Sunday: Pokéarth Update & Pokémon of the Week30-11-2008- 12:01 GMT / 07:01 EST by Serebii
Tomorrow we start our usual Christmas celebrations so be sure to check back
In The Pokéarth Department
Kanto Enhancements
In the two days since I launched Pokéarth, I've been listening to opinions and they have all agreed it is a great addition. However, there were a few concerns about the region of Kanto within it. These concerns being that all three generations Kanto is in being shown on one page, which caused the page to be large despite anchored links. To that end, I've ammended Pokéarth with new subsections. While the main Kanto section will still contain all three generations, you will now be able to access sub-sections within the main Kanto section allowing you access to pages just for the first generation, or the second, or the third making it much easier to find things if you only have say FireRed. Click the Kanto picture to go to its Pokéarth sub-section:

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our ninetieth Pokémon. The Pokémon we are covering today is the first Parrot Pokémon first revealed in the run-up to the release of the nineth movie in Japan; Chatot. Chatot is unique in that its signature attack; Chatter, allows you to record your own voice for Chatot to mimic, even as it's cry. So here it is, the ninetieth featured Pokémon, Chatot.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Platinum Event News & Episode Title29-11-2008- 10:18 GMT / 05:18 EST by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's post for what many people have said is an amazing addition to the site. Thanks to those who sent in any errors that were found, they have since been rectified. Also, expect a nice little suprise on Monday, although if you've frequented Serebii.net within the last four years, you will probably know what it is.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum - WiFi Event
The official Japanese site yesterday revealed a teaser saying that Shaymin will be given away next year over Mystery Gift - Wi-Fi Connection. This will be done utilising the item "Oak's Letter" which gives you access to the Flower Paradise in Sinnoh. Here, Shaymin will be found. Unfortunately, this Shaymin will not be able to activate the Glacidea Flower, but it will be able to be transformed by it if you already have one.This Wi-Fi event is likely to start on March 2nd, after the second give-away of the Secret Key. We'll bring you more on this when we get it

In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the thirty-third episode of this season and the 553rd episode total. This episode features Ash training up his Gligar but finding that Gligar lacks the confidence it needs to win battles. His old rival Gary appears and offers to assist him. The episode is called Fighting Fear With Fear and is scheduled to air on December 13th in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Project: World's End - Revealed28-11-2008- 09:45 GMT / 04:45 EST by Serebii
As the project is now done, I'm looking for more things to add to the site during this time between game release and game announcements. Be sure to e-mail me with your ideas

In The Site Department
Pokéarth Opened
This section has been a long time coming. Everyone has wanted us to have a page where you click the route and see the Pokémon and things like that, and other sites even went ahead and did that. However, here at Serebii.net, we do not go just for the easy option. With that in mind, in August I started hashing out plans for the ultimate of Pokédex upgrades. As I worked through it, I felt it could be completely and more fully expanded and so I did.
With that, Pokéarth was created. This system contains every area from every game and details the trainers, items, pokémon and whatever else you can think of displayed. It also has maps of the routes so you can help get your barings and vintage sprites to go with it.
This covers all the games from Red & Green to Platinum and even includes the side-games Colosseum, XD, Ranger and Ranger: Shadows of Almia. However, for Platinum, there's still a lot of data for us to collect so it just has Wild Pokémon at the moment. We will however update it as soon as we can to include everything else possible. Plus, despite the fact most of the information is taken from the games, there is some where is user compiled so it is possible an error or two may have surfaced. If you spot one, do not hesitate to let us know. Click the picture to go to the index and navigate from there. Either use the map to get to the areas or use the drop down menu
I would like to thank the following people for assisting me on this project; Cynthia, Slowking & Ellie for Item Data, Erik_Destler & Sedna for map assistance and Riyu & Skiks for the brilliant navigation maps
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Ranch Page27-11-2008- 17:29 GMT / 12:29 EST by Serebii
I would like to wish all Americans a Happy Thanksgiving. The project is pretty much done and as such, it shall be added to the site tomorrow morning so be sure to check for that. It's worth the long wait it has been
In The Games Department
My Pokémon Ranch - Club-Looksee
As it was an often requested page, I have created a page detailling the members of Club Look-See from My Pokémon Ranch. As well as listing them, I have also listed all the Pokémon in their Ranch and the changes that have occured in the Platinum update. Unfortunately, I'm missing a few names so feel free to e-mail me if you can fill in the gaps. Click the picture to go to the page.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Ranch & Episode Title25-11-2008- 11:24 GMT / 06:24 EST by Serebii
The project is almost done. You should be seeing it in three days if all goes well so be sure to check back then
In The Games Department
My Pokémon Ranch - Platinum Version
Although it came out two weeks ago, I had yet to make a page detailling the changes within My Pokémon Ranch with the Platinum update. With thanks to SkittyOnWailord for the pictures once more, I have compiled a page detailling the changes and upgrades to the game with this free update. Click the picture to go to the page
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the thirty-second episode of this season and the 552th episode total. This episode features Ash & Co. arriving at Mr. Backlot's mansion and finding out that a Swinub has come to the area and has started feasting upon all the Trophy Garden Pokémon's food. The episode is called Hungry For the Good Life! and is scheduled to air on December 6th in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week23-11-2008- 11:30 GMT / 06:30 EST by Serebii
Just some fine tuning left of the project. It truely looks awesome and you should enjoy it
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our eighty-nineth Pokémon. The Pokémon we are covering today is the first of the fully evolved Dragon Pokémon; Dragonite. In the first generation, its line was the only Dragon type Pokémon in the franchise, but that slightly changed in the 2nd gen and then rapidly changed soon after that. It is a marine Pokémon that is said to help people lost at sea. So here it is, the eighty-nineth featured Pokémon, Dragonite.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Episode Title22-11-2008- 15:36 GMT / 10:36 EST by Serebii
With each day, the project draws closer and closer to completion.
In The Animé Department
Episode title
Another new Japanese episode title has been revealed for an upcoming episode in Japan. This episode is scheduled to air on Christmas Day in Japan and will feature Ash's 6th Sinnoh Gym battle. The title is as follows;
Episode 576: Canalave Gym! Steel Battle!
Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Episode Pictures & Ranger 2 Europe News21-11-2008- 11:21 GMT / 06:21 EST by Serebii
This time next week and the project should be up and running for you.
In The Animé Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired yesterday in Japan. This episode features Ash & Co. getting to Canalave City. However, when they get there, Ash & Co. get separated from their Pokémon and they must find their way back together. However, Meowth doesnt seem to want to go back with Team Rocket. Click the pictures in order to go to the pictures of the episode. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia Release
For you European visitors, Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia was released across Europe today. This game is the sequel to the original Ranger and has been fully covered here at Serebii.net. However, in Europe, the special WiFi missions are also up. However, these have a different release timeline. The Manaphy & Riolu missions are both available over Wi-Fi from today until February 14th 2009. Once downloaded you can play them at any time, however this is the only time you can get them so be sure to get them then. Click the picture to go to our Ranger: Shadows of Almia section;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Another Platinum "Event"19-11-2008- 16:02 GMT / 11:02 EST by Serebii
Still working on the project. I may even open it up before the planned date of Friday next week so be sure to look for it. If you're a Pokémon Gaming fan, you will definitely find it useful
In The Games Department
Pokémon Platinum - Currently Running Event
This was a rather hidden easter-egg event, I myself was not made aware of it until today. From the Monday just gone until December 17th, if you go into the Wi-Fi Plaza, you will have an incredibly high chance of entering a special room. Previously, the rooms have been based upon the four starting types; Grass, Fire, Water & Electric. However, this room is based entirely on Mew, with Mew statues, Mew Tail Lamps and the Mew Boat when you exit. There are very few changes other than this, as it's all aesthetic, but it is still a cool feature nonetheless.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: 12th Movie News18-11-2008- 14:25 GMT / 09:25 EST by Serebii
news has slowed down now and I've been working hard on the project for next week's release of it so I havent been able to bring anything new up. I will continue to try however so be sure to check back and even send in your ideas.
In The Animé Department
12th Movie Details Coming
This has slipped by me but figure you should still know, CoroCoro has revealed that next month, specifically on the 15th when they release their new issue, the preliminary title of the upcoming 12th movie will be revealed along with a preliminary plotline reveal. This movie is set to finish off the Diamond & Pearl trilogy and feature Dialga, Palkia & Giratina. It is also widely expected to feature the official introduction of Arceus, although this wont be confirmed until around March/April. We'll bring you more on this when we get it.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week16-11-2008- 10:47 GMT / 05:47 EST by Serebii
Some of you may be noticing the server's acting up. This is due to connection limits. As it is a new server we are still fine tuning everything so we can get perfection. If something on the site fails to load, just refresh and it should load perfectly.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our eighty-eigth Pokémon. The Pokémon we are covering today is the Grass/Dark Pokémon; Cacturne. Cacturne is based on the concept of evil scarecrows. It becomes active at night, seeking prey that is exhausted from the day's desert heat. Due to its time spent in the desert, it's blood has become infused with sand. In the animé, it was Harley's signature Pokémon. So here it is, the eighty-eigth featured Pokémon, Cacturne.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Episode Titles15-11-2008- 14:52 GMT / 09:52 EST by Serebii
Just a quick update today.
In The Anime Department
Japanese Episode Title
Two new episode titles have been revealed for two episodes within the Canalave City arc airing in Japan on the 11th and 18th of December respectively and will likely be followed by the usual christmas break soon afterwards:
Episode 574: The Way to Befriend Pokémon
Episode 575: Ramprados VS Bastiodon!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures14-11-2008- 13:21 GMT / 08:21 EST by Serebii
Still hard at work finishing things up for the project. You should all enjoy it. In the mean-time, if you have further ideas for site stuff, do not hesitate to e-mail them in.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired yesterday in Japan. This episode features Ash finally having his battle against Fantina. After losing to her in Celestic Town, Ash faces the same challenges over again against Fantina's Ghost Pokémon and their hypnotic ways. Click the pictures in order to go to the pictures of the episode. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: New Platinum Wi-Fi Event12-11-2008- 17:16 GMT / 12:16 EST by Serebii
Work continues on World's End, it is getting very close to completion now
In The Games Department
2nd Platinum Wi-Fi Event
Hot off the heels of the successful Secret Key giveaway over the WiFi Connection, Nintendo has announced in CoroCoro of another WiFi Event for Platinum players only. From December 1st 2008 to January 15th 2009, you will be able to download the Member's Card over the Mystery Gift over WiFi Connection feature in Pokémon Platinum. This item gives you access to the house in Canalave City. You go to sleep in there and awake on New Moon Island where a level 50 Darkrai takes residence. Once captured, you will also get details about Darkrai's backstory. We'll bring more on these coming to be regular WiFi Connection Events soon
Until Next Time, See Ya
For earlier Platinum Coverage, go to our September 2008 Archive
Tuesday: Ranger: Shadows of Almia Data11-11-2008- 21:18 GMT / 16:18 EST by Serebii
Ranger: Shadows of Almia is out today in America. We have a complete section here which lists the Pokémon in the game, their locations as well as walkthroughs for the Quests and tips for the game so be sure to use it if you get stuck

In The Games Department
Almia Names
As Ranger: Shadows of Almia is out now in stores across North America, the names of all the places have come out and I am glad to present them to you here. All parts of the site are being amended with these names. Unlike pasty games, the names here have not changed all that much. Left is the Japanese name and Right is the US Name. I have also got the US names for all of the assists and all the quest names as well as these have been added to their respective sections too. Click the picture to go to our complete Shadows of Almia Page which can offer you a variety of help:
Chikore Village - Chicole Village
Vien Town - Vientown
Beach Cave - Marine Cave
Freighter - Cargo Ship
Pueru Town - Pueltown
Asoheru Park - Altru Park
Asoheru Building - Altru Building
Asoheru Tower - Altru Tower
Inochi Cliffs - Peril Cliffs
Buruburu Village - Shiver Village
Haruba Village - Haruba Village
Haruba Desert - Haruba Desert
Hippowdon Temple - Hippowdon Temple
Boil Island - Boyleland
Volcano Cave - Volcano Cave
Nurie Road - Chroma Road
Nurie Field - Chroma Highlands
Nurie Ruins - Chroma Ruins
The Crystal Lake - Crysta Cave
Almia Castle - Almia Castle
Wailord Lake - Sea of Wailord
Pueru Sea - Puel Sea
Offshore Oil Platform Hideout - Oil Field Hideout

In The Games Department
Secret Mission Names
I also have the titles of the 6 Special Missions which will be unlocked over WiFi in the coming months. 3 of them give special Pokémon, 2 of which are available now so be sure to connect the Ranger Net up to get them. The names are below and click the picture to go to their page:
- Recover the Manaphy Egg
- Rescue Kidnapped Riolu!
- Liberate The Tower!
- Dialga in Hia Valley!?
- Palkia in Haruba Desert!?
- For the Bride and Shaymin!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Episode Title10-11-2008- 11:20 GMT / 06:20 EST by Serebii
Ranger: Shadows of Almia is out today in America. We have a complete section here which lists the Pokémon in the game, their locations as well as walkthroughs for the Quests and tips for the game so be sure to use it if you get stuck
In The Animé Department
Episode Title
A new episode title has been revealed for a new episode airing in Japan. It will air as part of a one hour special as the second episode following Episode 572: Cresselia VS Darkrai. This episode continues on from it and features Rotom found within Canalave City. The title is as follows;
Episode 573: Yokan & Rotom!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week09-11-2008- 11:02 GMT / 06:02 EST by Serebii
For those of you in America, do not forget the Dragonite event at Toys 'R' Us this weekend
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our eighty-seventh Pokémon. To coincide with the US release of Ranger: Shadows of Almia tomorrow, we are covering one of the main boss Pokémon of the game, whom is also a majorly requested Pokémon; Cresselia. When the night of the new moon approaches, the aurora that extends from its tail elongates. It was placed on Full Moon Island to counter the nightmare affects of Darkrai across the ocean at New Moon Island. So here it is, the eighty-seventh featured Pokémon, Cresselia.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Episode Title08-11-2008- 14:18 GMT / 09:18 EST by Serebii
Not much news going around, will ohwever have a fll detailled page about the changes in My Pokémon Ranch within the next few days however
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title
The Cartoon Network schedule has today revealed the episode title for the thirty-first episode of this season and the 551th episode total. This episode features Ash's gym challenge in Pastoria City. Againt the powerful Crasher Wake, Ash faces a massive challenge against his Water Pokémon. The episode is called A Crasher Course in Power and is scheduled to air in two weeks in America. Click the picture for synopsis and episode pictures;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures07-11-2008- 12:13 GMT / 07:13 EST by Serebii
The bulk of the project is actually done now, just need to finish up the extra stuff and then its done. Aiming for November 28th
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
As usual, we have the pictures from the episode that aired yesterday in Japan. This episode features Ash & Co. meeting up with Jun, the rival from the Diamond, Pearl & Platinum games. Jun, having lost in his Hearthome Gym Battle, follows paul's belief of getting strong Pokémon quickly as opposed to training them all together slowly. Ash does not agree to this and challenges Jun to a battle. Click the pictures in order to go to the pictures of the episode. Be warned however as they contain spoilers;
Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Ranch News & Character Biography06-11-2008- 11:52 GMT / 06:52 EST by Serebii
Project is coming along well. Three weeks until its up if all continues to go well. Episode pictures should be done by tomorrow
In The Games Department
My Pokémon Ranch: Platinum Update
Yesterday, the Pokémon Platinum update of My Pokémon Ranch went live in Japan. This update is free for those who have previously purchased the game and replaces the old version in the Wii Shop Channel at no extra cost. This is only available within Japan for the time being. This version contains many new things including new & updated Pokémon animations, new toys for the Pokémon to play with and compatibility with Pokémon Platinum and the new forms introduced in it aswell as new sorting options. We shall be downloading it shortly and will update the section with these new updates and everything contained within them as soon as we can so be sure to check back.

In The Animé Department
Character Biography - Jun
I have written a new character biography for a character who was introduced within the episode that aired today in Japan. This character is Jun, the rival from the Diamond, Pearl & Platinum games. Jun is a Pokémon trainer that follows Paul's training philosophy. Click the picture to go to his biography. Be warned however, as it does contain spoilers.
Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Platinum News04-11-2008- 18:40 GMT / 13:40 EST by Serebii
Busy working on the project, it's truely eating my time
In The Games Department
Secret Key Event Finished. New One to Start Soon
Today marked the end of the Secret Key Event for Pokémon Platinum. Given over Wi-Fi in Mystery Gift, this item gave access to the special room in Eterna's Galactic Building and allowed you to change Rotom's forms. However, in a rather shocking twist in news, Nintendo has announced that there will be a second chance to get the Secret Key in Pokémon Platinum. The event will run again over WiFi Mystery Gift for Japanese games from January 16th 2009 all the way through to March 2nd 2009. This gives even more chances for you to get the Secret Key. So if you only just got Platinum over import or are expecting it soon, then you have another chance. Click the picture for details regarding the Rotom Form Change
In The Animé Department
Japanese Titles
Over the past few days, several titles of episodes have come out in the japanese voice actor's blogs in regards to several episodes airing in the future in Japan. These are a few episodes off from the latest title we have and as such as tentative and may change between now and airing. They are both set to air sometime in January and feature Iron Island as their backdrop:
Episode 576: Riley & Lucario!
Episode 577: The Hidden Ruins of Iron Island
Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon of the Week02-11-2008- 10:14 GMT / 05:14 EST by Serebii
Still working on the project, its looking great. The forums have also now overcome all previous lag problems so be sure to check there for all your Pokémon discussions
Edit @ 22:35 GMT: Just got back from being out and the 11th Movie Title Revealed?

In The Animé Department
11th Movie Title Revealed?
Thanks to all of you who have e-mailled this in, It seems that the website containing Sarah Natochenny's, who voices Ash in the dub, resumé has potentially revealed the dub title for the 11th movie, due for release in America in Spring 2009. This movie is set to be called Giratina & The Sky Warrior. Although the movie is way off, it is possible that the name will change between now and then so it's a tentative title. This movie is the second in the Diamond/Pearl movie trilogy features both Giratina and Shaymin (Shaymin being the Sky Warrior referenced in the title) and features the first revealing of Giratina's Origin Forme and Shaymin's Sky Forme. Click the picture for a synopsis of the movie, with pictures coming when the DVD comes out in Japan next month

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Once again going into the 4th Generation Competitive Battling strategies, we are covering our eighty-sixth Pokémon. Hot off of the heels of Halloween this past week, the Pokémon we are covering is Houndoom, the dark/fire type Pokémon that was introduced in Gold/Silver. Its cries are so eeriee that people believed it was the Grim Reaper. Its fires will continue to burn you long after you get hit. So here it is, the eighty-sixth featured Pokémon, Houndoom.
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Episode Title01-11-2008- 15:31 GMT / 11:31 EDT by Serebii
The project is coming close to fruition. However, there's still a lot to do to it. It should be done within four weeks, if all goes well, so you have to to look forward to this month. Also, of note, if you have Japanese Platinum and have yet to download the Secret Key, I suggest you do it now as time is running out; on Tuesday, it will no longer be available.
In The Anime Department
Episode Title
A new, yet tentative, episode title has been revealed for an upcoming episode in Japan. This episode is set to air on November 27th on TV Tokyo and looks to feature two legendary Pokémon whose backstory had not really been covered until the hidden event for one of them in Platinum. The title is as follows
Episode 572: Cresselia VS Darkrai!