30-06-2015 07:01 BST / 02:01 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 07:15 BST
Edit @ 07:06: Dance? Pokémon Band! Live | Edit @ 07:15: Pokémon Shuffle Mobile Beta details

In The Games Department
Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Special Battle Season 9
The Special Battle rules for Season 11 have been revealed. Season 11 will run from July 14th 2015 to September 15th 2015 and runs on both X & Y and Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, each following the standard league rules each game sets (Gen VI native only in ORAS and allowed to use transferred Pokémon in XY). This ruleset is made to not allow the 12 most popular Pokémon in Seasons 7 through 10The base rules for this season are as follows:
Battle type: Double Battle
Pokémon Restrictions: National Pokédex except Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie and Hoopa
Can also not use the following Pokémon: Charizard, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Tyranitar, Gardevoir, Mawile, Salamence, Garchomp, Rotom, Heatran, Cresselia, Amoonguss, Bisharp, Terrakion, Thundurus, Landorus, Greninja, Talonflame, Aegislash, and Sylveon.
The other standard rules apply, including reduced to Level 50 if above that, and you choose 4 Pokémon out of your 6, and you cannot have two Pokémon holding the same hold item.

In The Games Department
Pokémon App
Following its reveal on Friday, The Pokémon Company has released the first trailer for the upcoming rhythm game, Dance? Pokémon Band!, due for release on iOS and Android. With this, it also came with release details. The app is now available on iOS and Android platforms in Japan. It can be downloaded until September 30th 2015 and played until October 29th 2015. After that, the game will no longer be playable

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle Mobile
The Beta for Pokémon Shuffle Mobile is now currently live in Japan, and has come with several interesting tidbits. As opposed to being a directly straight port, there are a few differences. First, the Beta only goes up to Stage 30. Next, for the Special Stages, it currently has the Mew and Rotom event stages running, as well as the Meowth one. However, the stages can be locked if you have already played a one-per-day event and you may have to spend Jewels to unlock them. In addition to that, the Mew stage costs 2 hearts to play rather than the usual 1. Finally, there's a new Present Box option which shows you the items you receive as gifts when you check in. We'll bring more as it comes, including whether these details are just for the Beta or if there will be less parity between the 3DS and Mobile versions.
29-06-2015 07:02 BST / 02:02 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 15:10 BST
Edit @ 15:10: Pokémon Shuffle Mobile

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
A brand new challenge has begun on Pokémon Shuffle. This challenge is a timed one and has the top 20,000 players in Europe, 40,000 players in North America and 100,000 players in Japan earn a Manectite for their Mega Manectric. If you are in the Top 10,000 in Europe, 20,000 in US or 50,000 in Japan, you also get a Mega Start and top 3,000 in Europe, 6,000 in the US & Top 15,000 in Japan, you also get a Mega Speedup. If you don't rank in the top amounts, you will earn a Jewel. It runs from today, June 29th 2015 to July 6th at 05:00 UTC. Our Pokémon List & Location List have both been updated with details of this Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Mobile Port
Pokémon Shuffle has had a mobile port announced. Coming to iOS and Android later this year, this game is a direct port of the free to play title currently available for Nintendo 3DS. We'll bring more on this title as and when it comes
Edit @ 15:21: Japan is running a special Beta Version on Android platforms from June 30th to July 14th 2015 for the first 10,000 users with a full release of the game coming later in the year
28-06-2015 13:16 BST / 08:16 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:16 BST

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the eighty-seventh entry into the Generation VI competitive field with a Hoenn Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Miror, Archangel, jesusfreak94, Ragnarok, Psynergy, KillerDraco & UR2L8. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the third generation. It lives deep in the sea where no light ever filters down. It lights up its small fishlike tail to attract prey. It uses the tail to attract prey, then swallows the prey whole with its large, gaping mouth. This Pokémon swims by wiggling its slender body like a snake. Huntail's presence went unnoticed by people for a long time because it lives at extreme depths in the sea. This Pokémon's eyes can see clearly even in the murky dark depths of the ocean So here it is, the eighty-seventh entry, Huntail.
26-06-2015 07:17 BST / 02:17 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 17:36 BST
Edit @ 17:36: Shuffle Reminder

In The Games Department
Pokémon ORAS - Battle Competition
Battling for the next Battle Competition has opened. This competition is called the 2015 International Challenge June and is only for Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire and is a Double Battle. In this competition, the rules match the current rules set forth in the Video Game Championships of National Pokédex only without being able to use the standard range of legends. The competition runs from June 26th to June 28th. The top 256 players will receive Championship Points to go towards their goal to quality for the 2015 Pokémon World Championships

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
The currently running event for Pokémon Shuffle is set to end on Monday morning at 06:00 UTC. This event stage is the only way to get the Legendary Pokémon, Dialga in the game. This event has been running the past two weeks in order to provide this Pokémon. After the event ends, you'll be unable to access this Pokémon so be sure to get it while you can.

In The Games Department
Pokémon App
To coincide with the release of the movie, Hoopa & The Clash of Ages, a free app is being released in Japan on iOS and Android. This app is called Dance? Pokémon Band!. This app is a rhythm game and has you play using various Pokémon dancing to the beat of the main theme to the upcoming movie and current ending theme, Gaogao All Stars by Little Glee Monster. To play, you tap the notes as and when they come over a Pokémon's head. There are multiple modes to this game and as you go through and collect berries by hitting the buttons in perfect rhythm, and then you can use them to call Hoopa. Hoopa will then use a portal to unlock more Pokémon. It starts with Hawlucha, Pancham, Pikachu & Chespin, but more will be added as time goes by. No release date is currently announced for this app
25-06-2015 07:15 BST / 02:15 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 11:55 BST
Edit @ 07:45: US Nationals Stream Schedule | Edit @ 11:55: Episode Pictures

In The Games Department
Pokémon ORAS - Battle Competition
The next Battle Competition has been announced. This competition is called the Circle of Legend and is only for Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire and is a Rotation Battle competition. In this competition, you can only use Legendary Pokémon: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Regirock, Regice,Registeel, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina, Cresselia, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Tornadus, Thundurus, Reshiram, Zekrom, Landorus, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde or Diancie. Registration runs from July 16th until July 23rd while the competition runs from July 24th to July 26th. All entrants receive 1000 PokéMiles

In The Games Department
Pokémon Championship Series - North American Nationals
As has become standard over the past two years, the North American National Championships, due to take place next week in Indianapolis from July 3rd over to July 5th, are to be streamed. The Pokémon Company has released the stream schedule covering the three day event. As such, I have updated our stream page ahead of time with their planned schedule. We'll be hosting the stream so you can watch it here as it happens
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & co. entering a trap when taking a tour of the Poké Ball factory. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
23-06-2015 16:43 BST / 11:43 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 02:22 BST
Edit @ 17:09: Pokémon Jukebox in US | Edit @ 02:22: New themes

In The Games Department
Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - 3DS Themes
Two brand new themes have been released in Japan for 200¥ each. These themes each have a specific focus and Pokémon theme. First is one focusing on Mega Rayquaza and Mega Charizard Y with the Pokémon X & Y - Pokémon League music,and the next features the Pokémon Eevee Collection - Espeon and Umbreon with the Game Sync music. There's currently no word on North American or European release of these themes.
Pokémon - Eevee Collection |
Mega Charizard Y |

In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon - New App
Following its release in Japan and accidental reveal of its English name last month, the Pokémon Jukebox app has now been released on Google Play devices across the US and Europe. This app is free to download and provides access to a variety of Pokémon music, which can be added to by paying, and allows for you to use special sound effects, loop and more. You can listen to three free tracks every day, but these are on a trial basis and you do not keep them.

In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Titles
The official movie site has detailed the special airing on TV Tokyo on July 16th. As previously reported and as is done each year, this special will showcase the first TV showing in Japan of last year's movie, Diancie & The Cocoon of Destruction. However, this special will also include the accompanying Pikachu short, Pikachu, What Key Is This? as well as a lot of new details on the movie due for release in Japan on July 18th, Hoopa and the Clash of Ages focusing on the large Legendary Pokémon battle that takes place in the movie. Unlike the last two years, no special episode is to accompany this episode. We'll bring more as it comes
22-06-2015 07:03 BST / 02:03 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:00 BST
Edit @ 07:33: Mega Manectric Stage | Edit @ 13:00: Dragonite Event in US

In The Games Department
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Dragonite Distribution
For those of you in the US, the latest event has begun. From today until July 12th you can go to Gamestop to get a serial code to receive a special Dragonite for Pokémon Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire. It knows the move Dragon Dance, Outrage, Hurricane and Extremespeed, which is a difficult move to get on Dragonite as it can only be obtained by breeding with an ancestor from HeartGold & SoulSilver. It also has its Hidden Ability of Multiscale and holds a Lum Berry.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
A brand new challenge has begun on Pokémon Shuffle. This challenge provides you access to the Pokémon Manaphy. It runs from today, June 22nd 2015 to July 6th at 06:00 UTC.
You need to download the new patch, Version 1.2.4 to obtain it.Our Pokémon List has been updated with details of this Pokémon
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
The Pokémon Safari event stage has made a return. This stage gives you random Pokémon each time and runs from today, June 22nd 2015 to July 6th at 06:00 UTC . The Pokémon are: Electrike, Manectric, Darumaka, Darmanitan & Stantler. You need to download the new patch, Version 1.2.4 to obtain it. Our Pokémon List has been updated with details of this Pokémon
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
It has been announced that the next Mega Stone competition stage is to go live from June 29th to July 6th. This stage gives you the Mega Stone for Manectric, Manectite.As Manectric is only found in the Pokémon Safari event, it's best to attempt to get it now. Full details will come next week.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
If you were one of the lucky 110,000 (15,000 in Europe/Australia, 30,000 in America or 65,000 in Japan) players worldwide who ranked in the Mega Blastoise competitive stage over the past week, then the Blastoise is now available to be received if you didn't have one before, or 2 Jewels if you did. If you didn't qualify, then you can redeem a Jewel. To get this item, simply Check In between now and June 29th 2015 at 06:00 UTC and you will receive the item.
21-06-2015 13:00 BST / 08:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:00 BST

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the eighty-sixth entry into the Generation VI competitive field with a Sinnoh Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Miror, Archangel, jesusfreak94, Ragnarok, Psynergy, KillerDraco & UR2L8. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation. It mimics the cries of other Pokémon to trick them into thinking it's one of them. This way they won't attack it. It can learn and speak human words. If they gather, they all learn the same saying. Its tongue is just like a human's. As a result, it can cleverly mimic human speech. So here it is, the eighty-sixth entry, Chatot.
20-06-2015 15:14 BST / 10:14 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 15:14 BST
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Titles
A flyer being distributed in Namco arcades across Japan has revealed another pair of upcoming titles set to air in Japan. These episodes are to air on July 23rd and July 30th, following one week off on July 16th 2015 for the Japanese first TV showing of last year's movie
Episode 885: The Gourgeist Festival! Farewell, Pumpkaboo!?
Episode 886: Cross the Snow Mountains! Mamoswine and Abomasnow!!
19-06-2015 16:35 GMT / 11:35 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 17:37 BST
Edit @ 17:37: Pokémon Shuffle Reminders

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
The currently running event for Pokémon Shuffle is set to end on Monday morning at 06:00 UTC. This event stage is the only way to get the Legendary Pokémon, Giratina in the game. This event has been running the past two weeks in order to provide this Pokémon and is the first in the Escalation Battle types of stages. After the event ends, you'll be unable to access this Pokémon so be sure to get it while you can.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
The currently running Mega Stone challenge for Pokémon Shuffle is due to end on Monday morning at 05:00UTC. This stage gives you a Blastoisinite.You need to rank as the Top 15,000 in Europe, 30,000 in North America or 65,000 in Japan to qualify for the Blastoisinite. If you don't qualify, you'll receive a Jewel and if you already have a Blastoisinite, you'll get 2 Jewels. This time, it is also turn based rather than time based.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures
As we reported in early March a special episode is being distributed if you pre-book your tickets for the upcoming movie. This episodes features Mary and Hoopa reminiscing about their youth as it runs up to the upcoming movie. As it is now out, we have done screenshots for this small special. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
18-06-2015 07:02 GMT / 02:02 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 12:45 BST
Edit @ 12:45: Episode Pictures

In The Games Department
Pokémon ORAS - Battle Competition
Registration for the next Battle Competition has opened. This competition is called the 2015 International Challenge June and is only for Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire and is a Double Battle. In this competition, the rules match the current rules set forth in the Video Game Championships of National Pokédex only without being able to use the standard range of legends. Registration runs from June 18th until June 25th while the competition runs from June 26th to June 28th.The top 256 players will receive Championship Points to go towards their goal to quality for the 2015 Pokémon World Championships

In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash entering a Sky Rally race, only for Team Rocket to appear and try to cause issues in order to win. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the second episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & co. meeting a man enamoured with Pikachu to the point that he makes movies, and asks Ash's Pikachu to star in them. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
17-06-2015 21:37 GMT / 16:37 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 22:05 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
During Nintendo's Treehouse Live @ E3 stream today, Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, some new details were revealed. It reconfirms that the quiz does determine the Pokémon you pick, but it can be changed if it doesn't meet what you want, and when you determine the partner, you can decide if they are "Cool" or "Cute". The village is called Serene Village. Once again, there's the Deposit Box for items you don't wish to take to various dungeons. The game starts off by following Deerling and Shelmet into a dungeon after their Goomy friend didn't come back from a Dungeon.
21:39: This dungeon is called the Foreboding Forest.
22:05: As spotted in previous trailers, there's also numerous wand items such as Slumber Wand, Warp Wand and Confuse Wand which inflict status and other conditions onto the enemies. You also get numerical details of the Pokémon's stats and move stats after the effects of moves
16-06-2015 08:51 GMT / 03:51 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 18:08 BST
Edit @ 18:08: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Trailer

In The Games Department
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
Following Nintendo's Digital Event at E3 today, a new trailer has been released for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS title, Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, was revealed. This trailer features similar content to the one from Japan last week, but with localised details. This title is due for release in North America around Holiday 2015 following its Japanese release on September 17th 2015 and ahead of its European release in early 2016.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
For those of you worldwide with Pokémon Shuffle, the third Passcode has been officially released through Pokémon Daisuki Club in Japan. This code gives you a special gift of 3 Moves +5 items which boost give 5 extra moves for your match, allowing for you to finish a Pokémon or get an easier S Rank. This code is usable worldwide and runs until September 14th 2015 so be sure to use it while you can. The code is 06150503.
15-06-2015 04:18 GMT / 23:18 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 07:03 BST
Edit @ 07:03: Shuffle Events
In The Games Department
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
Following the information that was released in CoroCoro, the official Japanese site has updated with the details of the upcoming game, Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. With this came many brand new screenshots from the game which have been added to our gallery. No further information about the game has been revealed. Click the image to go to our section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
As announced last week, Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon will give two themes if you pre-order the game. The first theme is if you pre-order either the physical or the download version while the second is for people who pre-order the download version only. Today, the first imagery of the first theme has been distributed, but the second is still to come
Pokémon Theme 1 |
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
A brand new event stage has begun on Pokémon Shuffle. This challenge provides you access to the Pokémon Dialga. It runs from today, June 15th 2015 to June 29th at 06:00 UTC. TYou need to download the new patch, Version 1.2.3 to obtain it. Our Pokémon List has been updated with details of this Pokémon
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
A return of a Mega Stone challenge for Pokémon Shuffle has begun. This stage gives you a Blastoisinite. It runs from today, June 15th 2015 to June 22nd at 05:00 UTC . You need to rank as the Top 15,000 in Europe, 30,000 in North America or 65,000 in Japan to qualify for the Blastoisinite. If you don't qualify, you'll receive a Jewel and if you already have a Blastoisinite, you'll get 2 Jewels. This time, it is also turn based rather than time based. You need to download the new patch, Version 1.2.3 to obtain it. Our Pokémon List has been updated with details of this Pokémon
14-06-2015 13:00 GMT / 08:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:00 BST

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the eighty-fifth entry into the Generation VI competitive field with a Johto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Miror, Archangel, jesusfreak94, Ragnarok, KillerDraco & UR2L8. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the second generation. Suicune embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water. It runs across the land with gracefulness. This Pokémon has the power to purify dirty water. It races around the world to purify fouled water. It dashes away with the north wind. So here it is, the eighty-fifth entry, Suicune.
12-06-2015 13:26 BST / 08:26 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 18:58 BST
Edit @ 18:41: CoroCoro | Edit @ 18:58: Super Mystery Dungeon

In The Anime Department
Pokémon the movie XY
The first images from CoroCoro have leaked and have revealed the latest details about the upcoming movie, The Archdjinni of the Rings - Hoopa, due for release in Japan in Summer 2015. In this, it has confirmed the much anticipated and expected movie distribution which is to be Hoopa from July 18th 2015 to September 30th 2015 for Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire and also confirmed the full method of getting Hoopa Unbound in ORAS. It also contains the first official reveal of Hoopa Confined's signature move, Hyperspace Hole. The distribution Hoopa has this move, Psychic, Nasty Plot and Astonish and holds the Focus Sash item. Our Event Database has been updated with details of this event

In The Games Department
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
The first images from CoroCoro have leaked and are showing some details about the upcoming game, Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. The first of these images contains the first look at the special 3DS theme you get for preordering the title. It also reveals the first artwork and confirms Mega Evolution's presence in the game. It also confirms Hoopa Unbound's presence within the game
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
The currently running event for Pokémon Shuffle is set to end on Monday morning at 06:00 UTC. This event stage is the only way to get the Legendary Pokémon, Shaymin in the game. This event has been running the past three weeks in order to provide this Pokémon in commemoration of the game receiving 4 million downloads. After the event ends, you'll be unable to access this Pokémon so be sure to get it while you can.
11-06-2015 11:24 BST / 06:24 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 12:00 BST
Edit @ 12:00: Episode Pictures
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Hawlucha finding a Pokémon Egg in the forest, only for it to hatch quickly causing Ash & co. to have to help it. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Character Biography
With the episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to update a biography. This biography is for the character Ash and details a Pokémon that he obtained in todays episode. Click the image to go to the biography, but be warned as it contains spoilers
09-06-2015 10:17 GMT / 05:17 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 10:17 BST
In The Games Department
A brand new trailer has been released for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS title, Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, which is due for release in Japan on September 17th. It shows that you can travel the world with your partner to enter various Dungeons. It confirms that you decide your Pokémon & partner through questions, as per the original Pokémon Mystery Dungeon titles. We'll bring more as and when it comes
08-06-2015 07:02 GMT / 02:02 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 12:46 BST
Edit @ 12:46: TCG News
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - New Stages
The latest update to Pokémon Shuffle has come and includes many brand new stages and three new Expert Stages. We're currently working through them and will be adding them to our Location page and our Pokémon Listings so keep checking back
Edit @ 07:25: Added all 10 new stages and 3 Expert tages to our Pokémon List & Location List

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
A brand new challenge has begun on Pokémon Shuffle. This challenge provides you access to the Pokémon Giratina. It runs from today, June 8th 2015 to June 22nd at 06:00 UTC. This event is an Escalation Battle which has increase in difficulty and rewards as you beat it more, and also makes it easier to catch Giratina the higher the stage's level. At Level 5 you get 1,000 coins, Level 10 a Disruption Delay, Level 30 a Mega Start and Level 50 a Mega Speedup. You need to download the new patch, Version 1.2.2 to obtain it. To celebrate, they are also distributing a Mega SpeedUp item. Our Pokémon List has been updated with details of this Pokémon

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
The second wave of Daily Events has begun again. Over the next two weeks, the Pokémon that were released a couple of months ago, specifically Specifically Pachirisu, Sigilyph, Tropius, Farfetch'd, and Druddigon on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday respectively. This is the perfect opportunity to get these Pokémon if they were missed before
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
If you were one of the lucky 80,000 (10,000 in Europe/Australia, 20,000 in America or 50,000 in Japan) players worldwide who ranked in the Mega Venusaur competitive stage over the past week, then the Venusaur is now available to be received. If you didn't qualify, then you can redeem a Jewel. To get this item, simply Check In between now and June 15th 2015 at 06:00 UTC and you will receive the item.
In The TCG Department
Pokémon Card Game XY BREAK
Japanese suppliers have received the next data about the next upcoming TCG set after the set Banded Ring which is due for release in Japan next week. This set is split into two sets called Blue Impact and Red Flash which focus on Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y and include a brand new TCG feature. These sets feature over 59 cards each and are due for release in Japan on September 25th
07-06-2015 13:00 GMT / 08:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 14:35 BST
Edit @ 14:35: Episode Title
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Titles
The Japanese magazine, Newtype, has posted another upcoming title for an episode set to air on July 9th. It features Ash entering a hotel that has gone to ruin where he finds a battlefield in the basement where he encounters a trainer who participates in battles with betting.
Episode 884: Ash Leapt Through Time! Rotom's Wish!

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the eighty-fourth entry into the Generation VI competitive field with a Kanto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Miror, Archangel, jesusfreak94, Ragnarok, KillerDraco & UR2L8. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the first generation. When a Slowpoke went hunting in the sea, its tail was bitten by a Shellder. That made it evolve into Slowbro. Slowbro's tail has a Shellder firmly attached with a bite. As a result, the tail can't be used for fishing anymore. This causes Slowbro to grudgingly swim and catch prey instead. An attached Shellder won't let go because of the tasty flavor that oozes out of its tail. So here it is, the eighty-fourth entry, Slowbro and it's Mega Evolution, Mega Slowbro.
06-06-2015 13:32 GMT / 08:32 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 13:32 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
The current running Pokémon Shuffle Challenge is due to end on Monday at 06:00 UTC. This challenge is a timed one and has the top 10,000 players in Europe, 20,000 players in North America and 50,000 players in Japan earn a Venusaurite for their Mega Vanusaur. If you don't rank in the top amounts, you will earn a Jewel. It's unknown when this event will be repeated, if it ever does get repeated, so enter while you can.
05-06-2015 06:08 GMT / 01:08 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 10:30 BST
Edit @ 06:47: Japanese World Championship Qualifier Stream | Edit @ 10:23: Shuffle Event | Edit @ 10:30: Shuffle Stages

In The Games Department
Following its reveal via a pamphlet last week, we have details on the Kanto Starter distributions that will run at the special Pokémon Lab event in Japan from July 8th to October 12th. First, the serial codes will be available to be redeemed until November 30th. The Bulbasaur will be holding the Venusaurite and has the moves Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, & Poison Powder. The Charmander holds the Charizardite Y and has the moves Growl, Ember, Smoke Screen and Dragon Rage. The Squirtle holds the Blastoisinite and has the moves Tail Whip, Water Gun, Withdraw and Bubble. All are Level 5. These have been added to our Event Database

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
Details of the next event have been revealed.This event gives you access to the Pokémon Giratina and runs from Monday June 8th to June 22nd. This stage is the first in what is called an Escalation Battle. Each time you complete the stage, it levels up and becomes more complicated with added obstacles such as four columns of frozen blocks at Level 40 or instant disruption at Level 10. When you reach Level 5, you get 1,000 coins and when you get to Level 10, you get a Disruption Delay item. The likelihood for capture also increases as the stage's level gets higher

In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - New Stages
It has also been announced that new stages are to come to Pokémon Shuffle on Monday. These continue the Pedra Valley stages and include Garbodor in 194, Doublade in 195 and Conkeldurr in stage 198. Three new Expert stages are also being added, focusing on the Kalos starter Pokémon, Chesnaught, Delphox and Greninja. We'll bring full details of these stages on Monday

In The Games Department
Pokémon Championship Series - Japanese Stream
It has been confirmed that the Pokémon World Championship Japan Qualifier Finals are to be streamed on June 14th on NicoNico. These finals take the 32 best players (31 in Masters) from each division in the recent Japan Cup 2015 Battle Competition, as well as the winner of the NicoNico Ultra Competition only open for Masters and has them see who will be representing Japan in the 2015 World Championships in Boston, Massachusetts on August 21st through 23rd this year. The stream begins at 12:50 JST on June 14th and the schedule is as follows
Junior Finals: 13:00 - 13:15 JST / 05:00 - 05:15 BST / 04:00 - 04:15 UTC / 00:00 - 00:15 EDT / 21:00 - 21:15 PDT (June 13th)
Senior Finals: 15:20 - 15:35 JST / 07:20 - 07:35 BST / 06:20 - 06:35 UTC / 02:20 - 02:35 EDT / 23:20 - 23:35 PDT (June 13th)
Master Finals: 15:50 - 16:05 JST / 07:50 - 08:05 BST / 06:50 - 07:05 UTC / 02:50 - 03:05 EDT / 23:50 - 00:05 PDT
FInally, there will be an award ceremony from 16:10 to 16:25 JST.
04-06-2015 06:16 GMT / 01:16 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 11:53 BST
Edit @ 11:23: Character Biography | Edit @ 11:53: Episode Pictures

In The Games Department
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
The official Japanese site has detailed that pre-orders for the upcoming game, Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, are set to open on July 4th. With this, they have announced three different pre-order bonuses which will be available if you pre-order the game.
First, if you purchase the physical or the download copy, you will get a Nintendo 3DS theme featuring the package illustration drawn by Ken Sugimori
Second, if you purchase the physical version, you'll get a set of 3D stickers using illustrations from the box art, also drawn by Ken Sugimori
Finally, if you purchase the download version, you'll get a second Nintendo 3DS theme for your home screen
We'll provide full details and images of these bonuses as and when they are released.

In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash help Scottie find his notebook after it goes missing, and then have a rematch. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon XY - Character Biography
With the episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to update the biography of the new rival character, Scottie. This update contains a Pokémon he obtained within today's episode. Click the image to go to the respective biography, but be warned as they contain spoilers
03-06-2015 07:17 GMT / 02:17 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 09:33 BST
Edit @ 09:33: Animation Studio
In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament
Previously, the Pokkén Tournament release period had just been narrowed to the summer. However, Bandai Namco have updated their site and have stated that the arcade machine is to hit Japanese arcades in July 2015. We don't have specific dates, as it is likely to be a gradual rollout across arcades in Japan, but we'll bring coverage as and when we can.
In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Animation Studios
A special attraction has been announced for the UK. In the upcoming KidZania complex opening in Westfield, London, a special Pokémon Animation Studio will be opening. This studio allows for visitors to use Pokémon to create their own movies via stop-motion capture capabilities using Pokémon toys. It will also include a store to purchase some of the toys used. The studio is set to be opened later in 2015.
02-06-2015 09:26 GMT / 04:26 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 11:01 BST
Edit @ 11:01: Dungeon Section Updates

In The Games Department
Pokkén Tournament
Some new Pokkén Tournament tests have been announced. These tests will be in various Pokémon Centers ahead of its arcadelaunch later this summer. At the Pokémon Centers, you'd need to line up in order to get a ticket to play on a first-come first-served basis. First, on June 13th and 14th, you'll be able to play in the Pokémon Center in Touhoku. Next, on June 20th and June 21st, the game will be available in the Pokémon Center in Nagoya. Finally, on June 27th and June 28th, it is to be available for play in the Pokémon Center Fukuoka
In The Games Department
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
Following the first visual reveal in the Nintendo Direct on Sunday and the English version in the Nintendo Direct Micro yesterday, I have begun updating the Super Mystery Dungeon section with all the details that have come, including a preliminary page on the starter & partner Pokémon. Click the image to go to our section
01-06-2015 07:03 GMT / 02:03 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 16:00 BST
Edit @ 16:00: Site Update
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Exp. Points x1.5 Gift
To celebrate the release of the Pokémon Shuffle Nintendo 3DS Theme last week globally, when you check in you will receive a gift of 5 Exp. Points x1.5 items for you to use. These items can be used to boost the experience your Pokémon gain in a match. You can get this item by checking in at any point between now and August 3rd at 06:00 UTC
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
The current batch of daily Pokémon are due to end on Saturday at 06:00 UTC. These Pokémon can only be obtained through these special stages and change each day so be sure to get them while you can. Monday gives Girafarig, Tuesday gives Kecleon, Wednesday gives Shuckle, Thursday gives Relicanth and Friday gives Spiritomb.
In The Site Department
As part of the initiative to improve the site's usability that has been going on for the past few months and will continue to hopefully roll out over the next year, a much-requested change has been made to the updates we make on the main index. While the main index will remain completely unchanged, it is now possible to be able to click each individual news post title to get a direct link to it. All news posts created so far in 2015 have retroactively been made a part of this system and can be found within our archive. If you don't wish to use these individual links then you will see no change compared to how it has always been. If you notice a bug with this system, let me know and it'll be resolved as soon as possible