Monday: Zekrom's Second Type Revealed?31-05-2010- 12:01 BST / 07:01 EDT by Serebii
Seems things are going to get a bit busy. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Black & White - Zekrom's Type? - Rumour
The host of Pokémon Sunday, Nakagawa Shoko, blogged today about the character she is voicing in the thirteenth movie. With this, she mentioned about her love for Electric types and stated that due to this, she wants to get Zekrom. This statement was quickly removed from her blog but people managed to catch it in time. If this holds true then it will mean that Zekrom is of a Dragon and Electric type, a new and unique type combination. Remember though, this is NOT confirmed, albeit coming from a very likely source plus she could have removed it due to her being mistaken about Zekrom's type. We'll bring more as and when it comes Click the picture to go to our New Pokémon Page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Dub Titles & Pokémon of the Week30-05-2010- 10:25 BST / 05:25 EDT by Serebii
Yesterday's news really came out of left field. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 10:56 BST; Episode Titles
In The Games Department
Black & White Legends
In case you missed the updates over the past few days, the legendary Pokémon for Black & White were revealled on Friday. These Pokémon; Reshiram and Zekrom are the Legendary Dragon Pokémon of the Isshu region and very little extra details are known about them. Click the picture to go to our New Pokémon Page
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The MSN TV schedule has revealed a new title for an episode. This is the episode title for the fourth episode of this season and the 629th episode total. This episode features the first part of the next Pokémon Contest where Dawn has to face off against Ursula and face her fear of Plusle & Minun. This episode is to be called Yes, in Dee Dee It's Dawn and is scheduled to air on the 26th of June. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
A second dub title was also revealed by the MSN TV schedule. This is the episode title for the fifth episode of this season and the 630th episode total. This episode features the concluding part of the Pokémon Contest where Dawn is facing Ursula's Plusle & Minun. This episode is to be called Playing the Performance Encore and is scheduled to air on the 3rd of July. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sixty-eighth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the fourth generation. It sprays a horrid liquid from its tail as a defence mechanism. The stench gets more pungent the more it lingers. So here it is, the one hundred & sixty-eighth featured Pokémon, Skuntank.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Reshiram & Zekrom's Type Confirmed29-05-2010- 08:32 BST / 03:32 EDT by Serebii
Yesterday's news really came out of left field. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Black & White Legends
Going slightly under the radar, the Daisuki Club site has confirmed that the two new Pokémon; Reshiram & Zekrom, revealed yesterday, are part Dragon-type. It is unknown if they are pure Dragon or if they have a secondary type. In addition to this, the Daisuki Club also confirmed that the two game versions are going to have further differences outside of the exclusive Pokémon we have come to expect. To what extent, we don't yet know. Click the picture to go to our New Pokémon Page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: New Pokémon, LEGEND Promos & Pikachu Short28-05-2010- 09:18 BST / 04:18 EDT by Serebii
Just a couple more weeks until we're definitely getting more Black & White details Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 17:00 BST; Pikachu Short details
Edit @ 17:24 BST; Legendaries Revealed.
Edit @ 17:32 BST; Release Date Confirmed
Edit @ 22:07 BST; Hiun City camera clarified
In The Games Department
Black & White Legends
Pokemon.com have just updated with the first news of the legends of Pokémon Black & Pokémon White. These Pokémon are to be called Reshiram (レシラム) and Zekrom (ゼクロム). The official Japanese site has also confirmed that the game will be released there in September 2010 and in the US in Spring 2011 We do not have further details. Click the picture to go to the Pokémon page for higher resolution pictures
In The Games Department
Black & White - Hiun City Camera
The official Japanese site also updated with a video showing the character walking around Hiun City. This showed that the camera will zoom in when you get deeper into the city and will zoom out as you exit it. If you follow the link to the official site, you can see the video, however I have added several screencaps of it to the pre-release picture page
In The TCG Department
The official site has just updated with a few new Japanese Promo cards. These promotional cards are prize cards for May & June in the various leagues going on in Japan and feature two Pokémon and a new variant of the Victory Medal card. The Cardex has been updated with the contents of this update;
In The Anime Department
New Pikachu Short Announced
The All Nippon Airways site has announced that this August, like every year, a new Pikachu short is to be shown on their flights and it will be likely to be released on DVD in June 2011. This year, the short is titled Pikachu's Strange Strange Big Adventure. Like the previous shorts, this features Pikachu and all of Ash's Pokémon at the time of release going on an adventure away from their trainers.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: PokéPark EU Release & Episode Pictures27-05-2010- 17:17 BST / 12:17 EDT by Serebii
Just a couple more weeks until we're definitely getting more Black & White details Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 18:29 BST; PokéPark EU Date
Edit @ 21:11 BST; Edited Attraction Pages with the target scores that were added to the Spin-Off Pokédex last month

In The Games Department
PokéPark Wii Release
Nintendo of Europe has announced that the upcoming Wii game; PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure is to be released in Europe on the 9th of July. A US date has yet to be given. This game features you playing as Pikachu exploring PokéPark and helping and challenging many wild Pokémon as you go. In each area, there are several minigames for you to play as one of many Pokémon. The press release also revealed the English names for five events;
Rhyperior's Bumper Burn, Bulbasaur's Daring Dash, Salamence's Air Ace, Venusaur's Vine Swing, Gyarados' Aqua Dash, and four zones; Beach Zone, Iceberg Zone, Lava Zone & Haunted Zone We covered this game back in December so click the picture for our section

In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Meowth fall in love with a Glameow who finds it after he got blasted off. Eager to spend time with Glameow, Meowth makes a life changing decision. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Game Mechanics Update25-05-2010- 18:44 BST / 13:44 EDT by Serebii
Remember, send in ideas for this slow news time. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Site Department
Game Mechanics Section Updates
With the lull lately, I've been updating the rest of the game mechanic pages based on some suggestions from people to make it an even more efficient resource. As such, many pages such as the Breeding page and the Happiness page has been updated. If you feel there are other pages that could do with additions, let me know. In addition to this, soon our IV calculator will have a massive update making it massively accurate and much more useful. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Episode Title24-05-2010- 17:32 BST / 12:32 EDT by Serebii
Remember, send in ideas for this slow news time. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another new Japanese episode title has been revealed for an episode scheduled to air this June in Japan. This episode features Ash reuniting with many of his past Pokémon. This episode will air on the 24th of June.
Episode 650: The Eve of the Fierce Fighting! The Big Gathering of Ash's Pokémon!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week23-05-2010- 18:09 BST / 13:09 EDT by Serebii
Sorry for the delays in this update. Since we're in a slow news time and I'm taking a small break on the project, if there's anything you wish to be added to the site, let me know and I'll see what I can do. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sixty-seventh Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the first generation. It is often mistaken for the mythlogical creature Kappa. While swimming, the jewel on its forehead may mysteriously glow and when it does, it is able to use telekinetic powers. So here it is, the one hundred & sixty-sixth featured Pokémon, Golduck.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Sinnoh League Victors Dates22-05-2010- 09:40 BST / 04:40 EDT by Serebii
In a slow news time at the moment. Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
TheCartoon Network schedule has confirmed the date of the first episode of the brand new season Sinnoh League Victors. This series features many episodes including the ones airing in Japan as we speak. Previously, we thought the new series would start today, but saw a few weeks ago that it was delay. It now appears in the schedule as beginning on the 5th of June. The first episode is to be called Regaining the Home Advantage! Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Black & White, Episode Pictures & Character Biography20-05-2010- 11:25 BST / 06:25 EDT by Serebii
Should have episode pictures up later today Since the new Black & White details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 15:54 BST: Episode Pictures added
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Isshu Region
As per several requests, I have created a page detailling the various aspects and areas of the brand new Isshu Region. This page will be continually updated as new information comes with further details on each area up until the game is out. Click the picture to go to the page.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features the final of the Grand Festival which features Zoey and Dawn. The winner of the battle becomes the Sinnoh Grand Festival Champion. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Character Biography
With the latest episode of the Grand Festival having just aired in Japan, I have been able to update the character biography for another character with a brand new Pokémon. This update focuses upon Zoey and a Pokémon that she uses in the Grand Festival. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: New Battrio Set18-05-2010- 10:04 BST / 05:04 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check the previous updates for a mass amount of Pokémon Black & White details. Since those details have been out, such as the starters, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
New Battrio Set
Recently, yet another Battrio set has been released. This set, the Mewtwo Awakening Chapter is based upon Mewtwo and introduces a new feature called Awakening and so most of the disks appear twice, once for each type of awakening. As such, I have compiled a list of all the discs within the set. These follow the same new mechanics introduced in previous Battrio 0 sets. The BattrioDex has been updated with the contents of this set. Click the picture to go to the page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Black & White Battle Page, Ranger 3 WiFi Events, Episode Titles & Pokémon of the Week16-05-2010- 11:40 BST / 06:40 EDT by Serebii
It has been a very busy week, but it does appear to be it for this month Black & White wise, but you never know. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Battle System Clarification
With the confirmation of the details about the battle system last night, I have created a page that is set to detail the changes to the battle system. At the moment, we only know the details for the aesthetic changes, but the page will be updated with all the details of the new battle system as and when they come. Click the picture to go to the page.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranger: Tracks of Light - WiFi Missions
For those of you with the Japanese Ranger: Tracks of Light game, four of the WiFi missions are set to end at the end of tomorrow (May 17th 2010) in Japan. These missions; Deoxys and the Mysterious Temple , Protect the Legendary Blue Orb, Investigate the Mysterious Eruption & Protect the Lost Shaymin allow you to send Deoxys, Manaphy, Heatran & Shaymin over to your Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver games so you should download them while you still have time. Click the picture to go to the page detailling these missions
In The Animé Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Another pair of new Japanese episode titles have been revealed for two episode scheduled to air this June in Japan. This episode features Ash and Kenny having a final match and the appearance of the trainer Buck. These episode will air on the 10th & 17th of June respectively.
Episode 648: Ash VS Kenny! Setting Sail for Each Destination!
Episode 649: Treasure Hunter - Buck & Claydol!
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sixty-sixth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the second generation. Some believe that it is an emissary from another world. In South America, it is believed to view the past and future with its left and right eyes respectively. So here it is, the one hundred & sixty-sixth featured Pokémon, Xatu.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Black & White Battle System Clarified16-05-2010- 00:00 BST / 15-05-2010 19:00 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check out the past few updates. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 00:27; Further details for the overworld

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Battle System Clarification
Pokémon Sunday has just aired and has shown that the battle system is as adaptive as we predicted. In battle, in a variety of instances, the camera will move around and zoom in/out as the situation dictates. In addition to that, as seen in screenshots, the sprites are animated so the battles are not going to be as static as they have been the last fourteen years. These animations take place when attacking and while waiting for the moves to be selected and not just when the Pokémon is put into battle. Click the picture to go to our Black & White section which contains all the information we know.
Pokémon Sunday also showed footage of the market of Hiun City. In this area, lots of people are walking and moving around, some of them running. Several of them will speak while you walk through and others will walk around you as you're walking through the city. This shows further interactivity than before and shows the true scale of the Isshu region and Hiun City
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Clearer Black & White Images & CoroCoro Details added14-05-2010- 10:24 BST / 05:24 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check out yesterday & Wednesday's updates. This update may be continually updated. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 16:19 BST; More Clear Screenshots have been released to the press and added to the screenshot section. These include various areas in Hiun City and the Isshu region in general and battle shots.
Edit @ 17:43 BST; Next Month's CoroCoro details added

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Clear Images
The official site has updated with clear images of the upcoming games; Pokémon Black and Pokémon White. These images cover both various areas in Isshu & Hiun City as well as various battle scenes. I have also updated the New Pokémon Page with higher resolution artwork of Tsutaja, Pokabu & Mijumaru. Click the picture to go to our Black & White pre-release picture page to navigate.
We also appear to have some clarification on the new ability Illusion. The official site states Zoroark will appear as a different Pokémon when it enters battle. The name of the opponent is different to hide the fact that it is Zoroark, but the type remains Dark. It also appears that the sprites move slightly when attacking. To what extent remains unclear. We also have a name of the bridge, Sky Arrow Bridge which connects Hiun City to another city
In The Games Department
Next Month's CoroCoro Issue Details
Finally, for the end of this news rush, we have details on what CoroCoro says shall be within their next issue. CoroCoro promises that next month, in addition to more Black & White details and screenshots, we'll also get another brand new Pokémon revealed. In addition to this, they also promise to tell us how to obtain Zorua. This issue of CoroCoro is due for release on June 15th 2010 and will likely be leaked a few days before. We'll bring more as it comes
In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Battle-athon for Charity
For those interested, a friend of mine has organised a charity event that beginning today where there will be a stream for 36 hours of Pokémon Battles in order to raise money for the Make A Wish Foundation. Click here to view and help them reach their goal and there are sure to be many decent battles to watch during the marathon.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Black & White Details, More CoroCoro Scans, Episode Pictures & Character Biographies13-05-2010- 06:46 BST / 01:46 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check out yesterday's update This update will be continually updated. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them
Edit @ 09:40 BST; Mijumaru's details revealed
Edit @ 09:50 BST; Tsutaji & Pokabu details added
Edit @ 11:37 BST; Character Biographies added
Edit @ 15:08 BST; Episode Pictures added to the update
Edit @ 16:24 BST; All information known compiled into pages for easy access

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - Information Compilation
With the new information having come over the past few days, as opposed to keeping it on the index page of the site, I have compiled all of the information into a variety of pages. In addition to the New Pokémon Page, which has been continually updated as we received information, I have now added pages for the New Attacks, New Abilities and the special Zoroark In-Game Event. I have also added various information to the main index. Click the picture to go to our Black & White section or use the links to navigate directly to the pages

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - CoroCoro Details
Some more pictures from CoroCoro have come out. These pictures fully confirm the information we posted yesterday including all of the Zoroark details. As such, I have updated our pre-release picture page with a variety of screenshots. I hope to have clearer ones soon. There's likely to be more to come so be sure to check back. Click the picture to go to our pre-release picture section
- The scans also confirm that Zorua has the Illusion Ability we announced yesterday
- Another bit of information has confirmed various details for Mijumaru, the Water Starter. Like previous water starters, its ability is Torrent. It is 0.5m tall and weighs 5.9kg
- Another bit of information has confirmed various details for Tsutaja, the Grass Starter. Like previous grass starters, its ability is Overgrow. It is 0.6m tall and weighs 8.1kg
- Another bit of information has confirmed various details for Pokabu, the Fire Starter. Like previous fire starters, its ability is Blaze. It is 0.6m tall and weighs 9.9kg

In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features the semi-finals of the Grand Festival which begins with Nando and Zoey having to face against eachother while Jessie and Dawn have to fight for their right to be in the final. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Character Biographies
With the latest episode of the Grand Festival having just aired in Japan, I have been able to update the character biographies for two characters with brand new Pokémon. These updates are for the co-ordinators Zoey and Nando. Both of these co-ordinators were the first ones who Dawn met during her travels and they ended up facing eachother in the semi-finals. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: CoroCoro Scans - Starter Pokémon and More!12-05-2010- 11:12 BST / 06:12 EDT by Serebii
There are many fakes going around now, be very careful when viewing things. Just remember, if I haven't posted it, it's very likely to be fake. This update will be continually updated. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them
Edit @ 13:33 BST; Possible Japanese Names are going around. These are from a post that came before the scans came. While it's possible that they are real, I don't post things until we are sure. We're still waiting for the rest of CoroCoro. These names are Tsutaja (ツタージャ), Pokabu (ポカブ) & Mijumaru (ミジュマル) respectively.
Edit @ 17:03 BST; After hours of umming and ahhing about whether or not to post it, I've added some further information.
Edit @ 17:52 BST; New Pictures added below and in our Pre-Release Picture Page. This page also further cements the unconfirmed information as legitimate. It's still unclear however.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - CoroCoro Details
The first details of CoroCoro have begin coming out and show the starters. We don't have further details but it will come. Keep checking back as we're waiting for more scans with confirmation on the names and more.
- The region appears to be called the Isshu Region (イッシュ)
- CoroCoro states that the protagonists are older than they have been so far
- Before the scans came out, some new information was posted on 2ch including the region name which turned out true, classifications matching the Pokémon's appearance and the aforementioned possible Pokémon names. This information detailled some attacks, classifications, Zoroark's ability and the special event from the beasts. I have decided to post it with thanks to yaminokame for translation. Remember though that the following information is NOT confirmed yet.
- The Grass Starter, Tsutaja (ツタージャ) is the Grass Snake Pokémon
- The Fire Starter, Pokabu (ポカブ)is the Fire Pig Pokémon
- The Water Starter, Mijumaru (ミジュマル) is the Sea Otter Pokémon
- Zoroark has an ability called Illusion (イリュージョン) which will allow it to transform into various Pokémon. How it differs from the move Transform remains to be seen.
- Two new attacks have been announced;
- A move called Trickery (イカサマ) seems to allow the attack to be calculated using the opponent's stats
- Another move called Claw Sharpen (つめとぎ) raises the user's Attack and Accuracy stats
- The special event activated by the special Raikou, Entei & Suicune given with the upcoming movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark has been detailled. In this event, when you bring the beasts (it is unclear if it's all three or just one)to the game, a special battle will occur. This battle is against a Level 25 Zoroark which will transform into the various Pokémon. At many points, it will break its transformation to allow you to capture it.
Remember, this information is NOT Confirmed as of yet and so it's quite possible that this information is indeed inaccurate. However, as the region name was accurate, it's also quite possibly real. We'll get confirmation as to whether it's real or fake when the rest of the scans come out.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: HS Unleashed11-05-2010- 11:45 BST / 06:45 EDT by Serebii
We expect CoroCoro to leak very very soon so keep checking back. Also, there are many fakes going around the internet at the moment. With that in mind, I've updated the Fake Pokémon section with them since many of you seem to have fallen for them. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them
In The TCG Department
HS: Unleashed Scans
With special thanks to SkittyOnWailord for scanning the cards, we now have complete scans of the entire HS Unleased set. This set is due for release tomorrow cards are made up of the leftover cards of the original HGSS set in Japan, some Reviving Legends cards and various cards from the Expert Deck and Battle Starter Decks. The Cardex has been updated with the contents of this set. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Better Quality Sihlouettes & Pokémon of the Week09-05-2010- 10:32 BST / 05:32 EDT by Serebii
We expect CoroCoro to leak any day now so be sure to keep checking back for news on the new starters as well as the region of Black & White. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White: New Pokémon Silhouette
Following on from last night's reveal of the Pokémon Black & White starter sihlouettes, some high quality versions of sihlouettes have been revealed on CoroCoro's website, promising that they'll be revealed in their issue due out on Saturday. This issue is the one we expect to leak within the week. As such, I have added the better quality sihlouettes to our New Pokémon Page. Click the picture to go to the new Pokémon page

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sixty-fifth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the second generation. In its territory, it leaves scratches on trees that bear delicious berries or fruits. In the games it was introduced in, the version it was in was switched in the transition from Japanese to English games. So here it is, the one hundred & sixty-fifth featured Pokémon, Ursaring.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday Update 2: New Pokémon Silhouette - Black & White Starters09-05-2010- 00:26 BST / 08-05-2010 19:26 EDT by Serebii
Here it is, what you have been waiting for. We'll have more stuff in CoroCoro over the next few days so be sure to check back. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them
Edit @ 01:04; Slightly higher quality picture added courtesy of rctgamer3
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White: New Pokémon Silhouette
Pokémon Sunday has literally just revealed the sihlouette of the next new Pokémon. As usual, we cannot completely tell what it's meant to be but they are for the three starter Pokémon. However, it is very likely that we are not going to be waiting long to find out as CoroCoro is expected to leak within a couple of days. Click the picture to go to the new Pokémon page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Ranger: Tracks of Light - Past Pokémon08-05-2010- 10:22 BST / 05:22 EDT by Serebii
Remember, we're expecting details on a brand new Pokémon tonight at 00:25 BST, 19:25 EDT, 16:25 PDT so check the site then as we'll update the second it is announced. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranger: Tracks of Light Litographs
Following on from the update on Wednesday, I have updated the Past Pokémon page to include the Pokémon that drop the litographs for each Pokémon in addition to the details of the Litograph if it is only obtained after defeating a temple. This will allow you to be able to tactically look for certain Pokémon if you need a specific Pokémon. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Black & White Starter Details, Episode Pictures & Title06-05-2010- 15:35 BST / 10:35 EDT by Serebii
Don't forget, Winner's Path is now available over WiFi. Expect Black & White news this weekend. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them
Edit @ 16:05; Episode Title
Edit @ 16:18; Black & White starter details
In The Games Department
Black & White Starters to be revealed this month
The first details of the Pokémon Sunday episode due for airing in Japan on May 16th have come and have indicated that part of the show will feature details about the three starter Pokémon of Pokémon Black & White among various other Black & White details. This episode is to be titled Latest Pokémon Games & Movies Scoop Special (ポケモン最新ゲーム&映画のスクープ連発スペシャル!). If this holds true, then it is highly likely that we will get the Starter Pokémon within CoroCoro which is due for release on May 15th, but we'll likely get it earlier at the start of next week. Check back for more as it comes.

In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features the second round of the Grand Festival which begins with Dawn and Ursula having to face against eachother. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;
In The Animé Department
Episode Title
Another new Japanese episode title has been revealed for an episode scheduled to air this June in Japan. This episode features Ash's return to Sunyshore City to continue his battle with Volkner. This episode will air on the 3rd of June
Episode 647: Electric Shock Battle! The Final Badge!!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Winner's Path & Ranger: Tracks of Light Litographs05-05-2010- 10:33 BST / 05:33 EDT by Serebii
We should have new Black & White information within a few days, be sure to keep checking back. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them
Edit @ 19:20 BST; Winner's Path Announced
In The Games Department
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver - Winner's Path Event
Nintendo have announced that the Winner's Path Pokéwalker course is to be given over WiFi for Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver from tomorrow, May 6th until June 25th 2010. This event will be available for America, Canada, Europe and Australasia. It has numerous Pokémon in it with moves they may not normally know such as a Zen Headbutt Beldum and a Self Destructing Munchlax. Click the picture to go to our Pokéwalker page for more details
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranger: Tracks of Light Litographs
As posted before, in the past missions in Ranger: Tracks of Light, you obtain Pokémon by collecting Litographs dropped by the Pokémon you defeat. With that in mind, with thanks to yaminokame, we have been able to compile a list of all the Litographs that each Pokémon drops as well as the rarity of the Pokémon you get from the dropped Litograph. Click the picture to go to the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Yellow Forest Event End03-05-2010- 11:03 BST / 06:03 EDT by Serebii
Almost time for another news rush. This time next week we'll likely have a new Pokémon and a CoroCoro leak. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them
In The Games Department
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver
The Yellow Forest WiFi event has been running in America, Europe and Australasia since April 1st. However, this event is scheduled to end on Wednesday. If you have yet to download the Yellow Forest Pokéwalker course to HeartGold & SoulSilver, then do it while you still can. This course features six different Pikachu for you to capture, with them knowing some rare moves including Surf and Fly. Click the picture to go to our Pokéwalker page for more details
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Dub Titles & Pokémon of the Week02-05-2010- 11:42 BST / 06:42 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check the last couple of updates for news on new Pokémon coming in the next week. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The MSN TV schedule has revealed a new title for an episode. This is the episode title for the first episode of this season, which is to be called Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors and the 626th episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. entering a town where a Metagross and Magnezone are battling. This episode is to be called Regaining the Home Advantage! and is scheduled to air on the 22nd of May. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
A second dub title was also revealed by the MSN TV schedule. This is the episode title for the second episode of this season and the 627th episode total. This episode features Ash trying to teach his Buizel the move Ice Punch after a defeat at the hands of a Mr. Mime who knows Thunderpunch. This episode is to be called Short and To The Punch and is scheduled to air on the 29th of May. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
A third dub title was also revealed by the MSN TV schedule. This is the episode title for the third episode of this season and the 628th episode total. This episode features Ash partaking in the Pokéathlon which has arrived in Sinnoh. . This episode is to be called A Marathon Rivalry! and is scheduled to air on the 5th of June. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our one-hundred & sixty-fourth Pokémon. Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced within the fourth generation.Known as "The Being of Willpower". It sleeps at the bottom of a lake to keep the world in balance. When it flew, people gained the determination to do things. In Sinnoh Myth, it was created by after Dialga & Palkia with two others to bind time & space. So here it is, the one hundred & sixty-fourth featured Pokémon, Azelf.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon Sunday News & Dub Episode Title01-05-2010- 10:02 BST / 05:02 EDT by Serebii
Start of a new month, it means new Black & White news is just over a week away. With HeartGold & SoulSilver behind us and Black & White in front of us, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been booming with discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
Edit @ 00:28; Pokémon Sunday details added
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sunday Confirmation
Pokémon Sunday just aired in Japan and showed a preview of next weeks episode. This episode is teasing a new showing of Pokémon Black and White and also showed Shoko-tan holding up a board. If the title of the episode that we reported on yesterday holds true, then this means a new Pokémon is to be shown. We'll keep you updated on this as and when it happens.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has revealed a new title for an episode. This is the episode title for the fifty-second episode of this season making it the last episode in the Galactic Battles series and the 625th episode total. This episode features Ash finding the Gible he teach Draco Meteor following him. Ash decides that he should capture it, but Barry appears with his intention to capture it. This episode is to be called Gotta Get a Gible! and is scheduled to air on the 15th of May. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;