31-05-2021 03:02 BST / 22:02 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:13 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Masters | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO Battle League | Edit @ 21:13: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Masters of Land and Sea Story Event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs until June 14th 2021 and tells the story of Maxie & Archie coming to the Pasio Region
In addition to that, a special Master Scout is now live that introduce the Sync Pair of Maxie & Groudon

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO season, the Season of Discovery, starting June 1st through September 1st
As announced yesterday, this season starts off with Regirock, Regice and Registeel in 5 star raids. It states unexpected guests will be making an appearance in 5 star raids throughout the season
Mega Raids will only feature one Mega Evolved Pokémon
During this season, Pokémon will change. In cities, Alolan Rattata, Magnemite and Porygon will appear more. In forest areas, Bellsprout, Doduo and Skorupi will appear more. In the mountains, Rhyhorn, Nosepass and Dwebble will appear more and near water, Magikarp, Marill and Wailmer will appear more
In the northern hemisphere, Alolan Diglett, Staryu, Barboach, Petilil, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Summer Form Deerling, Sableye, Scyther and Combee will appear in the wild
In the southern hemisphere, Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Vulpix, Shellder, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Winter Form Deerling, Lickitung, Chimecho and Cubchoo will appear in the wild
Different Pokémon will also be appearing in eggs
Meditite, Buizel, Spritzee, Swirlix and more will be hatching from 2km Eggs
Togepi Gligar, Skarmory, Bonsly and more will be hatching from 5km Eggs
Timburr, Rufflet, Goomy, Noibat and more will be hatching from 10km Eggs
Cranidos, Shieldon, Skrelp, Clauncher and more will be hatching from 5km Adventure Sync Eggs
Bagon, Beldum, Gible, Riolu and more will be hatching from 10km Adventure Sync Eggs
Throughout the season, you'll receive twice the experience from Research Breakthroughs

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Some new Timed Research has been released, rolling out to players at 10:00 local time when the Season of Discovery goes live. This Timed Research provides two chances to get Galarian Ponyta to make up for an issue where its Shiny wouldn't appear
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO Battle League has now shifted to GO Battle League Season 8, which will run for the entirety of this game's season untl the end of August. It features new rewards featuring Korrina and has shifted now to being Great League ruleset. We're currently compiling all the details in our section
30-05-2021 13:30 BST / 08:30 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:30 BST
In The Play! Pokémon Department
Pokémon Team Challenge
Today marks the Team ChallengeFinals. This small circuit is an official online circuit featuring various game stores who faced off against eachother in a competition the last few months with today being the Final Match.
This stream will start at 17:45 UTC / 18:45 BST / 20:45 CEST / 13:45 EDT / 10:45 PDT and we're hosting it in our section
Trading Card Game Team Challenge Stream

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the eightieth entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Galar Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the eigth generation. It's usually peaceful, but the vandalism of mines enrages it. Offenders will be incinerated with flames that reach 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. While it's engaged in battle, its mountain of coal will burn bright red, sending off sparks that scorch the surrounding area. So, here it is, the eightieth entry, Coalossal
29-05-2021 08:06 BST / 01:06 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 08:06 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Special Weekend is starting to roll out globally. This event is a ticketed event with players only getting tickets in Japan through Yoshinoya, US through Verizon and Mexico through 7-11 and runs from 00:00 local time today, until 23:59 local time tomorrow. It features special Incense spawns between 11:00 and 17:00 local time today, as well as Timed Research, 4* Catch Experience and increased chances of Lucky Trades and Lucky Friends for Ticket holders. Alongside this, Trade Distance is now live at 40km for all players and they can open twice the amount of gifts. We've got full details in our event section

In The Play! Pokémon Department
Pokémon Team Challenge
Today marks Day 2 of the Team Challenge Top 4. This small circuit is an official online circuit featuring various game storeswho faced off against eachother in a competition the last few months with today being the Top 4 finals.
This stream will start at 17:45 UTC / 18:45 BST / 20:45 CEST / 13:45 EDT / 10:45 PDT and we're hosting it in our section
Trading Card Game Team Challenge Stream
28-05-2021 01:05 BST / 20:05 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 17:27 BST
Edit @ 05:18: Pokémon Masters | Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Café Mix | Edit @ 11:37: Episode Details | Edit @ 17:27: Pokémon GO Special Weekend

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO events for June 2021.
First, the Research Breakthrough Reward has been announced. From June 1st 2021 at 20:00 UTC to July 1st 2021 at 20:00 UTC you'll get a Clamperl/ Remote Raid Passes will also be available in the Research Breakthrough
The June 1st 2021 to June 17th 2021, Regirock, Regice and Registeel will be in raids
From June 17th to June 30th, a surprise Legendary will be in raids
From June 1st, only 1 Mega Pokémon will be in raids at a time. Mega Lopunny will appear from June 1st through June 8th, Mega Slowbro from June 8th through June 17th and Mega Gyarados from June 17th to July 2nd
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO events for June 2021.
On June 8th through June 13th, the "A Very Slow Discovery" event goes live. This event adds Galarian Slowpoke, Galarian Slowbro and Mega Slowbro
From June 17th through June 20th is the Solstice event with different spawns based on the hemisphere
A special event will run from June 25th through July 1st

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Special Weekend is starting to roll out in Japan. This event is a ticketed event with players only getting tickets in Japan through Yoshinoya, US through Verizon and Mexico through 7-11 and features special Incense spawns as well as Timed Research. Alongside this, Trade Distance is now live at 40km for all players and they can open twice the amount of gifts. We've begun compiling details so be sure to check our section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
DeNA have detailed the next event for Pokémon Masters EX. Starting May 31st is the Masters of Land and Sea event that runs alongside a special Master Fair Scout for Maxie & Groudon, with another Master Fair Scout for Archie & Kyogre starting on June 1st. We'll provide full details of this event as it begins
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019)
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash return to Oak's Lab to find his Infernape has gone missing, so he and Goh leave to find it. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the Spotlight Hours for the month of June. They happen at 6pm to 7pm local time are as follows:
June 1st - Dwebble - 2* Catch Experience
June 8th - Abra - 2* Catch Candy
June 15th- Slowpoke - 2* Transfer Candy
June 22nd - Swinub - 2* Evolution Experience
June 29th - Aipom - 2* Catch Stardust

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have unveiled the lineup for Pokémon GO Battle League Season 8:
Great League will run from May 31st through June 14th
Ultra League & its Premier Cup will run from June 14th through June 28th
Master League, Master League Classic and Element Cup will run from June 28th through July 12th. Element Cup only allows Pokémon that can evolve but are their base forms and only Fire, Water or Grass-type Pokémon. Battles give twice Stardust during this time
Great League and Great League Remix will appear from July 12th - July 26th. Great League Remix bans the top 10 most used Pokémon in Great League
Ultra League and Ultra League Remix will run from July 26th - August 9th
Master League, Master League Classic and Ultra League Premier Cup will run from August 9th - August 23rd. Battles give twice Stardust during this time
All three cups will run from August 23rd to August 30th
There will be GO Battle Nights on June 3rd, July 11th and August 26th which give players 20 sets of battles during the time
Rewards will be based around Korrina with players reaching Rank Ace Rank, Veteran, Expert and Legend getting avatar items: Gloves, Shoes, Outfit and a pose respectively inspired by her. The Pokémon rewards are also changed to match Pokémon she has
Rank 1 has a guaranteed encounter with Machamp, and standard encounters with Machoke, Ariados, Sableye, Snover, and more
Rank 5 adds encounters with Mienfoo
Rank 10 adds encounters with Toxicroak, Stunfisk, and male Frillish
Rank 15 adds Skarmory, Scraggy, and Rufflet
Ace Rank adds Deino encouters
Legend Rank provides a guaranteed encounter with Pikachu Libre
You will receive more Candy XL when you catch Poliwhirl, Flaaffy, Pupitar, Medicham, Scraggy, Galvantula, Lampent, and Stunfisk from GO Battle League

In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The next event has been announced for Pokémon Café Mix. Chansey will return in a repeat team event from June 2nd through June 16th giving players another chance to get it.
In The Play! Pokémon Department
Pokémon Team Challenge
Today marks Day 1 of the Team Challenge Top 4. This small circuit is an official online circuit featuring various game storeswho faced off against eachother in a competition the last few months with today being the Top 4 finals.
This stream will start at 17:45 UTC / 18:45 BST / 20:45 CEST / 13:45 EDT / 10:45 PDT and we're hosting it in our section
Trading Card Game Team Challenge Stream
27-05-2021 05:20 BST / 00:20 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 14:00 BST
Edit @ 06:25: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 14:00: Pokémon GO Fest
In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
A new patch has gone live for New Pokémon Snap. This brings the game to Version 1.2 and provides a variety of fixes including the ability to complete the Proud Warrior mission, which had previously been bugged

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have detailed Pokémon GO Fest 2021. As previously announced, this event will run on two days from 10:00 local time to 18:00 local time on July 17th and July 18th, and will have components for players who buy the ticket and those who do not
Day 1
There will be hourly habitats which will rotate twice during the event for all players
Jungle will have Scyther, Aipom, Froakie and more
Desert Mountain will have Skarmory, Shieldon, Hippopotas and more
Ocean Beach will have Dratini, Swablu, Alomomola and more
Cave will feature Pokémon like Roggenrola, Galarian Stunfisk, Deino and more
Raids will feature Hitmontop, Cranidos, Deino, as well as Costume Galarian Ponyta and Costume Galarian Zigzagoon
Other Pokémon including Chimecho, Kricketot, Audino and a costume Pikachu will be wild all day
Shiny Whismur, Chimecho, Audino, and Tympole will be appearing
For ticketed players, there will be Special Research including an encounter with a Mythical Pokémon, a shirt avatar and an avatar post. There will be a surprise if you take a snapshot after completing as well
In the Special Research, you will have a choice: Pikachu Rock Star or Pikachu Pop Star. Deciding that will determine the in-game music, both created by Junichi Masuda. You'll also be able to make choices with Galarian Ponyta and Zigzagoon, and Gardevoir or Flygon in costumes
A Global Challenge Arena will run to complete challenges. If players do so, then bonuses are unlocked for the rest of the hour
There are four Collection Challenges to complete
There will be certain Pokémon attracted to Incense for ticketed players. Unown F and Unown G will be available in all habitat
Jungle - Ludicolo, Chatot, Leafeon, Serperior
Desert Mountain: Flareon, Tyranitar, Flygon, Throh
Ocean Beach: Gyarados, Vaporeon, Azumarill, Sawk
Cave: Umbreon, Gardevoir, Galvantula
Ticketed players will have increased chances of getting Shiny Pokémon, with rates on Saturday being better than on Sunday
Shiny Unown F, Unown G Throh and Sawk will also be available to players
Day 2
Day 2 is focused on raids with some old favourites re-appearing
All Pokémon that spawned on Saturday will spawn on Sunday
Ticket holders will earn an extra 10,000 XP from a raid battle
Ticket holders will receive 10 free Raid Passes from Poké Stops
There will be Timed Research to earn up to 8 Remote Raid Passes
There will be a free bundle containing 3 Remote Raid Passes
Both Days
Lure Modules will last 3 hours
50% Egg Distance will be available during the event hours
Igglybuff, Chingling, Audino and more will hatch from 7km eggs
There will be special event stickers for ticket holders
Ticket holders will receive a surprise encounter taking Snapshots on both days

26-05-2021 06:38 BST / 01:38 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 15:12 BST
Edit @ 14:00: Pokémon News
In The Games Department
Pokémon Legends Arceus
The Pokémon Company have confirmed Pokémon Legends Arceus will be released January 28th 2022. No further details have been provided for this game yet but we'll provide more when they come so be sure to keep checking back
In The Games Department
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
The Pokémon Company have confirmed Pokémon Brilliant DIamond & Shining Pearl will be released November 19th 2021. A dual pack will also release in all regions for players who wish to purchase both titles
In The Games Department
Pokémon HOME
A new update has been announced for Pokémon HOME on mobile. This update will drop next month and will contain a special Calendar which keeps track of the days your Pokémon were caught as well as a Model Viewer. In addition to this, there will be a gift of a Gigantamax Factor Bulbasaur and a Gigantamax Factor Squirtle given to all players
Edit @ 15:12: We have added multiple Pre-Release Screenshots for this update on our page

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
It has now been confirmed that players have passed the community target for the Land and Sea Awaken event in Pokémon Masters EX. Since the event started just under a week ago, more than 5 million battles have taken place meaning that all rewards are to be distributedto players at a later date. This gives players 6,000 Gems, 2000 Co-Op Sync orbs, 50 4 Star Level-Up Manuals, 100 Skill Spheres, 1 5 Star Strike, Tech and Support Move Candy and 5 5-Star Power-Up. These gifts will be distributed on May 31st
25-05-2021 07:00 BST / 01:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 07:00 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Luminous Legends Y event Part 2 is now rolling out globally. From 10:00 local time until 20:00 local time on May 31st, various Fairy or Dark-type Pokémon appear, and with this Sylveon is now available in the game alongside Shiny Galarian Zigzagoon. Sylveon is obtained by earning 70 hearts with Eevee as your buddy, or for one time, evolving an Eevee called "Kira"
There are also new Raid Bosses to go with this event. We're currently compiling all details, including that of the Timed Research, into our Luminous Legends Y Part 2 Event Section

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Two Champions Event repeat is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs until June 8th 2021 and features various stages that allow you to get items, as well as tell the story of Cynthia and Lance's original trip to Pasio.
A special Super Poké Fair Scout is also live to obtain the Sync Pairs of Lance & Dragonite, Steven & Metagross, Cynthia & Garchomp & Cynthia & Kommo-o
24-05-2021 06:43 BST / 01:43 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 16:26: Pokémon Team Challenge | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Following this weekend's special event, the Max Raid Battle Event has reverted back to the prior event. From now until an unspecified date, various early game Pokémon such as Centiskorch, Corviknight and Orbeetle are in Max Raid Battles..
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Luminous Legends Y event Part 2 is now rolling out in Asia Pacific. From 10:00 local time May 25th until 20:00 local time on May 31st, various Fairy or Dark-type Pokémon appear, and with this Sylveon is now available in the game alongside Shiny Galarian Zigzagoon. There are also new Raid Bosses to go with this event. We're currently compiling all details, including that of the Timed Research, into our Luminous Legends Y Part 2 Event Section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO Battle League has now shifted to a non-ranked cup, the Kanto Cup. This cup will only allow for Kanto Pokémon. This will run until May 31st 2021 at 21:00 UTC
In The Games Department
Play! Pokémon Team Challenge
The Pokémon Company International have announced the stream details for the Team Challenge. This Challenge is TCG one that has been going on for the past half a year featuring various Game Stores across the world. The finals will be streamed across three days and commentated by Jeremy Jallen & Kyle Sabelhaus. The Top 4 battles will run from 17:00 UTC on May 28th and 17:00 on May 29th while the Grand Finals will be streamed at 17:00 UTC on May 30th. This stream will run on the official Twitch, Youtube and Facebook channels. We'll provide the stream as it happens so be sure to check back
23-05-2021 09:02 BST / 04:02 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 12:01 BST
Edit @ 12:01: Pokémon of the Week
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next event has been announced. This event is a repeat of one of the earlier events, Two Champions, featuring Lance and Cynthia. It runs from Tuesday May 25th 2021
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventy-ninth entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Kalos Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the sixth generation. This stance is dedicated to offense. It can cleave any opponent with the strength and weight of its steel blade. Once upon a time, a king with an Aegislash reigned over the land. His Pokémon eventually drained him of life, and his kingdom fell with him. So, here it is, the seventy-ninth entry, Aegislash
21-05-2021 01:05 BST / 20:05 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 11:56 BST
Edit @ 06:38: Eevee Heroes | Edit @ 11:56: Episode Details
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The Wild Area Event has now shifted in Pokémon Sword & Shield for a new Extra Event. With this, for the next few days, Wooloo & Dubwool will be available, with Shiny Wooloo available. We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back. This event runs until Sunday at 23:59 UTC
Edit @ 01:15: We have updated our section with full details of this Max Raid Battle Event, as well as updated our ItemDex for TR locations.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019)
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Pikachu get suspected for a string of electricity thefts in Vermilion City. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Trading Card Game Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield - TCG Set Release
The Pokémon Company have officially revealed all the standard cards the next set for the Pokémon Sword & Shield TCG. This set, Eevee Heroes is focused around Pokémon Eevee and its evolutions. As such, our card listing and the associated Cardex have been updated with the details of this set with thanks to ToineLay for help with translation.
20-05-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:04 BST
Edit @ 18:04: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO Community Day on June 6th This event will 3* Catch Experience and has 3 Hour Incense. However, it will also give out the move Earth Power to Garchomp. You will be able to purchase a ticket to receive Special Research "Just a Nibble".
The Community Day runs at 11am to 5pm in each local time zone
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The new Egg Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is the Fire-type Egg Event and provides the opportunity to get a Sync Pair of Main Character & Voltorb, Elekid, Squirtle and Goldeen with Shiny Elekid, Squirtle and Goldeen being available. It runs until June 3rd.
In addition to that, a new Spotlight Scout is live that gives higher chance of the Sync Pairs Serena & Fennekin, Hilda & Tepig & Ethan & Cyndaquil, adding the 6 Star EX outfits for Hilda & Ethan
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Legendary Arena Cobalion event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs until June 3rd and provides a challenge battling against Cobalion in order to get a variety of rewards
19-05-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 17:01 BST
Edit @ 17:01: Episode Titles
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
Pokémon Café Mix has received an update. This update has has added 15 new stages and various new stages. We're currently collating all the details for the new stages so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 07:41: Updated the Regular Orders pages with all the new details. It's confirmed the next batch of orders will be released on June 2nd
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The next event has begun in Pokémon Café Mix. This event is the Scorbunny Special Customer Team Event repeat and adds Scorbunny to the game as a Special Customer. It runs until June 2nd 2021
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News
A new pair of Episode Titles have been released by a Japanese magaizne. These episodes are due to air on June 11th and 18th
Episode 1159: Please Get Morpeko!!
Episode 1160: Let's Go! Project Mew!!
18-05-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:08 BST
Edit @ 09:00: Pokémon Masters EX Egg Event | Edit @ 18:08: Players Cup Distributions
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Some new distributions have been announced during the Players Cup IV Streams, but the gifts for theRegional Finals will be decided by a poll on the PlayPokemon Twitter account this weekend.
In the Regional Finals streams in June, players will receive a code to get a PP Max, Focus Sash, Lucky Egg, or Gold Bottle Cap in Sword & Shield and Marnie, Sonia, Rose, or Leon in Pokémon Trading Card Game Online
In the Global Finals streams in July, players will receive a code to get a Beast Ball in Sword & Shield and a Crobat in Pokémon Trading Card Game Online
In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
The Pokémon Company have put out a note about the major bug happening in New Pokémon Snap Version 1.1.0. They have acknowledged that it's impossible to complete the Proud Warrior mission with this version and have confirmed that a fix will be coming soon. We'll provide full details as they come so be sure to keep checking bak
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Luminous Legends Y event is now rolling out worldwide. From 10:00 local time May 18th until 10:00 local time on May 25th, various Dark-type Pokémon appear, alongisde Team GO Rocket spawns, Timed Research and more. There are also new Raid Bosses to go with this event. We've got all the details of this event in our event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Pure Hearts & Rainbow Wings Event repeat is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs until June 7th 2021 and features various stages that allow you to get items to obtain and power up the Sync Pair of Silver & Ho-Oh
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The next Egg Event has been officially announced for Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs from May 20th 2021 and allows for players to get eggs of various Fire-type Pokémon to make Sync Pairs. You can get the Sync Pairs of Main Character & Magby, Vulpix, Ponyta, Charmander and Growlithe with Shiny varaints of Charmander & Magbybeing available
17-05-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Land and Sea Awaken Special Event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs until May 28th 2021 and features Maxie and Archie appearing as Sync Pairs to fight in order to gain Weather Surveys to exchange for items. Based on whichever players defeat the most of during this event, at the end players will receive either a Team Aqua Pin as Gear, or a Team Magma Pin
In addition to that, if enough battles are completed then the following gifts will be given to all players:
1 million battles: 1,000 Gems
2 million battles: 2,000 Co-Op Sync orb, 50 4 Star Level-Up Manual
3 million battles: 2,000 Gems, 1,000 Skill Sphere
4 million battles: 1 5 Star Strike Move Candy, 1 5 Star Tech Move Candy, 1 5 Star Support Move Candy,
5 million battles: 3,000 Gems, 5 5-Star Power-Up
In addition to that, a special Scout is now live that boosts the chances of getting Piers & Obstagoon

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Luminous Legends Y event is now rolling out in Asia Pacific. From 10:00 local time May 18th until 10:00 local time on May 25th, various Dark-type Pokémon appear, alongisde Team GO Rocket spawns, Timed Research and more. There are also new Raid Bosses to go with this event. We're currently compiling all details, including that of the Timed Research, into our Luminous Legends Y Event Section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO Battle League has now shifted to allow for all three ranks to be playable: Great League, Ultra League and Master League. This will run until May 24th 2021 at 21:00 UT
16-05-2021 13:00 BST / 08:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:00 BST
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventy-eighth entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Kanto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the first generation. This Pokémon's sinister, flame-like aura will consume the spirit of any creature it hits. Victims become burned-out shadows of themselves. The sinister aura that blazes like molten fire around this Pokémon is what inspired the name Moltres. So, here it is, the seventy-eighth entry, Moltres
15-05-2021 06:47 BST / 01:47 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 07:00 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Masters
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The distribution of the Galarica Wreath has now gone live in Pokémon Sword & Shield. This distribution was given in the Spring Single Tournament livestream from Pokémon Korea and gives players the Life Orb, the item that boosts the power of your moves. It is entered with the code SPR1NGPA0R1 and runs until tomorrow, May 16th, at 14:59 UTC
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Community Day
Today marks the Pokémon GO Community Day. On this day, for six hours in each region, Swablu will appear, enmass, in Pokémon GO with a chance of Shiny Swablu appearing. During this event, when you evolve Swablu into Altaria, it will know the move Moonblast, which is exclusive to this event. This coincides with 25% Egg Distance and 3 hour Incense. This runs at these times:
It runs from 11am to 5pm in your local time.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next Spotlight Scout has been begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This scout introduces the Sync Pair of Bea & Sirfetch'd and runs until May 2nd 2021
14-05-2021 05:00 BST / 00:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:06 BST
Edit @ 05:16: Pokémon Shirts | Edit @ 07:06: Pokémon Masters | Edit @ 08:05: Pokémon Sword & Shield Life Orb Distribution | Edit @ 11:21: Character Biography | Edit @ 11:36: Episode Details | Edit @ 18:06: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
The second song released as part of the P25 Music campaign for Pokémon's 25th anniversary is now available. This song is called Electric and is by Katy Perry. It is available on Spotify, Google Music, iTunes and more and the music video is now available on Youtube and features Katy Perry and Pikachu reminiscing on their journey, flashing back to when she was young and had a Pichu
Edit @ 05:21: Alongside this, some special merchandise is being released on a new storefront. This is a T-Shirt, Hoodie and Tote Bag for Katy Perry's Electric featuring images of Pikachu
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
A new distribution has been announced for Pokémon Sword & Shield. To coincide with a Korean tournament streaming this weekend, the Pokémon Spring Single Tournament, a special Shared Code featuring a Life Orb will be shared to players. We will provide the code when it comes so be sure to keep checking back

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
DeNA have outlined some upcoming elements to the Pokémon Masters EX game beyond what has already been revealed
The Special Event Phase 2 following from Weather Alert will begin May 17th. This event has you use Weather Survey Tickets to battle against Kyogre or Groudon. Players will receive rewards based on the number of battles completed by every player including Gems, Co-Op Sync orbs, Move Candy and 5 Star Power-Ups. When the event is done, special Gear will be sent to all players based on who was defeated more. If Groudon was, then all players receive a Team Magma Pin and if Kyogre was, they will receive a Team Aqua Pin
A Fire-Typ Egg Event will run from May 20th and feature Magby and Charmander.
The Two Champions event returns May 25th
A new Story Event: Masters of Landa and Sea will arrive in late May featuring some new Powerful Sync pairs
Chapter 29 of the story will be added in early June
There will be a new event starting on June 10th 2021: The Daily Region Rotation. By playing this, you will earn Battle Points which you can exchange for BP Sync Pair Vouchers or Super Vouchers to get special unique Sync Pairs as well as 5 Star Guaranteed Scout Tickets and 5 Star Power-Ups and more. Battle Points wiill also be earned from other events. You can do 1 battle a day and the Sync Pairs you get will receive a strength bonus. The first region for the bonus will be Kanto
The Sync Pairs available in this are different from normal such as Main Character and Regirock, Zinnia and Salamence and Morty & Mismagius
A new story will be available after the Main Story is complete and will have a more serious tone

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Ahead of tomorrow's Pokémon GO Community Day, the ticket for the Special Research is now available for purchase. This Special Research will give a variety of tasks and rewards based around Swablu and costs Ł0.79/$0.99 to purchase
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The next event has been announced for Pokémon Café Mix. Scorbunny will return in a repeat event from May 19th through June 2nd giving players another chance to get it.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019)
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & Goh go to Kalos after his White Flower Flabébé's flower broke. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019) - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Goh's biography with new Pokémon he obtained in this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Shirts
A new set of Pokémon Shirts has been released by Original Stitch. These are new Polo Shirt designs and feature embroidered patterns of all the Starter Pokémon from Johto to Galar. There are also three new Poké Ball options for use on the shirts: Premier Ball, Moon Ball and Dive Ball. Finally, if you select a Silver Version of the Poké Ball button, you will also get a special tag featuring the Pokémon 25th Anniversary logo
13-05-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 07:00 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Splash and Punch Solo Event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event introduces Nessa & Drednaw and Bea & Sirfetch'd into the game and offers a variety of rewards in exchange for Event Vouchers obtained for completing the levels. We've compiled full details into our Splash and Punch event section
In addition to that, a special Scouts is now live that introduce the Sync Pair of Nessa & Drednaw
12-05-2021 06:50 BST / 01:50 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 06:50 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Some new updates have gone live for Nintendo Switch Pokémon software. First Pokémon Sword & Shield has received a new update bringing the game to Version 1.3.2. This update provides various undisclosed bug fixes including ones with a few battle mechanics such as causing Trick to fail on Groudon and Kyogre. It also fixed an issue where Pokémon icons sometimes would not display during multiplayer battles such as it showing Zacian or Xerneas' different forms ahead of being sent out in battle if they were chosen, or having their base forms if not. We're currently working out what it fixes
11-05-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:57 BST
Edit @ 09:00: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 16:23: P25 Music
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Today starts the second half of the Pokémon GO Luminous Legends X event. From 10:00 local time, Pancham will now be available and catchable in 1 Star raids and Shiny Galarian Ponyta is now available in the game. In addition to this, until the event ends at 20:00 local time on May 17th, there will be 3* Catch Experience
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next event has been announced. This event is a new Solo Event, Splash an Punch, and will provide a story focused around the two Gym Leaders from Galar: Nessa & Bea. It adds two Scouts to get the new Sync Pairs of Nessa & Drednaw and then later Bea & Sirfetch'd. It runs from Thursday May 13th 2021
In The Games Department
Katy Perry and The Pokémon Company International have announced that Katy Perry's track in the P25 Music campaign, designed to celebrate Pokémon's 25th anniversary, is to drop on Friday. This song is called Electric and will be available on all standard audio platforms. They have released a poster to celebrate
Edit @ 18:57: It will drop at 04:00 UTC / 05:00 BST / 00:00 EDT / 06:00 CEST / 14:00 AEST on Friday May 14th 2021 / 21:00 PDT May 13th 2021
Electric |
10-05-2021 13:58 BST / 08:58 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 21:01: Pokémon GO Luminous Legends Y
In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
New Pokémon Snap has been out for over a week and a half now and our coverage is starting to wind down to a close. From here on, we will be updating new interactions and parts to the section without announcement. If you see any encounters or big interactions we've missed, please let us know
We currently have a near complete Pokémon List with Locations and a Lental Region Location Database which details every stage and all the Pokémon we can see in that stage
Edit @ 13:58: Updated more interactions into the PhotoDex section

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Lumionus Legends Y event and features an increase in spawns of Dark-type Pokémon and adds Yveltal into the game. This event is this time split into two. Part 1 runs from May 18th at 10:00 local time to May 25th 10:00 local time
This event features increased spawns of Dark-type Pokémon such as Houndour, Carvanha and more
Alolan Rattata, Alolan Meowth, Alolan Grimer, Sneasel, Poochyena, Stunky and Purrloin will be in 7km Eggs
Pancham will be added to Strange Eggs for this event and beyond alongside Qwilfish, Larvitar, Absol, Skorupi, Sandile, Scraggy, Pawniard, Vullaby and Deino
Alolan Meowth, Yveltal and more will be in Raid Battles
Team GO Rocket will be appearing with more Pokémon types than before and you may even challenge more than 1 Grunt at once
There will be event exclusive Field Research featuring Galarian Zigzagoon, Scraggy and more
There will be a special Timed Research focused on Team GO Rocket to encounter Pokémon like Galarian Zigzagoon
During this event, you can use a Charged TM to help a Shadow Pokémon forget Frustration
There will be a Global Challenge Arena. All trainers can beat up to 25 million Team GO Rocket Grunts between May 15th and May 21st to unlock 3* Catch Stardust for the rest of the event, Galarian Zigzagoon in raids and shiny Galarian Zigzagoon
Part 2 will run from May 25th at 10:00 local time until May 31st at 20:00 local time and shifts things a bit
This event will be more focused on Eevee and Fairy-type Pokémon, and adds Sylveon to the game. Eevee can evolve into Sylveon if you earn hearts with it as your buddy
Eevee, Ralts, Spritzee, Swirlix and more will appear in the wild, alongside some of the Pokémon from Part 1
Eevee, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Azurill, Spritzee and Swirlix will be in 7km eggs
Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon and Umbreon will be in 3 Star Raids
There will be Field Research with Eevee and its evolutions, alongside AR Mapping tasks with Poffin
There will be Sylveon inspired Avatar items

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO Battle League has now shifted to the Master League & Master League Classic Cup Formats, alongside the Retro Cup which will only allow Pokémon that are not Dark-type, Steel-type or Fairy-type. This will run until May 17th 2021 at 21:00 UT
In The Anime Department
The Pokémon Company have announced a continuation of their PokéToon web series. PokéToon first premiered on the Japanese Pokémon Kids TV channel in June 5th 2020 with a short featuring Scraggy & Mimikyu done in a classic western animation style. Since then, nothing happened until a new one launched a few days ago. Today, The Pokémon Company have announced a continuation of PokéToon with at least four more episodes coming. These episodes come in differing art styles and showcase various elements of the Pokémon world
09-05-2021 07:31 BST / 02:31 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 19:38 BST
Edit @ 12:52: Pokémon of the Week | Edit @ 18:01: Episode Title

In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
New Pokémon Snap is out now on the Nintendo Switch and it is starting to activate on various Nintendo Switch eShops as it hits midnight. As such, our coverage is due to begin. We'll be posting content over the coming days for the game with our usual level of details and it'll be upgraded as time progresses. If you see any encounters or big interactions we've missed, please let us know
We currently have a near complete Pokémon List with Locations and a Lental Region Location Database which details every stage and all the Pokémon we can see in that stage
Edit @ 07:31: Updated more interactions into the PhotoDex section and another new Research Map into the Lental Region Location Database
Edit @ 16:08: As per requests, I've added details on each Crystabloom and Ruins to the Lental Region Location Database and have added some more Research Maps
Edit @ 19:38: Created a page for the Ancient Ruins

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Limited Research Day event featuring Marill is now starting to run in much of the world. This event runs from 08:00 local time tomorrow, May 9th until 22:00 local time on May 9th and features special Timed Research focusing on Marill, providing 60 different tasks and 68 total chances to get Marill, with increased shiny odds. We've got this entire event including every task covered so check our page for details
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News
A new Episode Title has been released by a Japanese magaizne. This episode is due to air on June 4th. This episode features Ash, Goh & Chloe go to a Pokémon Center when Eevee & Grookey start acting up. Goh & Chloe insist the Pokémon are good so Ash suggests sending the pair out to run an errand
Episode 1158: I'd Like To Keep An Eye On Their First Errand!

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventy-seventh entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Hoenn Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the third generation. Ludicolo begins dancing as soon as it hears cheerful, festive music. This Pokémon is said to appear when it hears the singing of children on hiking outings. Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful rhythm, the cells in Ludicolo's body become very energetic and active. Even in battle, this Pokémon will exhibit an amazing amount of power. So, here it is, the seventy-seventh entry, Ludicolo
08-05-2021 07:32 BST / 02:32 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:15 BST
In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
New Pokémon Snap is out now on the Nintendo Switch and it is starting to activate on various Nintendo Switch eShops as it hits midnight. As such, our coverage is due to begin. We'll be posting content over the coming days for the game with our usual level of details and it'll be upgraded as time progresses. If you see any encounters or big interactions we've missed, please let us know
We currently have a near complete Pokémon List with Locations and a Lental Region Location Database which details every stage and all the Pokémon we can see in that stage
Edit @ 07:29: Updated more interactions into the PhotoDex section
Edit @ 13:15: As per request, I have created a page on Mechanics behind Photo Ratings and Score

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have given details on the Special Weekend for Mexico. This event will run from 11am to 5pm local time, with other bonuses available until 23:59 local time on May 30th. To get it, you need to get a ticket from 7-11. In addition to that, a Special Weekend event has been announced for the US for all Verizion members in the My Verizion app which will happen at the same time, likely with similar spawns.
On May 29th, you will have spawns of Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Eevee, Marill, Sableye, Stunky, Spritzee, Swirlix and Unown S (for Mexico) or Unown V (for US) using Incense
There will be Field Research with encounters for Eevee, Spritzee, Swirlix and Deino and Timed Research that give Star Piece, Lucky Egg, Incense, Spritzee Candy and Swirlix Candy
You have an increased chance of receiving Lucky Pokémon from trades and becoming Lucky Friends when interacting with a friend
You will have double catch experience
All players across the world will also have the following effects from May 28th at 17:00 UTC to May 31st at 17:00 UTC:
Gifts you can open daily will be doubled
Trade Distance will be increased to 40km
07-05-2021 07:03 BST / 02:03 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 20:32 BST
Edit @ 11:22: Character Biographies | Edit @ 11:36: Epidode Details | Edit @ 14:01: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 20:32: Pokémon GO

In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
New Pokémon Snap is out now on the Nintendo Switch and it is starting to activate on various Nintendo Switch eShops as it hits midnight. As such, our coverage is due to begin. We'll be posting content over the coming days for the game with our usual level of details and it'll be upgraded as time progresses. If you see any encounters or big interactions we've missed, please let us know
We currently have a near complete Pokémon List with Locations and a Lental Region Location Database which details every stage and all the Pokémon we can see in that stage
Edit @ 07:25: Updated more interactions into the PhotoDex section
Edit @ 08:29: I have started adding Complete Research Maps to the Lental Region Location Database pages. These maps show the locations of Pokémon, Crystablooms and Ancient Ruins and can be completed in the PhotoDex part of the game.
Edit @ 14:44: I've updated the Missions section to give each mission its own unique page so that you can get full details on the mission easily, with example pictures of completion to help players work out what to do
Edit @ 16:29: I've now added full details for each of the Missions, including example pictures. One mission is currently bugged, however

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have accidentally put the Timed Research live for the Marill Limited Research Day early. This event is meant to run from 8am to 10pm on Sunday May 9th. We're currently compiling the details
Edit @ 07:36: we now have full details of the Timed Research tasks
Edit: Niantic have revealed that progress will be reset for players who start or complete it before the event
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO Community Day on June 6th will focus on Gible. At present no further details have been given for this Community Day but we'll provide more details as they come.
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have confirmed that players have beaten the Fairy-type Catch Challenge and so, from May 11th 2021 at 10:00 local time, Galarian Ponyta will be able to be shiny, Pancham will be available in raids and there will be a 3* Catch Experience bonus from then until 20:00 local time on May 17th
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019)
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & Goh go to Unova after Ash has been invited for a battle by Iris. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019) - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Iris' biography with new Pokémon showcased during this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019) - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Goh's biography with new Pokémon he obtained in this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
06-05-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:25 BST
Edit @ 08:00: Pokémon Sales | Edit @ 15:03: Pokémon Master Journeys | Edit @ 18:25: Pokémon GO

In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
New Pokémon Snap is out now on the Nintendo Switch and it is starting to activate on various Nintendo Switch eShops as it hits midnight. As such, our coverage is due to begin. We'll be posting content over the coming days for the game with our usual level of details and it'll be upgraded as time progresses. If you see any encounters or big interactions we've missed, please let us know
We currently have a near complete Pokémon List with Locations and a Lental Region Location Database which details every stage and all the Pokémon we can see in that stage
Edit @ 08:25: Updated the Missions Page with some clarifications for many missions
Edit @ 09:46: Added more Example Photos for 3 Star and 4 Star encounters into the site's PhotoDex section
Edit @ 11:45: We now have example photos of every Pokémon's 3 Star or 4 Star encounter. These aren't all the encounters but can provide a frame of reference for getting your own. We're now continuing to find more interactions which will be added in time
Edit @ 12:36: Updated the Missions Page with some clarifications for many missions

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is a new Special Weekend to be held in Mexico through 7-11 Stores. At present information hasn't been given but we'll provide more details as they come
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Weather Alert Special Event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs until May 28th 2021 and lets you earn Weather Tickets ahead of the main event later this month
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Legendary Arena Azelf event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs until May 20th and provides a challenge battling against Azelf in order to get a variety of rewards
In addition to this, the Triple Feature Spotlight Scout which gives boosted chances of getting Grimsley & Liepard, Elesa & Zebstrika & Burgh & Leavanny is now live
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Master Journeys
The next dub series of the anime has been announced. This is the 24th Season of the anime is Pokémon Master Journeys and continues the story of Ash battling in the World Coronation series and Goh's journey to find Mew. It will be available in select markets as early as this summer and more premieres globally through the end of 2021.
05-05-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:13 BST

In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
New Pokémon Snap is out now on the Nintendo Switch and it is starting to activate on various Nintendo Switch eShops as it hits midnight. As such, our coverage is due to begin. We'll be posting content over the coming days for the game with our usual level of details and it'll be upgraded as time progresses. If you see any encounters or big interactions we've missed, please let us know
We currently have a near complete Pokémon List with Locations and a Lental Region Location Database which details every stage and all the Pokémon we can see in that stage
Edit @ 10:20: Updated the PhotoDex with more 3 and 4 Star photo encounters. We have just 5 Pokémon without 4 star encounters listed. We are still hunting for the rest
Edit @ 12:45: We now have at least 1 3 Star Interaction and 1 4 Star Interaction for every Pokémon in the game. We'll be continuing to add new interactions over time so be sure to let us know if you see any
Edit @ 16:05: Updated the PhotoDex with more 3 and 4 Star photo encounters
Edit @ 19:21: We have begun adding Example Photos for 3 Star and 4 Star encounters into the site's PhotoDex section
Edit @ 20:33: Added more images
Edit @ 21:13: Updated the Missions Page with some clarifications for many missions

In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
Pokémon Café Mix has received an update. This update has has added 15 new stages and various new stages. We're currently collating all the details for the new stages so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 07:39: Updated the Regular Orders pages with all the new details. It's confirmed the next batch of orders will be released on May 19th
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The next event has begun in Pokémon Café Mix. This event is the Lucario Special Customer Team Event repeat and adds HOliday Lucario to the game as a Special Customer. It runs until May 19th 2021
04-05-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:57 BST
Edit @ 09:00: Pokémon Masters Weather Event

In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
New Pokémon Snap is out now on the Nintendo Switch and it is starting to activate on various Nintendo Switch eShops as it hits midnight. As such, our coverage is due to begin. We'll be posting content over the coming days for the game with our usual level of details and it'll be upgraded as time progresses. If you see any encounters or big interactions we've missed, please let us know
We currently have a near complete Pokémon List with Locations and a Lental Region Location Database which details every stage and all the Pokémon we can see in that stage
Edit @ 07:58: Updated the Location Database with more details and discoveries
Edit @ 11:39: Updated the PhotoDex with more 3 and 4 Star photo encounters
Edit @ 14:46: Updated the PhotoDex with more 3 and 4 Star photo encounters
Edit @ 15:42: Updated the PhotoDex with more 3 and 4 Star photo encounters
Edit @ 20:05: Updated the PhotoDex with more 3 and 4 Star photo encounters
Edit @ 21:57: Updated the PhotoDex with more 3 and 4 Star photo encounters. We are now missing only 28 Pokémon's 3 or 4 star encounters, although they are more for ones we have found which are still being discovered. Be sure to let us know if you spot one we don't have

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Luminous Legends event is now rolling out worldwide. From 10:00 local time May 4th until 20:00 local time on May 17th, various Pokémon that appear. There are also new Raid Bosses to go with this event. We've got all the details of this event in our event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Father or Foe Story Event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs until May 20th 2021 and tells the story of Ghetsis coming to the Pasio Region. It gives all players the Sync Pair of Ghetsis & Kyurem
In addition to that, a Poké Fair Scout is live offering the Sync Pair of Alder & Volcarona
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next event has been announced. This event is the Weather Alert event and has you investigate some strange weather in the Pasio Region. It runs from May th at 06:00 UTC
03-05-2021 07:06 BST / 02:06 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO

In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
New Pokémon Snap is out now on the Nintendo Switch and it is starting to activate on various Nintendo Switch eShops as it hits midnight. As such, our coverage is due to begin. We'll be posting content over the coming days for the game with our usual level of details and it'll be upgraded as time progresses. If you see any encounters or big interactions we've missed, please let us know
We currently have a near complete Pokémon List with Locations and a Lental Region Location Database which details every stage and all the Pokémon we can see in that stage
Edit @ 08:50: Updated the Location Database with the final stage, providing further details
Edit @ 09:51: Updated the PhotoDex with a new feature. It will now list the best ways to get certain star shots. For most Pokémon, only 3 Star and 4 Star shots will be displayed as the 1 Star and 2 Star have numerous permutations and are often just standard. These will be updated over the coming days and weeks
Edit @ 10:51: Added 3 and 4 star photo opportunities to the PhotoDex listings for Pokémon from Florio Island
Edit @ 13:11: Updated the Location Database with more details and discoveries
Edit @ 15:48: Updated the PhotoDex with more 3 and 4 Star photo encounters
Edit @ 17:37: Updated the PhotoDex with more 3 and 4 Star photo encounters
Edit @ 19;37: The PhotoDex should now have 3 or 4 star interactions, or both, for the majority of the Pokémon. This will be added to over thecoming days so be sure to keep checking back

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Luminous Legends event is now rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. From 10:00 local time May 4th until 20:00 local time on May 17th, various Pokémon that appear. There are also new Raid Bosses to go with this event. We're currently compiling all the details of this event in our event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Marill Limited Research Day event will will run on May 9th from 08:00 to 22:00 local time and will offer Timed Research and Field Research to get Marill encounters with a possibility of Shiny Marill
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Following this weekend's special event, the Max Raid Battle Event has reverted back to the prior event. From now until an unspecified date, various early game Pokémon such as Centiskorch, Corviknight and Orbeetle are in Max Raid Battles.
02-05-2021 07:30 BST / 02:30 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 20:50 BST
Edit @ 13:01: Pokémon of the Week

In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
New Pokémon Snap is out now on the Nintendo Switch and it is starting to activate on various Nintendo Switch eShops as it hits midnight. As such, our coverage is due to begin. We'll be posting content over the coming days for the game with our usual level of details and it'll be upgraded as time progresses
Edit @ 07:30: Updated the Missions page with some more clarifications for completion
Edit @ 08:45: Updated the Location Database with more details for more stages
Edit @ 09:45: Made a change to the PhotoDex Section so that it will show the special form a Pokémon has if it is in fact a different form
Edit @ 10:02: Updated the Legendary & Mythical Pokémon page with details on how to get another interaction
Edit @ 11:20: Updated the Location Database with more details for more stages
Edit @ 12:46: Created a page on Photo Editing including lists of all effects, stickers and frames
Edit @ 14:48: Updated the Location Database with more details for more stages
Edit @ 16:22: Updated the Legendary & Mythical Pokémon page with details on how to get another interaction
Edit @ 18:13: Updated the Location Database with more details for more stages
Edit @ 19:49: Updated the Legendary & Mythical Pokémon page with details on how to get another 4star interaction
Edit @ 20:50: Updated the Location Database with more details for more stages, leaving only one without full details

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the seventy-sixth entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Galar Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the eighth generation. It stands in grasslands, watching the sun's descent from zenith to horizon. This Pokémon has a talent for delivering dynamic kicks. Once a year, on a specific date and at a specific time, they gather out of nowhere and form up in a circle. So, here it is, the seventy-eighth entry, Stonjourner
01-05-2021 07:46 BST / 02:49 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 20:07 BST
Edit @ 16:03: Pokémon Masters Event

In The Games Department
New Pokémon Snap
Tomorrow is the release of New Pokémon Snap on the Nintendo Switch and it is starting to activate on various Nintendo Switch eShops as it hits midnight. As such, our coverage is due to begin. We'll be posting content over the coming days for the game with our usual level of details and it'll be upgraded as time progresses
Edit @ 07:49: We have updated the Available Pokémon & Location Database with more missing locations. If you see any Pokémon in locations we haven't yet posted, be sure to let us know via the contact link or on socials
Edit @ 09:37: We have started compiling details of The Mission Requests, adding them one island at a time
Edit @ 11:10: Added more Missions for two more areas
Edit @ 11:56: Added more Missions for two more areas
Edit @ 12:12: I've created an addition to the Location Database which lists all the missions that can be completed in that stage, but do note you need to have the mission in order to do it
Edit @ 13:00: I've started compiling text into the Location Database, detailing the Pokémon you find in each area, listing their best interactions where possible. This will be updated gradually over the coming days, with the harder to get Pokémon being noted first
Edit @ 14:00: Updated the Legendary & Mythical Pokémon page with details on how to awaken one
Edit @ 14:33: Added more Missions for two more areas
Edit @ 15:01: Updated the Legendary & Mythical Pokémon page with details on how to awaken another
Edit @ 15:58: Added more Missions, now completing the missions section
Edit @ 18:17: Updated the Location Database with more details for more stages
Edit @ 20:07: Updated the Location Database with even more details for more stages

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield - VGC Ruleset
Ranked Battle Series 9/Season 18 is now live. This ruleset returns to the inability of using any Restricted Pokémon. This will run from May 1st at 04:00 UTC to May 31st at 23:59 UTC. Be sure to check out our section for full details and Pokémon restrictions.
With this, the sixteenth season of Pokémon Sword & Shield's Ranked Battle has come to an end and with it, the rewards for participation in battles is now live. To get them, you need to check your ranking in the Ranked Battle mode and then go to Mystery Gift > Receive via Battle Stadium. These rewards include BP and items range from Armorite Ore up to Bottle Caps depending upon your placement.
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Research Breakthrough Pokémon have shifted. From now until June 1st at 20:00 UTC, when you unlock a Research Breakthrough reward, the Pokémon will be male Galarian Ponyta and, with this, Field Research is shifting
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next event has been announced. This event is a new Legendary Event, Father or Foe, and will provide a story focused around Ghetsis coming to Pasio to make amends with N, but all is not what it seems. It gives all players the Sync Pair of Ghetsis & Kyurem. It runs from Tuesday May 4th 2021