Saturday: Best Wishes & BW Demo Details31-07-2010- 23:57 BST / 31-07-2010 18:57EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check the previous update for some new Pokémon. Since the 30+ Black & White Pokémon have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 00:13; Black & White Demo details | Edit @ 00:26: Pokémon Sunday to reveal further details on Victini next week | Late Edit at 08:46; The official site slyed an update in confirming the other character's name of Dento
In The Animé Department
First Best Wishes Footage
Pokémon Sunday has just aired the first footage of Pocket Monsters: Best Wishes. This footage showed various aspects including Iris, the new boy that joins them and various other parts of the show. This new saga of the anime is set to air in September 2010, presumably on the 23rd. It also shows that Iris has a Kibago, as previously expected and confirms the new character's appearance and his name of Dento Our friends at Filb will have a video shortly
Iris | Dento |
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In The Games Department
Pokémon - Black & White - Demo Details
Pokémon Sunday has just aired and has shown some details about the demo running in Japan from next week. This small demo features a small town where you battle Belle and can go up to a route where Cheren is waiting for you to battle as well. It continues on into the forest It allows you to test out the various new aspects firsthand. However, this demo only runs in Japan
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: More New Pokémon & Details30-07-2010- 08:13 BST / 03:13 EDT by Serebii
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. We're in the middle of a slow news slump at the moment, but that'll likely pick up by the end of next week at the latest, when we expect CoroCoro to leak. Since the 30+ Black & White Pokémon have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 08:30; More Images | Edit @ 08:49; Rotational Battle | Edit @ 14:38; Several pages updated & added

In The Games Department
Pokémon - Black & White - More New Pokémon
Sorry for the delay. Last night, Oha Suta revealed soime new information from a new video. Courtesy of Filb, where you'll find the video. First, the evolution of Minezumi has been revealed, called Miruhoggu (ミルホッグ). Next, a Deer Pokémon called Shikijika (シキジカ) got revealed, as did a stork Pokémon in a new feature that presumably replaces contests; Pokémon Musical. The video also indicates that seasonal areas exist within the game and confirm Team Plasma as the new Team within the games. The transfer of Pokémon is also now done through a mini-game called the PokéShifter.
We also have new details on a new mode utilised within Triple Battles where you only control one Pokémon within the middle and can rotate the middle one around at will. This is done on the attack selection menu and appears instantaneous, thus creating loads of possible strategies
In the High Link, you get missions as you know, but we have the first mission detailed to give us an idea on the missions; Item Mission - Hide an Ultra Ball in front of the Tower of Heaven on Route 7.(If you get talked to then you have to restart!). Time Limit of 180 seconds and the prize is 3 "Derudama". There is also a subway throughout Isshu called the Battle Subway
In addition to that, we have some new details on moves;
First, Mamanbou has a new move called Soak (みずびたし)
Next, Pokabu has a move called Fire Oath (ほのおのちかい)
Finally, Tsutarja has a move called Grass Oath (くさのちかい).
I have also added some new pictures to our Pre-Release Picture Page
Edit: With this information, in addition to updating the New Pokémon Page with the three new Pokémon, Ihave also edited the Battle System Changes page with detailed description of the Rotational Battles, as seen above. I have also created a page on the method to transfer Pokémon from Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver to Black & White known as the PokéShifter
Shikijika | Music Show |
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Music Show | Autumn |
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PokéShifter | Aroe |
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Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Character Biography29-07-2010- 12:55 BST / 07:55 EDT by Serebii
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. We're in the middle of a slow news slump at the moment, but that'll likely pick up by the end of next week at the latest, when we expect CoroCoro to leak. Since the 30+ Black & White Pokémon have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
As per popular request, I have created a biography for Takuto, the other Pokémon Trainer who is being followed within the Sinnoh League. Takuto is a rather unique trainer and has a very strong Pokémon. Be warned though as this biography contains major spoilers. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: IV Calculator, Minor Black & White News & Enigma Stone Event27-07-2010- 11:28 BST / 06:28 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check the last two updates for news on the legendary Pokémon Victini. We're also putting the finishing touches to the IV Calculator. I also will likely not be updating tomorrow as it will be my birthday. Since the 30+ Black & White Pokémon have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 12:06; IV Calculator added | Edit @ 18:56; Enigma Stone details

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Chiramii Official Romanisation
The Japanese Trademark database has been updated with a few new trademarks for the Japanese names of the Pokémon. As always, most recently seen with Victini this weekend, the Pokémon get their Japanese names as well as an official romanisation, being the Japanese name stated in English. Usually, we just include the literal translation of the names until we get the romanisation. Well, today we have received the official romanisation for the Pokémon Chiramii (チラーミィ). It's official romanisation is Chillarmy, derived from Chinchilla and army. It is unknown whether this name will be utilised in the English versions of the game. In addition to that, we got confirmation that Munna's romanised name remains the same.

In The Games Department
Serebii.net IV Calculator
With special thanks to our friend Arty2, we now have a massively updated IV Calculator. This updated IV Calculator adds a variety of features in order to get you the most accurate result possible. First, the calculation has been tightened up with varialbes checking for Characteristics and the details that are given within the Battle Frontier in the games. Next, is the functionality to add multiple levels of the Pokémon into the calculation to try and pinpoint the IVs more preciesely. In addition to that, you can also calculate the IVs of all of your team simultaneously for easy access. This is toggled by clicking the Single Pokémon button within the IV Calculator. There are lots of other bits of the calculator which have been fine tuned so it's definitely an even more valuable resource than it was before. Click the picture to go to the page

In The Games Department
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver - Enigma Stone Download
For those of you in America, Europe and Australasia, a new WiFi event has been announced for download this week. From Saturday July 31st 2010 to August 27th, you will be able to download the Enigma Stone item onto HeartGold & SoulSilver. This item allows you to go to Pewter Museum where the item will be unlocked and you will receive the Soul Dew. However, a Latios or Latias will appear in Pewter City in HeartGold & SoulSilver respectively. Be sure to download it while you still can. Click the picture to go to our page for more details
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Black & White Updates, Dub Title & Pokémon of the Week25-07-2010- 14:29 BST / 09:29 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check the past few updates, there has been a continual stream of news as of late. Since the 30+ Black & White Pokémon have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White
Following from yesterday's reveal of the new Legendary Pokémon Victini (ビクティニ) (see the previous update if you missed it), which is unique in that it holds the number #000 in the Isshu Pokédex, I have updated the Black & White section with a variety of new pages and details. First, as usual was the update of the New Pokémon Page with Victini's details. Next, I have created the page for the game's Wi-Fi Events for you to be able to easily track the Wi-Fi events in a similar manner to the past games with the first being the Liberty Ticket to obtain Victini. Finally, I have also added a preliminary Isshu Pokédex page. This page will be updated up to launch with the various Isshu Dex numbers and what Pokémon matches each number. Click the respective link to go the pages or click the link to the right and navigate through our Black & White section

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The MSN TV schedule has revealed a new title for an episode. This is the episode title for the tenth episode of this season and the 635th episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. finding a trainer school near Sunyshore. While Dawn attempts to master a contest appeal, Jessie is partaking in a contest. This episode is to be called Teaching the Student Teacher and is scheduled to air on the 7th of August. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & seventy-sixth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the fourth generation. It is said that one was found frozen in ice from 10,000 years ago and managed to wake up. Its massive tusks are also made of ice.. So here it is, the one hundred & seventy-sixth featured Pokémon, Mamoswine.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: New Pokémon & Japanese Episode Title24-07-2010- 10:58 BST / 05:58 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check the past few updates. We;ve had some problems on the forums the past day but I believe we have fixed it. In addition to that, there are some fake Pokémon images going around so please be vigilant if a new Pokémon appears on other sites
Remember: This afternoon/evening, we're going get a new Legendary Pokémon so check back.
Since the 30+ Black & White Pokémon have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 23:30 BST; Legendary Pokémon Silhouette | Edit @ 00:25 BST 25-07-2010; Legendary Pokémon Detailed | Edit @ 00:32; Pre-Release Pictures | Edit @ 01:17; Clarification about the name

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White
Pokémon Sunday has just started airing and showed the silhouette of the new Legendary Pokémon. This Pokémon is to be revealed later on in this episode and matches the Pokémon shown at the end of the 14th Movie Trailer. We expect more details in the next hour.
Edit: Pokémon Sunday has now revealed the rest of the details. It reveals that this Pokémon is a new Legendary Pokémon, a Phantom Pokémon in the similar manner to Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy & Shaymin in the past. This Pokémon is called Victini (ビクティニ Literal; Bikutini).It is listed as #000 in the Isshu Dex. Its name could be interpreted as Vikutini or Viktini which would make sense based on its ears and its pose of the Victory sign, but we'll wait until we get official confirmation before we fully go either way though we do have a domain listing for Victini so we'll go with that for the time being.
In addition to that, we have received its distribution details. It will be obtained by a WiFi event giving the Liberty Ticket (リバティチケット) from September 18th 2010 to October 18th 2010.
It also aired some details on triple battles, confirming what we knew already about the mechanics but did show Chiramii knows the move You First, Gochiruzeru & Rankurusu both know PsyBeam and Munna knows Hypnosis.
Edit 2: The official site has also updated with some screenshots of this reveal. I have added them to the Pre-Release Picture page and click the picture to go to our Pokémon page for a larger image
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another new Japanese episode title has been revealed by the TV Navi schedule for an episode scheduled to air this August in Japan. This episode features the continuation of the long awaited Sinnoh League and the first semi-final battle. This episode will air on the the 26th of August.
Episode 657: Sinnoh League Semi-Final! Darkrai Appears!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Best Wishes Video Announcement23-07-2010- 09:35 BST / 04:35 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's update for another new Pokémon. Since the 30+ Black & White Pokémon have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them..
In The Anime Department
First Best Wishes Trailer Announced
The TV Tokyo site has given us the details for their Pokémon Sunday episode due to air on August 1st in Japan. This episode, in addition to showing bits from the Black & White demo going around Japan next month, will show the first footage of the upcoming new anime saga, Pocket Monsters Best Wishes. This series continues on after Ash's travels within Sinnoh and sees him meet up with a girl named Iris in the new land of Isshu.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Two New Pokémon, Episode Pictures & Character Biographies22-07-2010- 08:16 BST / 03:16 EDT by Serebii
News could come at any moment so be sure to check back. Since the 30+ Black & White Pokémon have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 15;37; Episode Pictures & Character Biographies added. We'll also have more Black & White news later today | Edit @ 23:26 BST; Oha Suta details.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White
I am so sorry that this is late, I have been out of town. Last night, Oha Suta revealed two new Pokémon. With special thanks to our friends at Filb for the image. First, the one that looks like a Luvdisc evolution is called Mamanbou (ママンボウ) while the stone one they revealed last week has been confirmed to be called Gigaiasu (ギガイアス ). We'll bring more on these as and when they come
Edit - Oha Suta details: Oha Suta didn't reveal anything. Despite showing Mamanbou within the preview yesterday for today's episode, the details they showed were just a generic triple battle similar to other footage we've seen without Mamanbou or any new Pokémon or attacks. However, in this footage we did see that Hihidaruma knows Fire Punch, Musharna knows Telekinesis and Rankurusu has Skill Swap.

In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features the third round within the Sinnoh League which has the battle of Ash versus Conway, the trainer he met in the Tag Team tournament. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the past few episodes being in the Sinnoh League, I have been able to update the character biographies for a variety of characters with brand new Pokémon. First, I have updated the biographies of Ash's rivals Paul and Barry. Paul was the first trainer that Ash met when he was within Sinnoh and Barry is a rival who idolises Paul and is based on the rival in the Diamond & Pearl games. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
In addition to Paul & Barry, Ash's other two rivals have also featured new Pokémon during the Sinnoh. These rivals are Nando, a trainer Ash & Co. met right at the start of Sinnoh, and Conway, a trainer Dawn was teamed with during the Tag Team Tournament. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Japanese Episode Title21-07-2010- 07:37 BST / 02:37 EDT by Serebii
News could come at any moment so be sure to check back. Since the 30+ Black & White Pokémon have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another new Japanese episode title has been revealed by the Dengeki Magazine for an episode scheduled to air this August in Japan. This episode features the continuation of the long awaited Sinnoh League and the final part of Ash's battle with his rival, Paul. This episode will air on the the 19th of August.
Episode 656: Rival Battle Conclusion! Ash VS Paul!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: New Battrio Set20-07-2010- 17:17 BST / 12:17 EDT by Serebii
While the news has died down, don't forget that we expect a new Pokémon by the end of the week. Since the new Black & White details have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
New Battrio Set
Recently, yet another Battrio set has been released. This set, the Decisive Battle! Legenday Pokémon Chapter is based upon the various Legendary Pokémon and introduces a new feature called Awakening and so most of the disks appear twice, once for each type of awakening. As such, I have compiled a list of all the discs within the set. These follow the same new mechanics introduced in previous Battrio 0 sets. The BattrioDex has been updated with the contents of this set. Click the picture to go to the page.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: PokéPark Passwords19-07-2010- 15:01 BST / 10:01 EDT by Serebii
It has been a busy few days. Be sure to check the past couple of updates. Since the new Black & White details have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
PokéPark Wii Password
Thanks to all who sent this in. For those with the recently released PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure game, the rest of the passwords have been leaked for the various aspects of the game. These include the Snowboard that Pikachu needs to use in the Empoleon's Snow Slide attraction and the codes to allow Groudon, Jirachi & Darkrai to appear within the game. These are all of the passwords within the game so there wont be anymore. It is not yet known if these passwords will work in the US version of the game when it is released later this year. Click the image to go to our Password page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Black & White Attack & Pokémon of the Week18-07-2010- 14:49 BST / 09:49 EDT by Serebii
It has been a busy few days. Be sure to check the past couple of updates. Will update later today with any news from Pokémon Sunday. Since the new Black & White details have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White
In Pokémon Sunday, there was a mention of a new attack which we inadvertantly missed. This attack is known by Pokabu and is a Fire-type attack. It is called Nitro Charge (ニトロチャージ). It appears this move will be on Pokabu in a similar manner to Grass Mixer being on Tsutaja and Shell Blade being on Mijumaru. We'll bring more details as they come but this attack has been added to the attack page
In The Games Department
PokéPark Wii Password
For those of you in Europe with the recently released PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure game, the official site has revealed the password for the balloons to allow Pikachu to participate in the Pelipper's Circle Circuit & Salamence's Air Ace attractions. This is vital in order to activate the special legendary Pokémon in that attraction. This password is 57429445. Click the image to go to our Password page
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & seventy-fifth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the second generation and bringing us to the conclusion of our three week movie tie-in. It is said that it appears travelling the north winds. It is also said to be able to purify any water. So here it is, the one hundred & seventy-fifth featured Pokémon, Suicune.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon Sunday & Episode Titles17-07-2010- 14:09 BST / 09:09 EDT by Serebii
It has been a busy few days. Be sure to check the past couple of updates. Will update later today with any news from Pokémon Sunday. Since the new Black & White details have been out, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 00:26 BST 18/07/10: Pokémon Sunday revealed no further details but did show footage of the previously revealed details and Pokémon. Our friends at Filb will have video in a couple of hours of this newspost. | Edit @ 00:35 BST 18/07/10: Was a bit noteworthy so added Pokémon Sunday details.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White
Pokémon Sunday has just aired and has shown footage of the various aspects of Pokémon Black & White that were revealed in CoroCoro and on the official site Within this footage was not anything new but it did provide details about the city which changes appearance between versions. The technological one is in Pokémon Black while the more traditional city is in Pokémon White. Our friends at Filb will have video in a couple of hours of this newspost.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The MSN TV schedule has revealed a new title for an episode. This is the episode title for the eighth episode of this season and the 633rd episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. entering Sunyshore City and finding out that the Gym Leader, Volkner, is no longer interested in battling. This episode is to be called Flint Sparks the Fire! and is scheduled to air on the 24th of July. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
A second dub title was also revealed by the MSN TV schedule. This is the episode title for the ninth episode of this season and the 634th episode total. This episode features Team Rocket stealing the special Sunyshore Tower, which powers the entire city. This episode is to be called The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore! and is scheduled to air on the 31st of July. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: More Crisp Black & White Pictures & Pokémon Sunday News16-07-2010- 11:22 BST / 06:22 EDT by Serebii
It has been a busy few days. Be sure to check the past couple of updates. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 12:01; Added Version Exclusive page | Edit @ 13:57; Pokémon Sunday reveal incoming

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Clearer Pictures
Another batch of clearer pictures were released in the press packs today. These images are mostly the same as yesterday, however a lot of them are higher resolution versions of a variety of screenshots that were shrunk down on the official site. As usual, I've updated the Pre-Release Picture page with these images. Click the picture to go to the page. Some details have also been clarified
These images also confirm that the Pokémon you meet in the Dream World will appear in the main game for you to have to battle and capture.
It also seems that the High Link is limited to the top part of Isshu. Places like Route 1 and Hiun City aren't accessible within the High Link feature.
Following on from yesterday's confirmation of the games that the exclusives are in, I have created a Version Exclusive page.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sunday - July 25th Reveal
The TV Tokyo schedule updated last night and indicated that the episode scheduled to air on July 25th (local time) is going to reveal a brand new Pokémon. As the 7 Pokémon revealed in CoroCoro are to be shown in the episode this week, this indicates that it is completely new. In addition to that, the wording of the summary indicates that this Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon, a Phantom Pokémon as they describe it. It's possible that this Pokémon is the one that was at the end of the 14th movie trailer, or it could be something completely new. We'll bring news as it comes
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Black & White Pictures, Episode Pictures & Jirachi WiFi Event Reminder15-07-2010- 09:02 BST / 04:02 EDT by Serebii
It has been a busy few days. Be sure to check the past couple of updates. Episode Pictures shall be added to the update later today. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 09:14 BST; New Move added | Edit @ 10:07; Global Link details added | Edit @ 18:23; Sorry for the delay. Episode Pictures are added

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Clearer Pictures
The official site has just updated and posted clearer screenshots for the games. These screenshots show the details provided by CoroCoro over the last few days and include new Pokémon, the new characters and a variety of areas and features. They are in the process of being added to our Pre-Release Picture page and the various Black & White pages.
In addition to that, the official site has confirmed that Gochiruzeru is exclusive to Pokémon Black and Rankurusu is exclusive to Pokémon White.
A new move was also detailed. It is a Poison move called Coil (とぐろをまく) which has 20PP.
Also, the Eevee evolution you get in the Pokémon Global Link trial next month is dependant upon your success in the mini-game they provide. In it, you need to join the Pokémon Labyrinth. As stated before, this trial is a demonstration of how the Global Link will work on the web-side We'll bring details on these Eevee evolutions as and when they come
Click the picture to go to our Pre-Release Picture page

In The Games Department
Current WiFi Event - Jirachi
For those of you with the in America, Europe and Australasia games, the WiFi event for the Pokémon Jirachi is scheduled to end tomorrow. This event activates the Night's Sky Edge Pokéwalker course when transferred to HeartGold & SoulSilver. It is Level 5, with the attacks; Confusion, Rest, Wish and Draco Meteor. It holds the Liechi Berry. Be sure to get it while you still can..
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features the third round within the Sinnoh League and features Paul & Berry facing off with eachother. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another new Japanese episode title has been revealed by TV Tokyo for an episode scheduled to air this August in Japan. This episode features the continuation of the long awaited Sinnoh League and Ash's battle with his rival, Paul. This episode will air on the the 12th of August.
Episode 655: Intense Fighting Full Battle! Ash VS Paul!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Black & White Information Consolidation, Crisp Screenshots & Ash's Pikachu Wi-Fi Event14-07-2010- 12:48 BST / 07:48 EDT by Serebii
It has been a busy few days. We should get crisp screenshots over the next day or two so be sure to check back. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White
Following on from yesterday's massive information reveal, I have consolidated all the information into the Pokémon Black & White section. In addition to the New Pokémon, I have updated the New Attacks & New Abilities pages with details on all the new attacks and abilities revealed. The Wi-Fi page has been updated with information on the Live Caster and High Link and the Battle Changes page has had all the mechanics of Triple Battles added to it. In addition to those updated pages, I have also created numerous pages detailling various aspects of the game. First is the C Gear function utilised in game and all the featurs of it. A page on the Version Exclusive Areas has been created, as has a page on the Important Characters. Finally, I have also detailled in full the brand new Pokémon Global Link feature that utilises a website on the Internet in conjunction with the games. Click the respective link to go to the section or click the image to go to the main index
In The Games Department
September CoroCoro Details
We have the details that the next issue of CoroCoro, the September issue is due for release at an earlier date of August 11th 2010 which will mean we will possibly get information even earlier than that. This issue is said to detail what CoroCoro called The Mastery Document and will contain lots of information about the games in addition to a massive batch of new Pokémon.
In The Games Department
Current WiFi Event - Ash's Pikachu
For those of you with the Japanese DS games, the WiFi event for the Pokémon Pikachu, based upon Ash's Pikachu and is a tie in for the brand new movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark is set to begin tonight in Japan. This event lasts until August 10th 2010 so get it while it's still available. It is Level 50, with the attacks; Volt Tackle, Iron Tail, Quick Attack & Thunderbolt and holds a Light Ball and appears to be of a Naughty nature.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Final CoroCoro Details & Goon's Scizor Event Reminder13-07-2010- 09:30 BST / 04:30 EDT by Serebii
Check the past two updates for CoroCoro details. We do expect more to come later today/tomorrow to clarify the various details and for clear pictures so be sure to keep checking. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 14:13 BST; CoroCoro Details are in. We'll update this as we do more translations. Please bear with us | Edit @ 14:19 BST; Further details | Edit @ 14:25 BST; Telepathy details | Edit @ 14:28 BST; Further Triple Battle details | Edit @ 14:31 BST; Further Global Link details | Edit @ 14:39 BST; More details and scans | Edit @ 14:50 BST; The Pokémon details are in | Edit @ 14:56; Minezumi's details | Edit @ 15:04; Rankurusu details | Edit @ 15:06; Gochiruzeru details | Edit @ 15:09; Another Version difference | Edit @ 15:40 BST; Live Caster & Pass By details & images | Edit @ 15:44; Battle Features | Edit @ 15:48; Feeling Check features | Edit @ 16:01 BST; Live Caster details added under features | Edit @ 16:34 BST; More images added | Edit @ 16:42 BST; Details on N added | Edit @ 17:07 BST; Musharna and more | Edit @ 17:18 BST; C Gear & High Link details | Edit @ 18:03 BST; Details & Images of Belle & Cheren | Edit @ 18:15 BST; Final details of Belle & Cheren
Edit @ 20:06; All pictures cropped and added to Pre-Release Picture Page. Should have crisp pictures by Thursday.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White
The final details from CoroCoro have come out and have provided the details for all 7 Pokémon within the magazine. For other details, check the previous couple of updates. We'll update this as we do more translations. Please bear with us. Thanks to yaminokame for assistance on the translations.
- Details for the Pokémon are out
- First, we have Kibago (キバゴ), the Tusk Pokémon. It is 0.6m tall and weighs 18kg. It has the abilities of Rivalry & Mold Breaker and is a Dragon-type Pokémon. It also has a new attack called Double Chop (ダブルチョップ) which attacks twice
- Next is Koromori (コロモリ). It is the Bat Pokémon. It is 0.4m tall and weighs 2.1kg. It has the abilities of Unaware & Klutz and is a Psychic/Flying-type Pokémon. It also has a new attack called Heart Stamp (ハートスタンプ) which makes the opponent Flinch.
- Next is Minezumi (ミネズミ). It is the Lookout Pokémon. It is 0.5m tall and weighs 11.6kg. It has the abilities of Run Away & Keen Eye and is a Normal-type Pokémon. It also has a new attack called You First (おさきにどうぞ) which allows the opponent to move first
- Next is Gochiruzeru (ゴチルゼル). It is the Celestial Body Pokémon. It is 1.5m tall and weighs 44kg. It has the ability of Frisk and is a Psychic-type Pokémon. It has the new attack Magic Room (マジックルーム) which negates the effects of any Items on both you and the opponent for 5 turns..
- Next is Rankurusu (ランクルス). It is the Amplification Pokémon. It is 1.0m tall and weighs 20.1kg. It has the abilities of Dust-Proof (ぼうじん), which makes the Pokémon not take damage from weather effects & Magic Guard and is a Psychic-type Pokémon.
- Next is Wooguru (ウォーグル ), possibly derived from War and Eagle. It is the Valor Pokémon, it is 1.5m tall, weighs 41kg and is a standard Normal/Flying-type Pokémon. It has two abilities, one of them Keen Eye and the other is Encourage, the ability Hihidaruma has which boosts the power of its moves but prevents the moves having a secondary effect. It also has a new attack called Free-Fall (フリーフォール). Free-Fall is a two turn attack that has the Pokémon grab the opponent and lift it into the air and then on the next turn falls to the ground
- Next is Musharna (ムシャーナ ), the evolution of the Pokémon Munna. It is the Trance Pokémon. It is 1.1m tall and weighs 60.5kg. It has the abilities of Forewarn & Synchronize and is a Psychic-type Pokémon. Both Munna & Musharna give off the Dream Smoke. As explained on Sunday, the Dream Smoke is part of the Global Link connectivity.
Triple Battles
- First, we have details on the Triple battles, showing how you can target with the middle Pokémon being able to target all three Pokémon and the ones at the sides being able to target the opposite one and the middle one. You also have the ability to switch Pokémon positions in battle.
If a Pokémon in the middle uses an attack that hits all Pokémon, then it will be very powerful
- There is a new ability called Telepathy (テレパシー) which allows the Pokémon to avoid receiving damage from its team-mates.
- There is also a new attack, name currently not given, which will cause all your team mates to avoid damage from attacks that would hurt all team members such as Earthquake.
Global Link
- The Global Link has two modes. One, where your Pokémon play in a dream and another is an online battling system. It appears that you have the ability to capture Pokémon not in the Isshu Dex within the Global Link and have them transferred back to your game. This can be done in the dream mode. As we said on Sunday, you access the Global Link when you have Musharna, the evolution of Munna.
- The Game Sync is accessible through the C Gear. Here, you can send a single Pokémon to the computer and the "dream world".
- In the world of dreams Pokémon have their own rooms that they can play in. They can play minigames with other Pokémon. Pokémon that your Pokémon becomes friends with in the dream world can be taken back to the real world
- If you are registed to the PGL, then you can play "Rating Mode" of "Random Match" at to the global terminal inside of the Pokémon center. It will send your battle results to a server gather them so you can see who is really strong.
Version Changes
- Gochiruzeru and Rankurusu are Version exclusives and Black City & White forest are in the same part of Isshu.
- There will also be other cities that vary in appearance based on your game
- Using Infared, you have the ability of having speedy battles. This can be 2 or 4 Player. You can also trade this way on the spot from your box. You can automatically exchange friend codes over IR
- You have the ability to draw on your friends faces over the Live Caster video chat. Characters in game will also call you on the Live Caster from time to time
- There is also a gentleman in the game which will switch your game from the standard Hiragana/Katakana text to Kanji
- There is a feature called Feeling Check that checks players compatibility. One of the things it shows is a game where two people have to keep the same rythmn
- The High Link features mentioned yesterday have also been further confirmed and will involve meeting players over WiFi in the Isshu overworld and doing missions for them. This is as close to a MMORPG as we'll get
- The C Gear as we knew has abilities in InfraRed, Wireless & WiFi
- Professor Araragi gives you the Pokémon and says for you to share with your friends, Cheren & Belle
- It seems that you, Belle and Cheren all get the starters from Professor Araragi, leaving none left out as all of you are beginning your journey together.
- Belle is a spontaneous person and is on her adventure against her father's wishes. She is rather unreliable.
- Cheren is an intelligent guy and will give you helpful tips throughout your journey. He intends to be the champion in Isshu.
- Indicating that Isshu is far away, the routes have once again reset and will begin with Route 1
- N is one of the antagonists. N will keep coming to challenge you in order to confirm his ideas of justice. He calls Pokémon "Friends", but one of the screen shots shows him saying that he wants to split humans and Pokémon and divide them so it's black and white. He has the unique idea to set Pokémon free from people. He's looking for the power to bring his idea to fruition
- Makomo will give you the C Gear after you assist her with a task
Out of respect for those of you who wish to stay spoiler free, I've hidden the images in one of our spoiler tags.
Click to show images:
In The Games Department
Current WiFi Event - Goon's Scizor
For those of you with the Japanese DS games, the WiFi event for the Pokémon Scizor, based upon the character Goon's Scizor in the upcoming movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark is set to end over the Wi-Fi Connection tomorrow. This Scizor is Level 50 and is in a Cherish Ball. It has the Swarm ability, holds a Starf Berry, and the attacks; X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Iron Defence and Agility. So, as it ends tomorrow, it is best to get it while you still can.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: More Black & White Details12-07-2010- 06:17 BST / 01:17 EDT by Serebii
Check yesterday's update for brand new Pokémon. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White
Sorry for the slight delay in this. Continuing on from yesterday's update, some more details have come out via images on 2ch of a promotional pamphlet. These give details on aspects of the game that have rumoured over the past few weeks but are now confirmed
- First is a DSi & 3DS exclusive feature; the Live Caster. This feature, after obtained in the game, will allow you to have video chats with your friends. This is limited to 4-player over local wireless and 2 player over Wi-Fi. Only the DSi can utilise this feature so if you don't have a DSi or a 3DS in the future, you cannot use this feature
- In a manner similar to what was described as a 3DS feature, there is also a Pass By mode which, utilising the C Gear, has you connect with other players when you walk by them. This will aid them and you in various means, the extent of which is not yet known
- It also confirms that the order in which your Pokémon are in during Triple Battles will help determine the damage calculations for attacks that hit multiple Pokémon
- In the High Link feature, it appears to be a massive overworld hub in which you can go up to other players and offer assistance in the form of missions. The High Link is located within the middle of the Isshu region
- In addition to that, we did accidentally get Rankurusu (ランクルス) & Gochiruzeru (ゴチルゼル) names mixed up. Rankurusu is the Green Pokémon and Gochiruzeru is Black humanshape Pokémon.
- There is an attack known by Gochiruzeru called Magic Room (マジックルーム) which negates the effects of any Items on both you and the opponent.
- Finally, we get our first look at the Isshu region on the in-game map
We expect much more as today goes on so keep checking back. Click the images below for larger images
Isshu | Triple Battles |
 |  |
High Link | Pass By |
 |  |
Foe Gochiruzeru used Magic Room |
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: First CoroCoro leak11-07-2010- 13:50 BST / 08:50 EDT by Serebii
It begins. Also, be sure to check the previous few updates as there have been some interesting things revealed over the last few days. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 14:07; One of Wooguru's abilities revealed | Edit @ 14:17; One of its attacks added too. | Edit @ 14:26; Pokémon of the Week | Edit @ 14:28; FreeFall attack details | Edit @ 14:32; Rankurusu ability details | Edit @ 14:50; Munna's evolution | Edit @ 14:54; Araragi's Friend | Edit @ 15:08; Dream Smoke details | Edit @ 15:17; Wooguru's second ability | Edit @ 15:21; More images | Edit @ 15:26; More details | Edit @ 15:34; Added name of blonde trainer | Edit @ 16:05; Koromori's type revealed

In The Games Department
CoroCoro August Issue
The first image from CoroCoro has come out on 2ch. This image shows the new bird Pokémon that was silhouetted during Pokémon Sunday last night as well as the green blob Pokémon we got last week in Oha Suta. With thanks to yaminokame for translation.
- This Pokémon is called Wooguru (ウォーグル ), possibly derived from War and Eagle. It is the Valor Pokémon, it is 1.5m tall, weighs 41kg and is a standard Normal/Flying-type Pokémon. It has two abilities, one of them Keen Eye and the other is Encourage, the ability Hihidaruma has which boosts the power of its moves but prevents the moves having a secondary effect. It also has a new attack called Free-Fall (フリーフォール). Free-Fall is a two turn attack that has the Pokemon grab the opponent and lift it into the air and then on the next turn falls to the ground
- Munna's evolution Musharna (ムシャーナ ) has been revealed. It has a secret, said to do with Dream Smoke (ゆめのけむり) which itself involves a Game Sync, presumably uploading your save file, and then connection to the Pokémon Global Link website which we reported on last month
- It also appears that Rankurusu (ランクルス), revealed in Oha Suta last week, is of the Psychic-type and has two abilities, one of them Magic Guard. However, we'll wait for a bigger image to totally confirm this.
- The scan also confirms Kibago (キバゴ) as the name for the tusked Pokémon
- The scan also confirms that Koromori (コロモリ)is a Psychic/Flying type
- Professor Araragi has a friend called Makomo whom plays a part within the game's story
- The main character has two childhood friends, potential rivals. First is the blonde girl below Beru, second is the trainer Cheren whom we saw the trainer battle in the Oha Suta video last week
- The version specific areas mentioned on Friday have also been confirmed; Black City (ブラックシティ) and White Forest (ホワイトフォレスト).
- The character shown on Pokémon Sunday two weeks ago is known as N
We're working on translating and expect more so please bear with us. Hopefully we'll have details of Pokémon types and abilities soon
Minezumi, Kibago & Koromori | Musharna |
 |  |
Black City | White Forest |
 |  |
Mystery Person "N" | Childhood Friend |
 |  |
Cheren | Makomo & Dream Smoke |
 |  |
N |
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & seventy-fourth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the second generation and bringing us into the second week of our three week movie tie-in. It is said that when it roars, a volcano erupts. Unable to contain its sheer power, it races headlong around the land. . So here it is, the one hundred & seventy-fourth featured Pokémon, Entei.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon Black & White News & Pokémon Sunday News & Silhouette10-07-2010- 11:25 BST / 06:25 EDT by Serebii
CoroCoro is likely to come at any moment in the next few days so be sure to check back. Also, be sure to check the previous few updates as there have been some interesting things revealed over the last few days. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 18:27; Pokémon Sunday to reveal new details | Edit @ 19:39 Minezumi Picture & Unknown Pokémon added | Edit @ 11-07-2010 00:25 BST; Pokémon Sunday details

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sunday - Sihlouettes
Pokémon Sunday has just finished airing and has revealed a new silhouette for a Pokémon set to be in Pokémon Black & White. This silhouettes are to be revealed within their episode next week, but will likely be revealed beforehand within CoroCoro. This new Pokémon appears to be a new bird Pokémon and doesn't match the new one we learned of yesterday so there's even more new Pokémon coming than those we previously had. More details are expected within CoroCoro which is due within the next few days so keep checking back.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sunday - Next Week
Hidden in the official site, details of next week's episode of Pokémon Sunday were revealed. These details indicate that a significant amount of Pokémon Black & White details and footage. This is very likely to be the details that are to be revealed within CoroCoro within the coming days, but indicates that there will be a lot for us to deal with. Keep checking back for further news

In The Games Department
Phantom Champion Zoroark Black & White Trailer
The new movie, Phantom Champion Zoroark, opened today in Japan and with it came a new Black & White trailer. This trailer, according to some Japanese blogs, contains a new rodent Pokémon called Minezumi (ミネズミ) among various other new Black & White shots. This follows on from the trailer information that came from the preview screenings next week which showed another as-of-yet un-named Pokémon. We'll post pictures as soon as possible
Edit; I've been hesitant to post these due to the fact they came from a cinema broadcast, but thanks to my friend WPM at Pokébeach, we have an image of Minezumi and the orange Pokémon that came in the trailer at the end. Hopefully, we'll get clearer pictures soon
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: New Images, New Pokémon & Ash's Pikachu WiFi Event Details09-07-2010- 09:02 BST / 04:02 EDT by Serebii
CoroCoro is likely to come at any moment in the next few days so be sure to check back. Also, be sure to check the previous few updates as there have been some interesting things revealed over the last few days. For those of you in Europe, remember, PokéPark Wii is out today. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 09:32; New Pokémon | Edit @ 10:11; Floor Picture | Edit @ 12:34; Two New Images from magazines | Edit @ 12:55; Three Potential Pokémon names given? | Edit @ 13:28; Further Details

In The Games Department
New Pokémon Shown
On Japanese forum 2ch, a member has posted an image from a demo of the new games, Pokémon Black & White. This demo was said contained a batch of new Pokémon including the evolutions of the starters in the Pokédex and many more. They have posted a picture of the Pokémon, said to be called Hatooboo (ハトーポー). They also posted an image of another Pokémon, but blanked out the image and the name. We also got a picture of the floor with the demos in, which appears to show several new Pokémon, unfortunately we cannot make any out. We'll bring more as it comes so keep checking back
Edit; It also seems that some magazine images are coming in, possibly from CoroCoro or from a pamphlet. These images don't showcase any new Pokémon but do further show some of the ones revealed over the past few days. They also list possible names for the Pokémon, which aren't 100% confirmed yet.
- The green Pokémon with the horned head is said to be called Kibago (キバゴ). Remember, this is not confirmed.
- The green blob Pokémon shown on Oha Suta last week is called Gochiruzeru (ゴチルゼル). Remember, this is not confirmed.
- The gothic Pokémon also show on Oha Suta last week is called Rankurusu (ランクルス). Remember, this is not confirmed.
There is also a note from the same person who provided the images that there is an area on the map that is different depending on the version. These areas are Black City (ブラックシティ) and White Fortress (ホワイトフォレトス).
New Pokémon | New Pokémon |
 |  |
Demo Floor |
In The Games Department
New WiFi Event - Ash's Pikachu
The official site has updated about the Ash's Pikachu WiFi event that we announced last week. This WiFi event, for the Japanese DS games, will allow for the download of a Pikachu based upon Ash's Pikachu and is a tie in for the brand new movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark. As stated before, this Wi-Fi event begins on July 15th 2010, and we now know that it will end August 10th 2010. It is Level 50, with the attacks; Volt Tackle, Iron Tail, Quick Attack & Thunderbolt and holds a Light Ball and appears to be of a Naughty nature. The Event Database has been updated with this Pikachu
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: New Pokémon Confirmation, Zorua Event & Big Summit Clash TCG Set08-07-2010- 09:55 BST / 04:55 EDT by Serebii
We're likely to get the new CoroCoro within a few days so there's likely to be a lot of information within it. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 10:38; New Pokémon Details | Edit @ 23:22; Details of Zorua Event from Oha Suta
In The Games Department
New Pokémon Shown
A new flyer to show some new merchandise to tie in with pre-ordering the game has appeared on the Daisuki Club site and has shown the art of a new Pokémon. The image has since been pulled but we managed to grab the original image.. This new Pokémon matches one of the toys we saw a few days ago and thus one of the Pokémon in the animé beta art. We currently do not have a higher resolution image nor a name for this Pokémon but be sure to check back

In The Games Department
Oha Suta Details Zorua Event
Oha Suta has just finished airing the last part of their week long coverage of the new movie Phantom Champion Zoroark. Within this coverage, they provided some footage from the in-game Zorua event. This footage revealed that the Celebi is sent out during the special event and unfortunately seems to indicate once and for all that the Pokémon do not follow you in these games. The trainer in the area is duplicated by Zorua, and while talking, you will see Zorua's illusion fade and the event will play out as described last month, ending with Zorua entering a PokéBall. I have posted images within the pre-release image gallery. Click the picture to go to the page.

In The TCG Department
Big Summit Clash
The new and final LEGEND series TCG set is released today in Japan and as such, the official site has updated with all the card details for this set which I have compiled into our usual section with thanks to yaminokame for assistance in the translations. In addition to that, they also posted about a dozen brand new LEGEND Promos which feature alternate coloured Legendary Pokémon. I have updated the CardDex with the cards from these sets. Click the picture to go to our Big Summit Clash page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: New Black & White Details07-07-2010- 23:25 BST / 18:25 EDT by Serebii
We're likely to get the new CoroCoro within a few days so there's likely to be a lot of information within it. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White
Oha Suta has just aired and amongst their section dealing with the new movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark, they showed a new bit of Pokémon Black & White footage that featured the battle with Zoroark. This was a different version of the battle that we had seen before and featured Entei being against Zoroark's illusion of Suicune, then lowering its health and capturing it in a Pokéball. I've added two pictures to our pre-release picture page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Koromori Confirmed06-07-2010- 08:50 BST / 03:50 EDT by Serebii
As I said, news can come any moment. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 16:23 BST; New Episode Title added
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Koromori Confirmed
I apologise for this being late, but it came a bit out of left field with no prior warning. Earlier today, during the Oha Suta show, they showed a new bit of footage from Black & White. Not much was revealed in this footage but we did get confirmation of the bat Pokémon from the beta art Koromori (コロモリ). This further cements the authenticity of that beta artwork. It is currently unknown when we'll get clearer images of Koromori or the 8 Pokémon revealed on Oha Suta last week. Thanks to our friends at Filb for the screenshot
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another new Japanese episode title has been revealed by Newtype for an episode scheduled to air this August in Japan. This episode features the continuation of the long awaited Sinnoh League. Further details are not yet known. This episode will air on the the 5th of August following a one week break.
Episode 654: Rival Decisive Battle! Ash VS Paul!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: New Pokémon? & Pocket Monsters Special Summaries05-07-2010- 14:12 BST / 09:12 EDT by Serebii
News may come at any moment so be sure to continually check back. However, at the moment, as with Diamond & Pearl's release four years ago, loads of fakes and questionable things are being posted across the Internet so be careful with what you see. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 17:47; Potential New Pokémon added

In The Anime Department
New Pokémon? - Unconfirmed
Earlier today, on 2ch, a Japanese message board, several images came up of figures by Bandai of new Pokémon. Originally, I thought nothing of it, thinking they may be fake, but we have since got images of several other new figures from Bandai. However, as these are figures and not anything we can easily check back on, we're unable to deterimine their complete authenticity. However, it is rather likely they are real, especially as one seems to match one of the Pokémon on the beta art we posted on Thursday. However, to be on the safe side, these are not 100% confirmed yet, but I figured I should post now we have other images since images like these aren't particularly easy to fake. Just remember, they are unconfirmed

In The Manga Department
Pocket Monsters Special - Diamond & Pearl Edition
Coronis has kindly sent in summaries for the continuing adventures within the Diamond & Pearl saga of the Pokémon Special manga. These chapters follow Dia, Pearl & Lady Platinum Berlitz in their travels through Sinnoh trying to prevent Team Galactic's plans from going forward. The chapters included in this update are 70 up to 79. Click the picture to go to the index page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Movie 14 News & Pokémon of the Week04-07-2010- 11:59 BST / 06:59 EDT by Serebii
News is likely to be a bit slow until next weekend. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.

In The Anime Department
Movie 14 News? - Unconfirmed
As usual at this time of year, details from the special preview screening of the new movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark have appeared and gave details upon the trailer at the end for the movie next year. Like last year's showed Lugia & Ho-Oh and 2006's showed Dialga & Palkia, this trailer is said to include Reshiram & Zekrom and state that the movie is coming next year and is under the Pocket Monsters - Best Wishes title. However, according to this report, a brand new Pokémon was also shown in this trailer, described as having big pointed ears and big eyes. This has come from several blogs and sources but we're still awaiting complete confirmation so don't count it as 100% yet. We'll bring images as soon as humanly possible so be sure to check back.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & seventy-third Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the second generation and bringing us into our three week movie tie-in. It is said that when it appears, it comes riding a burst of lightning. The rain clouds it carries let it fire thunderbolts at will. So here it is, the one hundred & seventy-third featured Pokémon, Raikou.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: New Dub Title03-07-2010- 14:23 BST / 09:23 EDT by Serebii
With the 12 new Pokémon from the past week, news has been somewhat hectic, although it is likely to die down, but we expect new stuff in CoroCoro in just over a week. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The MSN TV schedule has revealed a new title for an episode. This is the episode title for the seventh episode of this season and the 632nd episode total. This episode features Piplup getting mad after continually being hit by Gible's Draco Meteor so it runs away. This episode is to be called Piplup, Up and Away and is scheduled to air on the 17th of July. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Black & White Tour Details & Pictures02-07-2010- 09:10 BST / 04:10 EDT by Serebii
It has been an incredibly busy week considering there was no CoroCoro so be sure to check the past updates. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White
The official site has updated with details on the Pokémon Black & White tour in Japan. This tour will allow for players to play the games in advance and watch an exclusive video. This tour runs from August 7th to September 12th and run on several buses that will travel to various areas of Japan. The details on this event including what it will show have yet to be revealed but we'll keep you aprised as and when details come. With this reveal, several new images were given, which I have added to the pre-release picture page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Black & White Animé Saga, New Pokémon & Episode Pictures01-07-2010- 11:24 BST / 06:24 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check Sunday's massive update. Will have episode pictures later today. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 16:08 BST; Episode Pictures added

In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Black & White - Animé Saga Reveals New Pokémon
Earlier this week, some beta art showed up on the internet showing Ash, Jessie, James, the new girl mentioned below and a batch of new Pokémon, I had previously had not posted it due to us being unable to check its authenticity, but based on the reveal of the female BW animé character matching the art, it was worth posting. This beta art showcased a variety of new Pokémon including Koromori (コロモリ), the bat Pokémon besides Jessie, the evolution of Tsutaja & Mijumaru as well as a brand new Pokémon beside Iris. Further details on these four Pokémon are not yet known but we'll provide it as soon as possible. Click the picture to go to our New Pokémon Page where you can find slightly larger pictures.

In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Black & White Animé
After the new episode which just finished airing in Japan, a preview of the brand new Pokémon Black & White anime saga was revealed. This showed that Ash's adventures continue onto the Isshu region and showcased the brand new character; Iris. She will replace Dawn within the series just as Dawn replaced May. There is also a new male character, but based on the beta art we got earleir this week, Ash is still the star of the show. The show is to be called Pocket Monsters - Best Wishes, with best Wishes obviously being derived from the names; Black & White. Further details are not currently known

In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features the first round within the Sinnoh League and features Ash facing off against the first trainer he befriended in Sinnoh; Nando. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;