31-10-2023 06:00 GMT / 02:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 20:00 GMT
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 20:00: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The "Who's The Best Singer?" Story Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event tells the story of Roxie, Piers and Ryuki deciding to put on a conert battle to determine who out of the three is the best singer
A Poké Fair Scout is also now available to get the Sync Pair of Roxie (Sygna Suit) & Toxtricity (Amped Form). The scout runs until November 17th
We're currently compiling all details in our Who's The Best Singer? event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The next Pokémon GO event is starting to roll out in Asia Pacific regions. This event is the Dia de Muertos and features the addition of outfit Cuboneinto the game. It runs from 10:00 local time on November 1st to 10:00 local time on November 2nd
We are currently compiling details of this event in our Dia de Muertos event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
A new Pokémon GO City Safari event has been announced. This event takes place in Tainan from March 9th through March 10th and features similar details to the previous City Safari that have run in Barcelona and Seoul recently including the special Explorer Hat Eevee
Zubat, Venonat, Meowth, Farfetch'd, Exeggute, Alolan Exeggutor, Chinchou, Natu, Unown A, Unown I, Unown T, Treecko, Spoink, Drifloon, Finneon, Darumaka, Dwebble, Litwick, Bouffalant, Denino, Skiddo and Morelull will spawn in the wild
Exeggcute, Bouffalant, Deino and Skiddo will be in 7km Eggs
30-10-2023 00:00 GMT / 20:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 07:09 GMT
Edit @ 07:01: Fidough Distribution
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next 7 Star Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a battle against a Hisuian Typhlosion with the Fire Tera Type and the Mightiest Mark. It can only be caught once per save file.
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on November 3rd through 23:59 UTC on November 5th and again from November 10th through 12th
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
A new distribution has been announced. In South Korea, to celebrate the launch of the physical copies of Pokémon Scarlet & Violet + The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Bundle, from November 3rd through Noveember 30th you can go to the Pokémon Pop-Up Stores in Lotte Department Stores to get a Serial Code to get a Fidough. This Fidough is Level 5 with the Ability Own Tempo and the moves Play Rough, Charm, Lick and Tail Whip and has the Uncommon Mark.
Edit @ 07:09: We have updated the Event Database with the details of this event

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sleep
The first major Pokémon Sleep event, the Halloween event is starting to roll out. This event runs from 04:00 local time today until 03:59 local time on November 6th 2023. This event will only work on the Greengrass Isle stage
This event will feature increased spawns of Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Meowth, Persian, Cubone, Marowak, as well as the addition of Shuppet, Banette and a Halloween outfit for Pikachu. Each day, there will be increased chances of Pokémon appearing from a different sleep type, and you'll get 2* the normal Candy. On October 31st and November 5th, you will get even more spawns of Pokémon and 3* the candy.
We have all details to our Halloween Event Page
29-10-2023 05:23 GMT / 01:23 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 12:00 GMT
Edit @ 12:00: Pokémon of the Week
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
Pokémon Masters EX has announced the next event. This event is the Chase the Northern Wind event and introduces the Sync Pairs of Roxie & Toxtricity, Piers & Toxtricity and Ryuki & Turtonator
into the game. It runs from October 31st 2023
In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Pokémon Regional Championships
Today is Day 2 of the Pokémon Toronto Regional Championships. Today features battles for three of the games in the current Play! Pokémon Circuit: TCG, GO and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. All three games will be streamed in individual streams
The Pokémon VG Stream begins at 14:00 (GMT) / 10:00 (EDT) / 05:00 (PDT)
The Pokémon TCG Stream begins at 15:00 (GMT) / 11:00 (EDT) / 06:00 (PDT)
The Pokémon GO Stream begins at 13:45 (GMT) / 09:45 (EDT) / 06:45 (PDT)
We have all the streams in our Play! Pokémon Stream Hub which allows for tabbing between all streams or loading all together

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fourty-eighth entry into the Generation IX competitive field with a Paldea Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the ninth generation. Houndstone spends most of its time sleeping in graveyards. Among all the dog Pokémon, this one is most loyal to its master. A lovingly mourned Pokémon was reborn as Houndstone. It doesn't like anyone touching the protuberance atop its head. So, here it is, the fourty-eighth Pokémon, Houndstone
28-10-2023 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 12:00 BST
Edit @ 12:00: Pokémon Regional Championships
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sleep
The third Pokémon Sleep Good Sleep Day event is starting to roll out. This event runs from 04:00 local time today until 03:59 local time on October 31st and features bonus Drowsy Power and Pokémon Experience for every Sleep Research that begins during this time period. This will give *1.5 Drowsy Power October 28th and October 30th and *2 Drowsy Power on October 29th
We have all details to our Good Sleep Day Event Page

In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Pokémon Regional Championships
Today is Day 1 of the Pokémon Toronto Regional Championships. Today features battles for three of the games in the current Play! Pokémon Circuit: TCG, GO and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. All three games will be streamed in individual streams
The Pokémon VG Stream begins at 16:30 (BST) / 11:30 (EDT) / 08:30 (PDT)
The Pokémon TCG Stream begins at 17:00 (BST) / 12:00 (EDT) / 09:00 (PDT)
The Pokémon GO Stream begins at 14:45 (BST) / 09:45 (EDT) / 06:45 (PDT)
We have all the streams in our Play! Pokémon Stream Hub which allows for tabbing between all streams or loading all together
27-10-2023 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 11:43 BST
Edit @ 06:07: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 08:59: PokéLids | Edit @ 10:00: Detective Pikachu Manga | Edit @ 10:30: Project Voltage | Edit @ 11:43: Episode Details
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The latest Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event has Mismagius appearing in 5 Star Raid Battles with a variety of rewards including larger amounts of Rare Candy
This event runs until October 31st at 23:59 UTC
We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 01:10: We have updated our section with full details of this Tera Raid Battle Event
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The latest Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Mass Outbreak event has begun. This event causes Mass Outbreaks of Phantump, Drifloon, Mimikyu and Greavard to spawn throughout both Paldea and Kitakami with the Pokémon having a chance of having the Crafty Mark. This event runs until 23:59 UTC on October 31st 2023
We're currently compiling all details of this event so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 01:17: We have begun adding all the details to ourEvent Page.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Event
A new update has gone live in Pokémon Masters EX. This update contains the coming data for the next month but alongside this, confirmation that starting October 31st, a new event will run which will add Roxie & Toxtricity and Piers & Toxtricity as Sync Pairs
A new kind of Scout is coming, Mix Scout, where it can be used in one day and only with Paid Gems. The Scout Points carry over to the next Mix Scout. This will begin with Red and Venusaur on November 1st
A new kind of battle, Ultimate Battle, will debut in mid November
Edit @ 08:03: We have added details for Roxie, Piers, Red, Ryuki, Elio, Selene, Penny, Elaine, and Eve

In The Music Department
Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku Project Voltage 18 Types 18 Songs - Supporting Artwork
During the currently running break before the next set of songs are released in early November, the first of the special Supporting Artwork has been released for Project Voltage. These artworks showcase the special Hatsune Miku trainer concepts in a variety of scenarios. They will be released infrequently as the project continues. We have begun updating our Project Voltage section with these artworks
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Horizons
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Liko looking after Terapagos as it explores the airship. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Manga Department
Detective Pikachu Returns - Web Manga
A special interactive Web Manga has been released for Detective Pikachu Returns. With this release, there are two different episodes that have been released which showcase some of Detective Pikachu's cases from just before the start of Detective Pikachu Returns. They can be found on the official website below
Episode 1: Hawlucha's Challenge
Episode 2: One Letter
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Egg Event
The Ground & Fighting-Type Egg Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is focused around getting eggs based around Ground & Fighting-type Pokémon. This allows for you to create Sync Pairs of Main Character & Machop, Diglett, Mankey, Sandshrew & Cubone with all their shiny being available
We're currently compiling all details in our Ground & Fighting-type Event event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The Koraidon's Three Supreme Dishes Slow Cooking Event has begun in Pokémon Café ReMix. This event has you try to earn points by getting the highest score in a low amount of moves to get coins to exchange for Koraidon.
Alongside this, a new Delivery focus has been added, allowing you to get the costume of Latias (Celebration)
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
A new update for Pokémon Café ReMix is live to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of ReMix. This update introduces a variety of Pokémon for the events coming over the next month or so but also contains details for new elements including a new "Slow Cooking" mode. We're currently diving in and will provide full details as we can
It has been confirmed that Order 2,400 will be the last Regular Order
In The Pokémon Department
Poké Lids
As part of the continual Pokémon Local Acts in Japan, where Pokémon become ambassadors of prefectures and Pokémon is intersepersed throughout regions of Japan, five new Poké Lids have been announced for the Akita area. These feature a variety of Pokémon including Fidough and Dachsbun. We have updated our newly added Poké Lids section with these new Poké Lids and locations
26-10-2023 06:26 BST / 01:26 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 17:02 BST
Edit @ 07:30: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 16:13: LAIC Distribution | Edit @ 17:02: PokéTsume
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Pokémon Scarlet & Violet distribution has been announced. During the Latin America International Championships livestreams on November 17th through 19th, a code to get a Dragapult based on the Dragapult used by Alex Gomez Berna to win NAIC in June will be given. This Dragapult is Jolly, holding a Choice Band and the moves Tera Blast, Dragon Darts, Phantom Force, U-turn and the Ghost Tera Type. The code will work until 23:59 UTC on November 20th
Players of Pokémon Trading Card Game Live will also receive a code to get the Special Illustration Rare Iron Valiant ex card from Paradox Rift during the TCG streams

In The TV Department
Cram Adventure In Your Pocket
The latest episode of the TV Drama, PokéTsume, has aired in Japan. This episode featured Madoka trying to get a tagline from Kamo, one of the great copy writers, and using her knowledge of Pokémon to get ideas on how to deal with him. We have updated our section with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
One new piece of Holowear has been released for Pokémon UNITE. This is the Noble Style outfit for Umbreon which cost 1050 Gems with animations for Movement
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix Pokémon focus has been announced. To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the refresh of Pokémon Café ReMix, Koraidon will appear in the game as part of the celebrations starting tomorrow, October 27th 2023. At present it's unclear how Koraidon will appear but we will provide full details as they come
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The latest Pokémon GO event is rolling out globally. This event is the second part of the annual Halloween event and features the addition of the Costume Pikachu & Gengar into the game, alongside Shiny Zorua and a variety of bonuses. It runs from 10:00 local time to 20:00 local time on October 31st
We have full details of this event in our Halloween 2023 Part 2 event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The latest Pokémon GO Team GO Rocket event is rolling out. This event adds Shadow Regigigas into the game alongside the seasonal boost of Team GO Rocket spawns and the ability to use a Charged TM to remove Frustration. It runs from 10:00 local time to 20:00 local time on October 31st
We have full details of this event in our Team GO Rocket Takeover event section
25-10-2023 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 14:00: Detective Pikachu | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO
In The Anime Department
Detective Pikachu & The Mystery of the Missing Flan
Following its tease yesterday, a small short, Detective Pikachu & The Mystery of the Missing Flan, has been released featuring a case Tim and Detective Pikachu solve where Tim can't find his favourite flan snack from the fridge, and their suspicions raise after a Munchlax is in the building
Edit @ 14:11: We have created a page with full details on this short, including an embed of the video

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Festival of Lights event and is due to run from November 7th at 10:00 to November 12th at 20:00 local time and adds Tadbulb & Bellibolt and Shiny Morelull into the game
You will get 2* Hatch Experience and 2* Hatch Candy
Incense will last twice as long
There will be Timed Research for free to get an AvatarShirt and encounters with event Pokémon
Pikachu, Vulpix, Ponyta, Magnemite, Voltorb, Chinchou, Mareep, Slugma, Electrike, Litwick, Morelull and Tadbulb will spawn in the wild
Elekid, Magby, Dedenne and Morelull will be in 7km Eggs
Alolan Geodude, Hisuian Voltorb, Slugma, Volbeat, Illumise, Blitzle, Litwick, Litleo, Dedenne, Morelull and Tadbulb will spawn more on Incense
Players in India will also get a Collection Challenge to get Stardust, Experience and a Tadbulb encounter, as well as 2* Catch candy

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The next Pokémon GO event is starting to roll out in Asia Pacific regions. This event is the Halloween Event Part 2 and features the addition of outfit Pikachu & Gengar and Shiny Zorua into the game. It runs from 10:00 local time on October 26th to 10:00 local time on October 31st
We are currently compiling details of this event, including the Timed Research, in our Halloween Event Part 2 event section
Alongside this, a new Team GO Rocket Takeover event has begun which adds Shadow Regigigas into the game. It also runs from 10:00 local time until 20:00 local time on October 31st

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
A special event has begun. For one day only each month on the 25th, the Pokémon Masters Day event will be held. This event will give you a variety of rewards for completion. Alongside this, a special 25 Gem for 11 Sync Pair scout is now live. A sync Grid Expansion has happened for Clemont & Heliolisk. Finally, the 6 Star EX for Shauntal & Chandelure has been unlocked
A special Master Fair Scout is also now live to give another chance to get the Sync Pair of Calem (Neo Champion) & Shiny Greninja, unlocking its EX Role
We've updated our Pokémon Masters Day page with the details of this month's event.
24-10-2023 06:07 BST / 01:07 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 14:00 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Masters | Edit @ 14:00: Detective Pikachu | Edit @ 15:27: Episode Title
In The Games Department
Detective Pikachu
The Pokémon Company have teased a special video showcasing an incident where Munchlax appears on a skateboard and hits a ceiling fan will be released tomorrow, October 25th at 13:00 UTC. At present we have no further details other than that the video is tagged with a Detective Pikachu hashtag
Edit: We have confirmation this is a video of a new case for Detective Pikachu to solve
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Villain Event
The "Team Plasma's Icy Malice" Villain Event has begun a repeat run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event features a variety of battles against Team Plasma to get Event Vouchers to exchange for items
We're currently compiling all details in our Team Plasma's Icy Malice event section

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO events for November 2023.
The Festival of Lights will run from November 7th through November 12th
A Raid Day will run on November 11th
Fashion Week event will run from November 15th through 19th
Party Up! will run from November 22nd through November 27th.
Genesect Douse Drive will be in 5 Star Raids from 2nd November through 9th November
Virizion will be in 5 Star Raids from 9th November through 16th November
Cobalion will be in 5 Star Raids from 16th November through 23rd November
Terrakion will be in 5 Star Raids from 23rd November through 30th November
Mega Houndoom will be in Mega Raids from November 2nd through November 12th
An unrevealed Mega Pokémon will be in Mega Raids from November 12th through November 16th
Mega Kangaskhan will be in Mega Raids from November 16th through November 30th

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the Spotlight Hours for next month. They happen at 6pm to 7pm local time are as follows:
November 7th - Chinchou - 2* Transfer Candy
November 14th - Buneary - 2* Evolution Experience
November 21st - Dunsparce - 2* Catch Stardust
November 28th - Lechonk - 2* Catch Experience
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Horizons - News
A new episode title has been revealed for Pokémon Horizons. This episode is due to air on November 10th
Episode 28: The Stolen Treasure
23-10-2023 00:10 BST / 20:10 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 07:54 BST
Edit @ 00:20: Online Competition | Edit @ 01:00: Pokémon UNITE | Edit @ 07:54: Pokémon Sleep
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Mismagius with a Ghost Tera Type. These will be in 5 Star Raids and give a variety of rewards including Rare Candy
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on October 27th through 23:59 UTC on October 31st 2023
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Mass Outbreak event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Drifloon, Phantump, Mimikyu, Greavard and will feature outbreaks in Paldea and Kitakami featuring it, with a chance of getting the Crafty Mark
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on October 27th through 23:59 UTC on October 31st 2023
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Online Competition has been announced. This competition is the Trick Magic competition and is a Single Battle competition that only uses Ghost-type Pokémon
Registration is open from 00:00 UTC on October 23rd until November 5th at 23:59 UTC while battles run from 00:00 UTC on November 3rd through 23:59 UTC on November 5th.
We have added details on usable Pokémon and the competition to our Trick Magic section

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sleep
Pokémon Sleep is to undergo maintenance tomorrow, October 24th from 01:00 UTC to 05:30 UTC. Alongside this, a new update will go live which features a variety of bug fixes and changes including the ability to speed up the animation if you go to Sleep while Snorlax is eating
A hard cap on the Cooking Pot at 200 Ingredients in case your Cooking Power Up S Skill activates. Now a pop-up will appear.
Sleep session details will now include the amount of Energy the Pokémon in your boxes recover
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
Pokémon UNITE has received a small update which has given a variety of updates, specifically the new Battle Pass is now live. This Battle Pass allows players to get a variety of Pokébuki Style items as well as new Holowear, the Phantom Thief Style for Inteleon and the Researcher Style for Hoopa
22-10-2023 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 13:00 BST
Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week

In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Pokémon Regional Championships
Today is Day 1 of the Pokémon Lille Regional Championships. Today features battles for three of the games in the current Play! Pokémon Circuit: TCG, GO and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. All three games will be streamed in individual streams
The Pokémon VG Stream begins at 09:00 (BST) / 04:00 (EDT) / 01:00 (PDT)
The Pokémon TCG Stream begins at 07:30 (BST) / 02:30 (EDT) / 23:30 (PDT)
The Pokémon GO Stream begins at 08:45 (BST) / 03:45 (EDT) / 00:45 (PDT)
We have all the streams in our Play! Pokémon Stream Hub which allows for tabbing between all streams or loading all together

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fourty-seventh entry into the Generation IX competitive field with a Galar Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the eighth generation. What appears to be an iron helmet is actually hardened hair. This Pokémon lives for the thrill of battle. After many battles, it evolved dangerous claws that come together to form daggers when extended. So, here it is, the fourty-seventh Pokémon, Perrserker
21-10-2023 02:00 BST / 21:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 07:00 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Regional Championships
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Incense Day
The Pokémon GO Incense Day is rolling out globally. For six hours in each region, Skorupi will appear in Incense with rotating additional spawns between Bug-type and Poison-type Pokémon rotating every hour. This runs at these times:
It runs from 11am to 5pm in your local time.
We have full details on our Skorupi Incense Day page

In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Pokémon Regional Championships
Today is Day 1 of the Pokémon Lille Regional Championships. Today features battles for three of the games in the current Play! Pokémon Circuit: TCG, GO and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. All three games will be streamed in individual streams
The Pokémon VG Stream begins at 09:00 (BST) / 04:00 (EDT) / 01:00 (PDT)
The Pokémon TCG Stream begins at 09:30 (BST) / 04:30 (EDT) / 01:30 (PDT)
The Pokémon GO Stream begins at 07:45 (BST) / 02:45 (EDT) / 23:45 (PDT)
We have all the streams in our Play! Pokémon Stream Hub which allows for tabbing between all streams or loading all together
20-10-2023 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 18:02 BST
Edit @ 05:52: Pokémon TCG | Edit @ 06:04: Pokémon Sleep | Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 09:00: TCG Reveal | Edit @ 10:30: Project Voltage | Edit @ 11;38: Terpagos' Shine | Edit @ 11:49: Episode Details | Edit @ 18:02: Pokémon GO Dia de Muertos
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The latest Tera Raid Battle event in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet has begun its repeat run. This event is the Blissey Spotlight event and features Blissey in Raid Battles with a variety of boosted Tera Shard and Exp. Candy rewards. This event runs until October 22nd 2023 at 23:59 UTC.
We have full details of this event in our Blissey Spotlight Tera Raid Battle Event section

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sleep
The first Pokémon Sleep event has been annopunced. This is the Halloween event and runs from October 30th through November 6th. It has double candy, as well as letting you find Pokémon of different Sleep types to your current Sleep type. It also introduces various Ghost-type Pokémon and Pikachu with a Halloween Hat
There will be missions to get up to 25 Handy Candy S
On October 31st and November 5th, you'll get 3 times the Candy and Many different Pokémon of sleep types will appear, with certain Pokémon having a higher chance of appearing
Every other day you will get 2 times the candy for the first sleep research of the day, and a slight increase in Pokémon of different sleep styles
Much Greater Encounter Chance:
Pikachu (Halloween), Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
Greater Encounter Chance:
Meowth, Cubone
Slightly Greater Encounter Chance:
???, ???
The event will only apply to sleep tracked on Greengrass Isle
Alongside this, the next Pokémon Sleep Good Sleep Day event has been announced which will run October 28th through 30th

In The TCG Department
Pokémon Trading Card Game
The Pokémon Company International have been kind enough to offer us the exclusive official reveal of one of the cards in the upcoming set, Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift. This set is due out on November 3rd 2023 with pre-releases starting tomorrow, October 21st.
This card is the Illustration Rare card of Snorunt featuring artwork by Narumi Sato
We've added these cards to our section and will continue to add the card listings over the next month when pre-release products are out so be sure to keep checking back
Snorunt |
In The TCG Department
Pokémon Trading Card Game
The Pokémon Company have announced the next Japanese TCG set, Shiny Treasure ex. This set is a large subset releasing December 1st 2023 and features a variety of reprints of old cards, including Shiny variants of Pokémon such as Skeledirge, Charizard and more
We have begun collating all known cards in our Shiny Treasure ex section

In The Music Department
Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku Project Voltage 18 Types 18 Songs - The Pokémon Inside My Heart
The first of the Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku Project Voltage songs has been released. This is The Pokémon Inside My Heart by PinocchioP with a special music video with various visuals showing Miku and a vriety of Pokémon.
We have added details to our Project Voltage section including a special page on this song, The Pokémon Inside My Heart, including an embed.
Edit: Alongside this, it is confirmed the next songs will start in late November. Also, starting next week, there will be more illustrations released featuring the Hatsune Miku as a Pokémon Trainer designs released

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Horizons - News
The next saga of the Pokémon anime has been announced, alongside a new poster. This saga is called Terapagos' Shine and focuses on the hunt for Lucius' Pokémon as well as the discoveries of the Legendary Pokémon Terapagos. It starts next week in Japan
Terapagos' Shine |
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Horizons
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Liko, Roy & Friede protect Terapagos from Explorers. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Día de Muertos 2023 event and is due to run from November 1st at 10:00 to November 2nd at 20:00 local time and adds Cemasuchil Crown Cubone & Marowak into the game
Lure Modules and Incense will last for 90 minutes and there will be 2* Catch Candy
Sunkern, Sableye, Roselia, Duskull, Cubone, Drifloon, Litwick, Yamask and Phantump will spawn in the wild, with spawns increased further in Latin America and the Carribean
Sunkern, Sunflora, Houndour, Sableye, Roselia, Cubone, Duskull, Drifloon and Orange Flower Flabébé will spawn in Incense and Lure Modules
Sunkern, Drifloon, Litwick, Alolan Marowak and Cubone in a crown will be in Field research
Cubone will be in 1 Star Raids
Azumarill, Umbreon, Hariyama and Bombirdier will be in 3 Star Raids

In The TCG Department
Pokémon Trading Card Game
The Pokémon Company have revealed all the standard cards for the next Japanese Pokémon TCG set. This set comes in two parts, Ancient Roar and Future Flash and are focused around Paradox Pokémon with Ancient Roar including Ancient Pokémon and Future Flash containing Future Pokémon. This set is due for release in Japan on October 27th and will be released in English as Paradox Rift in November
We have added all the new cards to their respective sections, with translations thanks to ToineLay
Ancient Roar
Future Flash
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The "Take On Battles with Trainers from Different Regions!" Extreme Battle Event has begun a repeat run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event has a variety of tough battles to complete for Gem rewards
We're currently compiling all details in our Take On Battles with Trainers from Different Regions! event section<
In The Games Department
Detective Pikachu Returns
Wave 4, the final set of the Detective Pikachu Returns Nintendo Switch Online icons and icon parts is now live. This wave features icons of the titular Detective Pikachu, as well as Pangoro & Luxray and a special icon of Detective Pikachu, and various borders and backgrounds. Wave 4 is live now until October 27th
19-10-2023 08:00 BST / 03:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 17:22 BST
Edit @ 08:15: UNITE Battle Pass | Edit @ 17:22: PokéTsume
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
Pokémon UNITE has received a small update which adds a variety of things to the game.
First, the Pokémon Mimikyu is now available to purchase, as is its Costume Party Holowear. We're currently compiling full details for Mimikyu in our Pokémon section for the game.
Alongside this, the annual Halloween Festival event is now live which features the return of the Pumpkin Battle Mode
In The TV Department
Cram Adventure In Your Pocket
The first episode of the TV Drama, PokéTsume, has been released in Japan. This episode featured Madoka moving to Tokyo to follow her dream, and receives her Game Boy and Pokémon Red from her mother. However, as she is delving in, she has to do a big presentation that the company's fate is tied towards. We have updated our section with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
The next Pokémon UNITE Battle Pass has been officially revealed. This Battle Pass will give a variety of special outfits, including new Holowear for Hoopa and the Phantom Thief Style Holowear for Inteleon if you purchase the Premium Pass. This Battle Pass will be available from 04:00 UTC on October 23rd through December 3rd
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The latest Pokémon GO event is rolling out globally. This event is part one of the annual Halloween event and features the addition of Greavard, Houndstoune and Shiny Phantump into the game. It runs from 10:00 local time to 10:00 local time on October 26th
We have full details of this event in our Halloween 2023 Part 1 event section
18-10-2023 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 14:00: Paldean Winds | Edit @ 14:01: Scarlet & Violet Distribution | Edit @ 18:00: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO Halloween Event
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
A new distribution has begun. This distribution was given during today's Paldean Winds episode to celebrate its release and gives players either Sweet Herba Mystic or Spicy Herba Mystica. It is obtained with the code SWEET0RSP1CY. It runs until September 30th 2024
Our Event Database has been updated with full details of the event
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Paldean Winds
The second first episode of the new animated show, Paldean Winds is now available. This show focuses on three trainers at the Naranja Academy as they find their treasure and today's features Aliquis focus on his battles to be like his brother, with a battle against Nemona
We're currently cataloguing all details in our Paldean Winds section, including an embed of the episode
Edit: We have full catalogued details of the episode live in our section

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Halloween 2023 Part 2 event and is due to run from October 26th at 10:00 to October 31st at 20:00 local time and adds Halloween Outfit Pikachu & Gengar, as well as Shiny Zorua into the game
Pikachu, Vulpix in Halloween Outfit, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Sableye, Piplup in Halloween Outfit, Drifloon, Yamask, Zorua, Fennekin, Phantump, Pumpkaboo in Halloween Outfit, Gengar in Halloween Outfit and Noibat will spawn in the wild
There will be Timed Research offering encounters such as Zorua, Phantump and Costume Pokémon
You'll get more Candy and Candy XL for Nice, Great and Excellent Throws
Costumed Pokémon will have chance for increased Candy and, on October 31st, will have a chance to drop Rare Candy and Rare Candy XL
Gastly, Misdreavus and Phantump is in 1 Star Raids
Gengar is in 3 Star Raids
There will be Field Research to get Mismagius, Galarian Yamask, Phantump and Greavard

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The next Pokémon GO event is starting to roll out in Asia Pacific regions. This event is the Halloween Event and features the addition of Greavard & Houndstone into the game. It runs from 10:00 local time on October 19th to 10:00 local time on October 26th
We are currently compiling details of this event, including the Timed Research, in our Halloween Event event section

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Team GO Rocket Takeover event and is due to run from October 26th at 10:00 to October 31st at 20:00 local time and adds Shadow Regigigas
Shadow Lugia will be in Shadow Raids
Giovanni will have Shadow Regigigas
Shadow Gastly, Rhyhorn, Barboach, Cranidos, Shieldon, Drilbur and Litwick will be added
Shadow Gastly, Grimer, Misdreavus and Litwick will be in Shadow 1 Star Raids
Shadow Nidorina, Nidorino and Golbat will be in Shadow 3 Star Raids
Team GO Rocket will appear more in balloons
You can use Charged TMs to remove Frustration
Larvitar, Sandile, Pawniard, Vullaby, Deino, Pancham and Salandit will be in 12km Eggs

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The "Otherworldly Encounter!" Story Event has begun a repeat run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event tells the story of a strange creature being found in Pasio
A Seasonal Scout is also now available to get all the previous Seasonal Sync Pairs from the last three years
We're currently compiling all details in our Otherworldly Encounter! event section<
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
Pokémon UNITE has received a small balance patch. This patch features several adjustments to various Pokémon including Mewtwo, Decidueye and more. We have updated our Patch Section with all the current values
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix event has begun. This event is the latest of several events celebrating Halloween throughout the month and features the return Mismagius' Halloween Outfit into the game as a reward for earning points in the Hospitality event. This runs until October 31st 2023. We're currently compiling all details of this event in our Mismagius' Halloween Party section, so be sure to keep checking back.
A special bundle is now for sale to purchase Gengar's Halloween outfit
Alongside this, the Delivery feature has updated and features the addition of Gardevoir's Halloween Outfit

In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
New orders have been added to Pokémon Café ReMix. This adds stages 2276-2300 to the game. We're currently cataloguing all these new stages and details so be sure to keep checking back.
Edit @ 08:32: We have updated the Main Orders with the contents of today's update. The next batch of Orders will be released on November 1st 2023
17-10-2023 07:01 BST / 02:01 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 17:15 BST
Edit @ 10;01: Camping Trip with Pokémon | Edit @ 11:00: Paldean Winds
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Paldean Winds
The second episode of the web series, Pokémon Paldean Winds has been confirmed to release tomorrow, October 18th, at 13:00 UTC. This episode will focus on Aliquis and his battle against Nemona. We'll provide full details as it releases
Edit @ 17:15: It has also been confirmed that a distribution will run for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet with this episode. We'll provide full details for it as it comes
In The Web Series Department
Camping Trip With Pokémon
The second episode of the Web Series, Camping Trip with Pokémon, is now available. This episode features the protagonist and his Pokémon go on the first camping trip and creating various dishes including a vegetable ratatouille
We have added details of the episode, including an embed, into our Camping Trip With Pokémon section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Party Play feature is now rolling out globally from 10:00 local time today. This feature has you team up with up to 3 friends on the map at the same time to complete challenges and get special bonuses in Raid Battles. The Welcome Party Special Research is also now available
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix Delivery focus has been announced for Pokémon Café ReMix. This will feature the introduction of Umbreon's Halloween outfit to the game. It runs from October 10th 2023
16-10-2023 01:12 BST / 20:12 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 20:51 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 17:06: Pokémon GO Party Play | Edit @ 18:00: Pokémon GO Community Day | Edit @ 20:51: Timed Research
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet This event will feature a return of the Blissey Raid Battle event which features an increase in Tera Shard and Exp. Candy Rewards
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on October 20th through 23:59 UTC on October 22nd 2023
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO Community Day on November 5th will focus on Wooper & Paldean Wooper, introducing Paldean Wooper into the game. This event will 25% Egg Distance, 2* Catch Experience and double the chance to get XL Candy as well as 3 hours Incense and Lure Modules.
It will also give out the move Aqua Tail to Quagsire and Megahorn to Clodsire. You will be able to purchase a ticket to receive Special Research .
The Community Day runs at 2pm to 5pm in each local time zone
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
From now until November 17th, a special promotion is available for Amazon Prime subscribers, allowing them to get a code to get some Timed Research to get various encounters, as well as early access to the Greavard Wig avatar item. We've added full details into our Timed Research section

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the Pokémon GO feature Party Play is to release on October 17th 2023. From then, you can team with up to 3 other players to create a party
When in a party, you will get a variety of Challenges including spinning stops, battling in raids and catching Pokémon to get ingame rewards
When challenging in raids with your party, you can get Party Power which doubles the damage of your next charge attack and charges with each Fast Attack
There will be Special Research to get Eevee themed T-Shirts
Edit @ 21:05: The feature is now rolling out and the Special Research Welcome Party is rolling out. We're currently compiling details as we get them

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Seasonal Scout
As part of the currently running "The Haunted Museum" event in Pokémon Masters EX, a new Spotlight Scout now available to get the Sync Pair of Lenora & Watchog. The scout runs until November 1st
We're currently compiling all details in our The Haunted Museum! event section
15-10-2023 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 20:41 BST
Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week | Edit @ 20:41: World Championships Music
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Community Day
The Pokémon GO Community Day is rolling out globally. For three hours in each region, Timburr will appear, en masse, in Pokémon GO with a chance of Shiny Timburr appearing. During this event, when you evolve Gurdurr, the Conkeldurr will know Brutal Swing, which is exclusive to this event. This coincides with 3* Catch Stardust, 2* Catch Candy, 3 hour Incense and more. This runs at these times:
It runs from 2pm to 5pm in your local time.
We have full details on our Timburr Community Day page

In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Music from Pokémon World Championships
Over the last couple of years, there have been a number of music tracks within the Pokémon World Championships broadcasts created to celebrate and build the event, including the Crown Your Glory Main Theme for the 2022 World Championships and Legendary theme for the 2023 Pokémon World Championships. Today, seven of these tracks have been released on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music and YouTube. These can be streamed for free or purchased to keep.

In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Pokémon Regional Championships
Today is Day 2 of the Pokémon Sacramento Regional Championships. Today features battles for three of the games in the current Play! Pokémon Circuit: TCG, GO and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. All three games will be streamed in individual streams
The Pokémon VG Stream begins at 18:00 (BST) / 13:00 (EDT) / 10:00 (PDT)
The Pokémon TCG Stream begins at 19:00 (BST) / 14:00 (EDT) / 11:00 (PDT)
The Pokémon GO Stream begins at 17:45 (BST) / 12:45 (EDT) / 07:45 (PDT)
We have all the streams in our Play! Pokémon Stream Hub which allows for tabbing between all streams or loading all together

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fourty-sixth entry into the Generation IX competitive field with a Sinnoh Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation. It has the power to control time. It appears in Sinnoh-region myths as an ancient deity. This Pokémon is spoken of in legend. It is said that time began moving when Dialga was born. This Pokémon is revered as a deity in Hisuian legend. The birth of Dialga was what caused the vast river of time to begin flowing in our world. Radiant light caused Dialga to take on a form bearing a striking resemblance to the creator Pokémon. Dialga now wields such colossal strength that one must conclude this is its true form. So, here it is, the fourty-sixth Pokémon, Dialga
14-10-2023 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 17:00 BST
Edit @ 17:00: Regional Championships
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Seasonal Scout
As part of the currently running "The Haunted Museum" event in Pokémon Masters EX, a new Seasonal Scout now available to get the Sync Pair of Roxanne & Runerigus. The scout runs until November 1st
We're currently compiling all details in our The Haunted Museum! event section
In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Pokémon Regional Championships
Today is Day 1 of the Pokémon Sacramento Regional Championships. Today features battles for three of the games in the current Play! Pokémon Circuit: TCG, GO and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. All three games will be streamed in individual streams
The Pokémon VG Stream begins at 18:45 (BST) / 13:45 (EDT) / 10:45 (PDT)
The Pokémon TCG Stream begins at 19:45 (BST) / 14:45 (EDT) / 11:45 (PDT)
The Pokémon GO Stream begins at 17:45 (BST) / 12:45 (EDT) / 07:45 (PDT)
We have all the streams in our Play! Pokémon Stream Hub which allows for tabbing between all streams or loading all together
13-10-2023 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 18:00 BST
Edit @ 06:26: Pokémon TCG | Edit @ 10:00: City Safari | Edit @ 10:30: Project Voltage | Edit @ 11:43: Episode Details | Edit @ 18:00: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The latest Tera Raid Battle event in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet has begun its repeat run. This event is the Mighty Hisuian Decidueye event and gives players a chance to battle and catch a Hisuian Decidueye with the Grass Tera Type. If you previously caught a Hisuian Decidueye from the event, you can't catch it again here. This event runs until October 15th 2023 at 23:59 UTC.
We have full details of this event in our Hisuian Decidueye Tera Raid Battle Event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Electric Tera Type Mimiku event is now rolling out. Already given in Brazil at the Brazil Games Fair, from today you'll be able to get Serial Codes for the Mimikyu from Gamestop in the US and Canada until October 29th 2023
We have added full details of this distribution to our Event Database and Serial Code Event section

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Halloween 2023 Part 1 event and is due to run from October 19th at 10:00 to October 26th at 10:00 local time and adds Greavard into the game
Ekans, Zubat, Alolan Meowth, Gastly, Haunter, Spinarak, Misdreavus, Poochyena, Shuppet, Drifloon, Litwick, Sandygast and Phantump will spawn in the wild
There will be paid Timed Research, costing $5, to get Ghost and Dark-type encounters, as well as a Halloween pose
There will be free Timed Research that will give encounters with Greavard
There will be another free Timed Research that focuses on Spiritomb
Misdreavus and Phantump will be in Field Research
You will get additional candy for Nice, Great and Excellent throws. You will also get 2* Hatch Candy
Misdreavus, Shuppet and Drifloon will be in 1 Star raids
Gengar, Sandygast and Gravard will be in 3 Star Raids
Darkrai will be in 5 Star Raids with Mega Banette in Mega Raids
Munchlax, Riolu and Galarian Yamask will be in 7km Eggs
There will be new outfit items: Yamask Mask, Cofagrigus Costume, Cofagrigus Head, Phantump Head, Greavard Wig
There will also be special event stickers.
Shuppet, Banette or Greavard will be in Showcases

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
A new Pokémon GO Incense Day has been announced. This event is focused around Skorupi and will run from October 21st at 11:00 local time to 17:00 local time. During this event, you're more likely to find shiny Skorupi and Incense is to attract Skorupi more. The spawns for this event will alternate between Bug and Poison every hour
Bug spawns are Caterpie, Weedle, Scyther, Pinsir, Yanma, Wurmple, Dewpider and Wimpod
Poison-type spawns are Ekans, Zubat, Alolan Grimer, Gulpin, Stunky, Croagunk, Trubbish and Skrelp
There will be Field Research to earn rewards such as encounters with Skorupi as well as Stardust and Ultra Ball

In The Music Department
Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku Project Voltage 18 Types 18 Songs - What Kind of Future
The first of the Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku Project Voltage songs has been released. This is What Kind of Future by Mitchie M with a special music video with various visuals showing Miku as a Trainer.
We have added details to our Project Voltage section including a special page on this song, What Kind of Future, including an embed.

In The TCG Department
Pokémon Trading Card Game
The Pokémon Company have revealed another 20 cards for the next Japanese Pokémon TCG set including multiple Illustration Rares and Special Illustration Rares. This set comes in two parts, Ancient Roar and Future Flash and are focused around Paradox Pokémon with Ancient Roar including Ancient Pokémon and Future Flash containing Future Pokémon. This set is due for release in Japan on October 27th and will be released in English as Paradox Rift in November
We have added all the new cards to their respective sections, with translations thanks to ToineLay
Ancient Roar
Future Flash
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Horizons
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Liko, Roy & Friede meet up with Liko's grandmother to learn all about Terapagos. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO City Safari - Barcelona is now in full swing in Barcelona, South Korea and contains a variety of Special and Timed Research to collect various Pokémon. It introduces Skiddo and Explorer Eevee into the game.
We have compiled all details of Special Research in our City Safari Barcelona event section
In The Games Department
Detective Pikachu Returns
Wave 3 of the Detective Pikachu Returns Nintendo Switch Online icons and icon parts is now live. This wave features icons of the titular Detective Pikachu, as well as Darmanitan, Slowpoke and a special icon of Detective Pikachu, and various borders and backgrounds. Wave 3 is live now until October 20th
12-10-2023 02:01 BST / 21:01 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 14:03 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 08:36: PokéLids | Edit @ 10;03: Camping Trip With Pokémon | Edit @ 14:03: Party Play
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The Version 2.0.2 patch for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet is now live. This patch includes a variety of bug fixes including the previously reported fix of the problem where Trainers wouldn't register as being defeated if you reach a certain amount of trainers defeated as well as an issue that prevented Pokémon GO Pokémon from being added through Pokémon HOME even if they had previously been in the game. We have full details in our Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Patch Section
In The Web Series Department
Camping Trip With Pokémon
The second episode of the Web Series, Camping Trip with Pokémon, is now available. This episode features the protagonist and his Pokémon go on the first camping trip and creating various desserts including Tiramisu
We have added details of the episode, including an embed, into our Camping Trip With Pokémon section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic has announced a brand new feature is to come to Pokémon GO soon, following a tease yesterday. This mode is called Party Play and is due for release soon. Currently no further details have been given but we'll post as soon as we get official details
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The "The Haunted Museum!" Story Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event tells the story of mysterious goings on happening at the museum in Pasio
A Seasonal Scout is also now available to get the Sync Pair of Phoebe & Cofagrigus. The scout runs until November 1st
We're currently compiling all details in our The Haunted Museum! event section<
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
One new piece of Holowear has been released for Pokémon UNITE. This is the Costume Party outfit for Gengar which cost 2199 Gems with animations for KO, Movement and more. It is Premium Holowear
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The next Pokémon GO event is rolling out globally. This event is the Harvest Festival event and features the addition of Smoliv, Dolliv and Arboliva into the game. It runs from 10:00 local time to 20:00 local time on October 17th
We have full details of this event in our Harvest Festival event section
In The Pokémon Department
Poké Lids
As part of the continual Pokémon Local Acts in Japan, where Pokémon become ambassadors of prefectures and Pokémon is intersepersed throughout regions of Japan, three new Poké Lids have been announced for the Fukuoka area. These feature a variety of Pokémon including Alakazam and Aegislash. We have updated our newly added Poké Lids section with these new Poké Lids and locations
11-10-2023 09:54 BST / 04:54 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The next Pokémon GO event is starting to roll out in Asia Pacific regions. This event is the Harvest Festival event and features the addition of Smoliv, Dolliv and Arboliva into the game. It runs from 10:00 local time on October 12th to 20:00 local time on October 17th
We are currently compiling details of this event, including the Timed Research, in our Harvest Festival event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon HOME
It has been announced that Pokémon HOME is to undergo maintenance tomorrow, October 12th from 02:00 to 03:00 UTC. At present it is not clear what the maintenance is for but we will provide details should any come so be sure to keep checking back
10-10-2023 04:00 BST / 23:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 11:18 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Café ReMix | Edit @ 11:18: Pokémon Art Through the Ages
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
Pokémon Masters EX has announced the next event. This event is the The Haunted Museum event, the annual halloween event, and introduces the Sync Pairs of Phoebe & Cofagrigus into the game. It runs from October 12th 2023
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Legendary Arena
A new Legendary Arena has been added to Pokémon Masters EX. This Legendary Arena adds battles against the Pokémon Registeel with the ability to get items and medals for completing it
We've updated our Legendary Arena Registeel section with details of this battles
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Epic Battle Event
The Legendary Gauntlet Epic Battle Event Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is the eighth Epic Battle event and has you continuously face off against Legendary Arena Pokémon without being able to heal your Pokémon, with better rewards coming the more you win
Alongside this, a Triple Feature Poké Fair Scout is live which gives a chance to get Hau & Tapu Koko, Red & Snorlax and Lance & Dragonite
Alongside this, as there are new Lucky Cookies involved, there are new Lucky Skills

In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix event has begun. This event is the second of several events celebrating Halloween throughout the month and introduces Flareon's Halloween Outfit into the game as a reward for completing various Mission Bingo challenges. This runs until October 18th 2023. We're currently compiling all details of this event in our Flareon's Halloween section, so be sure to keep checking back. This event also unlocks the 3rd bingo panel for the Vaporeon's Halloween event
A special bundle is now for sale to purchase Chimchar's Explorer outfit
Alongside this, the Delivery feature has updated and features the addition of Umbreon's Halloween Outfit

In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Art Through the Ages
Following the successful showcase last year in Manchester UK, the Pokémon Art Through the Ages exhibit is coming to the Val d'Europer shopping center in Paris from October 16th through November 12th. This will showcase various art and act as a treasure hunt to find all Kanto Pokémon throughout the shopping centre, with meetups with Pikachu and Eevee taking place
A tie-in Pokémon GO event has also been announced to run around the event with Field Research to get Party Hat Pikachu and various spawns of Kanto Pokémon
09-10-2023 05:00 BST / 00:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 10:00 BST
Edit @ 07:01: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 10:00: Camping Trip With Pokémon
In The Web Series Department
Camping Trip With Pokémon
The first episode of the Web Series, Camping Trip with Pokémon, is now available. This series is the second short series featuring Jan Rao Dao go on a trip with his Pokémon, making a variety of food in his travels
We have added details of the episode, including an embed, into our Camping Trip With Pokémon section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sleep
A special bundle is now available in Pokémon Sleep. From now each day for one week until October 16th at 03:59 UTC, you will be able to get a free bundle of 2 Ingredient Ticket S and 2 Poké Biscuit, and for 100 Diamonds you can get a bundle of 1 Ingredient Ticket M and 1 Great Biscuit. These bundles reset at 04:00 UTC each day allowing you to get 7 of each bundle
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix Delivery focus has been announced for Pokémon Café ReMix. This will feature the introduction of Umbreon's Halloween outfit to the game. It runs from October 10th 2023
08-10-2023 13:00 BST / 08:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 13:00 BST
In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Pokémon Regional Championships
Today is Day 2 of the Pokémon Peoria Regional Championships 2023. Today features battles for three of the games in the current Play! Pokémon Circuit: TCG, GO and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. All three games will be streamed in individual streams
The Pokémon VG Stream begins at 16:30 (BST) / 11:30 (EDT) / 08:30 (PDT)
The Pokémon TCG Stream begins at 17:30 (BST) / 12:30 (EDT) / 09:30 (PDT)
The Pokémon GO Stream begins at 14:30 (BST) / 09:30 (EDT) / 06:30 (PDT)
We have all the streams in our Play! Pokémon Stream Hub which allows for tabbing between all streams or loading all together

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fourty-fifth entry into the Generation IX competitive field with a Kitakami Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the ninth generation. Dipplin is two creatures in one Pokémon. Its evolution was triggered by a special apple grown only in one place. The head sticking out belongs to the fore-wyrm, while the tail belongs to the core-wyrm. The two share one apple and help each other out. So, here it is, the fourty-fifth Pokémon, Dipplin
07-10-2023 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 15:30 BST
Edit @ 10:54: Camping Trip With Pokémon
In The Games Department
Detective Pikachu Returns Coverage Day 3
The Nintendo Switch sequel, Detective Pikachu Returns, is available on the Nintendo Switch and as such, our coverage is coming to its conclusion
Do note: This is a VERY story focused game and our sections will include all the game's narrative and plot points so beware of spoilers throughout the section
We have added full Chapter Listing, as well as Pokémon Listings and more.
Edit @ 11:27: Created a page on Helper Pokémon
In The Web Series Department
Camping Trip With Pokémon
The Pokémon Company is putting out a short 3 episode web series starting on October 9th called Camping Trip with Pokémon. This short series will feature a man going camping with his Pokémon and shows his love of cooking. This short series follows on from the Pokémon Sweets Paradise short series from last year. We have created a section for this web series which will have details for each episode as they are released
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO City Safari - Seoul is now in full swing in Seoul, South Korea and contains a variety of Special and Timed Research to collect various Pokémon. It introduces Skiddo and Explorer Eevee into the game.
We have compiled all details of Special Research in our City Safari Seoul event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The "Two Factory Heads!" Story Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event tells a short story about the two Battle Factory Heads entering the Battle Hall in Pasio
A Variety Scout is also now available to get the Sync Pair of Thorton & Magnezone. The scout runs until October 19th
We're currently compiling all details in our Two Factory Heads! event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO GO Battle Weekend has begun. This event runs from October 7th at 00:00 local time to October 8th 23:59 local time
During this event, you will get a totall of 100 battles a day and get 4* Stardust from wins.
There will also be free Timed Research to get a Geeta Style pair of gloves
A paid Timed Research will also be available that will give players 30,000 stardust, 1 Star Piece, 3 Rare Candy and 3 Rare Candy XL

In The Pokémon Championship Series Department
Pokémon Regional Championships
Today is Day 1 of the Pokémon Peoria Regional Championships 2023. Today features battles for three of the games in the current Play! Pokémon Circuit: TCG, GO and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. All three games will be streamed in individual streams
The Pokémon VG Stream begins at 16:30 (BST) / 11:30 (EDT) / 08:30 (PDT)
The Pokémon TCG Stream begins at 18:00 (BST) / 13:00 (EDT) / 10:00 (PDT)
The Pokémon GO Stream begins at 16:00 (BST) / 11:00 (EDT) / 08:00 (PDT)
We have all the streams in our Play! Pokémon Stream Hub which allows for tabbing between all streams or loading all together
06-10-2023 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 19:30 BST
Edit @ 06:02: Birthday Event | Edit @ 06:13: NSO Icons | Edit @ 06:42: Pokémon TCG | Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 10:30: Hatsune Miku
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The latest Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This is the Mighty Hisuian Decidueye event. This event has Hisuian Decidueye appearing in 7 Star Raids with the Grass Tera Type. As with all past 7 Star Raid events, players can only catch one Hisuian Decidueye from raids per save file
This event runs until October 8th at 23:59 UTC and will repeat again next week
We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 01:07: We have updated our section with full details of this Tera Raid Battle Event

In The Games Department
Detective Pikachu Returns Coverage Day 2
The Nintendo Switch sequel, Detective Pikachu Returns, is now rolling out globally on the Nintendo Switch eShop and as such, our coverage is ongoing. As usual, I'll be posting the main focal points in the site's sections with notes here. We'll be adding pages over the next few days and details as we play through so be sure to keep checking back
Do note: This is a VERY story focused game and our sections will include all the game's narrative and plot points so beware of spoilers throughout the section
We have completed the game and are starting to compile various pages including a Chapter Listing
Edit: The game is now live globally on the Nintendo Switch eShop
Edit @ 07:23: Created a page on Local Concerns. This page will update as we add more data for each chapter
Edit @ 08:26: Created a preliminary page on Chapter 3 - The Fabled Aurora
Edit @ 08:43: Updated the Chapter 3 and Local Concerns section with Chapter 3 Concerns
Edit @ 09:33: Created a preliminary page on Chapter 4 - Detainee Pikachu
Edit @ 09:53: Updated the Chapter 4 and Local Concerns section with Chapter 4 Concerns
Edit @ 10:58: Created a preliminary page on Chapter 5 - Memories of the Bamboo Forest
Edit @ 11:23: Updated the Chapter 5 and Local Concerns section with Chapter 4 Concerns
Edit @ 12:34: Created a preliminary page on Chapter 6 - A Plan That Transcends Time. All story chapters are now covered in detail
Edit @ 14:03: Created a preliminary Pokémon Listings page, detailing all interactable Pokémon in the first two chapters
Edit @ 14:16: Begun adding the Pokémon listings to the respective Chapter pages
Edit @ 15:33: Updated the Pokémon Listings with another two chapters worth of Pokémon
Edit @ 16:43: Updated the Pokémon Listings with another chapters worth of Pokémon
Edit @ 17:45: Updated the Pokémon Listings with the final chapter. All Chapter pages are also updated
Edit @ 19:30: Created a preliminary Characters Listings page

In The Music Department
Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku Project Voltage 18 Types 18 Songs - Electrical Forecast
The first of the Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku Project Voltage songs has been released. This is Electrical Forecast by inabakumori and comes with a music video showcasing Hatsune Miku and her various Electric-type Pokémon. This song samples a lot of Pokémon themes and sound effects.
We have added details to our Project Voltage section including a special page on this song, Electrical Forecast, including an embed.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The annual Pokémon Center birthday distribution has been announced for Japan. If you go to one of the Pokémon Centers on the month of your birthday, you will then be able to recieve a Pawmi or Charcadet to your Pokémon Scarlet & Violet games. This runs from November 1st 2023 to October 31st 2024
In The TCG Department
Pokémon Trading Card Game
The Pokémon Company have revealed over a dozen cards the next Japanese Pokémon TCG set. This set comes in two parts, Ancient Roar and Future Flash and are focused around Paradox Pokémon with Ancient Roar including Ancient Pokémon and Future Flash containing Future Pokémon. This set is due for release in Japan on October 27th and will be released in English as Paradox Rift in November
We have added all the new cards to their respective sections, with translations thanks to ToineLay
Ancient Roar
Future Flash

In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Battles for the next online competition have begun. This competition is the Kitakami Prologue and is a Double Battle competition using the Kitakami Pokédex. All players get 10,000 League Points
Battles run from 00:00 UTC on October 6th through 23:59 UTC on October 8th and you can still register if you haven't already.
We have all details, including usable Pokémon, in our Kitakami Prologue section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The Pokémon Café ReMix x Detective Pikachu Returns collaboration event has begun. In this event, from today until October 27th 2023, you can complete Challenge Cards in order to obtain the special outifit of Pikachu (Detective). We have added details of the event into our event section
Alongside this, a special login bonus has also begun to give 3,000 Acorns.
In The Games Department
Detective Pikachu Returns
Wave 2 of the Detective Pikachu Returns Nintendo Switch Online icons and icon parts is now live. This wave features icons of the titular Detective Pikachu, as well as Ducklett & Growlithe and various borders and backgrounds. Wave 2 is live now until October 13th
05-10-2023 06:47 BST / 01:47 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 00:34 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon UNITE | Edit @ 09;28: PokéTsume | Edit @ 14:00: Detective Pikachu Returns Coverage

In The Games Department
Detective Pikachu Returns Coverage Day 1
The Nintendo Switch sequel, Detective Pikachu Returns, is now rolling out globally on the Nintendo Switch eShop and as such, our coverage will begin. As usual, I'll be posting the main focal points in the site's sections with notes here. We'll be adding pages over the next few days and details as we play through so be sure to keep checking back
Do note: This is a VERY story focused game and our sections will include all the game's narrative and plot points so beware of spoilers throughout the section
Edit: The game has a Story Jump mode which lets you load up any chapter previously accessed
Edit @ 14:49: There are six different episode chapters in the game
Throughout the main story, you will get Local Concerns from various people to help solve their mysteries
Edit @ 22:28: We have now completed the story and page creation shall begin over the next day. Be sure to keep checking back for full details
Edit @ 23:00: Created a preliminary Chapters Listing. Pages on each individual chapter will be added over the coming day
Edit @ 23:39: Created a preliminary page on the first chapter, the Prologue
Edit @ 00:34: Created a preliminary page on the secind chapter, the The Missing Jewel

In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
New details have been giving for the special Electric Tera Type Mimikyu distribution. This Pokémon distribution will run at Gamestop stores in the US and Canada from October 13th. Currently no further details have been given but we'll provide them as they come

In The TV Department
The first trailer for the Japanese TV Show, PokéTsume, has been released. This TV show is a collaboration with The Pokémon Company and tells the story of Madoka Akagi, as she moves to Tokyo but starts to see life doesn't match her dreams, only to become enthralled in the world of Pokémon again.
Alongside this, it confirms that many of the characters are loosely based on certain Pokémon
A coworker, Kageaki Hiyama is based on a young Charmander whose flame is to disappear
Kazuchika Kogusuri is based on a Kangaskhan and is a working father
Yoko Meguro is based on Ninetales and is obsessed with love and work
Yuki Koide is based on Magikarp and is a completely useless employee
Sora Kawasawa, Madako's son, is a little Pokémon master
Koichi Yadoya is the president and based on Slowbro and tends to be forgetful
Midori Kudo is a rival for Madoka

In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
Two new pieces of Holowear has been released for Pokémon UNITE. These are the Orange Unite and Purple UNITE outfits for Buzzwole which cost 350 Gems per outfitS
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The "Two Factory Heads!" Story Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event tells a short story about the two Battle Factory Heads entering the Battle Hall in Pasio
A Variety Scout is also now available to get the Sync Pair of Thorton & Magnezone. The scout runs until October 19th
We're currently compiling all details in our Two Factory Heads! event section<
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The next Pokémon GO event is rolling out globally. This event is the Detective Pikachu Returns event and features a celebration of the launch of the Nintendo Switch title, Detective Pikachu Returns featuring the return of Detective Pikachu and the addition of Cowboy . It runs from 10:00 local time today to 20:00 local time on October 9th
We have all event details in our Detective Pikachu Returns event section
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Horizons - News
A new pair of episode titles have been revealed for Pokémon Horizons. This episode is due to air on October 27th and November 3rd
Episode 26: Terapagos' Adventure
Episode 27: As Long As I'm With My Companions
04-10-2023 06:30 BST / 01:30 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Café ReMix | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO - Detective Pikachu Returns

In The Games Department
Pokémon - Nintendo 3DS Games
Nintendo has announced that in early 2024, all Nintendo 3DS online services will go offline. This means that online play for Pokémon X & Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will cease to be operational.
However, it has been confirmed that Pokémon Bank will continue to run after this time so you will still be able to use that software and transfer Pokémon to Pokémon HOME. The Pokémon Company state there will be a time when Bank goes offline so recommend transferring Pokémon to HOME sooner rather than later.
With Nintendo Badge Arcade, after this time you will no longer be able to load the app and put badges in your badge box meaning you can only store 1000 Badges after this. With 2,077 different Pokémon badges, it will be impossible to save all the badges onto your 3DS at any one time, but you can split them across different SD cards

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The next Pokémon GO event is starting to roll out in Asia Pacific regions. This event is the Detective Pikachu Returns event and features a celebration of the launch of the Nintendo Switch title, Detective Pikachu Returns. It runs from 10:00 local time on October 5th to 20:00 local time on October 9th
We are currently compiling details of this event, including the Timed Research, in our Detective Pikachu Returns event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
New orders have been added to Pokémon Café ReMix. This adds stages 2251-2275 to the game. We're currently cataloguing all these new stages and details so be sure to keep checking back.
Edit @ 08:06: We have updated the Main Orders with the contents of today's update. The next batch of Orders will be released on October 18th 2023
03-10-2023 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:01 BST
Edit @ 21:01: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Harvest Festival event and is due to run from October 12th at 10:00 to October 17th at 20:00 local time and adds Smoliv into the game
Bellsprout, Exeggucte, Sunkern, Wurmple, Combee, Sewaddle, Cottonee, Petilil, Flabébé, Pumpkaboo, Bounsweet and Smoliv will be in the wild
Burmy, Pumpkaboo and Smoliv will be in Field Research
There will be a Collection Challenge to get Experience, Stardust and Mossy Lure Modules
Mossy Lure Modules will last for 2 hours and have a higher chance of finding Pumpkaboo
Pumpkaboo, Smoliv and Gourgeist will be in Showcases

In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix event has begun. This event is the second of several events celebrating Halloween throughout the month and introduces Vaporeon's Halloween Outfit into the game as a reward for completing various Mission Bingo challenges. This runs until October 18th 2023. We're currently compiling all details of this event in our Vaporeon's Halloween section, so be sure to keep checking back
Alongside this, the Delivery feature has updated and features the return of Sylveon's Festive Outfit
02-10-2023 00:10 BST / 19:10 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 15:40 BST
Edit @ 01:00: Online Competition | Edit @ 07:08: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 15:40: Detective Pikachu Returns
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Following the reveal in later removed sponsored videos last week, the next 7 Star Tera Raid Battle event has been officially announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a battle against a Hisuian Decidueye with the Grass Tera Type and the Mightiest Mark. It can only be caught once per save file.
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on October 6th - 23:59 UTC on October 8th then a week later from October 13th through 15th
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Registration for the next online competition has begun. This competition is the Kitakami Prologue and is a Double Battle competition using the Kitakami Pokédex. All players get 10,000 League Points
Registration is open from 00:00 UTC on October 2nd until October 8th at 23:59 UTC while battles run from 00:00 UTC on October 6th through 23:59 UTC on October 8th.
We have added all details to our Kitakami Prologue section
In The Games Department
Detective Pikachu Returns
Ahead of the launch of Detective Pikachu Returns this Friday, Nintendo have put out a short recap trailer which details the story events thus far leading up to the new sequel. We have added this trailer to our New Videos section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix event has been announced. This event is the first Bingo event in Pokémon Café ReMix which will make you complete various challenges for a chance to get the new outfit of Vaporeon (Halloween). It runs from October 3rd 2023
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
The next Pokémon Café ReMix Delivery focus has been announced for Pokémon Café ReMix. This will feature the return of Sylveon's Festive Outfit to the game. It runs from October 3rd 2023
01-10-2023 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 19:51 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Masters EX & Café ReMix | Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week | Edit @ 19:51: Manga
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Ranked Battle
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet's Ranked Battle Season 11 has begun. This season is the first that runs Regulation E ruleset which allows for use of Pokémon and moves added in The Teal Mask. This season will run until October 31st 2023 at 23:59 UTC
Alongside this, as Season 10 is now over, the rewards are able to be collected for all players
We've added all known details in our Ranked Battle Season 11 section including available Pokémon
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
As part of the "Together in an Unknown Land!" Story Event in Pokémon Masters EX, a new Poké Fair Scout is also available to get the Sync Pair of Rei & Hisuian Decidueye. The scout runs until October 16th
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
A new trainer has been added to Pokémon Masters EX's Trainer Lodge. From now on, if you have obtained Giovanni & Mewtwo already, you have the ability to invite Giovanni into the Trainer Lodge and befriend him. If you get the Friendship Level to 100, you will now be able to get the new Sync Pair, Giovanni & Nidorino. We have updated our Trainer Lodge Topics page to include the points each topic will give you when you speak to Giovanni
Alongside this, a new Poké Fair Scout is now live allowing you to get the sync pair of Steven & Metagross. This runs until November 1st 2023
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
Pokémon Café ReMix has added a new Monthly Goal Pass pass which offers a chance to get the Pokémon Meowscarada, as well as max out its Outfit Grade as you complete it throughout the month
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the fourty-fourth entry into the Generation IX competitive field with a Hisui & Kitakami Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the eighth generation. It crossed the sea and drifted ashore in a new land. Surviving in this place led it to take on a unique appearance and gain special powers. This special Ursaluna can see in the dark with its left eye and protects itself with mud that is as hard as iron.
So, here it is, the fourty-fourth Pokémon, Ursaluna

In The Manga Department
Pokémon Adventures - Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Viz Media have confirmed that the Pokémon Adventures series will finally release the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire saga in full volumes starting on February 29th 2024 and have revealed the cover to showcase it. This was first released in Japan in monthly magazines in 2015 and was released as full volumes in Japan in 2022