30-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check Tuesday's update for big Pokémon news. This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 07:09: Online Competition | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO Event
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The next online competition has been announced. This competition, the Spooky Cup 2021 is a Double Battle competition that only allows for you to use "Spooky" Pokémon. All players who enter get 50 BP
Registration is open now to October 14th 23:59 UTC. Battles will run from October 15th 00:00 UTC to October 17th 23:59 UTC.
We have full details of this competition, including an eligible Pokémon list, in our Spooky Cup 2021 section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Secrets of the Jungle tie-in event is now rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event runs from 10:00 local time until 20:00 local time on October 10th and features increased spawns of Pokémon from the movie. It also introduces a new piece of Special Research which allows for players to get the Mythical Pokémon Zarude. We have all details of the event in our Secrets of the Jungle section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Villain Event
The Spreading Shadows Villain Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX ahead of the new story later this month. This event is the first Villain event and ties in with the new story arc. It allows for you to earn rewards to power up the Sync Pair of Giovanni & Mewtwo in order to
A new Spotlight Scout is now available to get the Sync Pair of Misty & Vaporeon. It runs until October 16th.
We're currently compiling all details in our Looming Shadow of Kanto event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
A new Main Story has begun. This is the second arc, known as the Villain Arc, and will contain various Chapters based on each villain team leader, added over the coming months. This starts off with the Kanto Chapter of the event, which includes battles against Giovanni as well as the story of his attempt to take Pasio, as well as rewards including 50 Kanto Scout Tickets
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News
A new Episode Title has been released by a Japanese magazine. This episode is due to air on October 29th and features a battle in Galar between Ash & Bea.
Episode 1173: Rival Showdown! Ash VS Bea!!
29-09-2021 06:26 BST / 01:26 EDT by Serebii
Be sure to check yesterday's update for big Pokémon news. This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 08:00 BST
Edit @ 07:23: Pokémon Café ReMix
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
The new update and Mamoswine, as well as some new Holowear for Venusaur and Slowbro, is now live in Pokémon UNITE. We're currently adding full details for Mamoswine so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 06:39: We have added full stats and baseline attack damage for Mamoswine to our section.
Edit @ 08:00: A new patch has gone live featuring a variety of minor bug and text fixes as well as new shop items
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix - Café ReMix Transfer
Pokémon Café Mix has put out further details on Pokémon Café ReMix's update. It has now specified the update will come in late October, but on October 13th an update will come to Pokémon Café Mix to prepare the data on your savefile for transfer. With this update, the game will require a persistent Internet connection
28-09-2021 04:58 BST / 23:58 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:35 BST
Edit @ 14:00: Pokémon BDSP & Legends News | Edit @ 18;35: Episode Title

In The Games Department
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
The latest news for Pokémon Legends: Arceus has been released. We're currently compiling all details so keep checking back
A new Pokémon has been revealed, the evolved form of Scyther: Kleavor, a Bug/Rock-type
There are Noble Pokémon, which are strong and powerful boss fights. Sometimes they will get Frenzied and difficult to fight
You will receive the Celestica Flute which will allow you to summon special Ride Pokémon. Wyrdeer will let you run, Basculegion lets you swim on water and Braviary lets you fly over the areas.
In Jubilife Village, there's a customisation, a photography studio, a general store, and the pastures wherre you can leave Pokémon that have been caught.
There are special Wardens in the game. They look after various Noble Pokémon and other important Pokémon. Sometimes you can battle them. Lian looks after Kleavor, Mai looks after Wyrdeer and Iscan looks after Basculegion
Edit @ 14;12: We have update our Pre-Release Screenshot page with dozens of new screenshots
Edit @ 14:25: We have updated the New Pokémon page with Kleavor
Edit @ 14:32: We have updated the Hisui Pokédex page with more Pokémon
Edit @ 15:05: Created a page for Jubilife Village
Edit @ 15:14: Created a page for Noble Pokémon
Edit @ 15:59: Created a page for Alpha Pokémon
Edit @ 16:06: Created a page for New Attacks
Edit @ 17:30: Created a page for Wardens
Edit @ 18:00: Created a page for New Items

In The Games Department
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
The latest news for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl has been released. We're currently compiling all details so keep checking back
The Pokétch returns with Dowsing Machine and move. It also allows for you to call wild Pokémon to use Hidden Moves like Cut or Rock Climb
Amity Square returns and allows you to walk with 6 of your Pokémon at a time and take photos and more. You can have your Pokémon follow you after you have first come to the area.
Poffins also return and can be made in both the Poffin House and Amity Square
Edit @ 14;18: We have update our Pre-Release Screenshot page with dozens of new screenshots
Edit @ 15:36: We have created a page for the Pokétch

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
It has been announced that, in Japan, you will be able to get serial codes for Shiny Zacian & Zamazenta if you show staff at video game stores across Japan your Nintendo Switch's Home menu with Pokémon Sword or Shield. This runs from October 22nd and you get Zamazenta in Pokémon Sword or Zacian in Pokémon Shield. Currently no further details have been given for international release.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
DeNa have unveiled the first part of their next villain part of the story.
Alongside the Villain Story that starts on Thursday, two more Sygna Suit Sync Pairs wil be available. Sygna Suit Misty & Vaporeon will be available on the 30th and Sygna Suit Erika and Leafeon will be available from October 1st
Alongside this, a new event, Spreading Shadows, will begin which will allow Giovanni to be able to Mega Evolve his Mewtwo
Edit @ 07:00: Some changes have been announced with the updates. In the Daily Region Battles, alongside the Battle Points there will be Guaranteed Scout Tickets for each region
The Fall 2021 event begins on October 7th and following that, some new Seasonal Sync Pairs of Caitlin & Sableye and Morty & Banette, alongside new Sync Pairs of Darach & Staraptor and Allister & Gengar
Uxie will be in the Legendary Arena on October 22nd
A new style of Story Event featuring Sync Pairs in special outfits will arrive at the end of October

In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News
A new Episode Title has been released by a Japanese magazine. This episode is due to air on October 8th.
Episode 1172: The Cleffa That Became A Star
27-09-2021 07:08 BST / 02:08 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO Battle League
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
A small bug fix has been pushed to Pokémon UNITE. This fixes two major bugs that hit Crustle and Lucario where Crustle's attack kept getting boosted and where Lucario's Extreme Speed did more damage than intended in certain circumstances
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO Battle League has now shifted to the Master League, Master League Classic and new Little Jungle Cup, which only allows Normal, Grass, Electric, Poison, Ground, Flying, Bug and Dark-type of below 500CP. This will run until October 11th 2021 at 20:00 UTC.
26-09-2021 09:05 BST / 04:05 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 14:01 BST
Edit @ 14:01: Pokémon UNITE Holowear
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
It has been confirmed that the next Holowear will be released for Alolan Ninetales on Friday October 1st. This Holowear is the Premium Sacred Style. Full details on how to get it are currently unknown but be sure to check back on Friday for full details

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the ninety-seventh entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Galar Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the eighth generation. Imbued with Gigantamax energy, its wings can whip up winds more forceful than any a hurricane could muster. The gusts blow everything away. The eight feathers on its back are called blade birds, and they can launch off its body to attack foes independently. So, here it is, the ninety-seventh entry, Corviknight
25-09-2021 14:02 BST / 09:02 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 14:02 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
It has been confirmed that the next character for Pokémon UNITE, Mamoswine, is to be released in-game on September 29th. At present there are no further details but we'll provide them as soon as they come so keep checking back
We have added all the details we have to our new Pokémon UNITE Mamoswine page, which will be added with stats and damage data upon the release on Wednesday so be sure to keep checking back
24-09-2021 06:04 BST / 02:04 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:04 BST
Edit @ 06:13: Pokémon Shirts | Edit @ 07:01: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 20;10: Pokémon UNITE | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 21:04: Spotlight Hours

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO events for October 2021.
First, the Research Breakthrough Reward has been announced. From October 1st 2021 at 20:00 UTC to November 1st 2021 at 20:00 UTC you'll get a Unovan Yamask
Every Monday, a box containing 1 Remote Raid Pass and other items will be available
Genesect Douse Drive will make its debut in Pokémon GO from October 1st to October 12th. It cannot be shiny
Altered Forme Giratina will appear in 5 star raids from October 12th through October 22nd
Darkrai will appear in raids from October 22nd through November 5th. It will know the move Sludge Bomb
Mega Gengar will be in raids from October 1st - 22nd. Mega Absol will make its debut from October 22nd through November 5th
The events through October have also been announced
In addition to the Secrets of the Jungle Event, Niantic will have a celebration event on October 6th for a free box from 11am to 5pm
From October 15th through October 31st, the annual Halloween event will run, with costumed Pokémon and a new Halloween Special Research Story

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the Spotlight Hours for the month of July. They happen at 6pm to 7pm local time are as follows:
October 5th - Drifloon - 2* Evolution Experience
October 12th - Gastly - 2* Catch Stardust
October 19th - Gothita - 2* Catch Experience
October 26th - Murkrow - 2* Evolution Experience
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
A new bug fix update has been announced for Pokémon UNITE. On Wednesday September 29th, a new patch will release which will fix a bug with Crustle's Unite move
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The new Training Rally has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. From now until October 1st, you will receive more item rewards for completing the Level Up and Cap Unlock Training Stages
In The Games Department
The players have been announced for the Pokémon Global Exhibition, a special invite only competition that was announced in June. This competition will be shown on October 30th and October 31st and will feature Leonardo Bonanomi (Players Cup 4 top European player), Enrique Grimaldo (Players Cup 4 top North American player), Renzo Navarro (Players Cup 4 Champion), Luke Iuele (Players Cup 4 top Oceania player), Wonseok Jung ((Korean Pokémon Trainers Cup 2021 Champion), Kohei Fujita (Pokémon Japan Championships 2021 Champion), Jirawiwat Thitasiri (Asia Players Cup Champion) and Chin Wei Ho (Asia Players Cup Runner-up)
In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Shirts
A new special set of Pokémon Shirts has been announced by Original Stitch for release on October 8th. These shirts come in five different styles as part of a collaboration with renowned Japanese fashion house UNBUILT Takeo Kikuchi. This collection includes Shirts as well as the inner lining of Jackets.
23-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 23:21 BST
Edit @ 15:00: Pokémon Evolutions | Edit @ 23:21: Pokémon Snap
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Evolutions
The first episode of the Pokémon Evolutions web anime series is now live on YouTube and Pokémon TV. This series is a web based show separate from the main anime which focuses on several key aspects across the world of Pokémon. The second episode is "The Eclipse" and is based around the Lillie's journey through the Alola Region. The episode can be found below. We're currently updating all our databases with the content of this episode.
Episode 3, "The Visionary", will release on October 7th
Edit @ 15:11: We have updated the Episode Page with full details on this episode
In The Games Department
During today's Nintendo Direct, the Nintendo Switch Online subscription had an update announced. For an extra fee, you will be able to play Nintendo 64 games. With this, it was confirmed that the original Pokémon Snap will be added to the service at a later point in the service, which drops late October
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Ghost-type Gear Event has begun its repeat run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is a Co-Op Stage focused event that has you play stages to earn rewards to get 3 Star Ghost Gear
We're currently compiling all details in our Ghost-type Gear Event event section
In addition to that, a new Sync Pair Scout has begun which features increased chances of getting Elesa & Rotom, Clemont & Heliolisk and Volkner & Luxray
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The Blissful Bonanza Event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs until October 6th 2021 and lets you play once a day in order to get tickets to get a variety of items
22-09-2021 05:19 BST / 00:19 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 10:22 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Café Mix
In The Games Department
Pokémon HOME
The update for Pokémon HOME is now available to download on mobile. This update brings the app to Version 1.5 and adds some new features
First, it now has a Trainer Info feature that allows you to mark yourself as the original trainer for Pokémon caught in any game
You can also now search for Pokémon others are asking for in the GTS
You can also add conditions to your GTS search for Forms and Language

In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
Pokémon UNITE is now available to download on iOS and Android, alongside an update to the Nintendo Switch. This mobile version is identical to the Nintendo Switch game. It won't be playable until the maintenance is over at 07:00 UTC today, where a balance patch and more will be released. This patch contains a number of updates and fixes, including the addition of Battle Guide, Spectate and an Offline Mode for Nintendo Switch. We have a full Pokémon Listing, Hold Items listing and more in our section
Edit @ 08:00: The maintenance is over and the patch is now live. We're currently compiling all details of the changes to the game, new Battle Pass and more so keep checking back
Edit @ 08:44: Updated the Patch Notes and Pokémon Listings with new Stat and Move data
Edit @ 09:12: Updated the Holowear section with all 18 new pieces of Holowear
Edit @ 09:31: Updated the Hold Items section with the three new hold items
Edit @ 09:42: Updated the Battle Pass section with details on this season's Battle Pass: Galactic Ghost 094
Edit @ 09:53: Updated the Items section with the new items
Edit @ 10:22: Updated the Events section with all the new missions
Premium Holowear section with the new Premium Holowear

In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The next event has begun in Pokémon Café Mix. This event is the Lucario Special Customer Team Event repeat and adds Holiday Lucario to the game as a Special Customer. It runs until October 4th 2021
21-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:01 BST
Edit @ 09;01: Pokémon Masters EX Gear Event | Edit @ 10:35: Pokémon HOME | Edit @ 14:52: Pokémon UNITE
In The Games Department
Pokémon HOME
With the new Pokémon GO event which adds Furfrou and its forms, the forms of Furfrou can now finally be obtained in Pokémon HOME. Previously, when put into Pokémon Bank from Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon, the Furfrou would revert into its Natural Trim next time you load the game. With Pokémon GO, however, you can obtain these forms and store them in Pokémon HOME. At present there's no indication as to whether or not they will revert over time in Pokémon HOME but we'll keep investigating

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Secrets of the Jungle event, to celebrate the international release of the movie Secrets of the Jungle and is due to run from October 1st from 10:00 to October 10th at 20:00 local time. It introduces Zarude to to the game
This event introduces some Special Research for all players that will give them access to the Mythical Pokémon, Zarude.
Pokémon from the movie such as Hoothoot, Larvitar, Combee, Drilbur, Cottonee, Dwebble and more will be appearing more frequently in the wild. Explorer Pikachu will also be returning
Explorer Pikachu, Larvitar, Roggenrola, Foongus and Rufflet will be in 1 Star Raids
Lickitung, Chansey, Pinsir, Ludicolo and Flygon will be in 3 star raids
Jessie & James will appear during the event until 10;00 local time on October 15th. They will appear in their Meowth Balloon as well as in Snapshot
Themed Field Research Tasks will be available with encounters of Audino, Rufflet and more
New avatar items will be available including the Adventure Hat and Wailmer Water Bottle

In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
A balance update is coming to Pokémon UNITE tomorrow. This update focuses on bug fixes and some alterations
In addition to this, a new trailer was released showing new Holowear for Gengar and Garchomp and new ways to play the game when the mobile version drops tomorrow
Spectating will return
New in-game events will get Super Item Enhancers to upgrade hold items to Level 30, it'll also be easier to get Item Enhancers
New Hold Items will be added
Unite Squads will be added allowing players to team up
A new battle pass will be included
A special mission will be released to give players on mobile a chance to get Zeraora. If players already have Zeraora, they'll receive Aeos Coins instead.
Edit @ 14:52: We have updated the Patch & Updates section with patch notes

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Fashion Week event is now rolling out. This event runs from 10:00 local time until 20:00 local time on September 28th and features increased spawns of fashion themed Pokémon including the introduction of Furfrou into the game alongside Form Change. It also introduces new Special Research tasks to the season's long Special Research and an additional Special Research to get Meloetta. We have all details of the event in our Fashion Week section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The Legendary Arena Tornadus is now live in Pokémon Masters EX with a repeat run. This event runs until October 5th 2021 and features a battle against the Legendary Pokémon, Tornadus
A new Poké Fair Scout is now available to get the Sync Pair of Marnie & Morpeko. It runs until October 5th.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The next event has been announced. This event is a new style of event, a Gear Event which runs Co-Op only stages and will provide players with 3 Star Gear and Materials for the Ghost-type. It runs from Thursday September 23rd 2021
20-09-2021 10:06 BST / 05:06 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 14:02: Pokémon TCG Live | Edit @ 18:58: Pokémon GO Promotion | Edit @ 21:00: Pokémon GO Fashion Week

In The Games Department
Pokémon Trading Card Game
The Pokémon Company International have put out the first details for Pokémon Trading Card Game Live, a new app coming for mobile and PC that allows for you to play Pokémon TCG with players around the world.
It will come with a mobile soft launch in Canada and a global open beta for PC and Mac later this year. TCG live will be update with content frequently. Like with TCG Online, you can get more cards by using codes from products such as Booster Packs and more in real life
Your content from Pokémon Trading Card Game Online will carry over to Pokémon TCG Live on your first log in if you use the same Trainer Club account except for cards from the HeartGold & SoulSilver series. The game will allow for Lost Thunder onwards at launch with cards from earlier sets back to Black & White transferable but not playable until future updates. Players will be able to transfer up to four copies of a unique Pokémon TCG card
You can exchange up to 4 of any card for credits, these can then be used in exchange for single cards. The game will be free but you can unlock content and accessories by completing daily quests and more. There is a Battle Pass with daily quests, with new quests each day. Progress unlocks booster packs, cosmetics and more
There are three currencies in the game:
Coins - Earned through quests, leveling up and more. Can be used for avatar apparel & emotes and deckboxes & sleeves
Credits - Transfer up to 4 copies of a single card, 1 copy of an ACE SPEC or Prism Star, 1 copy of each part of a V-Union or 59 copies of Energy from your TCGO account. Additional copies converted into credits which are then redeemable for single cards. Credits are also achieved for hitting milestones
Crystals - Earned by competing quests, they can be used to buy booster packs, promo cards and special bundles for cards. Can also be used to upgrade the Battle Pass to the Premium Pass
Players will not be able to trade cards with other players in Trading Card Game Live
Unopened products will also be exchanged for Crystals when transferred from TCGO to TCG Live:
1 - 9 Items: 250 Crystals
10 - 24 Items: 550 Crystals
25 - 49 Items: 1125 Crystals
50 to 124 Items: 2350 Crystals
125+ Items: 6200 Crystals
Edit @ 14:16: We have added dozens of Pre-Release Screenshots to our new Pokémon TCG Live section

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Fashion Week event is now rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event runs from 10:00 local time until 20:00 local time on September 28th and features increased spawns of Fashionable Pokémon including the introduction of Furfrou into the game alongside Form Change. It also introduces new Special Research tasks to the season's long Special Research and an additional Special Research to get Meloetta. We have all details of the event in our Fashion Week section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic are running a campaign on social media, specifically Twitter and Instagram for the best AR photo of a costumed Pokémon from September 21st 17:00 UTC through September 29th 03:00 UTC. From this, 100 winners will be selected who win Hoopa Bangles, 3 Premium Raid Passes, 3 Incubators and 30 Ultra Balls. Entrants must be 18 or older

In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
The Pokémon Company have put out some details on how to carry over data between the Nintendo Switch version and mobile version of Pokémon UNITE upon the mobile version's release on Wednedday.
When you start the mobile version, log in to the Nintendo Account or Pokémon Trainer Club that was linked when you started the Switch version. This will allow you to play between the two with no issues.
If you start playing one version before carrying over the save data, you will be unable to share save data and will need to uninstall and redownload to do so
If you start on mobile and then want to play on Switch, make sure the mobile version is linked to a Nintendo Account or Pokémon Trainer Club account. Then, log in using a Switch profile on that Nintendo account
19-09-2021 08:19 BST / 03:19 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:54 BST
Edit @ 13:54: Pokémon of the Week
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Community Day
Today marks the Pokémon GO Community Day. On this day, for six hours in each region, Oshawott will appear, enmass, in Pokémon GO with a chance of Shiny Oshawott appearing. During this event, when you evolve Dewott into Samurott, it will know the move Hydro Cannon, which is exclusive to this event. This coincides with 3* Catch Experience and 3 hour Incense. This runs at these times:
It runs from 11am to 5pm in your local time.
In The Play! Pokémon Department
Pokémon Draft the World
Today marks Day 2 of the Draft the World competition. This special competition is a special tournament featuring several top players playing top decks from past years Pokémon World Championships
This stream will start at 15:45 UTC / 16:45 BST / 17:45 CEST / 10:45 EDT / 07:45 PDT and we're hosting it in our section
Trading Card Game Draft the World Stream

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the ninety-sixth entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Kanto Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the first generation. In battle, this Pokémon swings around two thick vines. If these vines slammed into a 10-story building, they could easily topple it. Huge amounts of pollen burst from it with the force of a volcanic eruption. Breathing in too much of the pollen can cause fainting. So, here it is, the ninety-sixth entry, Venusaur
18-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 22:00 BST
Edit @ 14:42: Pokémon UNITE | Edit @ 15:10: Pokémon Draft the World | Edit @ 22:00: Pokémon GO Community Day
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Extreme Event Event
The Team Rocket Takedown Extreme Battle Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event features two strong battles against Giovanni built around the two new Sync Pairs
A new Poké Fair Scout is now available to get the Sync Pair of Blue & Aerodactyl. It runs until September 30th.
We're currently compiling all details in our Team Rocket Takedown event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO - Community Day
The Pokémon GO Oshawott Community Day is starting to roll out in Asia Pacific Regions. During this event, for six hours in each region, Oshawott will appear, enmass, in Pokémon GO with a chance of Shiny Oshawott appearing. During this event, when you evolve Dewott into Samurott, it will know the move Hydro Cannon, which is exclusive to this event. With this, we're adding full details on the event from the first areas
It runs from 11am to 5pm in your local time.
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
Some new Holowear has been teased for Pokémon UNITE. This Holowear seems to be for the Pokémon Garchomp and is set to release on September 22nd alongside the new update for Switch and mobile version
In The Play! Pokémon Department
Pokémon Draft the World
Today marks Day 1 of the Draft the World competition. This special competition is a special tournament featuring several top players playing top decks from past years Pokémon World Championships
This stream will start at 15:45 UTC / 16:45 BST / 17:45 CEST / 10:45 EDT / 07:45 PDT and we're hosting it in our section
Trading Card Game Draft the World Stream
17-09-2021 01:02 BST / 20:02 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:00 BST
Edit @ 06:31: Fusion Arts | Edit @ 07:08: Pokémon HOME | Edit @ 07:55: Shiny Zacian & Shiny Zamazenta Event | Edit @ 11:20: Character Biography | Edit @ 11:36: Episode Details | Edit @ 18:00: Pokémon GO
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
It has been announced that, in South Korea, a distribution of Shiny Zacian or Shiny Zamazenta will be given to players in Pokémon Sword & Shield if you pre-order Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl or the Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Double Pack. This will then be given through code from November 19th until December 31st 2021. Currently no further details have been given for international release.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The Wild Area Event has now shifted in Pokémon Sword & Shield for a new Extra Event. With this, for the next few days, Lunatone & Solrock will be available, with Shiny Lunatone & Solrock . We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back. This event runs until Sunday at 23:59 UTC
Edit @ 01:12: We have updated our section with full details of this Max Raid Battle Event, as well as updated our ItemDex for TR locations.
In The Games Department
Pokémon HOME
Pokémon HOME is to undergo maintenance on Wednesday September 22nd from 01:00 UTC to 06:00 UTC for both mobile and Switch versions. This maintenance is to prepare everything for the new mobile version which will drop at the same time. Not much is know about this version, 1.5, but we'll provide full details as they come
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Ahead of Sunday's Pokémon GO Community Day, the ticket for the Special Research is now available for purchase. This Special Research will give a variety of tasks and rewards based around Oshawott and costs Ł0.79/$0.99 to purchase
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
Pokémon UNITE is to undergo maintenance on Tuesday September 21st at 21:00 UTC to Wednesday September 22nd at 07:00 UTC. This maintenance is to come and coincide with the release of the mobile version, which will include a game update for Nintendo Switch for connectivity. Energy Rewards and items purchasable with Holowear Tickets will change with this maintenance
In The Anime Department
Pokémon 2019
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash, Goh and Chloe meet a trainer who is obsessed with the colour blue. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
We have also updated the Shiny Pokémon in the Anime section with the Shiny Pokémon shown in this episode
In The Anime Department
Pokémon 2019 - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Goh's biography with new Pokémon he obtained in this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
In The TCG Department
Pokémon TCG - Fusion Arts
The Pokémon Company have officially revealed all the standard cards the next set for the Pokémon Sword & Shield TCG.This is the eighth TCG set and comes in one set: Fusion Arts and is out next week September 24th 2021 and feature the addition of a new battle style: Fusion Strike.
As such, our card listing and the associated Cardex have been updated with the details of this set with thanks to ToineLay for help with translation.
Fusion Arts
16-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 14:00 BST
Edit @ 14:00: Pokémon UNITE
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
Pokémon UNITE has been confirmed to have been downloaded 9 million times on the Nintendo Switch since launch. As such, a special gift will be given to all players on September 29th of 2000 Aeos Tickets in celebration
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Villain Prelude Event
The Looming Shadow of Kanto Villain Prelude Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX ahead of the new story later this month. This event is a long running Solo Event that features the story of the Giovanni's return to Pasio
A new Poké Fair Scout is now available to get the Sync Pair of Red & Snorlax. It runs until October 30th.
We're currently compiling all details in our Looming Shadow of Kanto event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The Lurking Shadow Legenday Event is now live in Pokémon Masters EX with a repeat run. This event runs until October 23rd 2021 and tells the story of the appearance of Mewtwo, culminating in getting Giovanni & Mewtwo with various Item Exchanges and Prize Box.
15-09-2021 04:46 BST / 23:46 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 07:38 BST
Edit @ 07:38: Pokémon Quest
In The TCG Department
Pokémon TCG - New Information Reveal
The Pokémon Company have announced this year's TCG Illustration contest and, for the first time, this is open to both Japan and the US. Entry is from October 13th through January 31st 2022 and the Grand Prize and first runner up in Japan and in US will all have their artwork on a Pokémon promo card, as well as a cash reward. This year's theme is on a Pokémon's daily life with the Pokémon in question being Bulbasaur, Charizard, Pikachu, Arcanine, Galarian Rapidash, Scizor, Greninja or Cramorant. Rules and entry form can be found here

In The Games Department
Pokémon Quest
Following a set of teases, the first Johto update has been confirmed for Pokémon Quest's Chinese release. The first Johto Pokémon are to release in the game tomorrow, September 16th. 12 new Pokémon will be released in this with a new island. The land and Pokémon in this island are different and offer a variety of new ingredients including White Sand Stone to create the FangCola White Sand Baked Rice recipe to lure Johto Pokémon into the game.
At present, there's no sign of the additions coming to the western version of the game
14-09-2021 06:07 BST / 01:07 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 22:00 BST
Edit @ 09:43: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 22:00: Pokémon GO - Evolution Preview
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - 2nd Anniversary Event
The Pokémon Masters EX 2nd Anniversary details have continued to come in with a new update live. The story prelude begins on Thursday but alongside that is the first Kanto Sync Pair capable of Dynamaxing, Red & Snorlax in a new Poké Fair Scout from September 16th, and the new Sync Pair of Blue and Mega Aerodactyl, which runs from September 18th. There will be an event starting on Thursday acting as a Prelude before the story drops on September 30th. We're currently compiling all details of the update
Edit @ 07:06: We have updated the sections with details for Red & Snorlax and Blue & Aerodactyl
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Raid Bosses have now shifted in Pokémon GO as of 10:00 local time today. These add Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf to their respective regions, with their Shiny varaints now being available. These run until October 1st 2021
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The recently announced feature for Pokémon GO where it will tell you the CP the Pokémon would have on evolution as well as what Battle Leagues it is no longer eligible for is now live. When you restart your game after now and go to evolve a Pokémon, it will now show full details

In The Music Department
Pokémon 25: The Album
It has been confirmed that the album Pokémon 25 The Album will be released on October 15th 2021. With this, the final artists have been confirmed including Jax Jones, Lil Yachty, Tierra Whack and Japanese artist/producer Yaffle. We'll provide full details as they come
Katy Perry—Electric
Jax Jones—Phases (with Sinead Harnett)
Mabel—Take It Home
Lil Yachty—Believing
J Balvin—Ten Cuidado
Vince Staples—Got ’Em
Louane—Game Girl
Tierra Whack—Art Show
Post Malone—Only Wanna Be With You (Pokémon 25 Version)
Yaffle – Reconnect (feat. Daichi Yamamoto & AAAMYYY)*
Mabel—Take It Home (ZHU Remix)*
Cyn—Wonderful (ZHU Remix)*
Vince Staples—Got ’Em (ZHU Remix)*
* Digital album only
13-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:01 BST
Edit @ 20:47: Episode Title | Edit @ 21:01: Pokémon GO

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Fashion Week event and is due to run from September 21st from 10:00 to September 28th at 20:00 local time. It introduces Furfrou and its form to to the game, but there will also be a form change mechanic. You'll only be able to change the form to certain forms in certain areas. Changing form costs the same amount of Stardust and Candy as it would take to learn the second move in Furfrou's case, 25 Candy and 10,000 Stardust, and is required each time you change form. Furfrou always starts in Natural Form but can be changed accordingly
Natural Form: Available in the wild globally
Matron Trim: Available as a form change globally
Dandy Trim: Available as a form change globally
Debutante Trim: Available as a form change in the Americas
Diamond Trim: Available as a form change in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
Star Trim: Available as a form change in the Asia-Pacific
La Reine Trim: Available as a form change in France
Kabuki Trim: Available as a form change in Japan
Pharaoh Trim: Available as a Form change in Egypt
Heart Trim: Stay tuned!
Blitzle, Sneasel and Butterfree wearing costums will be available, as well as the costume Smoochum, Kirlia, Shinx and Croagunk in costumes from last year
The next Season of Mischief research will arrive
This event also adds Special Research to get Meloetta. If you already have meloetta from the GO Fest research, it will give Meloetta Candy
Fashinable Trainers will appear at PokéStops
There will be Timed Research through the event with a Furfrou Wig as a reward
More Fashion Week items will be available in the shop
Costume Sneasel & Shinx will be in 1 star raids
Costume Butterfree and Kirlia will be in 3 star raids
Alolan Meowth, Galarian Meowth, Smoochum in a costume, and Shinx in a costume are in 7km eggs
Shiny Blitzle will be available after the event. Shiny costumed Pokémon will be available
Pokémon GO Form Change |

In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The Rankings are now live in Pokémon Sword & Shield for the recent Mythical Melee Online Competition. To check the results you need to go to VS and then into the Battle Stadium feature and check previous competitions. With this, once you have checked your results, you can now receive the 50 BP gift if you go to Mystery Gift and select Get Battle Stadium Rewards
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO Battle League has now shifted to the Ultra League & Ultra League Remix format. This will run until September 27th 2021 at 20:00 UTC.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - 2nd Anniversary Event
The Pokémon Masters EX 2nd Anniversary rerun events are continuing to run, continuing with the "The Ideal Formula" event. These events just run the old stages with a variety of rewards, but no additional missions or item exchanges. It runs until September 17th 2021.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News
A new Episode Title has been released by CoroCoro. This episode is due to air on October 22nd and has Ash, after receiving a Key Stone from Korrina, go to a place called Mega Island to look for a Lucarionite
Episode 1174: The Lucarionite! Adventure on Mega Island!!
12-09-2021 11:04 BST / 06:04 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:00 BST
Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week
In The TCG Department
Pokémon TCG - New Information Reveal
During the special premiere of new Pokémon Trading Card Game news, it was announced that a special Starter Deck 100 set is to come our in Japan. These products give you 1 of 100 special decks made up of 414 cards in the sert, of cards and reprints of old cards. It's due for release December 17th
Edit @ 11:45: We have updated our Card Database with all known cards of the Starter Deck 100 set

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the ninety-fifth entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Galar Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the eighth generation. The shaking of its freezing upper half is what generates its electricity. It has a hard time walking around. This Pokémon lived on prehistoric seashores and was able to preserve food with the ice on its body. It went extinct because it moved so slowly. So, here it is, the ninety-fifth entry, Arctozolt
11-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 07:00 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Fashion Week has had its first tease. As expected, Niantic have revealed that the Pokémon Furfrou is to make its debut within the event. This event runs from September 21st through September 28th and we'll provide more details as they come
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - 2nd Anniversary Event
The Pokémon Masters EX 2nd Anniversary rerun events are continuing to run, continuing with the "Dazzling Dizzying Battle Stage" event. These events just run the old stages with a variety of rewards, but no additional missions or item exchanges. It runs until September 17th 2021.
10-09-2021 06:00 BST / 01:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:11 BST
Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Masters | Edit @ 08:00: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 08:34: Pokémon Master Journeys | Edit @ 11:24: Character Biography | Edit @ 11:35: Episode Details | Edit @ 13:11: Pokémon TCG
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Battles for the next online competition have begun. This competition, the Mythical Melee is a Single Battle competition that only allows for you to use Legendary or Mythical Pokémon. All players who enter get 50 BP
Battles will run from September 10th 00:00 UTC to September 12th 23:59 UTC.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix - Café ReMix Transfer
Pokémon Café Mix has put out details on what will transfer and what will not when the game fully upgrades to Pokémon Café ReMix in the near future. When the game is to upgrade, there will be big server maintenance. After that, your data will automatically transfer and some will be converted:
Pokémon that have joined will transfer, but some data will be converted. Friendship levels for those not on staff will reset. All Pokémon will become Level 1 and you will receive Rare Tarts as gifts based on your friendship level with that Pokémon. Use the Rare Tarts to give them experience
Pokémon that are of different outfits such as Sweets Pikachu will not transfer but combine into their base Pokémon with the Outfit as an Outfit option. These Pokémon will then have the same skill when you apply the outfit in the game
Tasty Tarts will be converted to Rare Tarts
Current Main Orders will become Extra Orders that you will be able to play with your progress sbhifting to the Extra Order progress, so if you hit 1200 for Main Orders, it'll be 1200 in the Extra Orders. All players will then start at Order #1 for the new stages
Items in storage & Golden Acorns will transfer
Master Points, Friend List and Teams will also transfer
There's currently no date on when the game will upgrade but we'll provide full details as and when we get them

In The Games Department
Pokémon TCG - New Information Reveal
A special premiere has been scheduled for a video revealing "New Information" about the Pokémon Trading Card Game. This is set to air on Sunday September 12th at 10:00 UTC. At present it's not clear what will be revealed but we'll provide full details as it comes
In The Anime Department
Pokémon 2019
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Goh get his latest mission for Project Mew, to get the scale dust of a Volcarona from Unova. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
We have also updated the Shiny Pokémon in the Anime section with the Shiny Pokémon shown in this episode
In The Anime Department
Pokémon 2019 - Character Biography
With the episode that has aired in Japan today, we have been able to update Goh's biography with new Pokémon he obtained in this week's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers.
In The Anime Department
The Pokémon Company have released a new PokéToon episode. This episode, I've Become A Gengar and features the story of a girl who woke up one day to be a Gengar
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys
The first batch 12 episodes of Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series, are now available in the US on Netflix. This saga of the anime features Ash , Goh & Chloe as they travel the world researching Pokémon, with Ash battling in the World Coronation Series as they go. These 12 episodes include a mysterious Eevee, travels to Galar & Kalos and the meeting of a Legendary Pokémon.
09-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:00 BST
Edit @ 15:04: Pokémon Evolutions | Edit @ 16:35: Episode Title | Edit @ 18:00: Pokémon GO Community Day
In The Games Department
Pokémon Evolutions
The first episode of the Pokémon Evolutions web anime series is now live on YouTube and Pokémon TV. This series is a web based show separate from the main anime which focuses on several key aspects across the world of Pokémon. The first episode is "The Champion" and is based around the Galar Region. The episode can be found below. We're currently updating all our databases with the content of this episode.
Episode 2, "The Eclipse", will release on September 23rd.
Edit @ 15:25: We have updated the Episode Page with full details on this episode

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO Community Day on October 9th will focus on Duskull. This event will 3* Catch Stardust and has 3 Hour Incense & 3 Hour Lure Modules. However, it will also give out the move Shadow Ball to Dusknoir and have Timed Research to give you 4 Sinnoh Stones. You will be able to purchase a ticket to receive Special Research "Nothing Dull About This Skull".
The Community Day runs at 11am to 5pm in each local time zone
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The new Egg Event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is the Dragon & Water-type Egg Event and provides the opportunity to get a Sync Pair of Main Character & Squirtle, Staryu, Goldeen & Dratini with Shiny varaints of Dratini & Squirtle being available. It runs until September 23rd.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - 2nd Anniversary Event
The Pokémon Masters EX 2nd Anniversary rerun events are continuing to run, continuing with the "Evolution Material Mining" event. These events just run the old stages with a variety of rewards, but no additional missions or item exchanges. It runs until September 17th 2021.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News
A new Episode Title has been released by a Japanese magazine. This episode is due to air on October 8th. It features Opal inviting Ash to a tournament in Ballonlea that Leon and Raihan are participating in. However, it turns out it's a competition to decorate cakes with Alcremie
Episode 1173: Alcremie's Super Sweet Battle?!
08-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 14:18 BST
Edit @ 08:00: Pokémon UNITE Patch | Edit @ 14:18: OREO
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Psychic Spectacular event is now rolling out. This event runs from 10:00 local time until 20:00 local time on September 13th and features increased spawns of Psychic-type Pokémon including the introduction of Inkay into the game. It also introduces new Special Research tasks to the season's long Special Research. We have all details of the event in our Psychic Spectacular section
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
The Pokémon UNITE balance patch is now live. This patch, announced yesterday, provides a variety of changes and fixes to Blissey. We're currently compiling all the changes so be sure to keep checking back for more details
Edit @ 08:06: We have updated our Patch & Updates section and Blissey with full details of the changes
Edit @ 08:06: Updated the Holowear page with Slowbro's holowear
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The next event has begun in Pokémon Café Mix. This event is the Torterra Event repeat and adds Torterra to the game as a Special Customer. It runs until September 22nd 2021
In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Oreo
The Pokémon & OREO collaboration has been announced. There will be a special set of Limited Edition cookies which include 16 different designs; Sableye, Sandshrew, Bulbasaur, Lapras, Cyndaquil, Pikachu, Dratini, Grookey, Jigglypuff, Squirtle, Charmander, Pancham, Snivy, Piplup, Rowlet, of different rarities including a Mythical Pokémon, Mew. These are available now in the US for pre-order, and will fully release September 13th.
07-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 09:00: Egg Event | Edit @ 10:08: Pokémon 25: The Album | Edit @14:00: Pokémon UNITE | Edit @ 14:05: Shiny Celebi & Dada Zarude | Edit @ 21:00: Psychic Spectacular
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
It has been confirmed that the distributions of Dada Zarude and Shiny Celebi will be available to players through a serial code sent in the Pokémon Trainers Club Newsletter if you opt in by September 25th 2021 with the codes being distributed October 7th 2021
Dada Zarude is Level 70 with the Choice Scarf and the moves Jungle Healing, Hammer Arm, Power Whip and Energy Ball
Shiny Celebi is Level 60 with a Lucky Egg and the moves Magical Leaf, Future Sight, Life Dew and Heal Bell
In The Anime Department
Pokémon - Secrets of the Jungle
The release date of the movie, Secrets of the Jungle, has been confirmed for the west. This movie will release on Netflix in the US, UK and other territories on October 8th 2021
There will be another special crossover event in Pokémon GO to tie in with the global launch of Pokémon the Movie Secrets of the Jungle later this year. Full details are to come soon.
In The Music Department
Pokémon - Soundtracks
The soundtrack for Pokémon the Movie Secrets of the Jungle is also available now on popular music platforms including two unique songs, "Always Safe" and "No Matter What" by the artist Cyn, who also did a track for P25 Music as well as the song "My New Friends" by Ben Dixon
Edit @ 15:20: In addition to this, two songs from Mewtwo Strikes Back EVOLUTION and the main theme to the new dub series, Pokémon Master Journeys the Series have also been added to various music platforms
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Psychic Spectacular event is now rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event runs from 10:00 local time until 20:00 local time on September 13th and features increased spawns of Psychic-type Pokémon including the introduction of Inkay into the game. It also introduces new Special Research tasks to the season's long Special Research. We have all details of the event in our Psychic Spectacular section
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
A balance update is coming to Pokémon UNITE tomorrow. This update focuses on bug fixes and some alterations focused around the Pokémon Blissey
We have added all the patch notes to our Patches & Updates section so be sure to check it out
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - 2nd Anniversary Event
The Pokémon Masters EX 2nd Anniversary rerun events are continuing to run, continuing with the "Evolution Material Mining" event. These events just run the old stages with a variety of rewards, but no additional missions or item exchanges. It runs until September 17th 2021.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters
The next Egg Event has been officially announced for Pokémon Masters EX. This event runs from September 9th 2021 and allows for players to get eggs of various Dragon or Water-type Pokémon to make Sync Pairs. You can get the Sync Pairs of Main Character & Dratini, Squirtle, Staryu & Goldeen with Shiny varaints of Dratini & Squirtle being available

In The Music Department
Pokémon 25: The Album
The french Retailer, FNAC, has listed pre-orders for the CD of the P25 Music album: Pokémon 25: The Album, stating it's due for release on December 3rd. Alongside this, a track list of 10 of the 14 tracks was included, with the 3 remixes by Zhu being digital exclusive. This includes several tracks that have yet to be revealed. At present, it also doesn't list the artists. We'll provide more details as they come.
1 - Electric - Katy Perry
2 - Phases
3 - Take It Home - Mabel
4 - Believing
5 - Ten Cuidado
6 - Wonderful - Cyn
7 - Got Em - Vince Staples
8 - Game Girl - Louane
9 - Art Show
10 - Only Wanna Be With You - Post Malone
06-09-2021 09:02 BST / 04:02 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 09:02 BST
In The Anime Department
The Pokémon Company have announced that the next episode of the web anime series, PokéToon, is to be released at 05:00 UTC on Friday, September 10th. This episode is called "I've Become a Gengar!?". We'll provide full details of the episode when it is releasd
05-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 13:00 BST
Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Hoopa's Arrival event is now rolling out. This event runs from 11:00 local time until 17:00 local time and features specific spawns of Psychic or Ghost & Dark Pokémon, with the Pokémon rotating every hour. It also introduces new Special Research tasks to the season's long Special Research including the ability to get Hoopa. We have all details of the event in our Hoopa's Arrival section
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - 2nd Anniversary Event
The Pokémon Masters EX 2nd Anniversary rerun events have started to run, starting with the "Evolution Material Mining" event. These events just run the old stages with a variety of rewards, but no additional missions or item exchanges. It runs until September 17th 2021.

In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Today marks the ninety-fourth entry into the Generation VIII competitive field with a Hoenn Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Psynergy, Jellal, Mestorn, Aminith & Mcdanger. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the third generation. In battle, Blaziken blows out intense flames from its wrists and attacks foes courageously. The stronger the foe, the more intensely this Pokémon's wrists burn. Blaziken has incredibly strong legs-it can easily clear a 30-story building in one leap. This Pokémon's blazing punches leave its foes scorched and blackened. So, here it is, the ninety-fourth entry, Blaziken
04-09-2021 22:00 BST / 17:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 22:00 BST
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Hoopa's Arrival event is now starting to roll out in Asia Pacific regions. This event runs from 11:00 local time until 17:00 local time and features specific spawns of Psychic or Ghost & Dark Pokémon, with the Pokémon rotating every hour. It also introduces new Special Research tasks to the season's long Special Research including the ability to get Hoopa. We're currently compiling all details of this event, including Special Research, in our Hoopa's Arrival section
03-09-2021 01:03 BST / 20:03 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 19:18 BST
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Shirts | Edit @ 07:00: Pokémon Masters | Edit @ 07:40: Pokémon Café Mix | Edit @ 10:16: Pokémon UNITE Tournament | Edit @ 11:38: Episode Details
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The Wild Area Event has now shifted in Pokémon Sword & Shield for a new Extra Event. With this, for the next few days, Pokémon themed around cleaning will be available, with Shiny Cinccino. We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back. This event runs until Sunday at 23:59 UTC
Edit @ 01:10: We have updated our section with full details of this Max Raid Battle Event, as well as updated our ItemDex for TR locations.

In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
The first official online tournament has been announced for Pokémon UNITE. This tournament is Japan only, sponsored by JCG, and will run on September 19th with registration done through a form on the official website. Matches are single elmination with the Top 4 to final matches being Best of 3. There will be a maximum of 256 teams participating and will run Standard Battle on Remoat Stadium. You need to be able to write & speak Japanese and over 16 to enter, and under 20s require permission from a guardian to enter
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - 2nd Anniversary Event
The Pokémon Masters EX 2nd Anniversary rerun events have started to run, starting with the "The Girl in Black & White" event. These events just run the old stages with a variety of rewards, but no additional missions or item exchanges. It runs until September 16th 2021.
In The Anime Department
Pokémon (2019)
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash, Goh & Chloe go to Johto to research Espeon and Umbreon, but when there they meet a girl who looks exactly like Chloe. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café Mix
The next event has been announced for Pokémon Café Mix. From September 8th through September 22nd, Torterra will start to appear in the Café as a Special Customer. Once you encounter it, you'll be able to invite it to Parties and recruit it as staff
In The Pokémon Department
Pokémon Shirts
A new set of Pokémon Shirts has been released by Original Stitch. These shirts add more Pokémon from the Hoenn Region such as Rayquaza, Deoxys etc.
Edit @ 19;16: In addition to that, the Regigigas pattern is now available. To do it, check the Relicanth, Wailord, Regirock, Regice and Registeel patterns in order and you will then get the option to purchase the Regigigas pattern
02-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 18:01 BST
Edit @ 14:03: Pokémon Evolutions | Edit @ 18:01: Pokémon GO Safari Zone

In The Games Department
Pokémon Evolutions
A new web based anime series called Pokémon Evolutions has been revealed. This series is an 8 part web series featuring animation focused around the Pokémon world from each generation of Pokémon. The first episode willd release September 9th and air every few weeks:
Thursday, Sept. 9: “The Champion” featuring the Galar region
Thursday, Sept. 23: “The Eclipse” featuring the Alola region
Thursday, Oct. 7: “The Visionary” featuring the Kalos region
Thursday, Oct. 21: “The Plan” featuring the Unova region
Thursday, Dec. 2: “The Rival” featuring the Sinnoh region
Thursday, Dec. 9: “The Wish” featuring the Hoenn region
Thursday, Dec. 16: “The Show” featuring the Johto region
Thursday, Dec. 23: “The Discovery” featuring the Kanto region

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the return of the Pokémon GO Safari Zone events. These events are open for people who previously purchased the tickets before the events got postponed last year. These events are to be held in both real life, or from 10am to 6pm local time if you're not playing at the actual event on the corresponding day of your ticket.
Pokémon GO Safari Zone: Liverpool will run from October 15th through October 17th in Sefton Park, Liverpool, UK
Pokémon GO Safari Zone: Philadelphia will run from October 29th through October 31st 2021 in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia
Pokémon GO Safari Zone: St. Louis will run from November 12th through November 14th in Tower Grove Park, St. Louis
These event will have their featured spawns in wild and Incense, exclusive Special Research and Field Research, Incense will last 8 hours, Lure Modules will last 4 hours and there will be special 2km eggs.
Ticket holders who would like to join in-person must RSVP to say so, with ticket holders receiving an email soon. Ticket days have not been changed so a Friday ticket will be a Friday ticket for the event. The City Explorer Pass has been removed and people who purchased it will be refunded. No additional tickets will be sold for these events

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
The Battle Villa in Pokémon Masters EX has made a return, running from today until August 16th. This gives players more opportunities to get a myriad of rewards.
01-09-2021 07:00 BST / 02:00 EDT by Serebii
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 21:00 BST
Edit @ 08:00: Blastoise | edit @ 14:04: Pokémon UNITE Mobile | Edit @ 18:01: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 21:00: Research Breakthrough

In The Games Department
Pokémon Sword & Shield - VGC Ruleset
Ranked Battle Series 10 September/Season 22 is now live. This ruleset returns to the set of using 1 Restricted Pokémon, but with a new twist: You cannot use Dynamax this season. This will run from September 1st at 04:00 UTC to September 30th at 23:59 UTC. Be sure to check out our section for full details and Pokémon restrictions.
With this, the twenty-first season of Pokémon Sword & Shield's Ranked Battle has come to an end and with it, the rewards for participation in battles is now live. To get them, you need to check your ranking in the Ranked Battle mode and then go to Mystery Gift > Receive via Battle Stadium. These rewards include BP and items range from Armorite Ore up to Bottle Caps depending upon your placement.

In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
The new update and Blastoise, including its Holowear are now live in Pokémon UNITE. We're currently adding full details for Blastoise so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 08:18: We have added full stats and baseline attack damage for Blastoise to our section.
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
It has been confirmed that there have been 5 million pre-registrations of Pokémon UNITE on mobile, due for release on September 22nd. This means the gift of a Pikachu: Festival Style Holowear will be given to all mobile players at launch. Alongside this, a new goal has been added; if players reach 7.5 million pre-registered by launch, all players will get an additional 1,000 Aeos Tickets. You can pre-register on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This event is the Psychic Spectcaular and is due to run from September 8th from 10:00 to September 13th at 20:00 local time. It introduces inkay & Malamar to the game
The next stage of Misunderstood Mischief will unlock
Abra, Drowzee, Gothita, Solosis, and more will bei n the wild including Elgyem & Inkay
Staryu, Chimecho, Bronzor, Espurr, and Inkay will be in 1 star raids
Alolan Raichu, Wobbuffet, Medicham, and Metagross will be in 3 star raids
Woobat, Inkay and more will be in Field Research
There will be new stickers for spinning PokéStops and opening Gifts

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have put out their note from the task force they set up to respond to community feedback. In this note, they state that the special bonuses will now be global and tied to season, and will change globally if and when time comes. They also reconfirmed that the 80m PokéStop and Gym distance will be the standard from here on.
Niantic also confirmed that, starting October, there will be a special developer letter every two months detailing the priorities, events and features for the game that are coming. They also pledged to continue working on their Known Issues page and prioritise better visibility into the current bug status.

In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - 2nd Anniversary Event
The Extreme Battle: Unity Gala Challenge event has begun in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is an Exctreme Battle event featuring strong battles designed to test the Master Scouts added in the anniversary. It runs until September 16th 2021.
A new Master Fair Scout is now available to get the Sync Pair of Steven & Rayquaza. It runs until September 30th, and alongside that some new stages have been added to the Hearts United event. We're currently compiling all details in our Hearts United event section

In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Season of Mischief season is now rolling out in Pokémon GO. This runs from 10:00 local time today to 10:00 local time on December 1st 2021 and features differing spawns based on the temperate seasons as well as new Raid Bosses, Egg Pools and new Special Research, Misunderstoof Mischief, focusing on Hoopa which will be added to as the season prgoresses. We're compiling all details in our section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Research Breakthrough Pokémon have shifted. From now until October 1st at 20:00 UTC, when you unlock a Research Breakthrough reward, the Pokémon will be Ditto and, with this, Field Research is shifting