Mass Outbreak Events

Much like Pokémon Sword & Shield, within the Mystery Gift option is the Poké Portal News. Here, you can download special Tera Raid Battle events that provide Pokémon of a variety of Tera Types or bonuses. This page details all these events, and all Pokémon within

Baby Pokémon Outbreaks

Release Dates:

Global: March 29th - March 31st 2024
In-Game Location: Paldea, Kitakami, Terarium

The sixth Mass Outbreak Event focus on various Baby Pokémon. In Paldea it will spawn Happiny & Pichu. In Kitakami it will spawn Munchlax & Riolu, and in Terarium it will spawn Magby & Elekid. All of these Pokémon have a higher chance of getting the Vigor Mark

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Easter Outbreaks Event

PokeBall Outbreaks

Release Dates:

Global: February 23rd through 27th 2024
In-Game Location: Paldea

The eighth Mass Outbreak Event focus on Pokémon which resemble Poké Balls including Voltorb, Foongus and a mysterious Pokémon not normally found in Paldea. All Pokémon have a higher chance of being shiny

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Festive Outbreaks Event

Exclusive Outbreaks

Release Dates:

Global: January 26th - 28th 2024
In-Game Location: Paldea

The seventh Mass Outbreak Event focus on various Version Exclusive Pokémon with different marks being rarer based on the game you're playing. Stunky & Skrelp will be more likely to get the Uncommon Mark in Scarlet and Rare Mark in Violet and Gulpin & Clauncher more likely to get Rare Mark in Scarlet and Uncommon Mark in Violet

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Festive Outbreaks Event

New Year Outbreaks

Release Dates:

Global: December 25th - January 3rd 2023
In-Game Location: Paldea, Kitakami, Terarium

The sixth Mass Outbreak Event focus on various Dragon-type Pokémon. In Paldea it will spawn Dratini. In Kitakami it will spawn Jangmo-o, and in Terarium it will spawn Duraludon. All of these Pokémon have a higher chance of getting the Joyful Mark

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Festive Outbreaks Event

Delibird Outbreaks

Release Dates:

Global: December 22nd - December 24th 2023
In-Game Location: Paldea, Kitakami, Terarium

The fifth Mass Outbreak Event focus on the Pokémon Delibird. This outbreak event spawn Delibird in all three regions with an increased chance of being shiny.

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Festive Outbreaks Event

Festive Outbreaks

Release Dates:

Global: December 8th - December 21st 2023
In-Game Location: Paldea, Kitakami, Terarium

The fourth Mass Outbreak Event is also the first to feature increased Shiny rates. These Outbreaks spawn different Pokémon depending upon the region that you are in, with the Terarium in the Blueberry Academy adding theirs when The Indigo Disk comes out. You will get Flabébé in Paldea, Litwick in Kitakami and Milcery in the Terarium.

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Festive Outbreaks Event

Eevee Everywhere

Release Dates:

Global: November 17th - November 20th 2023
In-Game Location: Paldea, Kitakami

The first Mass Outbreak Event focuses on the Pokémon Eevee. For the weekend, Eevee Outbreaks will appear in high numbers in both Paldea and Kitakami to celebrate Eevee Day

The Eevee found have a higher chance of having the Jittery Mark, Intense Mark, Intellectual Mark, or Flustered Mark in Paldea or the Rowdy Mark, Excited Mark, Calmness Mark, or Unsure Mark in Kitakami.

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Mighty Rillaboom Event

Ghost-type Outbreak

Release Dates:

Global: October 27th - October 31st 2023
In-Game Location: Paldea, Kitakami

The second Mass Outbreak Event focuses on Ghost-type Pokémon. For the weekend through to the end of Halloween, Drifloon, Phantump, Mimikyu, and Greavard Outbreaks will appear in high numbers in both Paldea and Kitakami

The Pokémon found have a higher chance of having the Crafty Mark.

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Ghost-type Outbreak Event

Moon-Viewing Party

Release Dates:

Global: September 29th - October 1st 2023
In-Game Location: Paldea, Kitakami

The first Mass Outbreak Event focuses on the Pokémon Clefairy. For the weekend, Clefairy Outbreaks will appear in high numbers in both Paldea and Kitakami

The Clefairy found have a higher chance of having the Upbeat Mark.

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Mighty Rillaboom Event