Wednesday: Character BIOs30-07-2008- 16:50 BST / 11:50 EDT by Serebii
Slow news again today, however, I do expect some Platinum stuff may appear soon so be sure to check back
In The Anime Department
Character BIOs
As per some requests, I have created character BIOs for two characters that are relatively recurring in Diamond & Pearl; Paul's brother Reggie, and Pokémon Hunter J. As usual these detail both the characters and their Pokémon and as they both appear in episodes that have yet to air outside of Japan, the BIOs are likely to contain spoilers. Click the respective pictures to view the BIOs
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Episode Pictures28-07-2008- 08:12 BST / 03:12 EDT by Serebii
Major Apologies regarding the delay, was completely out of our control. Not going to be online for the rest of the day so there wont be any further updates today since it is my birthday afterall.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired thursday in Japan. This one featured Ash & Co. getting blocked from going to the next town by a group of Psyduck who are trying to protect their nest from intruders. Click the picture to go to the picture gallery. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Ep Title & Pokémon of the Week27-07-2008- 09:19 BST / 04:19 EDT by Serebii
There are still delays in the episode pictures. Major apologies...will hopefully have them up as soon as possible. If so then I'll amend this update with them. I will not however be online to update tomorrow as it will be my birthday and thus I will not be online.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the seventeenth episode of this season and the 537th episode total. This episode features the first major appearance of Team Galactic, including Saturn and his Toxicroak. The episode is called Enter Galactic! and is scheduled to air in two weeks in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our seventy-second Pokémon, and concluding the three week celebration of the release of the 11th Pokémon Movie in Japan. The Pokémon being covered today is Giratina, specifically it's Another Forme. This form is the form you are likely to be more familiar with as its present in Diamond & Pearl as well as Platinum. It's alternate form is Platinum exclusive, said to be only in the Torn World, but there will be a way for the two forms to be interchangeable in Platinum. It is a Pokémon that is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours. It appears in an ancient cemetery. So here it is, the seventy-second featured Pokémon, Giratina Another Forme.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Ranger Shadows of Almia - Shaymin Mission25-07-2008- 18:47 BST / 13:47 EDT by Serebii
Episode pictures have been delayed slightly. I'll add them as soon as possible so be sure to keep checking back. I have also fixed an error in the Pokédex that had Genderless Pokémon appearing within the Egg Chains
In The Game Department
Ranger - Shadows of Almia: Shaymin Mission
Last week, the Shaymin Extra Mission came on WiFi, where it will remain up until the end of August. Like the more recent missions, this mission unfortunately does not allow the transfer of Shaymin to the Diamond & Pearl games, but it does give you its data within Ranger: Shadows of Almia so it's a good fun mission for completion. As such, I have updated the Extra Mission page with details and a walkthrough of it. As the US Box-Art contains the WiFi symbol, its safe toassume these missions will appear with the US release later this year, this one probably being released around Spring with the 11th Movie and Shaymin's US reveal. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Game Mechanics - Speed Priority23-07-2008- 12:12 BST / 07:12 EDT by Serebii
And as the news comes to a dry spell, I will bring more things such as this explaining more in-depth about Pokémon
In The Game Mechanics Department
Speed Priority
Another of the commonly asked questions I get is in regards to the Speed Priority value. Some asking what it means, others asking how it affects the gameplay and order of battles. To that end, I have created a page detailing the aspects of the Speed Priority, the way it is manipulate, what attacks manipulate it and a full comprehensive list of them. If you think of more game mechanic areas you think we should cover, send an e-mail to us. In the mean-time, here is the Speed Priority page. Click the picture to go to it
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Nothing22-07-2008- 20:25 BST / 15:25 EDT by Serebii
Just a quick note
In The Site Department
No News
As expected, the news well has dried again, as is usual right after the mid-month reveals. However, a few days ago a small trailer, shown at kiosks in theatres where the 11th movie showed in Japan, featuring Platinum was posted around the web. I don't normally cover stuff like that, but it does have some minor tidbits that we did not already know including; new gym looks, further animated sprites and seeing your character utilise a flashlight. Just minor stuff really. However, despite this no news, I have been working on some secret things that aren't quite yet ready for viewing. That said, tomorrow I will update with some new game mechanics details and any other news should it come out so be sure to check back.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: UK Darkrai Event, Ep Title & Pokémon of the Week20-07-2008- 09:13 BST / 04:13 EDT by Serebii
It's sort of ironic that while Japan is getting Shaymin and its movie as we speak, some areas still have yet to receive Darkrai which was last year's event Pokémon. As news is back to its slow pase for another week or two, I'll get back to fixing old sections shortly
In The Games Department
UK Darkrai Event Revealed
For those of you within the UK, the event to download Darkrai has been revealed by the company holding the event; Woolworths. Throughout the month of August, there is a tour going around various Woolworths shops in the UK. While the tour is going on, you can do many things including test out the Dungeon Games, test your Aura, play Diamond/Pearl and download Darkrai. Unfortunately, despite Woolworths' abundance across the UK, this tour is only going to be in about a score of shops so be sure to click the Woolworths link within this update to find your closest shop and the day in which it is on. It is also currently unknown if this Darkrai will have the same attributes as the US and Japanese Darkrai and thus have the rare moves; Roar of Time & Spacial Rend

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the sixteenth episode of this season and the 536th episode total. This episode concludes the Veilstone Gym saga and features Ash having his 3rd gym battle in Sinnoh against Maylene. The episode is called A Triple Fighting Chance! and is scheduled to air in two weeks in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our seventy-first Pokémon, and continuing the three week celebration of the release of the 11th Pokémon Movie in Japan. The Pokémon being covered today is Shaymin. Specifically its Land Forme. Shaymin is a Pokémon that has two seperate forms. One is present in Diamond & Pearl and on Platinum, while the other is only in Platinum after you use a certain item of Land Forme Shaymin. These formes are interchangeable within Pokémon Platinum so you can fully utilise both of their movesets and stats. Shaymin is a grass type event Pokémon with a complete 100 Base Stat in each stat. It is said that it can dissolve toxins in the air easily. So here it is, the seventy-first featured Pokémon, Shaymin Land Forme.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Movie 11 Summary19-07-2008- 09:41 BST / 04:41 EDT by Serebii
As we now have the movie summary, we will now continue with the improving of the site in general. While there looks to be no news in the immediate future
In The Games Department
Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Giratina & The Bouquet of the Sky - Shaymin
As promised, with many many thanks to Klapaucius for writing this up for us so quickly, we have the first summary of the new Pokémon movie out. This movie was released earlier today in Japan and features Dialga Giratina & Shaymin as well as presenting Giratina & Shaymin's new forms. The summary isn't as long as last year's, but its still really good and helps get the point across. We will have pictures of the movie when the DVD comes out in December. Click the picture to view the summary but be warned as it obviously contains spoilers
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Update 2 - Platinum Pictures18-07-2008- 22:04 BST / 17:04 EDT by Serebii
From the said pictures, I have updated Giratina & Shaymin's Pokédex entries with the new sprites. Be sure to check this morning's update too as well as check tomorrow for a movie guide
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum - Higher Resolution Screenshots
As I predicted, higher resolution pictures of the pictures revealed by CoroCoro and the official site have since been released, this time thanks to another official site. Several of the images they have on the site appear to be missing a fair few of the textures on the grass or the trees. I have however, put up the pictures that are the clearest and those which didn't need a resolution increase from the official site. These include the battle screenshots. Click the picture to view
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Platinum Rumour/News18-07-2008- 12:10 BST / 07:10 EDT by Serebii
Expect a movie summary tomorrow or sunday so be sure to check back if you wish to learn what the new movie has to offer

In The Games Department
Shaymin's Glacidia Flower Restriction Rumour
Recently there was a Pokémon Sunday promo video which showed many of the new aspects of Platinum revealed in CoroCoro. Well, it seems that there was a small note in there that we may have missed. According to the promo and the official website, the Glacidia Flower, the item utilised to change Shaymin's form, is only usable by the Shaymin obtained by the movie. There are two ways to interpret this. Either A) They have restricted it in the same way as Regirock, Regice & Registeel are only obtainable if you have the Regigigas obtained by the movie or B) It's just simple enough that they only acknowledge the Shaymin as the movie giveaway and none of the Shaymin that were obtained through the infamous Elite Four glitch in the early releases of Diamond & Pearl. As this is completely open to interpretation, there is no way to be sure until release. However, on release of Pokémon Platinum in Japan, we will endeavor to get you the data as soon as possible. For more info on Shaymin's form changing, click the picture
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Platinum Section Update16-07-2008- 20:48 BST / 15:48 EDT by Serebii
As the middle of the month goes, the news dries up. We should still have coverage of the 11th movie this weekend so be sure to check back. I'm still expecting some better resolution Platinum pictures to crop up over the next couple of days as well, but that may wind up being a false hope

In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum - Section Updates
Lately, I have been quite lax in the updating of the game sections whenever there is game news to the point that if you wish to check for news on say Platinum, you would have had to search our news archives for information. Obviously this is not a good thing to do and in response to that, I have begun creating pages for the Platinum section based upon the news obtained in CoroCoro last week. At the moment the pages are obviously preliminary, however they will be fully updated with more in-depth information as and when it becomes available. The pages I have up for you today detail; The Torn World, The Battle Frontier, Wi-Fi Enhancements and finally New Key Characters. Click the respective link to go to their pages or utilise the picture to your right to go directly to the Platinum section
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Update 2 - E3 News15-07-2008- 17:42 BST / 12:42 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check this morning's update for full-on Platinum news & screens
In The Games Department
Ranger: Shadows of Almia US Date
At the Nintendo E3 Conference, it was announced that Pokémon Ranger:: Shadows of Almia would have a release date in America of November 10th 2008 under the name Shadows of Almia. Ranger Shadows of Almia is a sequel to the hit game Pokémon Ranger where you capture the Pokémon but do not use them for battles. Instead you utilise them to remove obstacles. It also has the ability to send 3 Pokémon to your Diamond or Pearl games Since Japanese release, we managed to created a massive section detailling all the aspects of Ranger Shadows of Almia so click the picture to go to the section
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Update 1 - Platinum Pictures15-07-2008- 10:13 BST / 05:13 EDT by Serebii
Good news everyone, seems that we will have a movie summary this weekend afterall so look forward to that. I will update again later with any news revealed at E3 regarding Pokémon and maybe some more stuff too
Edit @ 11:31 BST: More Platinum News, @ 11:55 BST - Episode Titles

In The Games Department
Platinum Pictures & News
Like promised, the official site today updated with some better pictures than the CoroCoro ones. Although they arent at the full resolution glory (which may be out before too long none-the-less), they are still pretty indicative of the game. in addition to the ones we had, there's also some new ones which I have added to the Platinum Picture page including a new Torn World picture that contains water, pictures of the new characters in-game and more of the WiFi & GTS areas. I will add more if they start coming at higher resolutions via press outlets. However, until then, click the picture to go to the section
Edit Addition: It seems that according to the official site, the Glacidia Flower that changes Shaymin from Land Forme to Sky Forme and vice-versa is not usable during Night or when Shaymin is frozen. Whether this means that Shaymin Sky Forme can only be used at Day remains to be seen
In The Anime Department
Japanese Episode Titles
With thanks to Coronis for the translations, we now have the titles for the episodes that are airing in August in Japan, on the 14th, 21st and 28th respectively. These titles continue the Pokémon Summer School arc that begins on August 7th. It is set to feature many Pokémon including Monferno, Dusknoir and Lumineon. Here are the titles:
Episode 557: Research Release - "The Legend of the Lake"!
Episode 558: It's Ghost Time After School!
Episode 559: The Final Showdown! Pokémon Triathlon!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Rumour - 12th Movie Title?14-07-2008- 22:08 BST / 17:08 EDT by Serebii
I may as well take this opportunity to inform you that we may not be able to have a Movie Guide up for the 11th movie this weekend as we have done for the last 7 years. Our usual movie gudie writer is unfortunately unable to make it to Japan. However, there are a number of people willing to offer us impressions, and with that in mind, this week I am going to enhance the page for it in anticipation for it. If we do not get a full guide straight away, we will at least have details. Also expect Platinum screens in high resolution tomorrow, and possibly some US news from E3
In The Anime Department
12th Movie Title - Rumour
According to a blog of somebody who managed to see a pre-showing of the 11th movie, set for release in Japan this saturday, there is a trailer at the end of the movie which stated the title for the 12th movie. If true, this is the first time the title has been revealed a year before as normally its just a hint, a small scene and so forth. This movie looks to bring the 10th and 11th movie plotlines to an end and thus called Dialga VS Palkia VS Giratina. Again, if true, it will be likely that in March, when Arceus is revealed, the title will change to Dialga VS Palkia VS Giratina VS Arceus for some massive legendary fight. However, this is just speculation on my part. We'll bring you more on this, including possible confirmation, as and when it happens so watch this space. Just remember that this is rumour at the moment, but at the very least we will know by Saturday
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week13-07-2008- 10:18 BST / 05:18 EDT by Serebii
Chances are that we'll have clearer pictures of those released in CoroCoro on Tuesday, if not beforehand. As such, we will have them up as soon as humanly possible so be sure to check back to see the new features of Platinum in the glory they were meant to be seen in
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our seventieth Pokémon, and also starting a three week celebration of the release of the 11th Pokémon Movie in Japan. The Pokémon being covered today is Regigigas, the first Pokémon revealed to be in the new movie. In-game in Diamond & Pearl, it is only found when you have the three Hoenn Regi's in your party, while in Platinum the inverse is true. So here it is, the seventieth featured Pokémon, Regigigas.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Episode Title12-07-2008- 14:42 BST / 09:42 EDT by Serebii
Updated the Episode Picture listing to match the new style utilised within the Episode Guide listings
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the fifthteenth episode of this season and the 535th episode total. This episode continues the Veilstone City saga and features Dawn having her first Gym Battle against the gym leader Maylene. The episode is called Crossing the Battle Line! and is scheduled to air in two weeks in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures & Title11-07-2008- 12:13 BST / 07:13 EDT by Serebii
In anticipation of the release of Platinum and it's sprites, most of which are new, I have updated the Pokédex to be more space efficient and thus it now only shows the different gender sprites for those Pokémon that have gender differences. For those that don't, it just displays the one set of sprites. Be sure to check yesterday's update for Platinum news, and expect more to come as its release nears
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired yesterday in Japan. This one featured Ash & Co. arriving back in Hearthome City and finding out there was a Pokémon Styling Contest. Everyone particpated but there could only be one winner. Click the picture to go to the picture gallery. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Anime Department
Episode Title
A new episode title has been revealed for the first episode airing in Japan in August, specifically August 7th. This follows a week off for a special from another anime;
Episode 556: The Pokémon Summer School Offer
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon Platinum News10-07-2008- 11:10 BST / 06:10 EDT by Serebii
Going to add to this update throughout the morning with pictures and sections. The forums are currently experiencing various issues...we hope to have them resolved soon.

In The Game Department
Pokémon Platinum
The new issue of CoroCoro has been revealed and posted on various japanese imageboards. These issues contain many various bits of data, confirming what we expected and providing new tidbits as we go;
- Pokémon Platinum is set for a September 13th 2008 release in Japan
- You have to face Team Galactic once more, but it seems their plans and HQ have been stepped up a fair bit
- The Battle Frontier returns and takes place in the Fight Area in Sinnoh. There are different areas in the Battle Frontier, their battle quirks are not yet known. However, it does still contain the Battle Tower
- The WiFi area has been enhanced with various areas which support up to 20 people at any one time
- The Poffin making has taken a step up and has a new feature that involves a Swalot machine. You essentially throw berries into its mouth. This can be done over WiFi in the new WiFi area
- The Battle Recorder, an item seen on the Shaymin pictures last week, allows you to record battles that you hold and share them with your friends. This is done at the new & improved GTS in Jubilife City, which has a bigger global terminal
- There is also confirmation of the Shaymin form changes and a note about the Giratina ones. It appears that like in the movie, Giratina's Origin Forme can only be used in the Torn World, and its in its Another Forme elsewhere. It is unknown if there will be an item to use to keep it in its Origin Forme, but the main method will be revealed next month
- Shaymin Sky Forme's ability is Serene Grace. It appears to be more focused in Speed and Special Attack and knows the move Air Slash.
- Giratina's Origin Forme's ability is Levitate.
- The pictures also indicate and confirm new sprites for each Pokémon including Bidoof, Giratina's Another Forme & Shaymin's Land Forme
- Confirmation of the new characters shown last month, one is a member of Team Galactic, and the other is part of an international police force and is hunting Team Galactic
We'll bring you more as and when we get it. Click the picture to go to the Pics page with extracts of the scans
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Game Mechanics - Stats09-07-2008- 16:43 BST / 11:43 EDT by Serebii
Just been doing some minor fixes in addition to the page today, nothing noteworthy however
In The Game Mechanics Department
Stats - A Guide
While looking for things to do for the site, I noticed that I did not have a page on one of the most basic things in Pokémon; Stats. Stats are vital to Pokémon as they are what define the battles and are more important than the attacks and in some cases even the Pokémon. I also have had some questions lately about the stat modifiers, specifically how much stats are boosted when stats are raised or fall. To that end, I have created an in-depth page explaining Stats, what calculates them, how the modifiers work and a list of the stats and how they can be boosted or lowered. Click the picture to go to the page.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Nothing08-07-2008- 23:37 BST / 18:37 EDT by Serebii
Just a quick note
In The Site Department
No News
Just a quick note as there has been no news to speak of at the moment. I have begun going through the more majorly visited sections and fixing some of the errors that have been in that sections, whether they are typos, missed translations or just general errors. From now on, I will keep you aprised of these changes in the bit above each of the daily updates. Tomorrow, in addition to these fixes, I will try and bring some new stuff. There is also Platinum news expected within the next 7 days so keep your eyes here for news as and when it happens
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Ranger Extra Missions & Pokémon of the Week06-07-2008- 11:33 BST / 06:33 EDT by Serebii
I have been getting several reports of people having the text in the update overlap with the pictures and/or the text beneath. If this is the case with you, until I find out a complete way to sort it out, lowering the font size of your browser should resolve it. It's due to the way the browser renders the CSS and the div tags of the new update style. Also, if you haven't already, be sure to check yesterday's update for Platinum news.

In The Games Department
Ranger Batonnage - Extra Missions
As some of you know through the updates that I have been posting here the last couple of months, Ranger Batonnage has several missions that are unlockable via the Nintendo WiFi Connection. There are a total of six of these missions with five of them being out at this point in time, three of which allow you to send Pokémon over from Ranger Batonnage over to your Diamond or Pearl games. Until now, due to technical problems of my own, I have been unable to access them. This however, is no longer the case and as such I have created a page detailling these missions with a small walkthrough to help you get through each one. Click the picture to go to the section.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our sixty-nineth Pokémon, the Bug/Flying type Pokémon, Masquerain. Masquerain is unique in that it evolved from a Bug/Water Pokémon, the only one of it's kind. With it's four wings, it is capable of quick flight, just not in the rain. So here it is, the sixty-nineth featured Pokémon, Masquerain.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Platinum Stuff, Episode Pictures & Title05-07-2008- 15:00 BST / 10:00 EDT by Serebii
Apologies for the delay in regards to the episode pictures, it was all out of control. I hope you americans all had a good independence day. The changes to the site are still happening, we're even going to improve some of the older game sections when time allows, so if you are a nostalgic fan, this will be the update for you. There's also likely to be more Platinum stuff by this time next week at the earliest so the news drought shall be over then.
Edit @ 16:10 BST: Got some Shaymin game news

In The Games Department
Shaymin Transformation
Well, the blue skY blog today posted a picture that changes what we previously knew as being the means of transforming Shaymin. Now, it appears in the game that you can obtain an item called the Glacidia's Flower in Floaroma Town. This flower is a Key Item and when used, it will change Shaymin from Land Forme to Sky Forme and back again at will, allowing you to have whichever form you want. The extent of this is currently unknown, this also throws up some possible compatibility issues when battling and trading with Diamond & Pearl. We will, however, provide further information as and when it happens. Click the picture for the Platinum section's new Shaymin page

In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the two episodes that aired on Thursday in Japan. The first is the Swinub episode that featured a gluttenous Swinub in Mr. Backlot's Garden and the second is the Gligar episode that featured Gligar's endeavor to become stronger as well as the return of Gary. Click the respective pictures in order to view the pictures of the episode. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the fourteenth episode of this season and the 534th episode total. This episode is the first one in Veilstone City and features Lucario as Maylene's prominent Pokémon. The episode is called Lost Leader Strategy! and is scheduled to air in two weeks in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Character BIOs04-07-2008- 07:42 BST / 02:42 EDT by Serebii
In the continuation of the minor upgrades to the look and feel of the site, I have updated the episode listings in both the league pages and the main episode guide itself. Now, instead of showing the number, a redundant other number, the title and where it was shown (which ended up only getting updated in massive chunks), it now shows the episode number, the english title, the japanese title and provides a quicklink to pictures of the episode where applicable. A very handy thing indeed. I will also update with episode pictures later on today if all goes well, so be sure to check back
In The Anime Department
Character BIOs
Due to the circumstances within the episodes that aired yesterday, I have updated both Ash's and Dawn's BIOs with their respective new Pokémon. Be warned as these BIOs do contain spoilers
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Event Pokémon02-07-2008- 16:56 BST / 11:56 EDT by Serebii
After utilising the same method to show a layout for the last 7 or so years, I have decided to mix things up a bit...this is one of many changes to the site coming over the coming months...who knows what is next. Also, keep sending in your ideas, they are pretty helpful in determining what to bring to the site next
 In The Games Department
Event Pokémon Update
With thanks to Aeris, the Event Pokémon list has been completely updated and is pretty near total completion. There are likely to be only a handful of Pokémon not included and we intend to keep it up to date and even provide some more listing categories in the future, such as listing by Pokémon so be sure to check back. If there is an actual event Pokémon that you feel is missing, do not hesitate to let us know. In the mean-time, click the picture to go to the page of event only Pokémon
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: EU Ranch Date? - 01-07-2008- 19:10 BST / 14:10 EDT - Serebii
Still slow news, have got a few ideas for more pages to help kill the drought until Platinum news comes towards the end of next week
The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
My Pokémon Ranch - European Date
Thanks to forum member Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior for pointing this out to me, the latest issue of the UK Official Nintendo Magazine contained a review of My Pokémon Ranch, and with it came the release of "Out Now"...now this could be an editorial error, or as the magazine is meant to be out this friday, it means that it may be out on European and Australian Wiis then. In the European Wii shop, the releases alternate between WiiWare and Virtual Console every week and this week would be for WiiWare. So if you're in Europe and are looking forward to Ranch, your wait may soon be over. For more details on Pokémon Ranch, click below: