Tuesday: Episode Titles31-03-2009- 15:05 BST / 10:05 EDT by Serebii
Still a slow news time I'm afraid. However, Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky is out in three weeks and we'll have our coverage of it shortly thereafter. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Two Japanese Episode Titles
Two new episode titles have been revealed for episodes that are set to air in Japan on April 23rd and April 30th respectively. The first episode features Dawn & Barry entering in a Pokémon Ping Pong Tournament. We do not have further details on the second episode. The titles are as follows;
Episode 592: Pokémon PingPong Competition! Ambipom Perseveres!!
Episode 593: Cherubi! Brave Battle!?
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Important Note & Pokémon of the Week29-03-2009- 10:37 BST / 05:37 EDT by Serebii
Platinum has been out a good week, and judging by the increased traffic levels, a lot of you are enjoying it. If the site continues to seem slow for you, just refresh it and everything should load fine. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Site Department
April Fools Cometh
As I do every year at around this time, I feel compelled to warn you that as April Fools Day is fast approaching, a lot of the less reputable sites across the web will be making fakes, undoubtedly convincing fakes, to try and fool you into believing they are real. As we're heading towards a new generation of Pokémon, chances are a lot of "new" ones will be "discovered" in the coming week. Here at Serebii.net, we do not like to do things that generally mislead the public, so you can be sure that if any news is posted here, it will be 100% authentic.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sevent Pokémon. Today, to celebrate the US release of Giratina & The Sky Warrior on DVD this Tuesday, we're covering one of the main Pokémon from the movie. As it's original form has already been covered, today we are covering the new form that is exclusive to Platinum. This Pokémon can only remain in this form during daytime hours and will revert back to it's base form if it gets Frozen or placed into the box. It is also the only form change that includes a type change. So here it is, the one hundred & seventh featured Pokémon, Shaymin Sky Forme.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Pokémon Special Volume Summaries28-03-2009- 17:56 GMT / 13:56 EDT by Serebii
The project is coming along nicely still. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Manga Department
Pocket Monsters Special - Volume 31
Continuing their catch up after the year of no new volumes, Shogakukan has finally released the 31st Volume of the Pokémon Special series. With that, Coronis has kindly done summaries for this entire volume which constitutes the continuation of the Diamond, Pearl & Platinum arc. This has already been covered on the site, but there have been changes in the volume. Click the picture to go to the summary listings
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Episode Titles27-03-2009- 12:42 GMT / 08:42 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's update for UK Event News as well as the Episode Pictures from yesterday's two episodes in Japan. Continuing work on the project, the front end is almost totally complete now, we just have to wait for the rest of the aesthetics to be done. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Titles
Today, MSN TV has revealed the rest of the Dub Episode titles for this season of Pokémon; Pokémon Battle Dimension. First is the episode title for the fourty-nine episode of this season and the 569th episode total. This episode has Ash & Co. meet up with the Diamond, Pearl & Platinum rival character; Barry. Finding that Barry follows Paul's training methods, Ash is determined to help him change his ways. This episode is to be called Barry's Busting Out All Over! and is scheduled to air on the 11th of April. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;

Next is the episode title for the fiftieth episode of this season and the 570th episode total. This episode features Ash's gym challenge against the Hearthome City Gym Leader; Fantina. With her powerful Ghost Pokémon, Ash faces a big challenge in devising a strategy to prevent his Pokémon being knocked out. This episode is to be called Shield with a Twist and is scheduled to air on the 18th of April. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Next is the episode title for the fifty-first episode of this season and the 571st episode total. This episode features Ash & Co, with Barry, head to Canalave City on a Blimp. However, the Blimp soon has to land and everyone gets seperated from the rest of each other. As such, they must team up in odd combinations to find their way back. This episode is to be called Jumping Rocket Ship and is scheduled to air on the 25th of April. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Finally is the episode title for the fifty-second, and final, episode of this season and the 572nd episode total. This episode features Ash & Co arrive in Canalave City. To their shock, they find everyone is having massive nightmares from some unseen force. They soon discover Darkrai is causing these dreams and they need to stop these dreams from happening. This episode is to be called Sleepless in Pre-Battle and is scheduled to air on the 2nd of May. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Episode Pictures & Minor Dungeon News26-03-2009- 16:00 GMT / 12:00 EDT by Serebii
Should have episode pictures from today's two episodes either later today or early tomorrow so be sure to check the site for them. We should have the server issues fixed, but you never know so keep trying if it starts to slow. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 18:43; UK Event details
Edit @ 23:15; Episode Pictures added

In The Games Department
Minor Dungeon Explorers of the Sky News
The official site recently added a new trailer for the upcoming game Explorers of the Sky. In this trailer, various features were shown, most of which we already knew about. However, some new details were brought forward in this trailer. Firstly, there is a new overworld area called Shaymin Village. This village helps progress the new addition to the story and features many Shaymin within it. Presumably, Pelipper will take you there once you reach a certain point, but this is not clear as of yet.
We also have further clarification on the item transferral mentioned in CoroCoro two weeks ago. When you send one of the species-specific items from Explorers of Time or Darkness to Explorers of the Sky, the item doesn't multiply per-say, but rather it upgrades so that you get the stronger of the species item, which you would normally have to exchange twice in-game for.
Also, of note, for players with Japanese Wiis, a demo of Explorers of the Sky is now available in the Nintendo Channel.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the two episodes that aired earlier today in Japan, the last to be aired in the standard definition resolution. The first episode features Dawn get seperated from Ash & Brock due to a wild Aggron. While trying to find Ash & Brock again, one of Dawn's Pokémon gets hurt. However, Team Rocket are nearby and intend to take this situation to their advantage. The second episode is a clip show, which brings the viewer up to speed with the concept of Pokémon and the goings on in the Animé The Animédex has also been updated with the appearances within these episodes. Click the pictures to go to the respective gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The Games Department
UK Shaymin Event Announced
Earlier today, UK retailler GAME have announced that from April 4th to April 18th at participating GAME Retailers, you will be able to download a special Shaymin. This Shaymin will likely be Level 50 like the US and Japanese one and will unlock the Gracidea Key Item in Platinum to allow for you to get Shaymin Sky Forme. The dates that this event is in each store changes so be sure to check their site here
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Platinum Section Updates & Episode Title24-03-2009- 16:27 GMT / 12:27 EDT by Serebii
Slow news time. We should have more updates soon, as Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky is soon to come out. The project is still be worked upon. We should have the server issues fixed, but you never know so keep trying if it starts to slow. The Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have both been booming since Platinum's release so be sure
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum
With Platinum's US release on Sunday, I have been going through the Platinum section and updating things to be more relevant to the US version. This includes the Mystery Gift section and many other pages across the section. as such, if you have any queries about Platinum, be sure to check the section. Combined with Pokéarth, it truely is the a vital reference source. If you see something which you feel should be updated, just send an e-mail. Click the picture to go to the section.
In The Animé Department
New Japanese Episode Title
The next episode title has been revealed for the episode set to air in Japan on April 16th. This episode is a Pokémon Contest episode and features Dawn face a trainer with a Machoke:
Episode 591: Pokémon Contest! Tatsuami Convention!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Platinum Day & Pokémon of the Week22-03-2009- 10:15 GMT / 06:15 EDT by Serebii
Work on the project continues. Still hoping to have it up by Easter. If the site appears slow or does not appear to laod, do not worry, as this is just the load on the server. Refresh and it should load fine.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum
As many of you know, today is the release date of Pokémon Platinum in the United States. As such, we have opened up our facilities for various new Platinum related areas. The Chatroom is available should you get stuck or just wish to discuss the game. The WiFi Chatroom and forums are both available for Battling, Trading, Mini-Game Playing and Frontier Battling. Away from the interactivity, we also have our Complete Platinum section which gives you details upon everything you need, and everything you may not need, in the game. Combined with Pokéarth, it acts as a fully comprehensive walkthrough without destroying the fun. So enjoy the game and be sure to use all our resources and have fun

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sixth Pokémon. Today, to celebrate the US release of Pokémon Platinum, we are covering the game's cover Pokémon. As it's original form has already been covered, today we are covering the new form that is exclusive to Platinum. Inhabiting the Distortion World after being banished, this Pokémon can only keep it's form outside the Distortion World with the Griseous Orb. So here it is, the one hundred & sixth featured Pokémon, Giratina Origin Forme.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Pokéarth: Platinum Update20-03-2009- 18:54 GMT / 14:54 EDT by Serebii
Platinum is on Sunday and so the anticipation is building. The WiFi Chat and Forums are both primed and ready for trade, mini-games and Frontier requests
In The Pokéarth Department
Pokéarth: Platinum Update
As promised, again with thanks to SCV & Sabresite of the Project Pokemon Team for data extraction, I have updated Pokéarth with a complete list of Platinum trainers. Prior to now, it only stated the trainers and their Pokémon with no VS Seeker rematches and a few trainers missed out. However, this time, I have included all VS Seeker matches and all other battles within it so it's essentially the definitive guide for Platinum. If you note any errors, do not hesitate to contact me. Click the picture to go the Sinnoh sub-section of Pokéarth:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: US Regigigas Event Reminder19-03-2009- 15:12 GMT / 11:12 EDT by Serebii
Platinum is out on Sunday in the US and yet there is little news. However, I'm still working on the project and still hoping it shall be up by Easter. We're also going to be updating Pokéarth's Sinnoh section with the US data for trainers soon so look forward to that
In The Games Department
US Regigigas Event Reminder
For all our American visitors, I would like to remind you that the event giving away a Level 100 Regigigas at Toys 'R' Us stores across the country is scheduled to end at the end of the day on Saturday. This Regigigas, once traded to Pokémon Platinum, gives you access to Regirock, Regice & Registeel in various areas of Sinnoh. So, if you have yet to get one, be sure to go to your local store and grab one before it's too late. Click the picture to go the page detailling the effects in Platinum
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Platinum Stuff & Animé News17-03-2009- 10:16 GMT / 06:16 EDT by Serebii
Platinum is out on Sunday. As we covered it on it's release in Japan, everything you need to know about it is in our section so be sure to check it out if you have not already.
Edit @ 21:17: Plat Stuff Added
Edit @ 23:36; First Frontier Brain named
Edit @ 23:56; All Frontier Brains named with help from Sunain
Edit @ 00:22; The Platinum Pokédex Descriptions have been added to the DPt Pokédex, with help again from Sunain
In The Games Department
US Platinum Names
The US names for the remainder of the Pokémon Platinum details are now available and as such, we now have the new names for the alternate forms of Rotom a nd the item . They are as follows;
- Cut Rotom is now known as Mow Rotom
- Spin Rotom is now known as Fan Rotom
- Frost Rotom keeps the same name in the US as Japan
- Heat Rotom keeps the same name in the US as Japan
- Wash Rotom keeps the same name in the US as Japan
- The Platinum Orb, used to keep Giratina in it's Origin Forme is now called the Griseous Orb

In The Games Department
US Platinum Names
The US names for the Three new Battle Facilities as well as various other places have also been Revealed. They are as follows;
- Battle Stage is now known as Battle Hall
- Battle Roulette is now known as Battle Arcade
- Battle Castle keeps the same name in the US as Japan
- Match Place, where you re-battled Gym Leaders is now known as Battleground
- Stage Madonna Kate is now known as Hall Matron Argenta
- Castle Butler Cochran is now known as Castle Valet Darach. The Lady of the Castle is no longer known as Cattleya but Lady Caitlin
- Factor Head Nejiki is now known as Factory Head Thorton
- Dahlia keeps her name but is now the Arcade Star Dahlia

In The Animé Department
Pokémon DP goes HD
One of the official Japanese sites today revealed that in April, the Pokémon Animé is going to have a shake up. Specifically, the show is apparently going to be broadcast in High Definition. This allows for a bigger picture with crisper colours and probably even now air in a 16:9 aspect ratio. It is unknown what airing in April this will begin with, but it is said that when it does begin, it will air with a new ending. We'll bring you more on this when it comes
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week15-03-2009- 10:45 GMT / 06:45 EDT by Serebii
As the news has come, it is unlikely we'll get anything major until this time next month
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & fifth Pokémon. This Pokémon isa bagworm Pokémon. As the first Bug/Steel Pokémon chronologically, it featured the 4x Fire Weakness. It's shell encases its entire body so nobody knows what it actually looks like. So here it is, the one hundred & fifth featured Pokémon, Forretress.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky Page Consolidation14-03-2009- 17:37 GMT / 13:37 EDT by Serebii
Work on the project continues. I'm hoping that we'll have it up before Easter, but there's no promises
In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the Sky Pages
As we have received a great deal of Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky data the past couple of days, I have since updated and added the pages relevant to it. Specifically for this update, the Special Episode page, the Treasure Town page and added the Secret Bazaar page. This consolidates the main details that we received through CoroCoro and the official site. Click the picture or the page names to go to the respective pages
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Final CoroCoro Details; Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky13-03-2009- 11:23 GMT / 07:23 EDT by Serebii
Thus ends the CoroCoro coverage for this month. Will have a consolidation of the data over the weekend. Be sure to check yesterday's update for episode pictures
Edit @ 12:02; More Special Episode details & Pichu Details
Edit @ 12:56 & 13:40; More Dungeon data added

In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the Sky!
Coronis has kindly given us some further information from the new issue of CoroCoro. This expands on the information we had yesterday and is as follows - Within the new building; Spinda's Café, Spinda's Drink Stand gives access to the Unexplorered Land and also allows you to concoct your own drinks from Apples, Berries and Seeds
- The store in Spinda's Café owned by Wobbuffet & Wynaut is called the Explore Recycle & Big Treasure stalls. This allows you to exchange your excess items for other items and also obtain Lottery Tickets for various items. The more items you recycle, the better items will be held in the stall
- The Secret Bazaar found in dungeons randomly has four different possible permutations known;
- Mime Jr.'s Bazaar restores your Pokémon's health and hunger
- Swalot's give you things called Luck Pockets. These Luck Pockets hold good & useful items within them
- Lickilicky's Bazaar will help you remove your filled up items. It is currently unknown what happens to them
- Finally, Shedinja's Bazaar gives you a chance to escape the dungeon with few reprecussions
- You have the ability to transfer the Species Specific items from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness into Explorers of the Sky. When you do so, the item you have triples in amount making it easier to get stronger items
- The storyline that adds Shaymin & Arceus to the main game is in addition to the previous storyline from the previous games, meaning you can play as your main characters within them. The dungeon Shaymin is found in is a new dungeon called Sky Summit
- The Bidoof's Wish special episode has you team up with a Snover whom gives Bidoof a map to a new dungeon; the Star Cave. This dungeon is exclusive to this mission and the storyline for this special episode involves the Pokémon Jirachi.
- A new feature in the game's main menu is the Sky Jukebox. This will allow you to play the music utilised within the game.
We'll bring more as and when it comes. New Pictures have been added to the picture page. Click the picture above to go to it

In The Games Department
Special Pichu - Special Name
The official site has further confirmed the details for the special Pichu to be given away for pre-booking your Movie 12 tickets in Japan from April 18th to July 17th. This Pichu is a Level 30 Shiny Pichu but unlike other Shiny Pokémon, the Shiny Pichu has been given a special name; Pikachu Coloured Pichu. It also questions if the Pikachu Coloured Pichu is related to the Notched Ear Pichu. It's said that details will be revealed at a later date. It's special move and hold item will also be revealed next month.

In The Animé Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the Sky!
The official site has also updated, confirming the upcoming special based upon Explorers of the Sky. This Special Episode continues the adventures of Piplup & Chimchar from the prior special and features their exploits with the time travelling Grovyle in an effort to find the Time Gears against Dusknoir and his Sableye cohorts. This episode stays very close to the plot of the game and even takes the setting to the animé with perfect replication. It's due for airing on April 12th
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Second CoroCoro Details; Mystery Dungeon Sky Details & Episode Pictures12-03-2009- 08:49 GMT / 04:49 EDT by Serebii
I'm going to ammend this update as the day goes on. Also, expect episode pictures either later today or tomorrow
Edit @ 11:00 GMT; Little bit more data added.
Edit @ 23:50 GMT; Sorry about the delay, but episode pictures are up.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the Sky!
Some further scans have come out from the new CoroCoro, revealling more bits from the upcoming Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the Sky. First, the magazine confirms once more that both Shaymin and Arceus will feature in this game. There's a few further details about the content of the game;
First, there's now a Secret Bazaar in Dungeons. Scattered around Dungeons will be a secret staircase. This staircase will take you to a special area filled with shops that sell items to give you a hand should you need it. This is run by Kirlia, Shedinja, Lickilicky & Mime Jr.
Next, there's now a café owned by a Spinda. This café allows you to purchase many beverages that can help to aid you in your crawls through the dungeons. These can boost your skills (similar to vitamins in the main-games) and it allows you access to unexplored areas
There is also now a shop owned by Wynaut & Wobbuffet which will let you exhcange & recycle items you find in Dungeons
The third special episode known, and one of the first shown, featuring Bidoof is to be called; Bidoof's Wish
We'll bring more as it comes.

In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired earlier today in Japan. This episode features Ash & co. finding a PokéRinger contest being held on their way to the next town. However, once Ash enters, he soon discovers that his rival Paul has entered with his Honchkrow. Will Ash get more than he bargained for? The Animédex has also been updated with the appearances within this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: First CoroCoro Details; Shaymin & Pichu Events11-03-2009- 13:24 GMT / 09:24 EDT by Serebii
Expect more to come in the next couple of days. CoroCoro also confirms to the genrral public Arceus' Multi-type ability
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum: Mystery Gift - Oak's Letter
The new issue of CoroCoro has revealed that the next Wi-Fi event for Japanese Pokémon Platinum players is to be, as expected, the Oak's Letter. This item will allow you to get access to the Flower Paradise north of Route 224 and capture a Wild Shaymin. This Shaymin will activate the Gracidea Flower in your games in order for Shaymin's forms to change. This will be available over Platinum's Wi-Fi Mystery Gift from April 18th up until May 11th so be sure to get it

In The Games Department
Arceus - Towards the Overcome's Space-Time Downloadable Pokémon
This issue of CoroCoro has also confirmed the first of the downloadable Pokémon for the upcoming movie. In a similar manner to the Regigigas given away last year, if you pre-book your ticket between March 16th and July 17th,this year you will be given a Shiny Pichu for your Diamond, Pearl or Platinum games. This Pichu is at level 30 but further details are not yet known. We'll bring you more details on this come
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: New Special Announced10-03-2009- 16:41 GMT / 12:41 EDT by Serebii
Within the next couple of days, expect some new Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky details
In The Animé Department
New Japanese Special Episode
Earlier today, it was announced by Pokéani that a brand new special episode of the Animé is scheduled to air in Japan. This episode is based upon the upcoming game; Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky and is scheduled to air as part of the Pokémon Sunday program on April 12th. This special is said to feature the Grovyle & Dusknoir of the Mystery Dungeon game's storyline as well as the Chimchar & Piplup from the previous special; Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness. Like with standard episodes, we'll bring you pictures on this episode not long after it airs
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Episode Title09-03-2009- 18:23 GMT / 14:23 EDT by Serebii
The project is coming along nicely and should be done soon
In The Animé Department
New Japanese Episode Title
Another episode in the upcoming Japanese schedule has been revealerd. This also confirms that the previous Episode 588 is not an actual Episode and as such will not be classed as such. This episode is scheduled to air on April 2nd as part of a one-hour special, matched with the episode we announced on Saturday;
Episode 589: Evolution! This Time for Piplup!?
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week08-03-2009- 11:05 GMT / 07:05 EDT by Serebii
Some more Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky details are expected within this week so check back for that
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & fourth Pokémon. This Pokémon is known as the Doom Bringer. It always appears to people whenever there is a disaster imminent. It has a long life-span of 100 years. It's a Dark-type Pokémon and in the 4th Generational Shift, it became much more useful. So here it is, the one hundred & fourth featured Pokémon, Absol.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: New Episode Title07-03-2009- 16:50 GMT / 11:50 EST by Serebii
Just when I say there's no news, more comes in
In The Animé Department
New Japanese Episode Title
The episode title for the first episode scheduled to air in April has been revealed. However, with this comes the news that a previous title may not have been for an actual episode but rather a special thing related to Pokémon. We won't know for sure until the preview at the end of Thursday's episode so in the mean-time, we're counting it as an episode. This episode is scheduled to air on April 2nd;
Episode 589: The Lonely Snover!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Movie 12 Details06-03-2009- 14:57 GMT / 09:57 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's update for various things including Episode Pictures
In The Animé Department
Arceus - Towards The Overcome's Time Space Details
A couple of hours ago, the official 12th Movie website updated with the first proper trailer and included details including a basic plot summary and details of the specific characters in the movie. Thanks to Coronis for translating, we now have a basic plot summary for the movie. Obviously this only covers the basics but still contains spoilers. Click the picture to go to our 12th Movie page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Platinum Update, Episode Pictures & Regigigas Reminder05-03-2009- 14:42 GMT / 09:42 EST by Serebii
The project is still looking pretty good and looks even better as each day passes. We should have episode pictures either later today or have them tomorrow. If they are available today, I shall ammend this update with them.
Edit @ 19:55 GMT; Episode Pictures added
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum - Changes from Diamond & Pearl
In the run-up to Pokémon Platinum's US and European releases, a question I am commonly asked, and one that I see around various forums, is in regards to the changes in Pokémon Platinum from Diamond & Pearl. As such, I have created a page in the Pokémon Platinum section detailling the additions and changes within the gameplay and aesthetics in Pokémon Platinum. This list should detail all of them so will likely include some spoilers for the game.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired earlier today in Japan. This episode features Team Rocket questioning whether being in Team Rocket is the best thing for them. As they are all unhappy with constantly being happy, they decide to part ways... The Animédex has also been updated with the appearances within this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Character Biography Update
With the trailer for next week's episode, an update to Ash's Character Biography has been made. As this is from an upcoming episode, full details are as of yet unknown and it is a massive spoiler so be warned. Click the picture to go to the section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Event Reminder - Regigigas
As we reported back in January, this post is to remind all American visitors that starting on Sunday 8th March up until Saturday 21st March, a special Regigigas will be given away at Toys 'R' Us stores across America. This Regigigas knows various special attacks including Iron Head, Rock Slide & Icy Wind, is at Level 100 and has a Custap Berry attached. When you send this Regigigas over to Platinum, it will give you access to Regirock, Regice & Registeel, which will then give you access to a Level 1 Regigigas. Click the picture for further details.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: No News04-03-2009- 20:04 GMT / 15:04 EST by Serebii
In The Site Department
No News
As usual, we're in a rather common news slump. We're expecting some new data regarding Explorers of the Sky within the next week or so as well as some further Movie 12 details too. However, despite this, I have still been hard at work on the project. Although I say that a lot, you will understand when it comes out, which hopefully will be soon. Despite the lack of news, I shall endeavour to get a specific page up tomorrow, a page that answers a lot of questions that I have seen going around various forums and have even been asked myself.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Manga Summaries & Character Biographies02-03-2009- 10:12 GMT / 05:12 EST by Serebii
Should have new Dungeon Sky News in the next two weeks as well as Movie 12 details
In The Manga Department
Pokémon Special Character Biography
Coronis has continued in his update of the Pokémon Special character biographies. Today's update of them features Gold. The character of Gold was introduced in the Gold & Silver Saga and is based upon the main character that you play as in the games; Gold, Silver & Crystal. Click the picture to go to the biography index page and select Gold
In The Manga Department
Pokémon Special - Diamond & Pearl Summaries
Coronis has also sent in the summaries for the recent chapters of the manga that were set on Iron Island. These adventures of the Diamond & Pearl series also feature the character Riley and a plot by Team Galactic, creating parallels with the game. Click the picture to go to the DP Series index page. These summaries are numbers 48 up to and including 52
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week01-03-2009- 10:31 GMT / 05:31 EST by Serebii
Should have new Dungeon Sky News in the next two weeks as well as Movie 12 details
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & third Pokémon. This Pokémon is the only fossil Pokémon whom does not evolve after being revived. It has ferociously sharp teeth and claws and was regarded as the prehistoric king of the sky. It can only be obtained by finding the Old Amber item and restoring it into Aerodactyl at the Pewter City & Oreburgh City museums. So here it is, the one hundred & third featured Pokémon, Aerodactyl.