Italy: MAMNintendoUfficiale
Spain: MAMNintendoAccion
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition Leaders17-01-2012 11:13 GMT / 06:13 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check the previous updates as a lot has come lately. If you have any site ideas during the slow news period, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 11:13 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition
Since the reveal of this month's information of the upcoming game; Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition, there have been requests for a page detailing all the Bushou Leaders, the people who run the various nations within the Ranse region. As such, I have compiled a preliminary page for these leaders and will update the page when more information is released, with it being incredibly comprehensive when the game is launched. Click the image to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon of the Week15-01-2012 16:27 GMT / 11:27 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check the previous updates as a lot has come lately. If you have any site ideas, let me know
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 16:27 GMT

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fifty-fourth entry into the Generation V competitive field with one of the classic Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer Reno. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced second generation. A dim-witted Pokémon. It doesn't care if it bumps its head into boats or rocks while swimming. It has a sluggish nature. It lies at the river's bottom, waiting for prey to stray into its mouth. So here it is, the fifty-fourth featured Pokémon, Quagsire.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition Pictures + Black & White: Lucario Download + Crustle C-Gear13-01-2012 07:24 GMT / 02:24 EST by Serebii
This update will likely be ammended throughout the day so keep checking back. Be sure to check the previous updates
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 15:42 GMT Edit @ 07:36; Lucario download | Edit @ 09:23; Nobunaga's Ambition Images | Edit @ 10:46; Movie Announcement | Edit @ 13:34; Nobunaga's Ambition page creation begins | Edit @ 15:42; Another page

In The Games Department
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition
The official site has updated with the information provided in CoroCoro yesterday. While no further information was revealed, a lot was clarified with the aid of pictures such as the Ponigiri which help improve the Pokémon strength, scouting for warriors and so forth. It also confirms that Pokémon drop items when defeated and that flying Pokémon can move further as they can jump over obstacles. Your taken castles can be attacked by the various neighbours and you can also attack them These many pictures of the game are the first officially released high quality screenshots, and as such, I have added them to our pre-release screenshot gallery. Click the image to go to the gallery.
In addition to this, I have started compiling the new information revealed into various pages on the site. The first of which is a preliminary page detailing all the mechanics of the Battle Mode.
Next, I have also created a preliminary page detailing the game mechanics when in the overworld of Ranse.
In addition to this, it posted images of other warrior leaders, Maeda, Ishida, Kato, Fukushima and Gracia, who are set to be revealed next month
Other Warriors |

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Lucario Download
For those of you with the games in America, Lucario is to be downloadable on the Pokémon Global Link. This distribution is unfortunately only open to those who purchase the game in Target stores from January 15th until April 30th 2012. This Lucario is the same as the Lucario in Japan last month and has the ability Justified and the move Bullet Punch. It is currently unknown if the password used is unique or a general password but the Global Link implies a single use code
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Crustle C-Gear
For those of you with the Japanese games, a new C-Gear has been released. This C-Gear is unlocked automatically without password. This C-Gear skin, based on Crustle will run from today until February 29th 2012 so you'll have plenty of time to get it. The International release and password for this C-Gear is not yet known but will be posted as soon as we know
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Movie Announcement
CoroCoro has promised that, within their next issue due out on February 15th, it will provide more world's first information, but this time in regards to the new movie. Elsewhere in the magazine, it promises a scoop about the main Pokémon of the movie next month indicating that a new Pokémon is to be revealed, presumably the legendary Pokémon; Keldeo. We'll provide more of this as and when it comes
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition + Episode Pictures + Character Biography12-01-2012 05:52 GMT / 00:52 EST by Serebii
CoroCoro will be coming at any point with a lot of information on Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition and the new movie so keep checking back
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 17:00 GMT Edit @ 05:58; More information | Edit @ 06:09; Release Date Confirmed | Edit @ 06:16; Further information | Edit @ 10:24; Character Biography | Edit @ 13:24; Episode Pictures | Edit @ 17:00; Clarified a few bits of information about Nobunaga's Ambition

In The Games Department
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition
CoroCoro scans are starting to come off of various online sources. The first of these scans confirm that the battles you have are in the 6 VS 6 battles, using 1 Pokémon per trainer, but with multiple trainers in each area. Once you defeat the leaders of each of the 17 castles across the kingdoms, you take the castle for yourself. You make new Pokémon friends by linking with wild Pokémon outside of battle and befriend the leaders who can then aid you with their special power, increasing your strength, movement or Hit Points.
You also have the ability to battle with friends across the Nintendo WiFi Connection and wireless play.
The release date is also confirmed to be March 17th 2012 and will retail at 5,800 Yen. It also revealed new warrior leaders and their Pokémon
Hideyoshi has Monferno (but is seen in the trailer with Infernape)
Motonari has Servine
Motochika has Dewott
We'll bring more, including larger images, when they come.
Scan 1 | Scan 2 |
 |  |

In The Animé Department
Pokémon Black & White - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash f& Co. reaching the Chargestone Cave, only to find that the Pokémon there are losing their electricity and are trying to sap it from all other sources. The AniméDex has been updated with the massive contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Pokémon Black & White - Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to update Cilan's biography with a brand new Pokémon that was obtained within the episode., Be warned though as these biographies contain spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition + Site Pokédex Upgrade11-01-2012 12:55 GMT / 07:55 EST by Serebii
CoroCoro will be coming at any point with a lot of information on Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition and the new movie so keep checking back
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 13:27 GMT Edit @ 13:27; Nobunaga's Ambition boxart

In The Games Department
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition
Online retailer, Amazon, has published the official box art for Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition. This game is the game revealed last month which features Pokémon in a strategy RPG style of the Nobunaga's Ambition games. This boxart confirms that the game has Wi-Fi features. CoroCoro is expected with details this week. The first of which seem to be leaking with a potential release date of March 17th 2012, but this has yet to be confirmed. Watch this space for more information. Click the image to go to the game section

In The Site Department
Pokémon Black & White - Pokédex
Another thing which people have asked for is for more easy access to see moves that Pokémon haven't been able to obtain since Generation III within our Generation V Pokédex, especially in regards to the Move Tutors and XD Purification only moves. As such, I have included this update among a few bug fixes in the setup of the Pokédex, allowing for even easier checking for set possibilities without the need to check through multiple generations. Click the image to go to the Black & White Pokédex
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: WiFi Event Reminder + Pokémon Rumble Blast Passwords09-01-2012 10:02 GMT / 05:02 EST by Serebii
CoroCoro can come at any point this week with a tonne of game news so keep checking back
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 22:59 GMT Edit @ 22:59; Rumble Passwords

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Tornadus & Thundurus WiFi Event
For those of you with the Japanese games, the new WiFi event is due to end. This event gives you the legendary Pokémon that is not present in your game. Thundurus if you're using Pokémon Black and Tornadus if you're on Pokémon White. These Pokémon are Level 70 with no special moves and with the ability Prankster but they do unlock Landorus in the games if used in conjunction with the legendary Pokémon found in your game, if you have not already done so via trade. The event ends at the end of tomorrow (Japan time) so there's a limited window left to get them so get them while you still can

In The Games Department
Pokémon Rumble Blast - Passwords
For those of you with the American Pokémon Rumble Blast game, the final three passwords have been officially revealed. These passwords give you access to the special Legendary Birds: Articuno, Zapdos & Moltres. These birds come at a strength of around 2100 with no special trait. Articuno has the move Ice Beam and is available with the password; 2364-4610. Zapdos has the move Discharge and is available with the password: 1675-4459. Finally, Moltres has the move Flamethrower and is available with the password: 8714-7361 Click the image for our Password page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Global Link Event Reminder + Pokémon of the Week08-01-2012 12:07 GMT / 07:08 EST by Serebii
This update will be ammended throughout the day. Back into a slow news time while we go over Christmas so be sure to e-mail me if you have any site ideas
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 13:39 GMT Edit @ 13:39; Pokémon of the Week

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Croagunk Giveaway Reminder
For those of you in America, Australia or Europe, the special Global Link event for the Croagunk is due to end. This Croagunk has the ability of Poison Touch and has the move Poison Jab earlier than other Croagunk found in the Dream World. This event is due to end at the end of tomorrow so be sure to get it while you still can. The passwords to obtain it are as follows
North America: IGNRuggedMountain
UK and non-specific parts of Europe: CROACNintendoOfficial
France: CROACNintendoOfficiel
Italy: CROACNintendoUfficiale
Spain: CROACNintendoAccion

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fifty-third entry into the Generation V competitive field with one of the new Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer Reno. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced fifth generation. It makes a nest out of bones it finds. It grabs weakened prey in its talons and hauls it to its nest of bones. Watching from the sky, they swoop to strike weakened Pokémon on the ground. They decorate themselves with bones. It can only be female. So here it is, the fifty-third featured Pokémon, Mandibuzz.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Japanese Episode Title + First Dragon-type Card Revealed06-01-2012 05:46 GMT / 00:46 EST by Serebii
This update may be ammended throughout the day. Back into a slow news time while we go over Christmas so be sure to e-mail me if you have any site ideas
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 17:08 GMT Edit @ 17:08: Japanese Episode Title
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
A new episode title has been revealed by various TV magazines. This episode features the return of Pikachu's rival, the sunglasses wearing Krokorok and has it team up with Pikachu in a battle against another trainer. It's due to air on February 2nd
Episode 726: Double Battle! Pikachu & Krokorok VS Scolipede & Seismitoad!!
In The TCG Department
Pokémon Dragon Selection
The official site has posted, revealing the first Dragon-type cards. These cards are to be the first new cards to have a new type since Darkness and Metal were introduced in 1999. This new type is set to be implemented within the games in the new "Dragon Selection" set due for release in Japan on January 27th as part of a celebration for the Year of the Dragon. The cards, like the Dragon-types in the game, have a weakness to themselves and appear to require other energy cards to function. We'll bring more on this set as it comes and when it is released
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Episode Pictures + Character Biographies05-01-2012 10:23 GMT / 05:23 EST by Serebii
This update shall be ammended throughout the day. Back into a slow news time while we go over Christmas so be sure to e-mail me if you have any site ideas
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 13:28 GMT Edit @ 13:28; Episode Pictures
In The Animé Department
Pokémon Black & White - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash facing up against the gym leader Clay in the Driftveil City Gym. The AniméDex has been updated with the massive contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Pokémon Black & White - Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been updated Ash's biography with a brand new Pokémon obtained within the episode in addition to numerous Pokémon shown in the new ending. In addition to that, I have also created a character biography for the Driftveil Gym Leader; Clay, Be warned though as these biographies contain spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Game News + Pinball Section Upgrade03-01-2012 12:43 GMT / 07:43 EST by Serebii
In a really slow news slump at the moment. That will change in a week or so when news of Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition starts to come. Back into a slow news time while we go over Christmas so be sure to e-mail me if you have any site ideas
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 12:43 GMT
In The Games Department
The Pokémon Company's New Year Card
Japanese magazine Famitsu has posted a greetings card sent out by The Pokémon Company. This greetings card doesn't reveal much news but does state that they intend to release "even more amazing games" in 2012 than in 2011. This follows on from 2011 where the games: Pokémon Typing DS, Pokédex 3D, Pokémon Rumble Blast and PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond had their Japanese release. As we know, Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition is due for release in the Spring in Japan, so there are bound ot be more surprises. We're expecting more news on Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition next week so be sure to keep checking

In The Games Department
Pokémon Pinball
During the rather slow news period, we have been upgrading various parts of the site, and now that is starting to include classic spin-off games. We have now upgraded our classic Pokémon Pinball section up to the standards shown with our coverage of Pokémon Black & White last year and includes various listings for Pokémon, areas and details upon the various game modes. The rest of the games will receive upgrades such as this in the coming months.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon of the Week01-01-2012 15:53 GMT / 10:53 EST by Serebii
In a really slow news slump at the moment. That will change in a week or so when news of Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition starts to come. Back into a slow news time while we go over Christmas so be sure to e-mail me if you have any site ideas
As there has been a lack of main-series game news lately, the Chatroom has been rife with discussion of the possibilities that are to come while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for people to hunt down the new Dream World Pokémon for trade and to battle other trainers so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 15:53 GMT

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fifty-second entry into the Generation V competitive field with one of the classic Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer Reno. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced first generation. Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe Mew to be the ancestor of Pokémon. Apparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it. Its DNA is said to contain the genetic codes of all Pokémon, so it can use all kinds of techniques.So here it is, the fifty-second featured Pokémon, Mew.