Thursday: Pokémon Black & White + Episode Pictures31-03-2011 14:02 BST / 09:02 EDT by Serebii
In a slow news period. If you have any ideas for the site in things we've missed or that you'd like to see, let me know. I've been collating your suggestions and am getting to work on them shortly
Be sure to check the previous updates. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 14:03 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & Co. noting some issues with the attack, Volt Switch, of the Emolga they encountered in the previous episode. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokémon Black & White + Pokédex Update + Dub Title30-03-2011 10:38 BST / 05:38 EDT by Serebii
In a slow news period. If you have any ideas for the site in things we've missed or that you'd like to see, let me know. I've been collating your suggestions and am getting to work on them shortly
Be sure to check the previous updates. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 18:17 BST Edit @ 18:17; Pokédex Update

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Site Department
Pokémon Black & White - Pokédex
As a few of you have requested, I have updated the Egg Moves subarea of each Pokémon's Pokédex to include who knows the move in Generation IV if the move was a Move Tutor or TM move. This is very handy for trainers trying to get certain moves on their Pokémon such as Earth Power or Dark Pulse onto a Deino and various other moves. Click the image to go to the Black & White Pokédex
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
A new dub title was revealed by the Cartoon Network TV Schedule. This is the episode title for the tenth episode of Black & White and the 669th episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. meeting a Dwebble who is trying to make a home out of the rocks. However, it gets attacked by larger Dwebble who steal its rock. This episode is to be called A Home for Dwebble and is scheduled to air on the 16th of April. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Pokémon Black & White + First Global Link Event28-03-2011 22:11 BST / 17:11 EDT by Serebii
In a slow news period. If you have any ideas for the site in things we've missed or that you'd like to see, let me know.
Be sure to check yesterday's update. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 22:11 BST

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Global Link Event
The Official Site has updated with a special mini-game on their site which allows you to select one of the seven Eevee evolutions. Like in Japan, this will allow you to download the special Pokémon when you connect the games to the Global Link when the Global Link goes live later this spring. Each of the Eevee evolutions has a special ability not previously capable on the Pokémon. Once you have played the game which is similar to the game of Breakout, you'll be able to select the Eevee evolution you desire. Click the link for the official site to go to the game and go to our page for further details on this and other Global Link events which have occured in Japan.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon Black & White + Pokémon of the Week27-03-2011 21:39 BST / 16:39 EDT by Serebii
Sorry for the delay. In a slow news period. If you have any ideas for the site in things we've missed or that you'd like to see, let me know.
Be sure to check yesterday's update. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 21:39 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the twelfth entry into the Generation V competitive field with one of the new Pokémon Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer Reno. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within fifth generation. It has an alternate form which activates at half HP and brings back the Pre-Evolution corner aspect. So here it is, the twelfth featured Pokémon, Darmanitan.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon Black & White + Dub Title26-03-2011 09:33 GMT / 05:33 EDT by Serebii
In a slow news period. If you have any ideas for the site in things we've missed or that you'd like to see, let me know.
Be sure to check yesterday's update. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 09:33 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
A new dub title was revealed by the Cartoon Network TV Schedule. This is the episode title for the tenth episode of Black & White and the 669th episode total. This episode features Ash challenging his rival Trip to a battle at the nearby Battle Club. This episode is to be called A Rival Battle for Club Champ! and is scheduled to air on the 9th of April. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon Black & White + Episode Pictures + Character Biography + Tentative Titles24-03-2011 10:22 GMT / 06:22 EDT by Serebii
Episode Pictures will be added later in the day. Be sure to check yesterday's update. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 20:32 GMT Edit @ 17:48; Tentative Episode Titles | Edit @ 20:32; Episode Pictures. Sorry for the delay

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today, having skipped the Castelia Fishing episode due to the recent incidents in Japan. This episode features Ash & Co. encountering what appears to be a very friendly Emolga. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to update the character biography for Iris with a brand new Pokémon she obtained within the episode, one which has been hinted by merchandise but never confirmed. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the picture to go to the page
In The Anime Department
Japanese Episode Title
A TV Guide in Japan has revealed the next four episode titles for episodes due to air in April. These episodes were not given any further details but show that the postponed Team Rocket & Team Plasma episodes will not air in April. These titles are tentative and can change or be rescheduled at any point before release
Episode 688: The Scary Story of the Litwick Mansion!
Episode 689: The Road To Becoming A Dragon Master
Episode 690: The Lost Shell
Episode 691: Beloved Cottonee Rides the Wind
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokémon Black & White + Episode Title23-03-2011 11:42 GMT / 07:42 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's update. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 11:42 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there
In The Anime Department
Japanese Episode Title
Continuing the scheduling change, another new Episode title has been revealed for the episode scheduled to air in Japan next Thursday, March 31st. This episode features the training of Emolga and the chaos that ensues after it uses its Volt Switch move
Episode 687: Emolga VS Snivy! Volt Switch Chaos!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Black & White + Global Link Delay + Manga Summaries22-03-2011 10:57 GMT / 06:57 EDT by Serebii
With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 11:18 GMT Edit @ 11:18 Global Link

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Global Link Delay
Nintendo has updated the Global Link website noting that the upcoming launch of the Pokémon Global Link, tied in with Black & White, originally scheduled for March 30th has been delayed due to the current issues in Japan, where the servers are based, and the need for energy conservation there. At time of writing, even the Japanese version is unavailable. There is not currently a date as to when the Global Link and its various features will go back online but as soon as there are details, we'll post it here so keep your eye on the site

In The Manga Department
Pocket Monsters Special - Platinum Edition
For the past year or so in Japan, a side-saga of the Pokémon Adventures manga was released. This saga features Lady Platinum Berlitz enter into the Battle Frontier in the Battle Zone. She is joined by Looker of the International Police who is also in the area investigating certain individuals who have information on the Distortion World. Coronis has kindly written the summaries for the various chapters of this new adventure and these chapters have now been uploaded. Click the picture to go to the index page of the section.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon Black & White + TCG + Pokémon of the Week20-03-2011 19:18 GMT / 15:18 EDT by Serebii
Sorry for the delay. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 19:18 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Games Department
New TCG Details
Sorry for the delay with this. The official site has updated with the contents of the three Battle Strength Decks which came out in Japan on Friday. These small decks feature the legendary Pokémon of Virizion, Terrakion, Cobalion and feature a variety of Unova Pokémon. In addition to this, various BW Promos were revealed. These cards have been added to their respective section and the Cardex has been updated to include them
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the eleventh entry into the Generation V competitive field with another classic Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer Reno. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within first generation. It consumes over 900lbs of food in a day and brings back the Pre-Evolution corner aspect. So here it is, the eleventh featured Pokémon, Snorlax.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon Black & White + Typing DS + Battrio Set19-03-2011 09:36 GMT / 05:36 EDT by Serebii
With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 11:28 GMT Edit @ 11:28; Typing DS information

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Games Department
Pokémon Typing DS Details
Some new details of Pokémon Typing DS have come about from the Weekly Famitsu magazine. As previously noted, this game is a game where you go through several courses and have to type the names of the Pokémon, or of various characters in order to complete the task, capture the Pokémon, and move on the course. Only a few small details have come thus far;
When you have successfully typed the characters necessary, you use the Typing Ball (タイピングボール) in order to capture the Pokémon
The game has its own Pokédex numbering with Emolga being listed as T-004
It is said that there is one stage which features 100 consecutive Pokémon for you to capture. It is unknown whether there is a reward for completing this level.
More details are expected to come soon, before its release on April 21st. In the meantime, several new images have been released and added to our pre-release picture page. Click the image to go to the page.

In The Games Department
New Battrio Set
Recently, yet another Battrio set has been released.. This set, the Great Gathering of Legendary and Mirage Pokemon! Explosive Double Moves Chapter is based upon the various Legendary Pokémon and continues with the new feature of Hall of Fame Pokémon being Pokémon with two sets of stats and attacks, which you choose upon when you send them out. As such, I have compiled a list of all the discs within the set. These follow the same new mechanics introduced in previous Battrio 0 sets. The BattrioDex has been updated with the contents of this set. Click the picture to go to the page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon Black & White + Episode Pictures + Character Biography + Episode Title17-03-2011 07:49 GMT / 03:49 EDT by Serebii
I will probably update this update with episode pictures later today. However, due to the current circumstances in Japan, there may be a bit of a delay so please bear with us. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 19:39 GMT Edit @ 10:22; Various Character Biographies | Edit @ 19:39; Episode Pictures. Sorry for the delay

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today, having skipped the Team Rocket VS Team Plasma episodes due to the recent incidents in Japan. This episode features Ash's battle against the Castelia City Gym Leader, Burgh. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to update the character biography for Ash with a brand new Pokémon he obtained within the episode, one which has been hinted by merchandise but never confirmed. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the picture to go to the page
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to update the character biography for James with a brand new Pokémon he obtained within the episoded. Be warned though as this biography contains major spoilers for the Team Rocket arc. Click the picture to go to the page
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have also been able to update the character biography for Burgh with a pair of Pokémon he used during the Gym match with Ash. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the picture to go to the page
In The Anime Department
Anime News
Another scheduling change has come in regards to the anime. Next week, instead of the episode next scheduled to air; Castelia City Fishing Competition! Fishing Connoisseur - Cilan Appears!, they are now airing the next episode. It is unknown why this episode has been skipped but it's probable it could be referencing the parts of the Rocket & Plasma episodes which have been delayed due to destruction in the city. This episode features Ash & Co, with Bianca, finding a wild Emolga on the way to Nimbasa City. However, after helping them, it seems everyone is mesmerised by it.
Episode 686: Beware of Cute Faces! Emolga Paralyses!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Black & White + Anime News15-03-2011 08:03 GMT / 04:03 EDT by Serebii
This update will likely be ammended today. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 08:03 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Anime Department
Anime News
As I reported on Saturday, I am informing you of a change in TV Tokyo's schedule following the aftermath of the earthquake off of the north-eastern coast of Japan. Previously, for this Thursday and next week, the episodes scheduled to air were the Team Rocket VS Team Plasma episodes, which featured destruction within Castelia City and the Desert Ruins. At this moment, these episodes have been removed from the schedule out of respect for those affected by the accident and the next episode, Episode 684; Castelia Gym Battle - Pure-Hearted Bug Pokémon Battle! is set to air. TV Tokyo have stated that they intend to air the episodes at a later point. When we know when they'll air it, we'll let you know.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Pokémon Black & White + Movie Victini Details14-03-2011 11:09 GMT / 07:09 EDT by Serebii
Pokémon Black & White are out globally, and as such, the site is getting lots of activity. Thankfully, the servers are holding up well.
With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 11:09 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Movie Giveaway
CoroCoro has revealed further details of the upcoming event giveaway of Victini in Japan to tie in with the two movies this year; Victini & The Black Hero: Zekrom and Victini & The White Hero: Reshiram. This Victini, as reported previously, knows the move V-Create. Victini is to be given when you have pre-booked your tickets for the movies. The booking of tickets begins on April 16th and as such, you'll be able to receive this special Victini from April 16th 2011 to August 31st 2011 in various places in Japan. This Victini comes holding the Fire Gem item and has the special Wishing Ribbon.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon Black & White + WiFi Event Reminder + Pokémon of the Week13-03-2011 09:35 GMT / 04:35 EST by Serebii
Pokémon Black & White are out globally, and as such, the site is getting lots of activity. Thankfully, the servers are holding up well.
This update will be updated later today with Pokémon of the Week and possibly CoroCoro as it's due any day now. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 18:46 GMT Edit @ 18:46; Pokémon of the Week - Sorry for the delay

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out in worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Zoroark WiFi Event
For those of you with the Japanese versions of Pokémon Black & White, the latest WiFi event is nearing its end. This event gives you a Zoroark, allowing those who couldn't get the beasts or Celebi last year to get one. This Zoroark has a special move; Snarl. Snarl is a sound-based Dark-type move which will later be available via TM95. As such, with it knowing this move, you have the ability to breed and pass it on to various other Pokémon who have the ability to know the TM, including Zorua. This event ends tomorrow so get it while you still can. Click the image for further details.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the tenth entry into the Generation V competitive field with the final week of a three week special to tie in with last week's release of Pokémon Black & White. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer Reno. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within fifth generation. Part of the armor on its anterior legs becomes a giant sword. So here it is, the tenth featured Pokémon, Samurott.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon Black & White + Note About Japan12-03-2011 11:49 GMT / 06:49 EST by Serebii
Pokémon Black & White are out globally, and as such, the site is getting lots of activity. Thankfully, the servers are holding up well.
This update may be updated later today with CoroCoro as it's due any day now. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 11:49 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out in worldwide and to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there
In The Life Department
Note About Japan
Currently, as I am sure many of you are aware, Japan is facing the aftermath of the earthquake and the tsunami which hit the north-eastern part of Japan centred around the city of Sendai. While Sendai was hit by the resultant tsunami, the epicentre was far from Tokyo and Kyoto, the bases of Nintendo and GameFreak. Nintendo have confirmed that their Japanese staff are all well and there was no structural damage to their buildings. There are currently various rumours going around that the creator of Satoshi Tajiri has passed. This is just mere false rumour so it's best to ignore it. We'll keep you aprised of any developments relating to Pokémon including whether or not episodes or the upcoming Typing DS game will be delayed so keep your eyes upon the site
In The Life Department
Last night, the people at The Speed Gamers began a highly ambitious speed run of all the classic Pokémon games. Their aim is to capture all Pokémon from Bulbasaur up to Celebei with no external trades. They are going to be playing through Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver & Crystal. These will be running with several games at a time in an effort to capture whatever Pokémon they can. This is due to last 72 hours and all proceeds from donations are going to the very worthy cause to aid in Lou Gehrig's Disease. So if you wanna check this out, click here to go to their page and their video
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Pokémon Black & White 11-03-2011 11:49 GMT / 06:49 EST by Serebii
Pokémon Black & White are out globally, and as such, the site is getting lots of activity. Thankfully, the servers are holding up well.
This update may be updated later today with CoroCoro as it's due any day now. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 11:49 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Launch Coverage
Pokémon Black & White are out in worldwide. As it's the first Friday since the global release, you will find another tradition upheld. Like Lapras in Johto and Drifloon in Sinnoh, there is now another Pokémon which appears every Friday. In the basement of the Dreamyard, you will find a very special Musharna.
In addition, to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, a massive Battle Subway trainer catalogue, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon Black & White + Episode Pictures + Character Biographies + TCG Promos10-03-2011 10:32 GMT / 05:32 EST by Serebii
Pokémon Black & White are out globally, and as such, the site is getting lots of activity. Thankfully, the servers are holding up well.
Will ammend this update with episode pictures later today. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 13:16 GMT Edit @ 13:16; Episode Pictures added

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - American Launch
Pokémon Black & White are out in America. So, to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Daily & Weekly Events, Entralink, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash and Co. discovering a massive swarm of Venipede attacking Castelia City. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to update the character biography for Ash with a brand new Pokémon he obtained within the episode, one which has been hinted by merchandise but never confirmed. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the picture to go to the page
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have also been able to update the character biography for Trip with another brand new Pokémon he has obtained and used. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the picture to go to the page
In The TCG Department
Pokémon Black & White - English TCG Promos
To tie in with the release of Pokémon Black & White in the west, several promotional cards were released. These cards are part of a new set and thanks to SkittyOnWailord, we have scans of them. As such, I have added them to the database. In addition to that, we also got the last of the HGSS Promos added to the section. I have updated the CardDex with the cards from these sets. Click the image to go to our Promo page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Black & White + Manga Summary + Episode Title08-03-2011 09:48 GMT / 04:48 EST by Serebii
Pokémon Black & White are out globally, and as such, the site is getting lots of activity. Thankfully, the servers are holding up well.
May update this update later today. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 09:48 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - American Launch
Pokémon Black & White are out in America. So, to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, Entralink, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another new episode title has been revealed for one of the next episodes in the new Pokémon Best Wishes series by Newtype. This episode is scheduled to air on April 7th 2011. This episode features a fishing competition in Castelia City
Episode 685: Castelia City Fishing Competition! Fishing Sommelier - Cilan Appears!
In The Manga Department
Pocket Monsters Special Volume 38
The new volume of the Pocket Monsters Special manga came out recently in Japan and as usual, Coronis has kindly taken time to transcribe each chapter of this new volume. This volume features the conclusion of the adventures of Dia, Pearl & Platinum as they travel through Sinnoh battling gyms and preventing Team Galactic from succeeding at their plans to awaken and capture Dialga & Palkia. Click the picture to go to our Volume 38 page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon Black & White American Launch + WiFi Reminder + Pokémon of the Week06-03-2011 09:40 GMT / 04:40 EST by Serebii
Pokémon Black & White are out today in the US, as such, the site is getting lots of activity. However, we've implemented a system so you should not notice any speeddown or lag.
Will ammend this update with Pokémon of the Week later. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 11:15 GMT Edit @ 11:15; Pokémon of the Week

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - American Launch
Pokémon Black & White are out today in America. So, to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, Daily Swarms, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White New - American WiFi Event Active
As the games are out in America, the first of the WiFi events has begun. The event allows for the download of the Liberty Pass item which lets you go from Castelia City to Liberty Island to capture the rare Mythical Pokémon Victini. This event is scheduled to run in North America from today to April 10th 2011. This is done through the Mystery Gift feature.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the ninth entry into the Generation V competitive field with the second week of a three week special to tie in with this week's release of Pokémon Black & White. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writer Reno. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within fifth generation. It can create a Fire Punch by setting its fist on fire by touching its beard. So here it is, the ninth featured Pokémon, Emboar.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Pokémon Black & White European Launch + Unity Tower + WiFi Reminder + Global Link04-03-2011 07:42 GMT / 02:42 EST by Serebii
Today marks the first official day of Generation V outside of Japan. With Pokémon Black & White now coming in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also been fixed of all problems and have a bustling trade and competitive section for the games.
Last Update: 18:18 GMT Edit @ 08:07; Global Link Launch news | Edit @ 18:18; Unity Tower Details

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - European Launch
Pokémon Black & White are out today in Europe and in two days in America. So, to remind you all as you go in for your playthrough, our Black & White section has everything you need to aid you in your playthrough.
We have indepth details of Black City & White Forest as well as details on other Version Exclusives. We have indepth pages on Gym Leaders, the rivals, Elite Four, Team Plasma, the Seasonal cycle among many other specific help sections. We also detail all the new mechanics in the game including the new Triple Battles & Rotation Battles, capturing and finding wild Pokémon and much more covering the entire game. We also give details on the Relocator, needed to transfer the event Pokémon to get Zorua and Zoroark and the standard PokéTransfer system.
In addition to that, we have a dedicated section of Pokéarth detailling everything in each location in the game, the ItemDex which gives details on all the items found in the game and as usual, the Pokédex which has details on all 649 Pokémon, including the 156 introduced in Black & White. These details include moves, abilities, locations and stats.
Click the picture to go to our page and navigate from there

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Unity Tower Information Confirmed
As the games are out in Europe, the special area, previously unknown, has been revealed. Unity Tower is an area in the islands of Unova that's only accessible after you have made a trade with someone in another country via the WiFi Connection or GTS. In here, there are 130 floors for each registerable region on the Geonet in the Pokémon Centres. Each floor keeps track of trainers with whom you have traded. Click the image for more details.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White New - European WiFi Event Active
As the games are out in Europe, the first of the WiFi events has begun. The event allows for the download of the Liberty Pass item which lets you go from Castelia City to Liberty Island to capture the rare Mythical Pokémon Victini. This event is scheduled to run in Europe from today to April 22nd 2011. This is done through the Mystery Gift feature. In addition to this, over the next week, various stores in Europe are also allowing to download Victini so check your local store if you don't have WiFi.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Global Link
The official website has detailled some changes are coming to the Global Link. These changes are massively aesthetic and will be the new style seen for everyone across the world, as seen in the image to the right. From March 18th 2011 to March 22nd 2011, no Pokémon will be able to be sent to the Dream World and from March 22nd 2011 to March 30th 2011 Game Sync & WiFi's Random Match stats and general Global Link services will be unavailable. After that, the new look Global Link goes live globally on March 30th. The Dream World and everything will run the same as before, but now all games will have access to it across the world. We'll bring more as it comes
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon Black & White Relocator + Episode Pictures + Movie + Dub Titles03-03-2011 07:51 GMT / 02:51 EST by Serebii
Make sure to check the previous updates. I'll ammend this update with Episode Pictures and possibly more later in the day. With the run up to Pokémon Black & White in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 13:04 GMT Edit @ 09:38; Relocator | Edit @ 13:04; Episode Pictures added

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Relocator
Recently, there have been numerous events for the Shiny Beasts and Celebi across the world for the Generation IV games. When these are sent to Black & White, they allow access to the Pokémon Zorua and Zoroark. However, to use them, you need to use the special Relocator Program. Like Mystery Gift in the past, this is unlocked by using a special phrase. The special phrase has now been revealed and I have updated it on the site. You have to transfer the beasts and Celebi through this method. If you transfer them through the normal PokéTransfer, you'll be unable to access Zorua & Zoroark. Click the picture to go to our page

In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash and Co. getting attacked on the Skyarrow Bridge. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Black & White - Victini & The Black Hero Zekrom & Victini & The White Hero Reshiram
Sorry for the tardiness of this update. A few hours ago, the official Japanese website updated with various information including a new trailer of the upcoming pair of movies; Victini & The Black Hero Zekrom and Victini & The White Hero Reshiram. This update brought numerous bits of information including the plot and confirmation that there are some key differences in the Pokémon and characters who appear in the film. With thanks to Guested, we have updated our page with details on the plot. Click the previous link to view the trailer

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
A new dub title was revealed by the MSN TV Schedule. This is the episode title for the seventh episode of Black & White and the 666th episode total. This episode features Ash, Iris & Cilan finding a wild Snivy. This episode is to be called Snivy Plays Hard to Catch! and is scheduled to air on the 19th of March. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
A new dub title was revealed by the MSN TV Schedule. This is the episode title for the eighth episode of Black & White and the 667th episode total. This episode features Ash, Iris & Cilan having their food stolen by two Darumaka. This episode is to be called Saving Darmanitan From the Bell! and is scheduled to air on the 26th of March. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
A new dub title was revealed by the MSN TV Schedule. This is the episode title for the ninth episode of Black & White and the 668th episode total. This episode features Axew getting stuck in a wild Scolipede which is then angered. This episode is to be called The Bloom Is on Axew! and is scheduled to air on the 2nd of April. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokémon Black & White - Attack & Ability Names02-03-2011 10:31 GMT / 05:31 EST by Serebii
Make sure to check the previous updates. With the run up to Pokémon Black & White in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 16:12 GMT Edit @ 16:12; English Names Complete

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - English Move & Ability Names
With many copies of the game currently being shipped across Europe, I am happy to reveal the names of both all the moves as well as all the abilities. First, the list of all the New Attacks has been updated with all of the English names. These attacks build upon the new mechanics brought into the games. I have added the list of the New Abilities brought in the game, known by some old Pokémon and some new Pokémon, thus creating some true variety within the games. The Pokédex, Attackdex, Abilitydex & Pokéarth have been updated with these. Click the image to go to our Black & White section or the respective links to go to the page listings Edit: We now have full English details across the site including Classifications and Flavour Text for the Pokémon, which has been added to the Pokédex, Musical Accessories, Subway Trainers and much more.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Typing DS Japanese Release & Details01-03-2011 10:13 GMT / 05:13 EST by Serebii
Make sure to check the previous updates. With the run up to Pokémon Black & White in the rest of the world, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a major hub for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Last Update: 10:13 GMT

In The Games Department
Pokémon Typing DS Release Confirmed
The Official website has posted with various details about the upcoming game; Pokémon Typing DS. First, it is due for release on April 21st 2011 in Japan. Several bits of infromation were revealed about the games with thanks to Sabonea Masukippa for translation assistance.
It will have over 400 Pokémon able to be found within the games, a mixture of Pokémon from all regions but a massive focus upon Pokémon from the Unova region.
It also has revealed that you gain information on the Pokémon as you type and thus capture them.
As previously surmised, there are a variety of courses in which to go through, each with a boss at the end of the course such as the legendary Pokémon Cobalion.
The overworld is set out like a keyboard with the courses being the various keys.
The faster you type, the more Pokémon will appear. As previously known, typing can be done via the DS's touch screen or via the bluetooth keyboard which comes packed in. Pokémon that appear in the courses change depending upon your speed and accuracy of typing.
More information is scheduled to come in Mid-March with the next issue of CoroCoro so be sure to check back. I have added various screenshots to the pre-release picture page