Tuesday: Melee! Pokémon Scramble!30-06-2009- 16:01 BST / 11:01 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check our massive Trading Card Section which has been well received. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Melee! Pokémon Scramble! - Special Abilities
As we updated when it was first announced, in Melee! Pokémon Scramble!, you will occassionally find Pokémon whom have special abilities. These abilities set the Pokémon apart from the others of its species in that they give the Pokémon special effects not normally found. As such, I have created a page detailling all of these said abilities, their names and what they do. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Episode Title & Pokémon of the Week28-06-2009- 10:29 BST / 05:29 EDT by Serebii
p>Be sure to check our massive Trading Card Section which has been well received. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
This one slipped somewhat under the radar. A few days ago, the TV schedule revealed a new dub episode title. This is the episode title for the tenth episode of this season and the 582nd episode total. This episode features Dawn's next Pokémon Contest campaign. In it, she ends up having to battle a co-ordinator and her incredibly strong Gabite. This episode is to be called Another One Gabites The Dust and is scheduled to air on the 11th of July. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & twentieth Pokémon. Today, we're covering one of the Pokémon introduced in the first generation. This Pokémon is one of the Pokémon that only evolve using the Leaf Stone. It is said that if one of its heads falls off, that head will live as an Exeggcute. So here it is, the one hundred & twentieth featured Pokémon, Exeggutor
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday/Friday: Episode Pictures & Pikachu Short Pictures27-06-2009- 00:45 BST / 26-06-2009 19:45 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's update for our massive Trading Card Section which has been well received and this morning's for the Pokémon Heart Gold & Pokémon Soul Silver Japanese Release Dates. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan on Thursday. This episode follows on from the previous episode and features the aftermath of Ash's Battle with Paul. With the gang at the Pokémon Center, they've all got their own things on their mind. However, Team Rocket are quickly intervening with their usual plans. The Animédex has also been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The Animé Department
Pikachu Short Pictures
In addition to the episode pictures, the latest Pikachu Short, which aired on ANA Flights around Japan in August last year, recently got released on DVD. This short features Pikachu & Co. getting seperated in a massive Ice field. They have to find eachother, but the wild Pokémon there require their assistance. The Animédex has also been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: HeartGold/SoulSilver Release Date26-06-2009- 08:01 BST / 03:01 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's update for our massive card section. I'll ammend this update with episode pictures when they're done. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ Saturday 00:40 BST: Episode Picture & Pikachu Short Pictures added
In The Games Department
Heart Gold & Soul Silver Japanese Release Date
The official site has just updated. It gave us no further information, but it has stated the Japanese Release Date for Heart Gold & Soul Silver. Like predicted based upon the figure release of the Johto starters announced back in April, the release date is September 12th 2009. It will also ship for the usual price of 4800 yen
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Serebii.net 2009 Project: Complete25-06-2009- 16:58 BST / 11:58 EDT by Serebii
Should have episode pictures later today or tomorrow. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.

In The TCG Department
Serebii.net Project Complete: Card Section
A few years ago, after much deliberation, it was decided for us to stop covering the Trading Card Game barring the Movie half decks which came out each year. Since then, I have often been asked why we no longer cover it and so late last year, I decided that I would begin covering it again. So, for the last six months, I have been hard at work on the database behind it and finally, it is complete. With special thanks to our resident TCG Guru; SkittyOnWailord, as well as Blackjack Gabbiani and kitty for assisting with the scans of various sets adding to our previous backlog of scans. We have all the US sets and Promos covered. The Theme Decks for each set are also listed for each set containing details about each card in the theme deck and the quantity within. We also have the recent two Japanese sets, Pokémon VS and many Japanese Promos including the upcoming Movie set and special Pokémon Scramble set. We're still working on the backlog of Japanese Promos however so please be patient in regards to them.
However, lists of the sets and the details on the cards within them are not all within this. I have also created a comprehensive Cardex which features all 493 Pokémon and all the cards that feature them. I have also made special extra pages for Owner's Pokémon and Pokémon Variants as well as pages for each kind of Trainer Card and Energy Card to make it a massively comprehensible database of all cards. All these Cardex entries are also interlinked within the individual card pages
This section will be continually updated whenever a new set or promo comes out so always check back. Click the picture to go to the main index page or use the various links to go to the respective pages. Navigation also exists in the left Toolbar
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Japanese Episode Title24-06-2009- 17:29 BST / 12:29 EDT by Serebii
Sorry about the small update as real life has been taking up my time even moreso this week The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Episode Title
A new episode title has been revealed for an upcoming episode. This episode is scheduled to air in Japan on July 23rd after a week long break. This episode ties in with the game's storyline and features Team Galactic in Mt. Coronet. The title is as follows:
Episode 604: Mt. Coronet Ruins! Team Galactic Conspiracy!!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Pokémon Special Volume Summaries & Pokémon Scramble Page22-06-2009- 13:09 BST / 08:09 EDT by Serebii
The project is definitely close to complete. If all goes well, we should have it up before the end of the month The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Melee! Pokémon Scramble! - Pokémon Listings
Continuing with our coverage of Melee! Pokémon Scramble!, I have created a listing of all 257 Pokémon within the game. This list includes their Attack & Defence stats and also their locations within the game. This will be very handy if you're looking for certain Pokémon. Click the picture to go to the page.
In The Manga Department
Pocket Monsters Special - Volume 32
Continuing their catch up after the year of no new volumes, Shogakukan has released the 32nd Volume of the Pokémon Special series. With that, Coronis has kindly done summaries for this entire volume which constitutes the continuation of the Diamond, Pearl & Platinum arc. The chapters has already been covered on the site, but there have been changes in the volume. Click the picture to go to the summary listings
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week21-06-2009- 10:52 BST / 05:52 EDT by Serebii
Have been working hard on the project for the past few days and it is almost complete so check back for that. I'm also going to continue our Pokémon Scramble coverage The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & nineteenth Pokémon. Today, we're covering one of the Pokémon introduced in the first generation. This Pokémon was the first Pokémon that you could guarantee to see in its alternate coloured form in the Lake of Rage in Johto. It has a massively violent temper and has been known to raze villages. So here it is, the one hundred & nineteenth featured Pokémon, Gyarados
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Episode Pictures & Pokémon Scramble19-06-2009- 14:05 BST / 09:05 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's mammoth of an update. I may update the update with more stuff as the day progresses. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan thursday. This episode concludes the two part episode which features Ash having his battle against Paul. With both eager to show their battle superiority, the battle is a fully intense one. Who will win it? The Animédex has also been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Games Department
Melee! Pokémon Scramble! - Tickets
Continuing with the details brought forward in yesterday's update, I have updated the Pokémon Scramble tickets page with further Pokémon ticket exchanges, showing what to exchange in order to get specific Pokémon. As with the other Scramble pages, these are tentative as we play through so more stuff will likely be added as the days pass.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: New HeartGold / SoulSilver Details, Pokémon Scramble, Jirachi Wi-Fi Event & New IV Calculator18-06-2009- 10:15 BST / 05:15 EDT by Serebii
Should have episode pictures for today's episode later today or tomorrow. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 11:00 - New IV Calculator added
Edit @ 12:50 - Jirachi WiFi Event Active
Edit @ 15:09 - Melee! Pokémon Scramble Details
Edit @ 16:21 - Melee! Pokémon Scramble - Passwords & Tickets

In The Games Department
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver
Thanks to our friends Filb for the heads up, the Oha Suta kids show in Japan has revealed a few details regarding the Heart Gold & Soul Silver Pichu & Arceus events. First, it says the Notched Ear Pichu is at Level 30 knowing the attacks Volt Tackle, Helping Hand, Swagger & Pain Split. It also states where you need to go for the Arceus event. If you take Arceus to the Ruins of Alph, you will be given access to a new area which houses ruins called Shinto Ruins. Once there, you will meet Cynthia and then decide the Dragon you wish to create. When that happens, Arceus gets swarmed by Unown. Click the picture to go to out pre-release picture page.

In The Games Department
Melee! Pokémon Scramble!
Continuing our coverage of this new WiiWare game, I have created pages for each of the six levels within the game. These levels each have 8 different ranks within them consisting of stronger Pokémon as you progress through the ranks. As we're still playing through the game, there may be Pokémon missing but I'll try and keep it updated as much as possible. We also need to unlock the next highest rank, the EX Rank. Click the picture to go to the Wild Page and navigate from there
In The Games Department
Melee! Pokémon Scramble! - Battle Royale
As well as that, I have updated the Battle Royale page to contain the details on the 8 different ranks utilised within there. This includes a list of how strong your Pokémon need to be, what the prize is for it and what the strong opponents are. Click the picture to go to the Battle Royale page.
In The Games Department
Melee! Pokémon Scramble! - Tickets
When Pokémon Scramble was first announced, we got word that various Pokémon will be given away in three manners; Wild in the Levels as shown above, Passwords, & Tickets after exchanging other Pokémon. as such, I have begun compiling a page that lists the tickets you obtain when you release certain Pokémon. Click the picture to go to the page. I have also updated the aforementioned Password page with new passwords and a list of the strength of each Pokémon you get.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Diamond, Pearl & Platinum - Jirachi WiFi Event
Just a note to all of you with japanese games, the Pokémon Jirachi is now available for download over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. This Jirachi is the first direct Pokémon download over WiFi and the first WiFi download for Pokémon Diamond & Pokémon Pearl and the fourth for Pokémon Platinum. This Jirachi, once transferred to Heart Gold & Soul Silver, will access a new area in the PokéWalker, holding different items and Pokémon. This event is active until July 17th. It is also worth noting that the Pikachu Coloured Pichu will be available from tomorrow in Japanese theatres

In The Games Department
Serebii.net IV Calculator Addition
Arty2 has kindly sent in an update to his IV Calculator program. This update includes various fixes but also includes new features which I suggested. In this new feature, you can put in the Pokémon you have and put in what stat value you wish the Pokémon to have in each stat. The program will then calculate the amount of Effort Values you may need in order for the stat value to reach that amount. It also includes a Pokémon type matchup chart for quick reference. Click the picture to go to the page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: New Pokémon Games & Melee! Pokémon Scramble Details16-06-2009- 12:13 BST / 07:13 EDT by Serebii
The project nears completion. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 12:53; New Pokémon Games Announced
In The Games Department
New Mystery Dungeon Games?
A new scan just cropped up on a Japanese forum. This image shows some new games, which are said to be coming out on the WiiWare service on the Wii. These three games are part of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon franchise and, with thanks to Dogasu for translation, appear to be called; Pokémon Mystery Dungeon:Keep Going! Blazing Adventure Squad, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Let's Go! Stormy Adventure Squad! & Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Go For It! Light Adventure Squad. Further details regarding these games is unclear at the moment but we'll bring it to you as soon as possible. Remember, this is not 100% confirmed yet

In The Games Department
Melee! Pokémon Scramble!
Melee! Pokémon Scramble! came out today in Japan over the WiiWare service on the Wii. Our coverage shall begin soon, but the official site has updated with a few further details. First, each Pokémon Toy has a significant difference. The Pokémon Toys can have a different ability than normal. These abilities vary and do not necessarily sync in with the abilities the Pokémon have in the main games. For example, Pikachu can have an ability which increases the chances of critical hits. In your Toy list, Pokémon with different abilities are indicated in Pink.
The game also features Shiny Pokémon. These toys are rare and act as the normal Pokémon Toys would in the game. These are signified by Blue in the Toy list. The first wave of passwords have also been announced. Click the picture to go to the password page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Heart Gold & Soul Silver Pictures15-06-2009- 09:32 BST / 04:32 EDT by Serebii
Don't expect any new Heart Gold & Soul Silver until next month. That said, our Pokémon Scramble coverage should start this week. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 10:56; Johto Map Added
In The Games Department
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver
The official site has updated with all the information from CoroCoro. It didn't provide any further information but did confirm that the new area Jirachi unlocks is a PokéWalker specific area and that it will be available over standard WiFi. It also showed a bigger map of Johto which showed a new area to the West of Cianwood City as well as a massive new building just west of the Goldenrod Radio Tower. Many new pictures were also released and as such, they have been added to the pre-release picture page. Click the picture to go to the page.
As per request, I have added the Johto map. Click the thumbnail for it to load larger
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Heart Gold & Soul Silver Pages, Character Biographies & Pokémon of the Week14-06-2009- 08:45 BST / 03:45 EDT by Serebii
Today's update is actually one of the largest I have done in a while. I'm hoping to put some of the near-finishing touches onto the project soon. It should be up within a couple of weeks The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver
As we had a lot of new information come from CoroCoro the past week, I have compiled all of this information into a variety of pages in the Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver section. First, I have added a page for the Johto Dex Pokémon. This list will be updated whenever we get further details and will be worked in the same way as the Sinnoh Dex page for Platinum. Next, I have created a page detailling the Pokémon that follow you. This page details the mechanics of the Pokémon following you. I have also created a page about In-Game Events from Event Pokémon and have also created a page detailling what happens when you send Arceus to Heart Gold & Soul Silver. I have also updated the Pikachu Coloured Pichu Event page with details involving the Notched Ear Pichu. Click the links to go to the respective pages or click the picture to go to the main index page and navigate from there.
In The Animé Department
Character Biography - Ash & Paul
Following the episode that aired in Japan on Thursday and the preview for the episode next week, I have updated Ash & Paul's biographies with new Pokémon that appear in the episodes. As these contain details from episodes newly aired and not yet aired in Japan, they contain spoilers so be warned.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
This one slipped somewhat under the radar. A few days ago, the MSN TV schedule site revealed a new dub episode title. This is the episode title for the nineth episode of this season and the 581th episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. arrive in town at the time of Phione's migration. However, while watching it, a Phione gets seperated in town. This episode is to be called Hold the Phione and is scheduled to air on the 4th of July. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & eighteenth Pokémon. Today, we're covering one of the Pokémon introduced in the third generation. This Pokémon was one of the first third generation Pokémon revealed. It has the ability to blend into the environment, leaving only its zigzag pattern visible. It has a unique ability that changes its type to the type of the last attack that hit it. So here it is, the one hundred & eighteenth featured Pokémon, Kecleon
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Episode Pictures13-06-2009- 08:50 BST / 03:50 EDT by Serebii
I sincerely apologise about the delay regarding these. It was unavoidable. Either later today or tomorrow, I shall update the HGSS section with all the details we got yesterday, be sure to check the updates from earlier this week for HGSS information. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan thursday. This episode is the first in a two part episode which features Ash & Co. getting to Lake Acuity. When there, they meet Paul and Reggie as it is time for the planned battle between Paul & Ash. With a 6 on 6. The battle will show the true skills of both Paul & Ash. The Animédex has also been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: More HeartGold & Soul Silver Details12-06-2009- 10:05 BST / 05:05 EDT by Serebii
There has been a delay on the episode pictures. We should have them up soon but please be patient. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 11:28 & 11:43: Details & Pictures

In The Games Department
More Details from CoroCoro for HeartGold & Soul Silver
Some further scans have come out and have shown that the Pokémon that follow you are not limited to the starters. There are screenshots of Steelix, Wobbuffet and Kecleon following the games character. You can turn to your Pokémon at any time and get some sort of dialogue with them to see when they're happy or in trouble. You even seem to be able to collect accessories from them similar to in Amity Square. All 493 Pokémon are capable of following you There is also a screenshot which shows that the Pokédex & Box navigation has received a new touch screen style navigation scheme. The Touch Screen utilisation has been fully implemented into this game. All previous information has since been confirmed, including the Arceus bits from Wednesday.
The map of Johto in the background confirms that the game heads east towards Kanto and shows Route 28 by Mt. Silver. It also shows a new area has appeared just west of the National Park. It is unknown what this place is.
Pre-orders for the games begins on July 4th. If you pre-order, you will get a Ho-Oh figure for Heart Gold, a Lugia for Soul Silver and an Arceus if you pre-order both.
 Click the picture to go to our Pre-Release Picture page, filled with new pictures.

In The Games Department
More Details from CoroCoro
A clearer scan of the area of CoroCoro featuring Jirachi has appeared. It confirms that the Jirachi is available on ALL games released; Diamond, Pearl & Platinum. It is a Level 5 Jirachi and will known the moves; Wish, Confusion, Rest and a special move; Draco Meteor and has a Liechi Berry attached. It is to be given away from June 19th to July 17th. It also confirms that it is a WiFi event at DS Download Stations & NintendoZone areas in Japan, but doesn't confirm if it's general WiFi. Check back for more as it comes.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: More CoroCoro Details11-06-2009- 08:08 BST / 00:08 EDT by Serebii
It is likely that we will get more information as the day progresses. Also, expect episode pictures later today or tomorrow. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 12:08: Box Arts Added
Edit @ 17:41; Jirachi Details Clarified?

In The Games Department
More Details from CoroCoro
A few hours ago, another CoroCoro picture showed up on the Japanese forums. This one involves Jirachi. A special distribution of Jirachi is to begin on June 19th. It is at Level 5 and is said to have special attacks. It also unlocks a new area in Heart Gold & Soul Silver when traded over. The method of distribution is as of yet unknown but as soon as we are sure, we'll let you know
Edit: It appears, from a clearer scan, that the Jirachi may be given over Mystery Gift over WiFi Connection in Japan from June 19th to July 17th. However, as this is not confirmed, and could be in relation to its release at a special McDonalds, confirmation of this, as well as what game it will be using should be forthcoming.

In The Games Department
Boxes Revealed
Another CoroCoro Scan has revealed the box arts for Heart Gold & Soul Silver. These boxes are a bit bigger since the whole package includes the PokéWalker peripheral. The HeartGold box art has Ho-Oh with a map of Johto focusing on the Tin Tower in the background, whereas Soul Silver's has Lugia with a map of Johto focusing on the Whirld Islands in the background. The release date is still unknown
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: New Heart Gold & Soul Silver Information10-06-2009- 12:05 BST / 07:05 EDT by Serebii
Information will be continually coming today so keep checking back. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @12:18; New Picture out
Edit @ 14:10; Arceus involved in HGSS & at 14:30 with some clarification
In The Games Department
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver - New Information
The first pictures from this month's CoroCoro have appeared and so far have only shown one small aspect of the games. It would appear that after you beat the Elite Four Groudon, Kyogre & Rayquaza are to be available in these games. Kyogre is exclusive to Heart Gold & Groudon exclusive to Soul Silver. However, if you get them on one game, Rayquaza will appear. We'll bring more as it comes
In The Games Department
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver - New Information
Another scan has come up which shows a possible Arceus event in Heart Gold & Soul Silver which features Arceus & Cynthia in a triangle between three symbols, possibly symbolising Dialga, Palkia & Giratina. It is said on Japanese forums that if you transfer the Movie Arceus over to HGSS, you will be able to go to a place in the game and unlock a Level 1 Dialga, Palkia or Giratina.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver - New Information
More scans have come showing Professor Elm's Lab, the Rival and a Team Rocket Grunt as well. No new details were revealed on this page, just some art and screenshots including pictures within Elm's lab and of the first battle with the rival, showing the battle screens will be very similar to Platinum's.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Japanese Episode Titles08-06-2009- 12:52 BST / 07:52 EDT by Serebii
There will be another rush of Heart Gold & Soul Silver information towards the end of the week so be sure to check back for that. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Anime Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Two new Japanese Episode Title have been revealed today. These two episodes are to aired in Japan on July 2nd and July 9th respectively. The details about the episodes are not currently known;
Episode 602: King of the Forest! Tangrowth!!
Episode 603: Everybody Participate! Pokemon Hustle!!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: PokéWalker Page, Secret Key & Pokémon of the Week07-06-2009- 11:49 BST / 06:49 EDT by Serebii
Expect even more HeartGold & SoulSilver information within the next week. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver - PokéWalker
Due to the new information I revealed last night during Pokémon Sunday, I have compiled a page detailling all the information about the newly announced PokéWalker hardware that is bundled in with Heart Gold & Soul Silver. This bit of hardware allows you to train your Pokémon when you are away from your DS. All information known has been added to the page so click the picture to go to the page.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum - Europe/Australian Secret Key Event
Just a reminder to all of you in Europe and Australia, the Secret Key WiFi event will begin tomorrow in Europe and Australia. This event allows you to download the Secret Key over WiFi using the Mystery Gift feature in Pokémon Platinum. With the Secret Key, you can go to a new room in Eterna City's Galactic Building and access special appliances in the room to change Rotom's forms. This WiFi event will only last until July 19th so be sure to get it while you can.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & seventeenth Pokémon. Today, we're covering one of the Pokémon introduced in the second generation. This Pokémon is the only Pokémon of its type combination and is also the only Pokémon to be included in every game since its release in 1999. Its body is running at a temperature of over 18,000 degrees farenheit. So here it is, the one hundred & seventeenth featured Pokémon, Magcargo
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday/Sunday: New HeartGold & SoulSilver Information07-06-2009- 00:20 BST / 06-06-2009- 19:20 EDT by Serebii
Project is looking almost ship-shape. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
New Heart Gold & Soul Silver Information
Pokémon Sunday is currently airing in Japan, and as usual, there is a bit of information regarding the upcoming Heart Gold & Soul Silver games. Normally they reveal details from CoroCoro, but this week they brought some new details into the fold.
Back when the original games came out, an alternate peripheral came, the Pocket Pikachu 2 Virtual Pet game. This game linked up to Gold & Silver to give you various items through the original Mystery Gift feature. Now, ten years later, a new device, a pedometre called PokéWalker, has been announced and was shown here. It is said that this device can link up with the DS and with Heart Gold & Soul Silver in order to allow you to put a Pokémon on it from the game and it will gain experience as well as happiness. It is unknown if this feature will come outside of Japan nor how advanced this feature is.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Brand New Pokémon Game Announced05-06-2009- 09:43 BST / 04:43 EDT by Serebii
Expect new Heart Gold & Soul Silver Stuff within the next week. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 09:56; Picture page added
Edit @ 13:08; Information consolidated

In The Games Department
Brand New Pokémon Game Announced
If you were signed up to the Pokémon Hiroba campaign on the official site, you would have been sent this to your cell phone and the official site has since updated with it. On June 16th, in Japan, a new WiiWare game will be up for downlaod for 1500 Points. This game is called Melee! Pokémon Scramble!.
Using various Pokémon, you control them through various features including a Battle Royal where you control your Pokémon in a massive pit where lots of other Pokémon appear. It's controlled with the Wii Remote on its side or the the Nunchuck- two attacks per Pokémon It also has a story mode where there are levels which end with a legendary Pokémon Boss. Other Pokémon are obtained through defeating them in this mode In game, you have the ability to take screenshots of your Pokémon in these fights It has up to 4 player simultaneous play where you all use Pokémon in the Battle Royale. Your friends can also bring their Pokémon from their game on the Wii Remote Passwords are to be used to find rarer Pokémon You have various grades of Pokémon you can use. You get more as you progress through the game with Legendaries being traded as you release other Pokémon that you have
I'll bring more as I translate so be sure to check back. Click the picture to go to the picture page

In The Games Department
Melee! Pokémon Scramble! - Section
With all the information released today, I have created several pages for easy access to the information. Aside from the main index page, these pages include the Outside Levels, Battle Royale Mode and The Terminal. When new information comes regarding this game, I will immediately add it to the site. Our complete coverage will likely begin shortly after it's launch in Japan
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Episode Pictures & Yet Another Episode Title04-06-2009- 12:23 BST / 07:23 EDT by Serebii
Should be the last dub episode title for a month. Will likely have episode pictures up later tonight. New Heart Gold & Soul Silver Stuff is expected within the next week. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 19:07; Episode Pictures added
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan yesterday. This episode features Ash & Co. meeting with Looker on a train. However, soon after the meeting, the train is stopped due to suspicious circumstances. While waiting for the issue to be resolved, Team Rocket attack and several Pokémon are taken. The Animédex has also been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
Today, the MSN TV schedule site revealed a new dub episode title. This is the episode title for the eighth episode of this season and the 580th episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. on a boat out from Canalave City. However, after a brief skirmish, Pikachu & Piplup end up on a deserted island where the native Pokémon are protecting a special gem from the sky. This episode is to be called Cheers on Castaways Isle! and is scheduled to air on the 27th of June. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Another Episode Title03-06-2009- 20:32 BST / 15:32 EDT by Serebii
Seems the Episode Titles keep coming on in. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
Today, the MSN TV schedule site revealed a new dub episode title. This is the episode title for the seventh episode of this season and the 579th episode total. This episode continues the two-part Iron Island arc that has Ash, Dawn, Brock, Barry & Riley try to stop Team Galactic's plot on Iron Island which is causing all Steel type Pokémon to act out. This episode is to be called Saving the World from Ruins and is scheduled to air on the 20th of June. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Explorers of Sky Release Period Revealed02-06-2009- 21:45 BST / 16:45 EDT by Serebii
I predict the project shall be done by the end of the month. You will understand why it has taken so long when you see it. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Explorers of Sky Release Period Revealed
Nintendo's E3 Conference has been on and the press site has revealed the date for the upcoming Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky. The game, which we covered in April on its launch, is the third version of the previously released Time & Darkness versions and as such contains many enhancements to the gameplay and to the story. It is due for release in America in Autumn 2009. We'll bring the specific release date when its revealed. Click the picture to go to the game page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: More Australian Secret Key Details01-06-2009- 14:07 BST / 09:07 EDT by Serebii
The project is looking better and better, hopefully you should all get good use out of it when it's done. Nintendo's E3 Press conference is tomorrow, chances are there will be little Pokémon information, however I am expecting a release date for Explorers of the Sky. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.

In The Games Department
More Australian Secret Key Details
The Official Australian Site has given further details regarding the Secret Key in Australia. Originally, it was thought it would only be given at the Nintendo Connection Tour. However, we now have further details regarding its release. In Target & Toys 'R' Us stores across Australia on June 25th to July 5th, you will be able to download the Secret Key onto your Platinum game. In addition to this, the site also states that the Secret Key will be available over Wi-Fi, linking to the European Site and thus making the WiFi dates June 8th to July 19th. We'll bring more on this as it comes