31-01-2021 07:50 GMT / 02:50 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The 5 Star Legendary Raid Boss is now shifting from today. From 10:00 local time today until 10:00 local time on Thursday February 4th, Raikou will be the 5 Star Raid Boss and be available as a GO Battle League Reward
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next Spotlight Scout has been begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This scout focuses on the Sync Pair of Lillie & Clefairy and runs until February 19th 2021
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the sixty-third entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Unova Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the fifth generation. This hardy Pokémon can often be found on construction sites and in mines, working alongside people and Copperajah. Although its energy blasts can blow away a dump truck, they have a limitation- they can only be fired when the sun is out. So, here it is, the sixty-third entry, Gigalith
30-01-2021 07:46 GMT / 02:46 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 07:46 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Today is the Sneasel Limited Research Day event in Pokémon GO. From 08:00 local time to 22:00 local time, Timed Research is available that gives you access to various encounters with Sneasel. Field Research will also be available from PokéStops
29-01-2021 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:00 GMT
Edit @ 07:08: Pokémon Sword & Shield | Edit @ 10:20: Character Biography | Edit @ 10:41: Episode Details | Edit @ 18:00: Pokémon GO Research Day
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Following the reveal yesterday of the Cramorant Max Raid Battle event next week, we have some further details about Pokémon that will join Cramorant in the Raid Battles. During this time, you'll be able to find Quagsire, Golurk, Flygon, Indeedee as well as the Cramorant. The gifts for defeating enough will be distributed from February 10th at 05:00 UTC to February 28th at 23:59 UTC over Mystery Gift. We'll provide full details when the event goes live
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Limited Research Day event is starting to roll out in Asia Pacific regions and, with that, we're starting to catalogue all the Timed Research in our section. This event runs on January 30th from 08:00 to 22:00 local time.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next Pokémon Masters EX event has begung. This event is the Valentine's Tie-In, Baking Buddies, and offers a story featuring Serena and Dawn making Palentine's Day cards and gifts for people.
It also adds the Sync Pair of Serena & Whimsicott which is available now through a Seasonal Scout
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019)
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & Goh go to Johto to investigate multiple reports of the Legendary Pokémon, Suicune. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019) - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Goh's biography with new Pokémon he obtained in this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
28-01-2021 08:29 GMT / 03:29 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 22:14 GMT
Edit @ 22:14: Cramorant Max Raid Battle Event
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Japanese variety show Oha Suta has revealed a special Max Raid Battle Event for Pokémon Sword & Shield to tie in with Pokémon the Movie Secrets of the Jungle. This event runs from February 4th through February 8th and features a battle against Cramorant, amongst others. If enough people defeat the Level 100 Cramorant, you'll receive a variety of items
If 500,000 people beat it, all players will receive a gift of a Flame Orb, Toxic Orb and Light Ball
If 1,000,000 people defeat it, all players receive a gift of a Gold Bottle Cap, 3 Bottle Caps and 3 Pearl Strings
We'll bring full details of this event as they come next week

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
Pokémon Masters EX has put a new note out about the coming Egg Events. As announced previously, Egg Events will now no longer utilise Stamina and no longer give rewards other than Eggs. The Missions that go with the event will also stop being focused on clearing stages but rather on the eggs you hatch. The next egg event is scheduled for February 4th
27-01-2021 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:05 GMT
Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Team GO Rocket Celebration Event and featured an increased focus of Team GO Rocket with new unseen Shadow Pokémon appearong. It runs from February 2nd 10:00 local time to February 7th 20:00 local time.
The Team GO Rocket Grunts will now be using Swinub, Nosepass, Aron, Spheal, Lileep, Anorith and more
This event features increased spawns of Golbat, Koffing, Ariados, Qwilfish, Sneasel, Houndour, Nuzleaf, Stunky, Skorupi and Venipede
Qwilfish, Larvitar, Corphish, Absol, Skorupi, Sandile, Scraggy, Pawniard & Deino will be in Strange Eggs from this event and beyond
There will be Field Research tasks exclusive to the event
Alolan Meowth, Alolan Grimer, Gligar, Sneasel, Shinx & Klink are in 1 Star raids while Nidoqueen, Ariados, Umbreaon, Tyranitar and Absol will appear in 3 star raids.
During this event, there will be 50% Hatch Distance and Team GO Rocket Balloons & PokéStop Takeovers will appear more often
This event continues the Timed Research that started during the Johto Celebration Event

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO events for February 2021.
First, the Research Breakthrough Reward has been announced. From February 1st 2021 at 20:00 UTC to March 1st 2021 at 21:00 UTC you'll get a Snorlax
The 5 Star Raid Battles have been confirmed:
From February 9th through February 20th you'll encounter Latios and Latias in 5 star raids and Mega Pidgeot, Mega Ampharos and a new Mega Evolved Pokémon will be in Mega Raids
From February 20th through March 1st, you'll encounter Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Mewtwo in 5 star raids and Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y in Mega Raids
The events in February have also been revealed
From February 9th through February 14th, the Year of the Ox event will begin and feature Red-coloured Pokémon
From February 14th 13:00 to February 18th 20:00 is the Valentine's Day event with exclusive avatar items and Pokémon appearing for the first time in GO
There will also be a Kanto themed Celebration event and a Raid Day at the end of February to end the Season of Celebration
There will be special 1 coin boxes each week in February:
February 1st: 20 Poké Balls, 1 Remote Raid Pass, 1 Rocket Radar
February 8th: 8 Incense, 16 Razz Berries, 10 Pinap Berries
February 15th: 1 Remote Raid Pass, 20 Poké Balls, 10 Great Balls, 5 Ultra Balls
February 22nd: 20 Poké Balls, 1 Remote Raid Pass, 5 Incense

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the Spotlight Hours for the month of February. They happen at 6pm to 7pm local time are as follows:
February 2nd - Ekans - 2* Evolution Experience
February 9th - Miltank - 2* Catch Stardust
February 16th - Luvdisc - 2* Catch Experience
February 23rd - Pikachu - 2* Catch Candy
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
Pokémon Café Mix has received an update. This update has added 50 new Regular Order stagesvarious new gimmicks and offerings. We're currently compiling details for all these updates so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 08:12: Updated the Gimmicks & Regular Orders pages with all the new details. It's confirmed the next batch of orders will be released on February 10th.
26-01-2021 07:06 GMT / 02:06 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 08:46 GMT
Edit @ 08:03: Pokémon Masters EX Event
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Johto Celebration Event is starting to run causing many Johto Pokémon to spawn in increased numbers. This event runs from 10:00 local time to January 31st at 20:00 local time. In addition to this, Entei ha returned to Raid Battles with this event until January 31st at 10:00 local time.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next Pokémon Masters EX event has been announced. This event is focused around Valentine's Day and adds two Seasonal Sync Pairs. It adds the Sync Pair of Serena & Whimsicott & Dawn & Alcremie and runs from Friday January 29th 2021 through February 19th 2021
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
Due to the recent issues with Android players being removed from their teams and unable to join new ones, some changes to upcoming events have begun. This includes an extension of the Chansey event until February 3rd 2021 with the Torterra repeat event now only lasting one week from February 3rd through February 10th. By Friday, all affected players will receive 3,000 Golden Acorns as compenstion
25-01-2021 07:06 GMT / 02:06 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 GMT
Edit @ 20:00: Pokémon GO Johto Event | Edit @ 21:00: GO Battle League
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Following this weekend's special Year of the Ox event, the Max Raid Battle Event has reverted back to the Normal and Dragon-type event. From now until January 31st at 23:59 UTC, certain Normal and Dragon-type Pokémon including Gigantamax Snorlax and Duraludon are in Max Raid Battles..
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Limited Research Day in Pokémon GO. On January 30th 2021 from 08:00 to 22:00 local time, a Sneasel Limited Research Day event will run. This will include Field Research encounters to get Sneasel as well as Timed Research giving Sneasel encounters. We'll provide full details on the research as it comes so be sure to keep checking back
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Johto Celebration Event is starting to run in Asia Pacific Regions causing many Johto Pokémon to spawn in increased numbers. This event runs from 10:00 local time to January 24th at 20:00 local time. In addition to this, Entei ha returned to Raid Battles with this event until January 31st at 10:00 local time. We're currently compiling all details of this event so be sure to keep checking back.
This event also includes an unannounced bit of Timed Research which will run until February 7th which will give you a Ho-Oh with Earthquake
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO Battle League has now shifted to the Ultra League format, alongside its Premier Cup. This will run until February 8th 2020 at 21:00 UTC
Alongside this, they have announced details of the Love Cup. This Cup will run from February 18th through February 15th and only allow Red or Pink Pokémon with CP of 1,500 or less. We've added a full list into the Season 6 section
24-01-2021 08:15 GMT / 03:15 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 19:12 GMT
Edit @ 13:15: Pokémon of the Week | Edit @ 19;12: Pokémon GO Level 49
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Today is the Mareep Incense Day event in Pokémon GO. From 11:00 local time to 17:00 local time, different Pokémon will be spawning when you have an Incense on. This rotates in slots of Electric-type and then Dragon-type Pokémon. You can also get the move Dragon Pulse when you evolve or catch any Ampharos during this event. The schedule is:
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Electric-type Pokémon
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Dragon-type Pokémon
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Electric-type Pokémon
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Dragon-type Pokémon
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Today marks over 8 weeks since the Pokémon GO Level Cap update hit Australia in the test and as players could now complete the Level 48 requirements, we are now learning of details of how to get to Level 49.
Alongside this, new Special Research; the Level 48 Challenge and Level 50 Challenge is also available when players hit Level 48
We're updating our section with full details so be sure to check back

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the sixty-second entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with an Alola Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the seventh generation.Comfey picks flowers with its vine and decorates itself with them. For some reason, flowers won't wither once they're attached to a Comfey. These Pokémon smell very nice. All Comfey wear different flowers, so each of these Pokémon has its own individual scent. So, here it is, the sixty-second entry, Comfey
23-01-2021 22:00 GMT / 17:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 22:00 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Mareep Incense Day event is starting to run in Asia Pacific Regions causing many Electric and Dragon-type Pokémon to spawn via Incense in rotation. This event runs from 11:00 local time to 17:00 local time and will feature an Incense Box for 1 Coin
22-01-2021 00:04 GMT / 19:04 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 10:40 GMT
Edit @ 05:07: Ranked Battle | Edit @ 05:18: Ban Wave | Edit @ 06:44: Pokémon Masters | Edit @ 09:02: Pokémon Café Mix | Edit @ 10:20: Character Biography | Edit @ 11:40: Episode Details
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The Wild Area Event has now shifted in Pokémon Sword & Shield for a new Extra Event. With this, for the next few days, the Fire & Ice-type Pokémon have left raids and Pokémon that are based on the Lunar New Year including a Shiny Tauros. We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back. This event runs until Sunday at 23:59 UTC
Edit @ 00:15: We have updated our section with full details of this Max Raid Battle Event, as well as updated our ItemDex for TR locations.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield - VGC Ruleset
The Pokémon Company have announced the Series 8 ruleset. This ruleset runs from February 1st 2021 and features a slight change in the current rules; You will be able to use 1 of the normally Restricted Legendary Pokémon of Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus, Calyrex. Mythical Pokémon are still banned
The other standard rules apply and this applies for both Doubles and Singles.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The Pokémon Company have announced a new ban wave is coming to Pokémon Sword & Shield and Pokémon HOME. In their notice, they make mention of how some players are using altered data and others are causing issues impairing the function of games or apps for others. Due to this, a new ban wave is to start for players who have been modifying their save data
Players hit by these bans will be restricted from online play in Sword & Shield, can't use trading features or can no longer use Pokémon HOME. This follows on from the agreement in the Terms of Service prohibiting save modification. TPC says that bans can be temporary or permanent and no refunds will be issued.
These measures will also be taken regularly in the future and more measures imposed if necessary.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Champion Stadium has had an announcement for the next format. Throughout February, from February 1st 06:00 UTC to March 1st 06:00 UTC, the Champion Stadium will return to the Kanto Challenge, allowing you to face the Kanto Elite Four and Champion
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
Pokémon Café Mix has resolved the issue for Android players where they were removed from a Team. Now, those players will have to rejoin their affected teams. In addition to this, the Chansey event is being considered for extension due to the issues. We'll bring more details as they come
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019)
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash Goh & Chloe go to Professor Cerise's old student to help save his farm from a group of Diglett. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019) - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Goh's biography with new Pokémon he obtained in this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
21-01-2021 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 10:24 GMT
Edit @ 10:21: Pokémon Café Mix | Edit @ 10:24: Episode TItle
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next Spotlight Scout has been begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This scout adds the Sync Pair of Mallow & Tsareena and runs until February 4th 2021
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The Blissful Bonanza event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event provides gems daily and 5 Star Scout Tickets and runs until January 31st 2021
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
Pokémon Café Mix has confirmed an issue with the latest update, Version 1.9.0 which is causing an irregularity with Team Functions. This bug causes you to be displayed as not being in a team anymore. They are currently working on finding the cause and a fix. We'll provide more details when they come
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News
A new set of Episode Titles have been released by a Japanese TV Guide. This episode is due to air on February 26th
Episode 1146: Love is a Psyduck
20-01-2021 07:07 GMT / 02:07 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 07:07 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
Pokémon Café Mix has received an update. This update has details some upcoming changes to Pokémon Café Mix over the coming months
First, from February 24th 2021, new stages will come in batches of 30 rather than 50 each time. Emolga will be added on February 10th alongside the btch of orders bringing up to Order 900. It will be the last Pokémon for a while
After Chansey leaves, some events will be repeated. Torterra will return on January 27th 2021 and then the Snorlax event will repeat on February 10th 2021
A Major Update will be detailed in March which is said to make it more fun to recruit and train staff and will add new elements to the puzzles
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News
A new set of Episode Titles have been released by a Japanese TV Guide. This episode is due to air on February 19th and has Ash battle the Kalos Elite Four member Wikstrom
Episode 1145: Elite Four Wikstrom! The House of Chivalry
19-01-2021 06:11 GMT / 01:11 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 GMT
Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Johto Celebration Event and featured an increased focus of Johto Pokémon. It runs from January 26th 10:00 local time to January 31st 20:00 local time.
This event features increased spawns of Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Mareep, Hoppip, Aipom, Sunkern, Yanma, Murkrow, Gligar, Snubbull, Slugma, Miltank with Shiny Miltank being available
Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Wooper, Tyrogue, Smoochum, and Larvitar will be in 5km Eggs
There will be Field Research tasks that give Stardust or encounters with Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Chinchou, Mareep, Sudowoodo, and Miltank
Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Mareep, Marill, and Larvitar are in 1 Star raids while Togetic, Espeon, Umbreon, Skarmory, and Miltanwill appear in 3 star raids.
There will be a Collection Challenge that gives 15 Poké Balls, 10 Ultra Balls, and an Incense.
You'll be able to get the previous Community Day moves when evolving Pokémon: Meganium - Frenzy Plant, Typhlosion - Blast Burn, Ampharos - Dragon Pulse, Tyranitar - Smack Down
Entei will be in raids from January 26th 10:00 local time through January 31st 10:00 local time, Raikou will be in raids January 31st 10:00 local time through February 4th 10:00 local time and Suicune will be in raids from February 4th 10:00 local time through February 9th 10:00 local time

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is an Incense Event focused on Mareep and will run from 11am to 5pm local time on January 24th 2021
During this event, the spawns will alternate between Electric-type Pokémon and Dragon-type Pokémon and you'll be able to have Ampharos learn Dragon Pulse when you evolve Flaaffy during this event. In Electric-type hours you'll find Pikachu, Magnemite, Voltorb, Chinchou, Mareep, Plusle, Minun and Stunfisk
In Dragon hours you'll encounter Horsea, Dratini, Mareep, Trapinch, Vibrava, Swablu and Bagon. The timeline is as follows
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Electric-type Pokémon
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Dragon-type Pokémon
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Electric-type Pokémon
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Dragon-type Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Hoenn Celebration Event is starting to run causing many Hoenn Pokémon to spawn in increased numbers. This event runs from 10:00 local time to January 24th at 20:00 local time. In addition to this, Groudon & Kyogre have returned to Raid Battles with this event until January 26th at 10:00 local time. In addition to this, Mega Ampharos is now available in Raid BattlesWe're currently compiling all details of this event so be sure to keep checking back
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next Spotlight Scout has been announced for Pokémon Masters EX. This scout adds the Sync Pair of Mallow & Tsareena and starts at 06:00 UTC on January 21st 2021
18-01-2021 06:40 GMT / 01:40 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 20:00 GMT
Edit @ 20:00: Pokémon GO Hoenn Event
In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The Rankings are now live in Pokémon Sword & Shield for the recent Players Cup III Qualifiers Online Competition. To check the results you need to go to VS and then into the Battle Stadium feature and check previous competitions. With this, once you have checked your results, you can now receive the 50 BP gift if you go to Mystery Gift and select Get Battle Stadium Rewards
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Hoenn Celebration Event is starting to run in Asia Pacific Regions causing many Hoenn Pokémon to spawn in increased numbers. This event runs from 10:00 local time to January 24th at 20:00 local time. In addition to this, Groudon & Kyogre have returned to Raid Battles with this event until January 26th at 10:00 local time. We're currently compiling all details of this event so be sure to keep checking back
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
A new Special Scout has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This scout is the Wallace & Sygna Suit Grimsley Spotlight Scout and provides higher chances of getting the Sync Pairs of Wallace & Milotic and Grimsley & Sharpedo. It's available until February 1st
17-01-2021 13:00 GMT / 08:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the sixty-first entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Johto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the second generation. It spends most of its time in the water. On sunny days, Azumarill floats on the surface of the water and sunbathes. These Pokémon create air-filled bubbles. When Azurill play in rivers, Azumarill will cover them with these bubbles. So, here it is, the sixty-first entry, Azumarill
16-01-2021 07:52 GMT / 02:52 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 07:52 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Community Day
Today marks the Pokémon GO Community Day. On this day, for six hours in each region, Machop will appear, enmass, in Pokémon GO with a chance of Shiny Machop appearing. During this event, when you evolve Machoke into Machamp, it will know the move Payback, which is exclusive to this event. This coincides with 3* Catch Stardust and 3 hour Incense. This runs at these times:
It runs from 11am to 5pm in your local time.
15-01-2021 05:00 GMT / 00:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:14 GMT
Edit @ 07:03: Pokémon TCG | Edit @ 07:13: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 10:20: Character Biography | Edit @ 10:37: Episode Details | Edit @ 18:14: Pokémon GO Community Day
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Battles for the Online Competition have begun. This competition, Players Cup III Qualifier, is a Double Battle competition following current VGC rules. All players who enter get 50 BP and the top players in each region will be able to qualify for the Players Cup III
Battles will run from January 15th 00:00 UTC to January 17th 23:59 UTC.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
DeNA have outlined some upcoming changes to Pokémon Masters EX
First there will be a Blissful Bonanza event running on January 21st alongside the addition of Mallow & Tsareena
The Valentine's Day Story Event begins on January 29th and features Serena & Whimsicott as a Sync Pair and 1 other Seasonal Scout
Egg Events will be altered. They will no longer require Stamina for completion but will then no longer offer any rewards other than the Eggs. This begins with the Fighting, Grass and Rock-type Egg Event that begins February 4th
The Legendary Event: Lurking Shadow will appear on February 8th giving another chance to get Giovanni & Mewtwo
A new Legendary Event will run on February 11th which gets you the ability to get Sync Pairs of Xerneas and Yveltal, with one being in the event and the other in a scout
6 Star EX Skyla and Korrina will be added soon
A new Poké Fair Scout style will debut soon with one with "unprecedented capabilities" with different offering rtes from normal Poké Fair Scouts
Sync Grids will be updated allowing you select multiple options, have a preset feature and you'll be able to use Co-Op Sync Orbs without converting them
As the game reaches its second year anniversary, there will be more Sync Pairs available by playing the game. The current story will conclude and a new story will start
Dynamax is coming to Pokémon Masters EX around the two year anniversary of the game

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Ahead of tomorrow's Pokémon GO Community Day, the ticket for the Special Research is now available for purchase. This Special Research will give a variety of tasks and rewards based around Machop. If you purchased the Pokémon GO Tour Kanto ticket before Wednesday 13th January, the Research will also appear for you on the same day for free
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019)
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash and Goh head to the Rock Tunnel for some training. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019) - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Goh's biography with new Pokémon he obtained in this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
In The Trading Card Game Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield - TCG Set Release
The Pokémon Company have officially revealed all the standard cards the next set for the Pokémon Sword & Shield TCG. This set comes in two sets the Single Strike Master, and the Rapid Strike Master and introduce the Battle Styles of Single Strike and Rapid Strike into the game. As such, our card listing and the associated Cardex have been updated with the details of this set with thanks to ToineLay for help with translation.
Single Strike Master
Rapid Strike Master
In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Shirts
A new set of Pokémon Shirts has been released by Original Stitch. These shirts come in three different designs focused on the Galar Starters: Grookey, Scorbunny and Sobble.
Original Stitch have also kindly given us the code "Serebii" to use for Free Delivery of the shirts.
Edit: It has now been confirmed that these are only available in Japan at present. International release will come in February
14-01-2021 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:09 GMT
Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon Snap | Edit @ 18:09: Pokémon GO Trade Distance

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The latest news for New Pokémon Snap has been released. We're currently compiling all details so keep checking back. It is due for release on April 30th, further details forthcoming
This game has you explore the Lental Region and take photographs of over 200 Pokémon. Your task is to investigate the Illumina phenomenon for Professor Mirror on NEO One. There is a Pokédex to complete and Professor Mirror will evaluate your photgraphs based on the similar features as the original game: Pose, Size, Direction, Placement, Background, Other Pokémon and so forth. You can then register your photos into your Pokédex for that Pokémon.
Edit @ 13:10: We have added new images to our Pre-Release Screenshot Page
You can call Pokémon's attention using fluff fruit, they will eat it, or interact with it.
Edit @ 13:41: The game will require 6.8GB of space to download and is confirmed to be 1 Player. It supports Cloud Save backups and Touch Screen
Edit @ 13:55: We have created a page on the Lental Region. It'll be added with more as we explore through the game on launch
Edit @ 14:05: Created a page for the Lental Photodex which will list all available Pokémon and their locations

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
A new bonus has been announced for this weekend's Pokémon GO Community Day. From 19:00 UTC tomorrow, January 15th until 19:00 UTC on January 18th, you'll be able to make trades over a 40km distance as opposed to the usual 100 metres
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The Team Hoenn Unite Solo Event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event has you battle against a variety of trainers to earn Event Vouchers to exchange for a variety of items. It runs until January 28th 2021
In addition to this, a Spotlight Scout has begun which introduces the Sync Pair of May & Mudkip to the game. May will be permanently added to the Scouting pool following this scout. There is also another Spotlight Scout boosting the chances of getting Wally, Lisia and Phoebe
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The Legendary Arena Entei event has now begun a renewed run. This run runs until January 28th at 06:00 UTC. If you already received the items for completion a previous time, you will not receive them again
13-01-2021 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:57 GMT
Edit @ 12:36: Pokémon 25 | Edit @ 18:01: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 21:01: Pokémon GO Hoenn Event | Edit @ 21:57: Episode Title

In The Games Department
The Pokémon Company International have put out the first details of the Pokémon 25th anniversary celebrations. This starts with a video about the 25th anniversary as a rundown of what happened ending in a reveal of a collaboration with pop artist Katy Perry. They have also announced that they are teaming up with other big names but we'll provide full details as they come
It has also been announced that various Pokémon 25th anniversary merchandise will be released throughout the year
Edit @ 14:10: There will be Pokémon 25th Anniversary collaborations with the following brands and more: Build-a-Bear, Levi's, McDonalds, General Mills, Jawards, Scholastic, Mattel, Funko, PowerA and The Wand Company. In addition to that, there is to be Pokémon 25th anniversary related features in the Pokémon anime, video games, Pokémon GO and Pokémon Masters EX and more big announcements throughout the year

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Hoenn Celebration Event and featured an increased focus of Hoenn Pokémon. It runs from January 19th 10:00 local time to January 24th 20:00 local time.
This event features increased spawns of Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Taillow, Loudred, Nosepass, Aron, Meditite, Roselia, Carvanha, Numel, Baltoy, and more
Skitty, Aron, Corphish, Lileep, Anorith, Bagon, & Beldum will be in 5km Eggs
There will be Field Research tasks that give Stardust or encounters with Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Aron, Plusle, Minun, Wailmer
Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Ralts, Aron & Bagon are in 1 Star raids while Breloom, Mawile, Grumpig, Spinda and Absol will appear in 3 star raids.
There will be a Collection Challenge that gives XP, Silver Pinap Berries and Incense
During this event, evolving Metang into Metagross will get you the move Meter Mash, previously a Community Day move in 2017
There will be Timed Research involving catching both Groudon and Kyogre in order to get an encounter with Rayquaza with the exclusive Charge Move of Hurricane. There is also a Free Remote Raid Pass box giving 3 Remote Raid Passes during this event
Following this event will be the Johto Celebration Event which runs from January 26th through 31st

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO Community Day on February 7th will focus on Roselia. This event will 25% Egg Distance and has 3 Hour Incense. However, it will also give out the moves Bullet Seed and Weather Ball to Roserade. Budew will also be available in 2km Eggs during the event. It will come with Timed Research to receive Sinnoh Stones and you will be able to purchase a ticket to receive Special Research "Smells like Roselia", which you'll also get for free if you have purchased the Pokémon GO Tour Kanto ticket.
The Community Day runs at 11am to 5pm in each local time zone

In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
Pokémon Café Mix has received an update. This update has added 50 new Regular Order stages, with the addition of Whimsicott & various new gimmicks and offerings. We're currently compiling details for all these updates so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 08:08: Updated the Pokémon, Offerings, Gimmicks & Regular Orders pages with all the new details. It's confirmed the next batch of orders will be released on January 27th.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The next event has begun in Pokémon Café Mix. This event is the Chansey Team Event Event and adds a Chansey to the game as a Special Customer. Complete the tasks as a Team to earn stars to befriend it and level it up. It runs until January 27th 2020

In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The First Partner Pack has been revealed. For the Pokémon 25th anniversary, each month a special First Partner Pack will be released which will contain oversized cards featuring the starters of that region as well as 2 regular booster packs
Feb. 26, 2021 - Pokémon TCG: First Partner Collector's Binder
March 5, 2021 - Pokémon TCG: First Partner Pack (Galar)
April 2, 2021 - Pokémon TCG: First Partner Pack (Alola)
May 7, 2021 - Pokémon TCG: First Partner Pack (Kalos)
June 4, 2021 - Pokémon TCG: First Partner Pack (Unova)
July 9, 2021 - Pokémon TCG: First Partner Pack (Sinnoh)
Aug. 6, 2021 - Pokémon TCG: First Partner Pack (Hoenn)
Sept. 3, 2021 - Pokémon TCG: First Partner Pack (Johto)
Oct. 8, 2021 - Pokémon TCG: First Partner Pack (Kanto)

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News
A new set of Episode Titles have been released by Corocoro. This episode is due to air on February 12th and has Chloe & Eevee get lost in Glimwood Tangle
Episode 1144: The Tale of You and Me in Glimwood Tangle!
12-01-2021 08:01 GMT / 03:01 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 08:01 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Sinnoh Celebration Event is rolling out. This event runs from 10:00 local time to January 17th at 20:00 local time. It adds spawns of SInnoh Pokémon at high amounts, with Shiny Buizel now available . In addition to this, Heatran has returned to Raid Battles with this event until January 19th at 10:00 local time.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next event has been announced. This event is focused around the Hoenn characters. It adds the Sync Pair of May & Mudkip and runs from Thursday January 14th 2021
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
It has been confirmed that there will be brand new Order stages added to Pokémon Café Mix this Wednesday including the addition of Whimsicott. It's currently unclear how many new stages will be added but we'll detail them in full as they are released so be sure to check back
11-01-2021 07:04 GMT / 02:04 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 GMT
Edit @ 16:28: Zarude Code | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO - Sinnoh Event & GO Battle League
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Following this weekend's special Christmas event, the Max Raid Battle Event has reverted back to the Normal and Dragon-type event. From now until January 31st at 23:59 UTC, certain Normal and Dragon-type Pokémon including Gigantamax Snorlax and Duraludon are in Max Raid Battles..
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The newsletter that contains unique serial codes for Zarude are now starting to appear in email inboxes for players in Europe. This code gives players Zarude and needs to be redeemed by March 31st 2021
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Sinnoh Celebration Event is starting to run in Asia Pacific Regions and with that, Shiny Buizel is now available when the event starts. This event runs from 10:00 local time to January 17th at 20:00 local time. In addition to this, Heatran has returned to Raid Battles with this event until January 19th at 10:00 local time. We're currently compiling all details of this event so be sure to keep checking back
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO Battle League has now shifted to the allow for Great League with the addition of Frillish as a Reward Encounter. This will run until January 25th 2020 at 21:00 UTC
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
A new Special bonus has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This is the Skyla 6 Star EX Rally and provides a variety of items through Missions for you to get Skyla to 6 Star EX including 3 Star Power-Ups, 4 Star Power-Ups and 5 Star Power-Ups. This is available from today until January 20th 2020
10-01-2021 08:06 GMT / 03:06 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:12 GMT
Edit @ 13:04: Pokémon of the Week | Edit @ 13:12: Pokémon Timeline
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
A new Special Login Bonus has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. If you log in for 10 days during its run, you'll get a total of 40 Skip Tickets and 500 Gems. This is available from today until January 20th 2020
In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Timeline
Ahead of Pokémon's 25th anniversary next month, we have created a new page to celebrate the 25 years of Pokémon and beyond: A Pokémon Timeline. This page details everything from games, to movies, to TCG, Pokémon Centers and more, this page details every major event that has happened in Pokémon. It'll be continually updated in the future for all future releases and connects to the various elements of the Serebii website where possible.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the sixtieth entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Galar Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the eighth generation. It drifted in on the flow of ocean waters from a frigid place. It keeps its head iced constantly to make sure it stays nice and cold. This Pokémon keeps its heat-sensitive head cool with ice. It fishes for its food, dangling its single hair into the sea to lure in prey. The hair on its head connects to the surface of its brain. When this Pokémon has something on its mind, its hair chills the air around it. So, here it is, the sixtieth entry, Eiscue
09-01-2021 08:06 GMT / 03:06 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 08:06 GMT
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Following the start of the promotion on Monday, Niantic have released a code to let players get the The North Face x Gucci outfits in Pokémon GO rather than need you to spin the sponsored Poké Stops. This can be done through the code GXSD5CJ556NHG
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The next event has begun in Pokémon Café Mix. This event is a repeat of the Grookey Special Customer Event, allowing you to level up Grookey or recruit it if you have previously not done so. It runs until January 13th 2021
08-01-2021 05:00 GMT / 00:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 11:03 GMT
Edit @ 10:05: Upcoming Anime Elements | Edit @ 10:22: Character Biography | Edit @ 10:42: Episode Details
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The Wild Area Event has now shifted in Pokémon Sword & Shield for a new Extra Event. With this, for the next few days, the Normal & Dragon-type Pokémon have left raids and Pokémon such as Skwovet have returned with Shiny Skwovet and Greedent being available . We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back. This event runs until Sunday at 23:59 UTC
Edit @ 05:11: We have updated our section with full details of this Max Raid Battle Event, as well as updated our ItemDex for TR locations.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019) - Upcoming Details
In the new opening for the anime in Japan, it has been confirmed that alongside Bea, Korrina and the addition of Wikstrom, both Iris and Gary will be making return appearances in the anime. At present it's unclear how soon they'll return but we'll provide more details as they come.
Iris |
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019)
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash, Goh & Chloe go to Galar to help excavate some fossils. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019) - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Ash's biography with new Pokémon he obtained in this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019) - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Goh's biography with new Pokémon he obtained in this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
07-01-2021 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:07 GMT
Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 21:07: Pokémon GO Spotlight Makeup Event

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Sinnoh Celebration Event and featured an increased focus of Sinnoh Pokémon. It runs from January 12th 10:00 local time to January 17th 20:00 local time.
This event features increased spawns of Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Bidoof, Cranidos, Shieldon, Combee, Buizel, Drifloon, Glameow, Purugly, Hippopotas, Skorupi & Snover with Shiny Buizel appearing starting with this event
Kricketot, Budew, Cranidos, Shieldon, Bronzor, Bonsly, Hippopotas, Croagunk will be in 5km Eggs
There will be Field Research tasks that give Stardust or encounters with Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Cranidos, Shieldon or Buizel
Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Shinx, Buizel and Gible are in 1 Star raids while Lopunny, Hippowdon, Toxicroak, and Lumineon will appear in 3 star raids.
There will be a Collection Challenge that gives Stardust, Magnetic Lure and 15 Ultra Balls
Following this event will be the Hoenn Celebration Event which runs from January 19th through 24th

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Following the issues with Snover Spotlight Hour in UTC+11, UTC+12 and UTC+13 regions last week, a new makeup event has been announced for them running at 18:00-19:00 local time on January 11th 2021. This event brings back all bonuses live at that time including 2* Catch Experience, 2* Transfer Experience and 2* Lucky Egg Duration
In addition to that, a Genesect Burn Drive Raid Hour Makeup event will run in Pokémon GO from 18:00 to 19:00 local time tomorrow, January 8th 2021, for UTC-3, UTC-4 and UTC-5 regions
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Electric and Steel-type Egg Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event allows for players to get eggs of various Electric and Steel-type Pokémon to make Sync Pairs. You can get the Sync Pairs of Main Character & Pichu, Elekid, Magnemite & Voltorb with Shiny varaints of Pichu & Elekid being available
Alongside this, the Battle Villa has made a return, running from today until January 21st
06-01-2021 16:18 GMT / 11:18 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 16:18 GMT
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News
A new set of Episode Titles have been released by a Japanese TV Guide. These episodes are due to air on February 5th
Episode 1143: Sobble In Possible
05-01-2021 07:32 GMT / 02:32 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:24 GMT
Edit @ 21:01: Pokémon GO Battle League
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Unova Celebration Event is starting to roll out in Pokémon GO. This event runs from 10:00 local time to 20:00 local time on January 10th & provides various boosts of Unova Pokémon alongside the addition of Shiny Snivy. In addition to it, new Raid Battles have begun including battles with Genesect Burn Drive.
Edit @ 21:24: In conjunction with this event, 3 new boxes have gone live
Special Box - 480 Coins - 2 Premium Battle Pass, 2 Incense, 2 Super Incubator, 30 Poke Ball
Ultra Box - 1480 Coins - 30 Ultra Balls, 16 Premium Battle Pass, 4 Super Incubator, 5 Incense
Adventure Box - 1480 Coins - 30 Ultra Balls, 13 Super Incubator, 5 Incense, 4 Egg Incubator

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced details for Pokémon GO Battle League Season 6 Part 2, starting on January 11th 2021 at 21:00 UTC. The league will again cycle through the previous leagues as well as some new ones:
From January 11th through January 25th, Great League will be the ruleset once more
From January 25th through February 8th, Ultra League and its Premier Cup will be the ruleset
From February 8th through February 15th, Master League and its Premier Cup, Master League Classic and a Special Cup that will be announced later will run
From February 15th through February 22nd, all three Leagues and Ultra League's Premier Cup will be available
From February 22nd to March 1st, the Kanto Cup will return with a CP limit of 1500 and only allowing Pokémon #001-#151. This league will not affect your rating
From the start of this half, Frillish will be available in Pokémon GO, only as a GO Battle League reward from Rank 20 with a guaranteed encounter at Rank 20
There will also be some changes to moves:
Ember: This Fire-type Fast Attack will now deal more damage.
Karate Chop: This Fighting-type Fast Attack will now generate more energy.
Bubble: This Water-Type Fast Attack will now deal less damage.
Razor Leaf: This Grass-Type Fast Attack will now deal less damage.
Crabhammer: This Water-type Charged Attack will now deal more damage.
Sky Attack: This Flying-type Charged Attack will now deal less damage.
Rock Slide: This Rock-type Charged Attack will now deal less damage.
Shadow Bone: This Ghost-type Charged Attack will now deal less damage.
Finally, the following Pokémon will get new moves:
Vulpix & Ninetales - Weather Ball Fire
Alolan Vulpix & Alolan Ninetales - Weather Ball Ice
Politoed - Weather Ball Water
Primeape - Ice Punch
Claydol - Shadow Ball, Ice Beam
Porygon2 - Tri Attack
Excadrill - Mud Shot
04-01-2021 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 22:11 GMT
Edit @ 06:43: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 08:27: Pokémon Masters EX Egg Event | Edit @ 12:07: Pokémon GO x Gucci | Edit @ 18:04: Pokémon GO Kanto Tour | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO Battle League | Edit @ 22:11: More Gucci Poké Stop Locations

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Ahead of the Unova Celebration Event that runs from tomorrow at 10:00 local time to 22:00 local time on January 10th, a special Unova Collection Challenge has gone live. Previously announced but not detailed, this challenge requires you to catch certain Pokémon and if you manage to collect each of them, you'll get a myriad of rewards. We've updated our event section to include details on the challenge
Edit @ 07:51: It seems this feature went live early for some players and Niantic have stopped it appearing until the event unless players already activated it. We'll provide full details as they come

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have revealed a competition to get your player character to appear as a battleable CPU controlled character in the Pokémon GO Tour Kanto event next month, with players being able to complete Timed Research for battling. All players regardless of if they bought a ticket can battle these trainers.
From now until January 12th at 07:59 UTC, you can send in a Twitter screenshot of your Trainer profile alongside 3 Kanto Pokémon that make up the team (excluding Ditto, Legendary and Mythical Pokémon) and the hashtag #PokemonGOTourContest inorder to get yourself a chance of appearing on the map for players to battle. Players will be judged based on theme, team composition and avatar creativity.

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
A new sponsored promotion is now live in Pokémon GO. If you spin certain Sponsored PokéStops in Japan from The North Face x Gucci, you'll get a special hat, backpack and T-Shirt. This is rolling out in the following areas:
Europe, Africa & Middle East:
Milan, Florence, Rome, Paris, Cannes, Madrid, London, Moscow, Vienna, Brussels, Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Kuwait City, Monaco, Amsterdam, Doha, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Barcelona, Geneva, Istanbul, Dubai, Abu Dhabi
Toronto, Vancouver, New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta, King of Prussia, Palm Desert, Scottsdale, Houston, Honolulu, Orlando, Paramus, Manhasset, Las Vegas, Beverly Hills, Miami, Tysons, Boston, Troy, Costa Mesa, San Diego, Seattle, Dallas, Washington DC, Nashville
Latin America
Sao Paulo, Santiago, Monterrey, Mexico City
Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, Osaka, Tokyo, Macau, Kanazawa, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sendai, Yokohama, Kobe, Sapporo, Nagoya, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Singapore, Taipei, Taichung
Sydney, Melbourne
At present it's not known for how long you'll receive these items or if they'll make the clothing available elsewhere

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO Battle League has now shifted to the allow for all the leagues: Great League, Ultra League, Master League and Ultra League Premier. This will run until January 11th 2020 at 21:00 UTC
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The next Egg Event has been officially announced for Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs from January 7th 2021 and allows for players to get eggs of various Electric and Steel-type Pokémon to make Sync Pairs. You can get the Sync Pairs of Main Character & Pichu, Elekid, Magnemite & Voltorb with Shiny varaints of Pichu & Elekid being available
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Pure Hearts & Rainbow Wings Legenday Event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX with a repeat run. This event runs until January 15th 2021 and tells the story of the appearance of Ho-Oh, culminating in getting Silver & Ho-Oh with various Item Exchanges
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The next event has begun in Pokémon Café Mix. This event is a repeat of the Sobble Special Customer Event, allowing you to level up Sobble or recruit it if you have previously not done so. It runs until January 9th 2021
03-01-2021 13:00 GMT / 08:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fifty-ninth entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Johto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the second generation. A combination of toxins and the shock of evolving has increased Shellder's intelligence to the point that Shellder now controls Slowking. While chanting strange spells, this Pokémon combines its internal toxins with what it's eaten, creating strange potions. So, here it is, the fifty-ninth entry, Slowking
01-01-2021 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 06:45: Ranked Battle | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The Wild Area Event has now shifted in Pokémon Sword & Shield. With this, the Fire and Ice-type Pokémon have left the boosted raids and with this, various Normal & Dragon Pokémon have been added including Gigantamax Snorlax and Gigantamax Duraludon. We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back. This event runs until 23:59 UTC on January 31st
Edit @ 00:11: We have updated our section with full details of this Max Raid Battle Event, as well as updated our ItemDex for TR locations.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Season's Greetings Story Event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs until January 14th 2021 and tells the story of Lance and Lillie sending out New Years Cards
In addition to that, 2 Seasonal Scouts are now live that introduce the Sync Pairs of Lance & Gyarados & Lillie & Ribombee
There is also a special Happy New Year Rally with a Mission Bingo card to complete
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Research Breakthrough Pokémon have shifted. From now until February 1st at 21:00 UTC, when you unlock a Research Breakthrough reward, the Pokémon will be Chansey and, with this, Field Research is shifting
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
From now until 10:00 local time on January 5th, Ho-Oh will appear as the 5 Star Raid Boss. This follows on from Kyurem being in raids all through December
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield - VGC Ruleset
Ranked Battle Series 7/Season 14 is now live. This ruleset adds all Pokémon that were added with The Crown Tundra and brings back the 16 banned Pokémon from the previous season. This will run from January 1st at 04:00 UTC to January 31st at 23:59 UTC. With this, the rewards that you'll get after this month's Season have also been announced including the addition of Dynite Ore as a reward
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield - Ranked Battle Rewards
The thirteenth season of Pokémon Sword & Shield's Ranked Battle has come to an end and with it, the rewards for participation in battles is now live. To get them, you need to check your ranking in the Ranked Battle mode and then go to Mystery Gift > Receive via Battle Stadium. These rewards include BP and items range from Armorite Ore up to Bottle Caps depending upon your placement. We have full details of the rewards in our Ranked Battle section