31-07-2017 16:38 BST / 11:38 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 21:32 BST
Edit @ 17:20: Movie Theatrical Run | Edit @ 21:32: Pokémon GO Moltres Release

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Salazzle Event
Early leaflets have leaked out confirming a long rumoured event to distribute a Salazzle. This event runs at Gamestop from August 14th to September 4th and provides a battle ready Salazzle with Fake Out, Toxic, Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower and holding a Focus Sash. Further distributions for this globally have not yet been confirmed but we'll provide full details as they come. Our Event Database has been updated with the details of this event
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Articuno raid battles for Pokémon GO have now started come to their conclusion, with no new raids being add. Due to this, Moltres is now starting to become available in Raid Battles across the world. As such, we have updated our In-Depth Pokémon listings with the full details on Moltres. Moltres will only be available until this time next week, where it will then be replaced by Zapdos.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon I Choose You
The Pokémon Company International has confirmed that the new movie, Pokémon I Choose You is to receive a theatrical run internationally on November 5th and November 6th 2017. Participating theaters have yet to be confirmed but we'll post them when they come. Details on the movie's localisation have also been announced. Ash's new companions in this movie are called Verity and Sorrel in the English dub
Pokémon |
30-07-2017 11:36 BST / 06:36 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 11:36 BST

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the thirty-fifth entry into the Generation VII competitive field with a Kalos Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Archangel, Miror, Psynergy, Mcdanger, EKZ1505, UR2L8 & KillerDraco. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the sixth generation. When the Kalos region's ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power. It's hypothesized that it's monitoring those who destroy the ecosystem from deep in the cave where it lives. So, here it is, the thirty-fifth entry, Zygarde
29-07-2017 07:26 BST / 02:26 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 09:02 BST
Edit @ 09:02: Pokémon GO Safari Zone
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced that the Pokémon GO Safari Zone events in Copenhagen, Prague, Stockholm and Amsterdam have all been postponed to a currently unrevealed date later this autumn. The France, Spain & Germany events in September are still set to run. As an apology, Niantic have confirmed that various Regional Exclusive Pokémon will begin appearing in certain European Cities, most likely the ones that had the events postponed
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
A new patch will be going live for Pokémon GO very soon. This patch brings the game up to Version 1.39.1 and provides a variety of fixes. First, the glitch stopping Spark from appearing for Team Instinct players will be fixed. Next, decays when feeding Pokémon with less than 3000 CP will be fixed. Finally, there are fixes to the game freezing after healing Pokémon and after losing Raid Battles
28-07-2017 06:01 BST / 01:01 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 06:01 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Battle Competition
Battles for the next Battle Competition have begun. This is the Weakness Cup competition. This is a Double Battle competition using rules where only Pokémon with five or more weaknesses can be used. The standard Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon restrictions apply and you cannot use Ash Greninja. Only Weakness Policy and the type-reducing Berries such as Yache Berry can be used. Mega Stones are also not allowed. Battles will run from July 28th to July 30th. All entrants will get the Altarianite, Ampharosite, Latiosite and Latiasite Mega Stones. Download Rules for this competition are now available from Festival Plaza
Our Online Competition section contains full details on usable Pokémon in this tournament
27-07-2017 09:53 BST / 04:53 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 14:10 BST
Edit @ 12:00: Episode Pictures | Edit @ 14:10: Camp Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokémon Video Game Championships
Following the reveal of the 2018 Pokémon Championship Circuit yesterday, it has now been confirmed that the European International Championships, to be held Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon's launch weekend of November 17th through 19th will once again be held at the ExCeL London exhibition center in London, England. No further details of the event have been given but we'll provide them as soon as they come
In The Games Department
Camp Pokémon
The app, Camp Pokémon, otherwise known as Pokémon Camp, has just received a large update. This update adds in all the Alola Pokémon from the Pokémon Sun & Moon games and adds in some new activities
First is the Poké Ball Roll activity where you play with a Pokémon to help it through a maze
There's also a new day/night feature that makes some Pokémon appear in Day while others only appear at night
We'll be cataloguing all these new updates and add them to our unique App page
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Pictures
As usual, we have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash and Mallow hunting for ingredients for a curry, only to come across some strong Pokémon. The AniméDex will soon been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
26-07-2017 02:06 BST / 21:06 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 17:34 BST
Edit @ 07:16: Solrock/Lunatone event | Edit @ 08:25: Pokémon Switch | Edit @ 11:04: Pokémon Duel | Edit @ 17:34: VGC 2018 Circuit News

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Solrock & Lunatone Distribution
For those of you with the Japanese Pokémon Sun & Moon games, to tie in with the Pokémon Daisuki Club's latest delve into the lore of Pokémon, in this case the Mystery Files about Pokémon not of this earth, a unique distribution has begun through the shared serial code: OYAJI30YEARS. This distribution provides the download of a Solrock with Cosmic Power, Hidden Power, Solar Beam or Stone Edge for Sun, or a Lunatone with Cosmic Power, Hidden Power, Moonblast or Power Gem for Moon. They are both Level 30 and come with a Comet Shard. The code will work until October 31st 2017. Our Event Database has been updated with details of this event

In The Games Department
Pokémon Video Game Championships
The Pokémon Company International has laid out the plans for the 2018 Play! Pokémon Series. The circuit will still use Pokémon Sun & Moon rather than Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon but that may change down the line. Regionals have no Best Finish Limit, Premier Challenges have a Best Finish Limit of 8. Midseason Showdowns have a Best Finish Limit of 8. Next, the first three International Championships have been detailed
The European International Championships are to be held on November 17 to November 19th in the United Kingdom
The Oceania International Championships will be held in February 2018
The Latin America will be held in Brazil in April 2018
In addition to this, the full Regional lineup for North America and Europe has been revealed
North America
9/2/17 - 9/3/17 Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne, IN
9/30/17 - 10/1/17 Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford, CT
10/7/17 - 10/8/17 Ocean Center-Daytona Beach, FL
10/14/17 - 10/15/17 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel, Richmond, BC, Canada
11/25/17 - 11/26/17 San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA
12/16/17 - 12/17/17 Memphis Cook Convention Center, Memphis, TN
1/27/18 - 1/28/18 Hyatt Regency DFW, Dallas, TX [located at Terminal C of DFW Airport]
2/17/18 - 2/18/18 Gateway Center, Collinsville, IL (near St. Louis, MO)
3/3/18 - 3/4/18 OC Fair and Event Center, Costa Mesa, CA
3/17/18 - 3/18/18 The Park Expo & Conference Center, Charlotte, NC
3/24/18 - 3/25/18 Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR
5/5/18 - 5/6/18 Utah State Fairpark, Salt Lake City, UT
5/12/18 - 5/13/18 Metro Toronto Convention Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
5/26/18 - 5/27/18 Berglund Special Events Center, Roanoke, VA
6/2/18 - 6/3/18 Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, WI
7/29/17 - 7/30/17 Exhibition Centre Liverpool Hall A, Liverpool, UK
9/16/17 - 9/17/17 Musical-Theater, Bremen, Germany
1/13/18 - 1/14/18 Dreamhack, Leipziger Messe, Leipzig, Germany
2/17/18 - 2/18/18 Amiralen, Malmö, Sweden
4/14/18 - 4/15/18 Messe Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, Germany
6/16/18 - 6/17/18 Ponds Forge International Sports Centre, Sheffield, UK

In The Games Department
Pokémon for Nintendo Switch
During Nintendo's financial releases today, Nintendo relisted the newly announced Pokémon game for Nintendo Switch. In this listing, it gave a release date for the game, following on from Tsunekazu Ishihara's statement in the Nintendo Showcase at E3. It lists the game as coming out on Nintendo Switch in "2018 or later". No further details were given but none is expected until after Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon is released. We'll provide more as it comes

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
With the Legendary Pokémon having begun appearances in Pokémon GO, Niantic have finally confirmed the dates for Moltres, Zapdos and the end date for Articuno. Articuno will stop appearing in Raid Battles some point on Monday July 31st. From then, Moltres is to be released on Monday, July 31 and available through Monday, August 7. After that, Zapdos to be released on Monday, August 7 and available through Monday, August 14. Any further windows for their capture have yet to be revealed
In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Major Update
The next details about the major update coming to Pokémon Duel have been announced. Mega Evolutions are to come to Pokémon Duel. We still don't have details on when this update will come but they have released a special trailer detailing the new features. We'll bring more as they come
25-07-2017 05:03 BST / 00:03 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 22:08 BST
Edit @ 07:06: Pokémon Shuffle Events | Edit @ 10:04: Pokémon GO Safari Zone | Edit @ 18:28: Episode Title | Edit @ 22:08: Pokkén Tournament DX Controller

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Global Missions
The ninth Pokémon Sun & Moon Global Mission has begun. This Global Mission's theme involves winning at the Loto in Festival Plaza or Hau'oli City. To beat this Global Mission, players worldwide need to win 1,000 times. Rewards are 2,000 FC (Success), 200 FC (Failure) - If the game is tied to a Global Link account: 4,000 FC (Success), 400 FC (Failure). This Mission runs until August 8th 2017 23:59 UTC. If players win 1 time, then they will earn a Rare Candy and if a total of 2,000 wins happen, all players with a PGL account will get a Fast Ball

In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament DX
Following the release of the standard and Pikachu variant controllers last year, HORI have announced the official Pokkén Tournament DX controller. This controller is the same as previous ones but with a unique Black finish and the Pokkén Tournament DX logo in the middle. It will cost $24.99 in the US and will be released on launch on September 22nd 2017. No Japanese or European release has been announced at this time
Pokkén Controller |
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Following on from the Pokémon GO Fest, there were global rewards featuring increased Stardust, Candy gains, Experience gains, spawns and reduced Egg distance and Buddy distance. While this was initially intended to end at 5pm PDT yesterday, it has been officially confirmed that these rewards will continue on for a further 72 hours, ending on Thursday
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Safari Zone
It has been confirmed that the Pokémon GO Safari Zone event in Centro, Oberhausen (Germany) will be restricted entry. While entry is free, there will only be 4,000 tickets available, with registration for tickets going online soon. It's currently unclear what restrictions will be around for the other Safari Zone events across Europe but we'll provide full details as we get them.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
A few brand new challenges have begun on Pokémon Shuffle and Pokémon Shuffle Mobile.
First is a new stage featuring Shiny Tyranitar. This is a competitive stage that runs until August 1st 2017.
The top 100 players in Europe, 100 in North America and 500 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 5 Mega Speedup and 10 Raise Max Level.
The top 300 players in Europe, 400 in North America and 1500 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 4 Mega Speedup and 8 Raise Max Level.
The top 500 players in Europe, 800 in North America and 3000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 3 Mega Speedup and 6 Raise Max Level.
The top 900 players in Europe, 1300 in North America and 5000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 2 Mega Speedup and 4 Raise Max Level.
The top 1800 players in Europe, 2500 in North America and 10000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 2 Mega Speedup and 2 Raise Max Level.
The top 3600 players in Europe, 5100 in North America and 20000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 1 Mega Speedup and 1 Raise Max Level.
The top 5400 players in Europe, 8000 in North America and 30000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 1 Mega Speedup and 1 Skill Booster M.
The top 7200 players in Europe, 10000 in North America and 40000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 1 Mega Speedup and 1 Disruption Delay.
The top 9000 players in Europe, 13000 in North America and 50000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up and 1 Attack Power.
The top 13000 players in Europe, 18000 in North America and 70000 in Japan will get 1 Disruption Delay and 1 Attack Power. If you don't already have the Tyranitarite, you will get that rather than the Level Up.
Next, the Entei stage has begun a run until August 1st 2017
Finally, the Hitmonchan and Kyurem stages has begun repeat runs until August 8th 2017.
In addition to that, all players receive 30 Hearts, 10,000 Coins and a Shiny Tyranitar as a special gift
Finally, the Survival Mode has been updated with many brand new stages
All of these require the version 1.4.18 to download. Our Pokémon listings have been updated with these Pokémon

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Title
A Japanese TV guide has released a new episode title for Pokémon Sun & Moon in Japan. This episode is due to air on August 10th. Full details for the episode are not yet known
Episode 980: Rockruff and the Guardian Diety of the Ruins of Life
24-07-2017 19:52 BST / 14:52 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 19:52 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The official site has updated with some notes about the Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon GO. In it, it states that Articuno's appearance in Gyms is only going to last a brief while, before it stops appearing. The truee length is not currently known. In the note, it also states Zapdos and Moltres will begin appearing in Gyms very soon. We'll provide full details as they come so be sure to keep checking back
23-07-2017 11:20 BST / 06:20 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 12:13 BST
Edit @ 12:13: Pokémon of the Week
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Last night, with Pokémon GO Fest's completion, Lugia and Articuno went live as Raid Bosses in Pokémon GO. Due to these new additions, we have updated our Raid Battles, Buddy Pokémon and In-Depth Pokémon Listings with the details of these Legendary Pokémon so be sure to check those sections for all the data

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the thirty-fourth entry into the Generation VII competitive field with a Sinnoh Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Archangel, Miror, Psynergy, Mcdanger, EKZ1505, UR2L8 & KillerDraco. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation. Not only does it perceive auras, but it has also gained the power to control them. It employs them in battle. They can detect the species of a living being— and its emotions—from over half a mile away. They control auras and hunt their prey in packs. So, here it is, the thirty-fourth entry, Lucario
22-07-2017 07:41 BST / 02:41 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 22:48 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Ahead of Pokémon GO Fest today, Niantic have updated Pokémon GO to feature three special bundles to purchase in the shop. These bundles are aimed to get you the most candy and increase the amount of wild Pokémon you can encounter. They are as follows:
Special Box (480 Coins) - 6 Premium Raid Passes, 10 Pinap Berries
Great Box (980 Coins) - 12 Premium Raid Passes, 20 Pinap Berries, 10 Lure Modules
Ultra Box (1480 Coins) - 4 Incense, 16 Premium Raid Passes, 30 Pinap Berries, 20 Lure Modules
In addition to this, a special T-Shirt commemorating Pokémon GO Fest is available for all players for free
Edit @ 13:07: The GO Fest is to be streamed today and if you wish to watch, we are embedding the stream into our page. The stream will begin at 16:00 BST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT. Click here for the stream
Edit @ 19:49: Pokémon GO Fest as an event was hit with many communication errors preventing people from playing at the event itself. Due to this, according to numerous reports from people at the event, Niantic have announced that they will be offering refunds and $100 of PokéCoins to all people who attended the event. It's currently unclear what is going to happen regarding the in-game bonuses and Legendary Pokémon at this time
Edit @ 20:24: Niantic have confirmed that the increased spawns at GO Fest will be widened to 2 miles for the duration of the weekend to allow players to get the increased and rare Pokémon if they attended the event. Players who did not attend the event will not get the increased Pokémon spawns and Pokémon Egg drops
Edit @ 22:45: All Pokémon GO Fest bonuses were unlocked at Gold, activating them all for the next 48 hours
Edit @ 22:46: Lugia is unlocked and will be available in Raid Battles worldwide in the next 48 hours. All GO Fest attendees will receive a Lugia
Edit @ 22:48: Due to the success of Team Mystic in GO Fest, Articuno is the next Legendary Pokémon to be released. Details to come soon
21-07-2017 06:05 BST / 01:05 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 06:10 BST
Edit @ 06:10: Anime Event

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon
A new event has begun around the globe. This event gives the Mega Stones for Mega Tyranitar, Abomasnow and Manectric, as well as the Mega Stone, Aggronite. This is given with the code: SABLEVOLANT. Like before, there currently is no end date known for this distribution so be sure to get it while you still can. This follows on from the distribution to tie in with the 2017 International Challenge May for the first three. Our Event Database has been updated with the details of this event
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon
A repeat event has been announced for Japan. At various Pokémon Centers and Pokémon Stores, you'll be able to receive the distributions for Mallow's Steenee, Kiawe's Turtonator or Lillie's Vulpix from July 22nd to August 13th 2017. These match the ones that were distributed in Aeon Malls over the past two months
20-07-2017 06:59 BST / 01:59 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 17:10 BST
Edit @ 11:23: Character Biography | Edit @ 12:23: Episode Pictures | Edit @ 13:59: Legendary Pokémon in GO

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have confirmed that Legendary Pokémon are to hit Pokémon GO very soon. It has been confirmed that the first Legendary Pokémon will be at GO Fest if players around the world manage to succeed in capture targets set throughout the weekend. If trainers in Chicago can then defeat it, then it will start appearing in Raid Battles across the World. Once captured, Legendary Pokémon can be used to battle Gyms, but they cannot be placed within the gyms. Further details are to come
Edit: Based on the video, you will get a notification about the Legendary Raids, tied with a Legendary Raid Pass and thereis a 2 day build up for the Raid
Edit @ 17:10: To tie in with this, I have created a page to keep track on all Real Life Events

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Battle Competition
Registration for the next Battle Competition have begin. This is the Weakness Cup competition. This is a Double Battle competition using rules where only Pokémon with five or more weaknesses can be used. The standard Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon restrictions apply and you cannot use Ash Greninja. Only Weakness Policy and the type-reducing Berries such as Yache Berry can be used. Mega Stones are also not allowed. Registration runs from July 20th to July 27th. Battles will run from July 28th to July 30th. All entrants will get the Altarianite, Ampharosite, Latiosite and Latiasite Mega Stones. Download Rules for this competition are now available from Festival Plaza
Our Online Competition section contains full details on usable Pokémon in this tournament

In The Games Department
Pokémon Magikarp Jump
Another new patch has gone live for Magikarp Jump. This is a small patch which mirrors the one released on Android a week ago. This patch fixes a few bugs with the game, focusing on how the ponds and training regimes may have graphical glitches.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Pictures
As usual, we have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash and Kiawe go after a Marowak that stole a crown from the Wela Festival. The AniméDex will soon been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Character Biography
With the episode that just aired in Japan, we have been able to update a character biography. This biography is for Kiawe and features a Pokémon he obtained in this week's episode. Click the image to go to the biography, but be warned as it contains spoilers
19-07-2017 05:08 BST / 00:08 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 09:56 BST
Edit @ 05:30: Magikarp Jump & Duel | Edit @ 09:56: Pokémon Duel

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The next patch for Pokémon GO has been announced, bringing the game up to Version 1.39. This patch is being pushed to devices and includes a myriad of fies focused on Raid Battles. First you'll be able to spin a Gym after completing a Raid Battle. You'll also be able to give berries to your Pokémon in Gyms despite not being near them, just with a decreased motivation boost. It also boosts search functionality in the Pokémon Collection screen and gives further information on how a Pokémon was caught. This update is being pushed to devices so should be available worldwide soon
Edit @ 19:28: It has also been confirmed that GO Fest will be streamed by Niantic. We'll post a link to the stream when it begins

In The Games Department
Pokémon Magikarp Jump
A new patch has gone live for Magikarp Jump. This is a small patch which mirrors the one released on Android a week ago. This patch fixes a few bugs with the game, most specifically the bug that prevents players from being able to backup their data to move to another device.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Update
The smartphone game, Pokémon Duel, has had a new update. This update brings the Bug Gym Cup. Trophies will also be given at the end of the event with you being able to display on your ranking screen. This event has all Bug-type Movement 1 & 2 figures get an increase of 1 for movement and Fire-types getting an Attack increase of 20 for each attack. It also gives the Fletchinder & Talonflame Figures as a prize. It lasts until July 26th at 04:59 UTC with Booster Redemptions until August.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Major Update
The first detail about the major update coming to Pokémon Duel has been announced. In this, the game showcases a new screenshot showing a list of the Halls from the Single Player. With this, a special mission has been given such as using all Unique figures or only figures that are UC or lower on specific stages. The full context of this has yet to be revealed with the next note coming next week on July 26th.
18-07-2017 05:03 BST / 00:03 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 18:31 BST
Edit @ 07:03: Pokémon Shuffle Events | Edit @ 18:31: Original Cap Pikachu

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Original Cap Pikachu
To tie in with the 20th movie, Pokémon! I Choose You, the repeat of the first special promotion has begun in Japan. If you had previously prebooked tickets in Japan, you would have received get a Serial Code that can be used to unlock one of six Pikachu wearing one of Ash's caps from over the years. This distribution provides Original Cap Pikachu, which has Ash's hat from the Kanto and Johto series of the anime. This Pikachu also comes with the special Pikashunium Z Z-Crystal which turns the move Thunderbolt into the Z-Move 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. This distribution is available until July 31st and is the last chance to get this Cap of Pikachu in Japan. No international distributions have been announced at this time

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Global Link Gift
For those of you who participated in the recent Global Mission, the gift for defending your title at the Pokémon League is now available through the Pokémon Global Link. This gift is given through a Serial Code that can be obtained on the Pokémon Global Link. Click here for the link when you are logged into the Global Link. This gift is a gift of 5 Rare Candy and 1 Moon Ball. It can be redeemed until August 30th at 23:59 UTC.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
A few brand new challenges have begun on Pokémon Shuffle and Pokémon Shuffle Mobile.
First is a new Pokémon Safari. This Safari is entirely new and contains Caterpie, Metapod, Venonat, Venomoth, Burmy Trash Cloak and Wormadam Trash Cloak. It runs until August 1st 2017
In addition to this, the Butterfree stage has begun its first run. It also runs until August 1st 2017 and can only be played once a day
Finally, the Meloetta Pirouette Forme, Hitmonlee, Ho-Oh and Raikou stages have all begun repeat runs until August 1st 2017, except for Raikou which runs until July 25th
All of these require the version 1.4.17 to download. Our Pokémon listings have been updated with these Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
If you were one of the lucky players worldwide who ranked in the Shiny Mega Rayquaza competitive stage over the past week, then the prize is now available to be received. The Meteorite/Level Up, Attack Power, Mega Speedup and Raise Max Level for the higher ranked players will be obtained. If you didn't qualify, then you can redeem an Attack Power. To get these items, simply Check In between now and June 20th 2017 at 06:00 UTC and you will receive the item.
17-07-2017 23:40 BST / 18:40 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 23:40 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon World Championships - Registration
For those who intend to attend the Pokémon World Championships this year in Anaheim from August 18th to August 20th, registration is now open for Spectators. To get in, it costs $10 per person over 16 and provides entry to the event, as well as two booster packs for the Pokémon TCG. In addition to this, the Pokkén Tournament Last Chance Qualifier has entry open. For $30 you gain entry to the entire event as a spectator, as well as entry to the Last Chance Qualifier on the 18th. You also get 6 Pokémon TCG booster packs. Registration for the Anaheim Open event is also open. Entry is open via the official Pokémon website
16-07-2017 13:00 BST / 08:00 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:00 BST

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the thirty-third entry into the Generation VII competitive field with an Alola Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Archangel, Miror, Psynergy, Mcdanger, EKZ1505, UR2L8 & KillerDraco. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the seventh generation. Able to conceal itself in shadows, it never appears before humans, so its very existence was the stuff of myth. It lurks in the shadows of others, copying their movements and powers. This Pokémon is craven and cowering. So, here it is, the thirty-third entry, Marshadow
15-07-2017 11:02 BST / 06:02 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 12:16 BST
Edit @ 12:16: Pokémon Shuffle
In The Anime Department
Pokémon the Movie 2018
The new movie, Pokémon the Movie 2017 was released today in Japan and, as it does practically every year, showcased confirmation of the next movie after the movie had finished in the form of a small teaser.The teaser trailer showed no further details indicating the content of the movie at this time but did just state about the next movie's existence. We'll bring full details as they come!

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle
The Pokémon Fan magazine has revealed some of the upcoming event stages for Pokémon Shuffle. In August, the Tapu Koko and Tapu Lele stages will both go live! In addition to this, to tie in with the movie, there will be a special run of the Ho-Oh stage, from July 18th to August 1st while Raikou, Entei and Suicune will run for a week from July 18th (Raikou), July 25th (Entei) and August 1st (Suicune). Finally, on July 25th, Shiny Tyranitar will become available. We'll provide full details on these Pokémon and stages when they go live over the coming weeks
14-07-2017 06:06 BST / 01:06 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 17:35 BST
Edit @ 06:14: Pokkén Tournament DX Pre-Orders | Edit @ 17:35: Tapu Koko Event End Date
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Shiny Tapu Koko
Following the surprise release of the Shiny Tapu Koko in North America and Europe yesterday, we now have some official details about it, specifically the end date. This event is due to end on August 14th 2017 so be sure to get the event while you still can.
In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament DX
Having hinted at a special pre-order bonus in Pokémon Centers in Japan, The Pokémon Company has finally announced the full details of the pre-order bonuses for Pokkén Tournament DX in the Pokémon Centers. In addition to this, you'll receive a clear file with the game's artwork, three cards showing the burst attacks of Pikachu, Mewtwo and Decidueye, three badges of the player characters and Nia, and a small bonus soundtrack CD which contains four pieces of the game's soundtrack, with two additional ones being downloadable for free from the Pokémon Center website on September 16th.

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have announced a new element to the Pokémon GO Plus device. At Pokémon Centers across Japan, a special ring backing of the Pokémon GO Plus will be released. This allows for you to play with the GO Plus from the palm of your hand rather your wrist. You will also obtain new decals for the GO Plus with features of the Great Ball, Ultra Ball and Master Ball. The ring backing goes on sale tomorrow, July 15th, for 400¥

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Details have been released for the Pokémon GO elements to the Pikachu Outbreakchu event being held in Yokohama this August. First, from August 9th through August 15th is Pokémon GO Park where the Yokohama Red Brick Park and the Cup Noodle Museum Park will be filled with Poké Stops. Finally, on August 14th, Pokémon GO Stadium at the Yokohama Stadium which requires people to apply to participate by July 24th. From there, players will be selected via lottery to participate in the Pokémon GO Stadium. The true extent of which has yet to be revealed but players need to be Level 5 or higher, indicating that it involves Gyms and possibly raids. Sign ups are done through the Japanese official site
13-07-2017 07:06 BST / 02:06 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 17:22 BST
Edit @ 14:31: Pokémon Adventures/Special | Edit @ 15:05: Pokémon Anime Premium 10 | Edit @ 15:37: Ho-Oh in CoroCoro | Edit @ 17:22: Shiny Tapu Koko

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Shiny Tapu Koko
For those of you in Europe and Australia, the Shiny Tapu Koko event has gone live on Mystery Gift. It can be accessed by connecting to the Internet option in Mystery Gift. This Shiny Tapu Koko matches the Shiny Tapu Koko from Japanese distribution earlier this year. Currently there is no word on a North American distribution but it is likely it will come soon. Our Event Database has been updated with the details of this event
Edit: It is now live in North America

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - CoroCoro
The first images from CoroCoro have leaked and have revealed the latest news on Sun & Moon. As always, do note that translations are preliminary while we work on them.
This reveals the full details of the upcoming Ho-Oh event which is distributed within this issue through serial codes that can be redeemed in Japanese games. It is Level 100 with the ability Pressure. It has the moves Sacred Fire, Brave Bird, Recover and Safeguard. It holds the Sacred Ash. Our Event Database has been updated with the details of the event
. We'll bring more as it comes
Pokémon |

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Anime Premium 10
A new short Pokémon TV Series has been announced in Japan. This series is called Pokémon Anime Premium 10 and is a short 10 episode series that will feature re-airings of classic episodes. It will start airing on TV Tokyo on July 24rd 2017 at 1:35 AM (Listed as July 23rd 25:35). Various celebrities including Kanata Hongo, Shiori Sato, Shoko Nakagawa, Rica Matsumoto, Ikue Ohtani and Director Kunihiko Yuyama will select the episodes. It begins with the first episode of the show: Pokémon I Choose You!

In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon - LINE Stickers
For those of you who have the social media app, LINE on your iOS, Android or Windows Mobile devices, The Pokémon Company has today put out a new set of stickers for the app. These stickers feature Pikachu and are called Pikachu's Summer Vacation. There are 16 different stickers in this set. This pack costs 120¥ to download and is only available in Japan until August 21st
In addition to this, two special themes have also been released on LINE. The first is based on the mobile game Magikarp Jump and the second features the Kanto Starters. They cost 220¥/Ł2.20/€2.49/$2.49 to download

In The Manga Department
Pokémon Special - Sun Moon
In Japan, the latest saga of the Pokémon Special/Pokémon Adventures manga, focusing on the events of Pokémon Sun & Moon has recently begun in in a variety of Japanese magazines. As such, Coronis has conitnue the section of this saga, including the detailed summary of the entire saga on the index page. In addition to this, the continuation of the Black 2/White 2 Saga has been added. We have also updated our massive Manga Pokédex with these new details. Click the image to go to our page
12-07-2017 11:25 BST / 06:25 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 21:31 BST
Edit @ 13:15: European Steelbook & Fan Editions | Edit @ 13:31: Pokkén at EVO | Edit @ 14:07: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 21:31: Pokémon TCG Rotation

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Steelbook
Following the reveal for North America yesterday, Europe's special editions have been announced. Each game will have its own unique Steelbook in the special Fan Edition, but an Ultra Dual Edition will also be released which contains a different Steelbook as well as both games and 2 codes for 50 Potions each. No price has been given
Inside |

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have just announced several new real life events happening around the world. As part of the Pokémon GO Fest, there will be challenges in Grant Park to capture various Pokémon during specific Challenge Windows on July 22nd: 11-11:30, 12-12:30 and 3:30 local time in Chicago. This unlocks rewards for players around the World.
Fire-type Pokémon - Candy Bonus
Water-type Pokémon - XP Bonus
Grass-type Pokémon - Stardust Bonus
Electric-type Pokémon - Egg Distance Bonus
Rock-type Pokémon - Buddy Distance Bonus
Steel-type Pokémon - Encounter Rate Bonus
If worldwide hits the Gold reward, then Phase 2's Mystery Challenge opens in Grant Park from 6pm to 7pm and if that succeeds, then there will be a Global Reward challenge window of July 23rd and July 24th. In addition to that, a Safari Zone event has been announced for Europe. Here, various Pokémon which are not available in Europe will be able to captured as well as having powerful Raid Bosses. These events are held at the following:
August 5, 2017
Fisketorvet—Copenhagen, Denmark
Centrum Cerny Most—Prague, Czech Republic
August 12, 2017
Mall of Scandinavia—Stockholm, Sweden
Stadshart Amstelveen—Amstelveen, The Netherlands
September 16, 2017
CentrO—Oberhausen, Germany
Les Quatre Temps—Paris, France
La Maquinista—Barcelona, Spain
Pokémon GO Fest - Worldwide Reward Chart |

In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament DX - EVO
Nintendo has just announced a special event they are holding at the fighting game convention EVO this weekend in Las Vegas. During EVO, Nintendo will be getting people to join the virtual Pokkén Tournament DX Academy, which provides a direct line of communication between Nintendo and the Pokkén Tournament DX players. If signed up for the Academy, members will receive exclusive tips and tricks directly from Nintendo and the game’s development developers. Pokkén Tournament DX will be playable at this event

In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Update
The smartphone game, Pokémon Duel, has had a new update. This patch takes it to version 3.0.12 and contains a variety of bug fixes and requires 163MB of space on your mobile device to download. It is required to update in order to play the game
This patch contains various bug fixes, as well as the balance updates for the Snorlax, Typhlosion, Ho-Oh, Genesect, Pinsir, Eevee, Butterfree, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Ledyba, Lairon and Fletchling announced yesterday.
It also added various brand new figures.
The EX Figures are Entei, & Blaziken
The R Figures are Combusken, Vespiquen & Munchlax
The UC Figures are Magby, Ledian, Combee, & Metapod
It also added a new Orange Time Booster which are guaranteed to hold Fire-type or Bug-type Pokémon as well as a special 10 Pack Booster for a limited time.
Finally, it added a new Plate which works based on Bug and Flying-type Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokémon TCG - Rotation
The Pokémon Company International has announced the next rotation for Pokémon cards in organised play. This season starts on September 1st 2017 meaning that the World Championships and Liverpool Regional Championships will remain using the 2017 rotation rules. In the 2018 series, the following are part of the Standard play rotation
XY—BREAKthrough and any expansions released afterward
Black Star Promo cards numbered XY67 and up, and SM01 and up
Cards from the following products are also legal:
XY Trainer Kit—Pikachu Libre & Suicune
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit—Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu
McDonald's Collection 2016
For competitions that use Expanded it will be following this rotation:
Black & White and any expansions released afterward
Black Star Promo cards numbered BW01 and up, XY01 and up, and SM01 and up
Cards from the following product are also legal:
Double Crisis
Dragon Vault
Black & White Trainer Kit
XY Trainer Kit
XY Trainer Kit—Bisharp & Wigglytuff
XY Trainer Kit—Latias & Latios
XY Trainer Kit—Pikachu Libre & Suicune
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit—Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu
McDonald's Collection 2011 and later
11-07-2017 05:04 BST / 00:04 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Since the reveal of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 22:06 BST
Edit @ 07:04: Pokémon Shuffle | Edit @ 08:39: Pokémon Duel | Edit @ 08:53: Mew Event Glitch | Edit @ 19:19: Steelbook

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Steelbook
Amazon Canada has revealed the special Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Steelbook. This steelbook comes with both Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon and showcases artwork of Solgaleo and Lunala on both sides. It's set to be $99.99 and currently has no further international news. We'll bring full details on this when it comes
Edit @ 22:06: Amazon.com has also now added it for the US for the price of $79.99

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Mew Event Note
Earlier today, the new Mew Serial Code event began in Japan. This event had the OT 20TH☆. However, this caused a glitch to happen should the event be traded through any means. Due to the ☆, it would cause the OT to reset to Sun., Sonne., サン., Soleil., Sol., Sole. & 썬 depending on the language of the game. This event has now been rectified, removing the star leaving the OT as 20TH. Should any further details come to light, we will post them here

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Special Battle Season 5
The Special Battle rules for Season 5 have been revealed. Season 5 will run from July 18th 2017 to September 12th 2017 and runs on Sun & Moon. This ruleset requires you to play a standard single battle, but this time it's an Inverse Battle where the type chart has been reversed so Normal is Super Effective on Ghost etc.
Battle type: Single Battle
Pokémon Restrictions: National Pokédex.
Banned Pokémon: Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Magearna, Marshadow,Ash-Greninja
The other standard rules apply, including all set to Level 50 if above that, and you choose 3 Pokémon out of your 6, and you cannot have two Pokémon holding the same hold item. Battles have a 10 minute duration, with turns having a 60 second timer. Pokémon need to be from X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, Sun or Moon

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Global Missions
The eighth Pokémon Sun & Moon Global Mission has finished in success. This Global Mission's theme was to defend your title at the Pokémon League and the title was defended a total of 235,111 times. As it was a success, the gift of 2,000 FC, or 4,000 FC if the game is connected to the Global Link, is now available. Distribution of the Moon Ball and Rare Candy event is forthcoming later this month and will be given through Serial Code on the Global Link.
It is also confirmed that the next Global Mission will run from July 25th 2017 and is based on winning at the Loto in Festival Plaza

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
A few brand new challenges have begun on Pokémon Shuffle and Pokémon Shuffle Mobile.
First is the special stage for Alola Cap Pikachu. This event runs until July 18th 2017
Next, a Mew Escalation Battle stage has begun with special rewards up to Level 500. It runs until July 25th 2017.
Next, a competitive stage for Shiny Mega Rayquaza has begun. It runs until July 18th 2017. The top 100 players in Europe, 100 in North America and 500 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 5 Mega Speedup and 10 Raise Max Level.
The top 300 players in Europe, 400 in North America and 1500 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 4 Mega Speedup and 8 Raise Max Level.
The top 500 players in Europe, 800 in North America and 3000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 3 Mega Speedup and 6 Raise Max Level.
The top 900 players in Europe, 1300 in North America and 5000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 2 Mega Speedup and 4 Raise Max Level.
The top 1800 players in Europe, 2500 in North America and 10000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 2 Mega Speedup and 2 Raise Max Level.
The top 3600 players in Europe, 5100 in North America and 20000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 1 Mega Speedup and 1 Raise Max Level.
The top 5400 players in Europe, 8000 in North America and 30000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 1 Mega Speedup and 1 Skill Booster M.
The top 7200 players in Europe, 10000 in North America and 40000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up, 1 Mega Speedup and 1 Disruption Delay.
The top 9000 players in Europe, 13000 in North America and 50000 in Japan will get 1 Level Up and 1 Attack Power.
The top 13000 players in Europe, 18000 in North America and 70000 in Japan will get 1 Disruption Delay and 1 Attack Power. If you don't already have the Gyaradosite, you will get that rather than the Level Up.
All other players will get an Attack Power
Finally, the Registeel event has begun a repeat run and runs until July 25th 2017
All of these require the version 1.4.18 to download. Our Pokémon listings have been updated with these Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Balance Patch
Tomorrow, a new version of Pokémon Duel is being uploaded following the weekly maintenance. In this update, some changes are being made to a few figures.
Effect of Still ability altered so that Snorlax can't be affected by special conditions other than Sleep
Increased Body Slam power to 110 and adds chance of paralysis
Increased Pound power from 40 to 70 with a larger wheel size
Decreased wheel size of Miss
Changes Flame Acceleration ability to add +10 to the damage value for each Pokémon in your PC
Fire Blast wheel size increased
Gust wheel size decreased
Altered Techno Charge so that its effect lasts until the next time it uses Techno Blast
Increased power of Vice Grip from 40 to 50
Increased wheel size of Guillotine and Seismic Toss
Decreased Miss wheel size
Given the ability: Spontaneous Evolution that allows Eevee to evolve when it moves from the PC to the bench
Changed Tackle into Quick Attack
Gains new ability, Compound Eyes which: If this Pokémon has evolved and its Attack lands on Miss, it will shift to an Attack next to it
Increased Psybeam power from 40 to 70
Increased wheel size of Ember
Decreased wheel size of Tackle
Adds new ability, Fire Leak which makes Grass and Bug-type Pokémon be burned when they battle it
Switched position of Ember and Peck
Increased wheel size of Ember
Decreased wheel size of Peck and Miss
Alters Swarm ability to include Ledian
Increased wheel size of Double-Edge
Decreased wheel size of Miss
Changed Harden to make it withstand attacks of damage up to 100
Alters Acrobatics to allow for the player to select where Fletchling moves to
09-07-2017 13:00 BST / 08:00 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the new generation out, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the thirty-second entry into the Generation VII competitive field with a Johto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Archangel, Miror, Psynergy, Mcdanger, EKZ1505, UR2L8 & KillerDraco. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the second generation. Ho-Oh's feathers glow in seven colors depending on the angle at which they are struck by light. These feathers are said to bring happiness to the bearers. This Pokémon is said to live at the foot of a rainbow. It will reveal itself before a pure-hearted Trainer by shining its bright, rainbow-colored wings.A legend says that its body glows in seven colors. A rainbow is said to form behind it when it flies. So, here it is, the thirty-second entry, Ho-Oh
07-07-2017 06:28 BST / 01:28 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the new generation out, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 07:58 GMT
Edit @ 07:58: Movie Events

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Movie Distributions
Several new distributions have been announced for Pokémon Sun & Moon. From July 11th to July 31st, at 7-11 stores in Japan, you'll be able to get a serial code to download a special Mew. It is Level 50. After that, from August 1st through August 20th, you'll also be able to get a serial code to download Ash's Charizard (Level 40), Soji's Lucario (Level 40) or Makoto's Piplup (Level 30). These are all based on Pokémon from the new movie, Pokémon I Choose You. No further details have been announced for the Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament DX
The Pokémon Company have put out two brand new trailers for Pokkén Tournament DX. These trailers are overview trailers with one providing an overview of the game and its mechanics and another showcasing all the new features of the game. In the trailer, it showcases a replay mode where you can view all the inputs being pressed for the moves. We also have confirmation that you can do same Switch multiplayer without resorting to Split-Screen. Little other brand new information was revealed in these trailers but they have been added to our pre-release video section. Click the image to go to the section
06-07-2017 08:05 BST / 03:05 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the new generation out, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 14:54 GMT
Edit @ 09:27: Magikarp Jump | Edit @ 10:17: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 13:40: Episode Pictures | Edit @ 14:17: Anniversary Event | Edit @ 14:54: Pokémon 3DS Themes

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Event
The next Pokémon GO event has been announced. This event, to celebrate the game's 1st birthday today, will run from today at 20:00 UTC until July 24th 2017. It contains a special Pikachu appear featuring Ash's cap from the anime. It also includes the Anniversary Box, which contains Incubators, Max Revives, Ultra Balls and a Raid Pass, will also be available for a limited time through the in-game shop at a discounted price.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - 3DS Themes
Following their release in Japan and North America last week, it has been confirmed that the two new Nintendo 3DS themes are to be released in Europe. These themes are Pokémon - Look Upon The Stars and Pokémon POP and will be Ł1.79/€1.99 each to download.
The first is Pokémon: Look Upon The Stars which features artwork of Cosmog & Pikachu, with lots of Pokémon constellations in the background which change as you scroll. It has the Pokémon Sun & Moon: Heahea City (Night)
Secondly is the Pokemon: POP which features chibi comic style variants of various Pokémon which change as you scroll. It has the Pokémon Sun & Moon: Mission in Progress music.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Magikarp Jump - Update
The mobile game, Magikarp Jump, has had an update on the Android platform, with an iOS update expected soon. This update contains various bug fixes for the game including issues with graphics as you play, tweaking experience gained in the later leagues and altering a glitch that made the JP of a Magikarp appear to drop
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - UK Event
A new real life event has been announced for Pokémon GO in the UK. On July 22nd and July 23rd, there will be various events held in Chester in locations like Chester Castle with co-operation from Big Heritage and part of the Chester Heritage Festival. This event turns many historical areas into Poké Stops and Gyms to encourage people to play Pokémon GO together and learn about the history. We'll provide more as it comes
In The Games Department
Pokémon Duel - Update
The developers of the smartphone game, Pokémon Duel, have begun teasing a massive update set to hit the game this year. No details have been given for this update but that news will come soon. The app itself says that news will come on July 19th. The only image showcases a large purple crystal. We'll provide full details as and when they come
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Pictures
As usual, we have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash and Lana go to Brooklet Hill to fish up the Lord of the Lake. The AniméDex will soon been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
05-07-2017 06:47 BST / 01:47 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the new generation out, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 17:05 GMT
Edit @ 17:05: Episode Titles
In The Games Department
PokéPark Wii - Pikachu's Adventure
The Wii gamer, PokéPark Wii - Pikachu's Adventure, has been released on the Japanese Wii U eShop. This game, out already in the US and Europe, is the Wii version of the game available to download. It costs 2,700¥ to download. However, there's also a special My Nintendo discount for My Nintendo members in Japan where they can get 20% off in exchange for 40 Gold Coins
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Titles
A Japanese magazine has revealed the next new episode titles from Pokémon Sun & Moon, though these hve yet to be confirmed. These are for episodes due to air on July 27th and August 4th respectively. The first episode features Ash & co. hunting for ingredients to make the special Alola Curry and the second episode has Ash challenge Olivia to a Double Battle.
Episode 978: A Curry-zy Beautiful Battle! The Dance of Lurantis!
Episode 979: Olivia's Grand Trial! The Hardest Pokémon Match Ever!!
04-07-2017 05:01 BST / 23:01 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the new generation out, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 19:45 GMT
Edit @ 05:06: Weakness Cup | Edit @ 07:03: Pokémon Shuffle Events | Edit @ 19:45: Episode Title

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Battle Competition
Details for the next Battle Competition have been announced. This is the Weakness Cup competition. This is a Double Battle competition using rules where only Pokémon with five or more weaknesses can be used. The standard Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon restrictions apply and you cannot use Ash Greninja. Only Weakness Policy and the type-reducing Berries such as Yache Berry can be used. Mega Stones are also not allowed. Registration runs from July 20th to July 27th. Battles will run from July 28th to July 30th. All entrants will get the Altarianite, Ampharosite, Latiosite and Latiasite Mega Stones. Download Rules for this competition are now available from Festival Plaza
Edit @ 05:34: We have updated our Online Competition page with a list of all eligible Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Global Link Gift
For those of you who participated in the recent tiny tourney Battle Competition, the entry gift is now available to all qualifying players through this link after logging into the Global Link. This gift is an Gardevoirite, Galladite and Lopunnite, which cannot be obtained through any other means at this time, and needs to be redeemed by July 31st 2017 at 23:59 UTC.. However, separate distributions for these Mega Stones through shared code will begin in later this year for those who didn't participate in this online competition.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
A few brand new challenges have begun on Pokémon Shuffle and Pokémon Shuffle Mobile.
First is the special stage for Kalos Cap Pikachu. This event runs until July 11th 2017
Next, a stage for Deoxys Attack Forme has begun. This stage runs until July 18th 2017
A special stage for the Rayquaza Costume Pikachu has also gone live. This stage can only be played once a day, with the capture chance increasing with each day. This stage will run until July 18th 2017.
A special Pokémon Safari has also begun. This safari runs until July 18th 2017 and is a repeat of a previous one that contains Sandshrew, Sandslash, Barboach, Whiscash, Zigzagoon, Linoone and Shiny Rayquaza, but now also includes Shiny Rayquaza Costume Pikachu.
Finally, repeat runs have begun of the Regirock and Cresselia stages. They all run until July 18th 2017
All of these require the version 1.4.17 to download. Our Pokémon listings have been updated with these Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
If you were one of the lucky players worldwide who ranked in the Shiny Mega Gyarados competitive stage over the past week, then the prize is now available to be received. The Gyaradosite/Level Up, Attack Power, Mega Speedup and Raise Max Level for the higher ranked players will be obtained. If you didn't qualify, then you can redeem an Attack Power. To get these items, simply Check In between now and June 20th 2017 at 06:00 UTC and you will receive the item.

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Episode Titles
A Japanese magazine has revealed the next new episode title from Pokémon Sun & Moon. This episode is due to air on July 20th, following a one week break to air the movie Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna. The episode features Ash & co. participating in a festival by Wela Volcano Park where Pokémon are to wear the Wela Crown which can cause Pokémon to have increased strength. However, a wild Marowak appears and steals the crown.
Episode 977: A Fire Battle! Marowak Shows Up!
02-07-2017 09:00 BST / 04:00 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the new generation out, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 09:00 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon International Championships 2017
Today marks the final day of the Pokémon North American International Championships, the final International Championships of this circuit, and, like previous events, the whole event going to be officially streamed by The Pokémon Company International. As today is the final day, all the finals for both TCG and VGC will be played on a single stream throughout the day
Each streamwill begin shortly before 14:00 GMT / 04:00 EST / 01:30 PST / 07:30 AEST
Click the following links to go to the respective streams
Pokémon Main Championships

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the thirty-first entry into the Generation VII competitive field with a Unova Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Archangel, Miror, Psynergy, Mcdanger, EKZ1505, UR2L8 & KillerDraco. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the fifth generation. With its brave disposition, it fears nothing—not even death. Ancient Alolan people respected it, referring to it as “the hero of the sky.” It’s thought that people disturbed their habitats in the past, so Braviary banded together to fight back. So, here it is, the thirty-first entry, Braviary
01-07-2017 12:32 BST / 07:32 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the new generation out, the Chatroom & Discord Chat has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles & trades, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 12:32 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon International Championships 2017
Today marks the second day of the Pokémon North American International Championships, the final International Championships of this circuit, and, like previous events, the whole event going to be officially streamed by The Pokémon Company International across three different streams. Each game has got its own individual stream and there's one overall stream
Each streamwill begin shortly before 14:00 GMT / 04:00 EST / 01:30 PST / 07:30 AEST
Click the following links to go to the respective streams
Pokémon Main Championships
Pokémon Video Game International Championships
Pokémon Trading Card Game International Championships